Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cheney Sets History Straight

The following is a little tirade I left of USA Today's forum, (one of which I've found to be rather liberal in allowing comments) about Cheney's book tour. Of course all of this is old hat to the folks here, but I thought I'd share what I've been dropping on the sheeple.

"And if it meant I had to break some china to get the job done," he (Cheney) said, "I did it."

Here's the "china" Cheney, and the rest of these cutthroats "broke."

Let's leave out that no where in the Constitution does it say suspend the Constitution in order to "get the job done."

Using "getting the job done," as an excuse for breaking the law is the very reason the Constitution was written, you can't use the excuse of defending it by ignoring it - you just can't do that. It's like a wife-beater using the excuse that if he stopped beating her, she'll leave him and getting off.

But its worse, much worse than just Cheney using the totally lame and illegal excuse for breaking the law. If it were just that I could almost forgive him. But one must remember that this man that seems to have no problem acting the "tough guy" has actually never come close to fighting in any kind of conflict, and received 5 deferments, claiming " ... he had other things to do with his time ..." (quote), all the while he had no problem sending thousands off to die, and kill millions more.

So there really is no forgiveness. But as mentioned - it gets worse.

This is how twisted this man is, and things in general are; hundreds of millions of people around the world, a clear majority in all major polls, all believe that Richard "Dick" Cheney, former VPOTUS, was intimately involved in the planning, execution and continued cover-up of the crime of 9/11.

I am one of those people, and if anyone of you reading this wish to defend Dick Cheney of that accusation please feel free to do so. Because I do not believe he's answered the questions we're asking, and I doubt you could either about some "of the "china" he broke" in his participation in the deliberate murder of thousands of people that day, and then using that crime to justify the totally illegal invasion of two countries that had no more to do with 9/11 other than to act as his "bag-man." And I don't believe this book of propaganda he's pedaling is going to answer these questions either.

Now, you have to admit, that's pretty twisted. But it doesn't stop there.

Now this draft-dodging elitist wants to "set history right" by justifying why he had to break the law, and continues to do so, that has equated to "tearing-up our Constitution in order to save it," and using the very crime he committed (9/11) as justification to start a totally bogus "war-on-terror" by illegally invading two countries, resulting in an estimated 1,500,000 people haven been murdered, 90% of them innocent men, women and children, children making up 50% of that percentage, and we have yet to see the end of the carnage, and now Cheney wants to use what time he has left on this earth justifying his crimes.

Yeah, it doesn't get more twisted than this. Or does it?

You see, its not hard for any layman with the use of a computer to come to these conclusions. Or even if you don't have a computer, to have a stark knowledge of history, through various means, but with computers there's no excuse for ignorance.

So how absurd is it? As bad as you can imagine. Scary stuff, but I'm sorry, I have to assume that on a political forum there are mostly adults here, and if you're not aware of the insane cruelty governments have inflicted upon people through out history, and naive enough into thinking it can't happen here, well, welcome to reality. You can stay or leave, or choose not to believe, its a free country, or is supposed to be.

But the rest of us find it particularly offensive that we're witnessing Cheney following his partner-in-crime's book tour (Bush) with one of his own, instead of watching as the co-conspirators of 9/11 aren't sitting in a docket being tried for crimes against humanity, and being justly punished accordingly.

And in the mean time, what is hidden in plain sight, the proverbial "elephant in the room," that is 9/11, is nearly completely ignored by the MSM. Giving this entire experience an "Alice in Wonderland" quality.

But this charade has to end. I don't expect any one of you to take my word for any accusation I'm making. I wish to God, I weren't making them. But I would expect that if you're at all concerned and believe that if these accusations warrant investigation knowing that if true, it would be better to know that truth than to not know, but at the very least, you'd have to view the evidence first, and if you wish to do so, do it now, because everyday these cretins walk free, we don't.

First, look whose talking:

Then listen to the people that were there:

Next go the experts:

Then find our what to do:

"Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers (adminstrators) too plainly proves a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery."
Thomas Jefferson

"Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle." Thomas Jefferson (1807)


  1. Excellent Boom, well put and civil to boot.

    It is a heavy hearted drag to see this demon, these demons walking the earth freely rather than standing in line at the gallows. To know others of their kind have stepped into the positions of power vacated by these vicious twits Bush and Cheney.
    Tragic for mankind.

  2. You must mean "well put, Laughnmatter".

    However, I most certainly agree with Laughnmatter's viewpoint, and yours Rogue1, and the 100's of millions around the world. The blood of innocents screams out for Accountability and Justice to come knocking on the front door of insane maniacs such as Cheney, If men (and women) of this sickening ilk represent the "face of America", I want no part of the picture, for it is a Legacy of Brute Criminality that they have left in their wake. Their time on earth has been spent killing, maiming, and robbing the innocents in countless countries. SHAME and a slow painful death should be their portion. I can only hope that in this life or in the Judgment, should it come, that they receive their well-earned reward of searing punishment for Crimes Against Humanity.

    A propaganda book tour does not change reality or the truth of their devious devilish deeds. No amount of 'splaining their side justifies their filthy souls' actions against their fellow man.

  3. Ho yea...Sorry Mr M....I got so caught up in what I was thinking about I had a brainfart on who posted this info. Excuse'moi.

    And now Boom...yes and yes again. You put it in liquid tongue painting the dire truth of the matter in all it's wrenching ugliness.

    These elite bastards deserve their own reserved private lamposts, spreading the light of retribution.


  4. Nice one Michael. I think you laid it out pretty good for the 'adults' in the forum who have computers and are ready to learn the truth. That's where my only hopes are.
    Cheney, truly one of history's sickest...he tries to hide behind his wheelchair after killing so many innocents. The sure knowledge of treason must be a bitch to have in the back of his 'mind'.

  5. This kitty's not purr'n

    Sibel Edmonds Deposition (part 1) @ 0:42:00

    "He [Dennis Hastert] would be one of the primary
    U.S. persons envolved in operations and activities
    that are not legal, and are not in the interest of the United States,
    but for the interest of foreign governments and foreign entities."

  6. The knowledge might be there but I'm quit sure the guilt isn't.

    If there ever was a poster-child for a mass-murdering sociopath, it would be Cheney.

  7. There are so many Traitors to America still walking around free in D.C. -- Lieberman tops my list. Rahm dropped off the radar, but is certainly not an American loyalist. I would have to harumph any words these two would puke out of their mouths about serving American interests, while they work for the Zionists in Israel. All the PNAC psychos as well. Can we all say, "operatives"?

  8. It is staggering as to how many would fall if and when 9/11 ever bubbles to the surface. Not just the original perps, the ones that planned and carried it out, but people that continue to cover it up, and those that have lost all credibility by not seeing the obvious, and for whatever reason, lose of job, denial, whatever, that they would simply be rendered irrelevant should 9/11 be truly exposed to the light of day.

    Indeed, this country would crumble, but would that be a bad thing and could we recover? But that really doesn't matter. Exposing 9/11 would go a long way of cleansing this world of the evil that has infested near all the top rungs of power and reach deep into the Illuminati's membership, if not destroy it altogether.

    Its a crazy world. It seems that insanity is the norm. I suppose one can say its always been this way, but I don't know if its just a matter of degrees? Is the fact that we can view the insanity more readily now because of the technology available, and will this be a major player in changing the dynamics?

    These things are what I wonder. Is there any chance that we even have a chance, or is this simply more false hope?

    It certainly seems that there's a lot more openness to people accepting the truth of 9/11, but its more and more accepted with a shrug of the shoulders instead of the rage it should invoke, as though people are resigned to it being true, and that "well, what can we do about it," defeatism wraps itself around them.

    I guess the weight of the knowledge of 9/11 is too much for many to handle. The perps of course most likely calculated all this. But still, it stops me in my tracks that anyone can wake-up to the truth and not be outraged to the point that they don't throw caution to the wind and charge at these cretins with all that you have. For I don't see that we have anything to lose. It would seem logical to assume that these cretins aren't done killing, so to simply throw-up your hands and let them continue is a akin to silently complying with stripping off your clothes and marching into the gas-chambers.

    Are people really this weak? Are they as some contend not worthy of living because of this weakness? And why is it then that some of us have to suffer outside of them, not willing to join the sociopaths and unable to join the sheep, where do we wind up? Are we the "Watchmen," and if so, what does that get us other than to go to the head of the line of the firing squad?

  9. People need to realize "you're either with em, or against em". Staying silent means you join them by default. It is akin to standing there watching a mass murder, and doing nothing.

    Choose the light or choose the dark. Cheney, are surely the dark side. Laughnmatter, the unfortunate reality we see is the great mass of people want to "not get involved, or speak up" which puts them in the group of those pointed out in the famous quote paraphrased, "they came for the gays, the christians, etc. and I said nothing...when they came for me, there was no one left to speak for me".

    Unfortunately for the great herd, doing nothing will result in the machine continuing to run as a meat grinder of freedoms and humanity.

  10. So true boomer,

    "These things are what I wonder.
    Is there any chance that we even have a chance,
    or is this simply more false hope?"

    M, we will prevail; with a firm reliance
    on the protection of Divine Providence.
    Spirit creates this world through truth
    all the perps, as powerful as they think they are
    can't change the truth and they can't stop time
    from age to age entities have tried to aquire total
    control by lies, and they always fall from their own hubris
    and this is the condemed nation
    for light is come into the world
    but men loved darkness rather than light
    because their deeds were evil
    everyone that does evil hates the light
    neither comes to the light
    least his deeds should be reproved
    but he that does truth comes to the light
    that his deeds may be made manifest
    that they are wrought in God

  11. Aye, Pod -- the Master knew what he was talking about. As the book of Revelation describes, at Christ's coming, the wicked will be blotted out of existence by...the "brightness" and glory of His Coming. Quite simply -- the Creator is Light, and when he appears (flick the light switch on), the wicked cannot stand the brightness, they cannot exist when This Light shines upon them.

    God = Light = Love = Truth. When the Truth streams out freely, all the False dies in it's tracks. This analogy and reality explains why the heavy hand of propaganda is necessary for the Dark Side to squelch the Truth. I imagine when a large enough percentage of the world population decides that it no longer wants to live in a False State of Lies, Deception, and Criminality -- then, and only then, will the Truth spring out of a billion fissures around the world. (kind of like the fissured sea floor in the GOM, with gas and oil pressure of gigantic proportions seeking a way up and out).

  12. PIERS MORGAN interviews LIARS just like Larry King did. Globalist Conman.

    "I DON'T THINK when I workout I DON'T THINK"

    Yeah we know CR. We watched you not think for years under Cheney's spell.

  13. Condi Rice-a-Phony. She's a boot licking lickspittle kool-aid swallower. Put her in the docket with Bush, Cheney and the rest of the psychopaths.

  14. Cheney's on a pacemaker...pull the plug.


  15. Lieberman can't win again but rest assured he's getting promoted. Mark that statement Boomer. He's going places after the senate.

  16. Let's microwave him. If you've ever walked through a hospital, the area where the microwave ovens are have Big Bold Signs that say "No pacemakers in the area". Hmmmm....Chef Boy R Deeeeee!

  17. Eloquent as always M. Words or Toons, they're all prescient balloons. (you know what I mean) Cheers!!!

  18. Bon bravo Mr. M.

    Dead grackles and blackbirds aren't all that will be dropping...soon the zombies themselves will be puking blood and wandering around wondering--what the hell happened to them...quite a few years too late.

    Stupid is as stupid does Miss Amerikan Pie......


  19. He needs to go to the Slammer f'eva.

  20. So eloquent M. If you woke up just one sheeple with the information you provided them with it's cause for celebration. I'm sure you did. Someone reading had to have a curious mind and a finger to google :)

    "everyday these cretins walk free, we don’t." Those are words of wisdom that the numbskulls should heed.

    As for Cheney...he's just not human. Today someone mentioned how thin and sickly he looks. I said, "he should be dead but vampires don't die". She laughed. She thought I was kidding............

  21. I can't stand to watch that lizard woman. If anyone looks like a reptilian it's her. Plus I just hate her lying voice. A chimp (dumbya) a vampire (cheney) a lizard (Condi), a corpse (rummy) and a worm (rove).. what a cast of characters!

    Alice in Wonderland's got nothin' on that crowd.

  22. He's probably on his 13th clone.
