{The explanation of chemtrails below is one of the most straight-forward easy to understand examples I have read. Even a child can "get it". Make sure and click on the Link at the bottom for additional "HOT" info regarding the culprits.
Of course, if WE know this, so does our current Congress and Administration. Perhaps you'd like to forward this to your "representatives" and tell them YOU KNOW THEY KNOW, and they are accomplices to MURDER and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!"
Yes Sir > THAT qualifies as a mighty Serious Crime according to The Law (or is that no longer "in play"?)
[caption id="attachment_12656" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Your TaxDollars at Work -- Killing You Silently"][/caption]
[caption id="attachment_12652" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Chemtrail SkiesPretty Poison"][/caption]
[caption id="attachment_12663" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Chemtrails Seen from Space"][/caption]
Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Friday, 21-Jan-2011 02:11:42
Article was found at:
This has only been going on for 10 years.
Tell me how insane are people that climb into a jet loaded with tons of poison to be sprayed on their own people day after day. Killing their own friends & family like they are doing a public service.
But we are no better...when we know this is happening and ignore it like it doesn't matter!
I talk to people all the time & ask them "can you tell me what is the difference between a 'con-trail' and a 'chem-trail'...and they ask me what is a chem-trail?"
OK...I will take a moment to explain in case some readers are also unaware.
When a jet engine (spewing hot exhaust gasses) flies up in the higher atmosphere (where jets fly) the ambient air temperature is very much colder than the air near the ground.
Much like a person when stepping outside in the winter & breathing cold air...you can see vapor as you exhale the warm air from your lungs into the colder ambient air...which you can see...but soon disappears.
So a con-trail is the same as this example & as a jet flys along you will see the vapor trail disappear rather quickly behind it.
Now...when you look up and see a jet fly ovehead & observe a trail that goes from horizion to horizion...all the way across the sky...that is NOT a con-trail...but is a chem-trail. Also when you see this...you will notice that it expands as it gets further away from the aircraft.
This my friends is VERY UNNATURAL and is YOU being SPRAYED like a bug by the ones in our government that would rather see you dead!
These are the works of the satanic NWO / Illuminati dark cabal that controls your life & runs this world.
Know your enemy & identify him by his actions.
Knowledge is power & now I hope more of the general public will be able to recognize and identify the outrageous acts of these evil people that we pay to do this (unknowingly) against humankind
So please...next time you look up and see one (or many) of these chem-trails across the sky...please tell whoever you are with & explain it to them.
I don't care who it is...we all need to know.
It can be your children...so when they see one...they will tell their friends and so on...this is not something we should keep to ourselves. Let the children spread the info like wildfire...we need global awareness & the sooner...the better!
After all...it is their life and future at stake here too.
Thanks Mr.Ed
* Please click the link below & see this most interesting story with photos presented by one of our free state republics...and copy & paste this story (with link) to everyone you know. Thank you!
Chemtrail Breaking News…the Culprits
(Boom says YOU MUST check out the Link below)
Great post Boom! If that info in the link is true then, just as I originally thought and posted on here, Wheeler was involved in the chemtrailing operation through Mitre which resulted in birds falling dead enmasse out of the sky. He apparently was a man with a conscience.(think VN war memorial) Therefore he had to be eliminated by the PTB before he spilled the beans (or barium & aluminum)
ReplyDeleteYes great article Boom.
ReplyDeleteAnd I can't help but consider this, as the points above distinguishing chems from contrails is pretty straight forward and I have made that argument to countless persons in the past few years: almost everyone I speak to literally shrug their shoulders.
It is "SO WHAT?" to them. So it is aluminum and barium and these are poisons.
"Hmm, whattaya know 'bout that" seems the common reaction.
And what it is...WHAT IT REALLY IS: Is that Mr. HappyFace on TV hasn't told them that this is so--so it ISN'T.
And this puts us all right back in the jack-in-the-box of oinky boinky mad-hatter petri dish splatter film.
And Country Joe's beached Fish are still singing, "Ain't no time to wonder why, whoppy we're all going to die"...
This is why there is a voice growing louder in my head each day saying, "fukkem"
"We're stupid and we are going to die."~Pris in BLADERUNNER
Glad you appreciate the post. Twitter the thing if you do that sort of thing. This needs to go viral.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I could not figure out how to make the Link at the end "live". Frustrating.
Boom, the link is now live. When you want to add a link to an article you highlight it, copy and then click on that little closed link icon on the editing tools for the article & paste it into the little box that pops up. Voila! You're live and rarin' to go :)
ReplyDeleteThanks JG! I often do not have to use the link icon. I can copy and paste. I forgot about using the Link button. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteMy skies are bright blue in upstate SC (so far). Yesterday, they chemtrailed all day and into the night (I watched them). Then it blew away by morning. They often get real busy right before precipitation that is entering the area. I suppose because it creates a low pressure area AND will rain down on the populace and environment below.
I am serious about Twittering this piece. Us old people don't realize how the youngsters communicate now using iphones. I just got a lecture from my mother how I better get "with it" to understand how "communication" is changing the world. She is going to make a trip to my brothers and pick the brains of his kids on how they go about communicating (the entire family has iphones). She is adamant that she will not be left behind by technology. She wants to be a part of the New World that the youngsters are creating. Most pictures that go up on the web are taken by cell phones now. Information travels by texting instantaneously from country to country, allowing young and old to be aware what is going on all over the world. By Twittering and other methods, information goes VIRAL and speeds around the world in minutes. "Mom" says the Kids are going to change the world (like by the end of the year), and the Old Guard satanic psychos will be ousted. I believe her. The young of the world are not going to stand around destitute, with no job, and living with their parents for very much longer. They're going to want to know WHY there are no jobs, WHY their government does not adhere to the Rule of Law, WHY the old bastards are killing the world around them, and killing the Kids' futures...
Yeah -- There will be a Revolution! And the world sorely needs the right kind that cleans out psychos and systems of oppression and death.
It will be more like high tech Lord of the Flies.
ReplyDeleteExuberance is no replacement for wisdom.
The children have been left with no bearings by generations of “dumbing down”. Who will they follow but a charismatic?
I hate to pee in your punch, but a headless chicken does nothing but run amok spraying a fountain of blood—just like the French Revolution.
Join the Resistance !
I have a nagging feeling that if AJ really is a frontman for the NWO, that this is what he's there for. To Pied Piper us into identifying ourselves to the psychopaths who are out to enslave us.
Honestly though, I don't believe that's what he's about. I think he's who he says he is with that flair for the dramatic. Just a feeling....
I have to agree with the rogue. The majority of young people I know and see are SO tied into their electronics they don't have a clue about the real world and what's going on. They are nothing like the 60's rebels, that's for sure,
ReplyDeleteThose that listen to Alex Jones & other alternative voices are the exception of course. I just don't know if their movement is growing fast enough.
Jones is a puffed up self importand motormouth--but he brings much to light.
ReplyDeleteHis movies are especially good. His radio show irritates the oinky boinky outta me, I just can't listen to his voice anymore, especially when he walks all over his guest speakers with it.
But youngins just might need a jerk jerking their heads out of the sand {grin}
I read some chatter on the platter of some blog comments that there are groups targeting any available web cam for decommissioning ala sabot. I don't know if these are young people or what.
ReplyDeleteI suppose marksmen with the needed cunning could also approach traffic cams from the rear. But using a firearm to commit an illegal act is probably a big trouble item, and I wouldn't advise it personally.
I bet a high powered pellet gun could crack a lens tho'.
Putting out the all seeing eye does seem a good start, in theory of course.
Hmmm...O.K. Rogue1. I'll pass on the punch now.
ReplyDeleteThere's room for the French Revolution methodology in my view. Put's a new twist on the catch-phrase, "Let's Roll!"; more like "Heads Will Roll!". Got no problem with that. Just so's its the criminal elite that do the Funky Chicken Perp Dance.
I agree somewhat with both of you, Rogue1 & JG. I hope the kids get pissed that there's been a Program to dumb them, poison them, ruin their world, and make it all nice and snugly for a total "slave class".
One example of a young "thinker" is Kevin Gosztola at you know where, and he for some reason cannot see the B.S. for the blue sky regarding 9/11. He "wants" to believe in government. The Big Daddy Syndrome I guess I'll call it. Very frustrating seeing him work at ignoring all the evidence that points to The Culprit.
Getting people to understand This Truth -- that just because something appears in print, on the web, on TV, etc., it does not legitimize it in the least. In fact -- as we know -- it is a Red Flag for Propaganda, and should be considered suspect {guilty until proven innocent}.
Like potato chips, they'll just make more and bill the taxpayer -- us. Plus, it'll increase the contracts for these items with the MIC cronies.
ReplyDeleteSooo...if ya don't think the Kids can resist successfully, are you rolling up the carpet and capitulating to the Committee? Say it isn't so! Then, WHO will step up and take down this blight upon humanity? WHO?
It's a good one, Boom. The point is well stated, contrails evaporate quickly at high altitude, chemtrails do not. The satellite image of chemtrails was wild. This is a completely new phenomenon of the last decade or so.
ReplyDeleteI see AJ the same.
ReplyDeleteThey started early here today and this is the late patterns due to the constant EM radiation from EISCAT ERP or HAARP
ReplyDeletePeople are sick here. This is a pathogen spray.
purrrrrrr ...
ReplyDeleteI like to check facts
one just never knows
what one will find
exempli gratia :
Richard R. Ward
1993 Betty H. Richardson is first woman United States Attorney for Idaho
civil No. 93-405-E-EJL
Title 31 U.S.C. Chapter 3, Subchapter I
Richard M. Simkanin
CASE No. 4:03-CR-188
PD we had a similar pattern here last week. People are sick here as well with respiratory problems they can't shake or that keep returning.
ReplyDeleteLaurie Penny
ReplyDeleteWestern national authorities can no longer control the message. The writing on the wall is the writing on the web.
In London's Parliament Square police kettle on Thursday 9th December 2010, a UK New Statesman journalist, Laurie Penny, happened to be standing next to Jody McIntyre when the police began to baton him and his brother, who was pushing his wheelchair. In seconds Penny had pulled out her phone to Tweet about what she had seen. Within minutes, the backlash had begun as outraged citizens all over the country found supporting evidence of the assault and let each other know what had happened.
By the time Laurie Penny arrived home, bloody and bruised from further police violence, the assault on Jody McIntyre had made the national press.
It is clear that Western national authorities can no longer control the message. In decades to come, December 2010 will surely be remembered as the month when the global ruling class finally lost its monopoly over information.
With the WikiLeaks US embassy cables cheerfully blowing holes in the sycophantic and dangerous half-truths of international diplomacy, and young protesters using social networking and interactive digital maps to run rings around the smartest modern police systems, the game has changed.
As social media come of age, the rules of resistance are undergoing a shift. Combine digital empowerment with a generation systematically deprived of economic security, and you have the perfect revolutionary storm. Something huge is happening, and the term for that something is crowd-powered solidarity.
Solidarity has gone hypertextual. The student movement which made its voice so powerfully audible in the December 2010 UK fee protests was largely organised on Twitter using the hashtag #solidarity. Being able to contact thousands of people with one short tag was crucially important. #Solidarity has very obviously now become the cohering link between all those fighting against the UK police state government in different ways.
The notion of true solidarity between workers, students and activists was undermined in previous centuries by the fact that dissent was organised according to the old rules of business, with a central bureaucracy and a controlled message. Now, the economy of information has become collaborative. Thanks to the internet, the people are becoming the Panopticon - the all-seeing, ubiquitous power. With social networking tools, individuals can legitimately say: "We are everywhere."
"We are everywhere" is what the young chanted in Parliament Square as the Parliamentary tuition fees vote came through. Behind the street bonfires in London, scrawled words were clearly visible: "This is just the beginning." For the UK's coalition government, and for any government which seeks to control its citizens by tendentiously monopolising information, the writing on the wall is the writing on the web. And as the Roman poet Horace once observed: "A word once let out of the cage cannot be whistled back again."
The lips of Wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding.
ReplyDeleteNo I am not rolling any carpets but there are other worthy matters to be rolled.
What tax payers? We haven't got many of those left around here do we?
Undeployment strikes deep, into your bones it will creep, starts when you just can't sleep and ends when the fluids have weeped.
Chaos has a way of working itself in to a foamy lather and many useful heads roll as well as the crown rooster's.
You seem to have no concept of how horrific and indiscriminate the French revolution became. As is said, beware of what you wish for, you just might get it.
Pod...I'm sorry, maybe I'm not paying attention, what is your post about...how does it fit in? do these folks manufacture the spray equipment? Who are they in relation to the chemtrail story--or have we crossed to other tracks and I missed it?
The Wisdom here never ceases to comfort me. I love you guys. We are children of "the Obvious" though not the simple. We can learn from Jones, he's a major cluemeister.
ReplyDeleteHe fails to ID the big Z, The DUMBS, MonarcK and Big Blue and when he was being accused of Jesuit connections the Southern Poverty Law Center came to his rescue by adding him to the list. Hmmmm?
Joining his chatrooms, buying CD's, the Gold and Silver online portals, etc. all recording your information and part of the census..... the google bombs and V are definitely for collection purposes.
Unwitting? MK? maybe, but he's a portal for them. PANOPTICON is here. Londontown USA.
Flu like symptoms with low grade fevers. Hypersensitivity to cold, chills and some sweating. Doctors getting in the game. Many doctors and likely those who are in the dollars to docs program are conspiring to ignore all soft kill.
ReplyDeleteThat is obvious.
It shows how simple and clear the IRS farce is and chemtrails like fluoride are a dumbing process and a distraction for the committee to rob us.
ReplyDeleteThis is the same as many who can legally quit paying taxes, levies and fines to dept. that has no connection with the US treasury and outside of constitutional law and Federal code.
Is the moon supposed to still be very bright and visible high in the sky at @ 7:35am? It was here. I never saw that before. I've seen a very pale small glimpse of it before but never like this.
ReplyDeleteOf course it was partially hidden behind the massive amount of chemtrails in the sky (they run day and night here now) but there was no mistaking that brilliant orb.
I wanted to take a picture but my cam card was full..bummer
Yep PD. Also, when I had a touch of it at Christmas, I also had that light headedness that you always talk about. I felt as if I would fall over when I got up and I was NOT feeling that bad otherwise. My friend said her husband was having bouts of that this past week as well.
ReplyDelete"There’s room for the French Revolution methodology in my view."~Boom
ReplyDeleteI wanted to adress this a bit more fully, so that we are on the same page here. This is important to understand.
A study of the French Revolution reveals the impetus as coming from the infamous Illuminati. The revolutionary leadership were actually a "controlled opposition".
How this works in the modern era is illustrated very keenly in this article by Michel Chossudovsky at Global Research.
The Illuminati is rebranded as the IMF in the 20th-21st centuries.
Read this article, as it gives the MO in clear and undeniable focus:
General Zine el Abidine Ben Ali , the defunct and deposed president of Tunisia is heralded by the Western media, in chorus, as a dictator.
The Tunisian protest movement is casually described as the consequence of an undemocratic and authoritarian regime, which defies the norms of the "international community".
But Ben Ali was not a "dictator". Dictators decide and dictate. Ben Ali was a servant of Western economic interests, a faithful political puppet who obeyed orders, with the active support of the international community.
Foreign interference in Tunisia's domestic affairs is not mentioned in the media reports. The food price hikes were not "dictated" by the Ben Ali government. They were imposed by Wall Street and the IMF.~Michel Chossudovsky
Now--after a bit of unneaded yada at the beginning of this one from Kirwan, you will find a great article that explains a great deal here:
How did you do that Boom? The whole comment is in rubric, as if spoken by Jesus.
ReplyDeleteAt any rate, I would like you to visit the comment I just made at the bottom of this line.
Thanks, ww
"Is the moon supposed to still be very bright and visible high in the sky at @ 7:35am?"~JG
ReplyDeleteYes, it's Winter kiddo.
A northwest arc, the true FULL being on the 20th.
Get ready because here it comes. They just cleaned out the old bosses on the east coast, Rahm's moving back to Chicago while the Daley boy takes his place at the Casa-blanca. China's on a buying spree as I type.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes boomer is right on to moolala, the committee has a big problem with the communication command and control, they're not ready and the whole thing is unravelling before their eyes.
Most are slaves, the rest are medicated zombies, which leaves the few of us that are aware of the plan and the time line. It's going to be sooner, not later, for desperate reasons which makes them even more dangerous.
As Coto knows, the war is and will be in the mind, no out gunning robotic joint stars. It's all about energy. what is the source of the committee's energy? What is the source of their power? We know what the El-ites covet, and we know how they plan on acheiving it. However, in order to effect the field one needs energy and that is financial, which is nothing but another big lie.
This artical is great beacause it focuses on their mistakes, and they have made plenty of them. Keeping the exposure of 911-Treason alive while under cutting the ponzi machine; both the same culprits, while exposing the methods past and present, and the hinch-men and women that do the bidding will pop the bubble of apathetic consent. This they fear the most. They have nothing to fear but fear it's self and this is their enemy within. ‡
Rogue1, sometimes I just throw out open-ended questions or make statements of the same to elicit replies, retorts, wisdom, flotsum & jetsam. No, I don't wish for the F-Rev in our country. Perhaps my comment was too open-ended. The point was accountability & Justice are welcome, even if they roll in late to the party.
ReplyDeleteIndiscriminate vigilante justice is hardly justice, but mayhem and chaos as you point out.
Moving on with the point of this thread -- like 9/11, a larger and greater amount of People are becoming savvy to the crimes perpetrated by a cabal. The People's Representatives should be "in the know", certainly if WE know what is NOT the Truth (government cover-up stories), it is incumbent upon our representatives to know the false AND the true and the circumstances of the propaganda. They are to be held responsible due to their positions. Pleading ignorance is no excuse and no salvation for them.
As with chemtrails and 9/11; We have enough evidence to know for a fact that the government stories are Not True. That is the damning crux with trying to stack Lies upon Lies. The structure created is built on such a shoddy foundation that the higher it is built, the more wacky the structure turns out. The entire building eventually turns out to be unstable, an ugly monstrosity that is not capable of bearing any weight at all. Eventually, it will fall of its own accord, notwithstanding We the People continually poking big holes in the walls, and ripping out the beams, floors, etc. with rational common sense, and scientific answers.
Quite literally, the Truth is glaringly obvious to all who want to look at the facts and evidence. The sanctioned "stories" regarding 9/11, chemtrails, the economic holocaust, etc. haven't held water for a long time. They're riddled with holes. And it is amazing the idiots keep standing there with this sieve for a bucket, trying to sell us their poisoned water. Ugh!
Well. The People can void all laws too, by simply not complying. Mass Revolt against tyranny. In the bizarro world of NOW, the legislators seem to think that because a new piece of paper "says so" it is so? Right.
ReplyDeleteLike Rambo said, "in the city you're the law, out here -- I'm the law". Capeche?! 300 million ain't gonna fit in the courtrooms.
The Cyberactivists Who Helped Topple a Dictator
Tunisia faces fresh anti-government protests
ReplyDeleteI notice you addressed my concerns about the French styled salad making above.
Still those articles are tasty and fresh,
Good shot koalice, you put it well.
ReplyDeleteBoom---you gotta read the analysis in the article by Michel Chossudovsky at Global Research.
ReplyDeleteI believe you are misreading what is happening in Tunisia. It seems a French style provocation to create a 'controlled oposition'. Very much like the 'Color Revolutions' after the break-up of the Societ Union.
We have GOT TO keep our wits sharply pointed and lucid enough to pick out the subtle nuances of the unfolding events.
The Tunisian "dictator" as Chossudovsky points out-was NOT a dictator, but a mere puppet of the IMF--just like Obammy, Bush and all the rest of our so-called "government".
The LAST thing any cotobaker needs to do is fall for some organizing that is in fact a 'controlled opposition' when the US turn comes for a Color Revolution, or Teabag, or CoffeeCup {my fave} or The New Prince From Heaven jive.
I did read it Rogue1. You are putting too much emphasis on my interest in the Tunisia episode. The only reason I raise this issue is that "communications" and information sharing have always played an important part in any changes of the political scenery. They're a tool as you know. And disinformation is also a tool. (What's a cotobaker?)
ReplyDeletePretty much every head of state around the world is a "puppet" of someone I suppose. Hierarchical power structure in the world. I'm simply saying that squelching the voices of the People is becoming more difficult with the modes of communication available widely.
I think this is a side issue to chemtrails, the subject of this thread. But, run with what you want big dog...
Okay Boom...I gotcha...I just wanted you to read the article, glad you did.
ReplyDeleteWe are Cotobakers....we bake Coto's daily bread. We drive the Cotobaker, a far couusing of the Studebaker, only this one is an armored track driven vehicle with mighty linguistic ray canons and moonbeam deflecters. Next year's model is a hovercraft based on a Telsa drive system...and the prattle goes on.
Excellent to be riding with you Rogue1. May the wind always blow through our hair and the sun be at our back.
ReplyDeleteThanks Will :) I never saw/noticed the moon so white and bright that late in the morning........
ReplyDeleteRogue1 -- is this what you're getting at?
Yes Boom in a word. Tarpley is not alone in this assessement, you will see the same thing coming from Global Research, and the star writers at Vetrans Today as well--Gordon Duff, et al.
ReplyDeleteThe evidence Tarpley offers of the Sustein connection to wikileaks is pretty astonishing...and has some bad implications for John K's friends in Chin as well. They very well could be unwitting parties to a controlled opposition there.
ReplyDeleteAddressing; David Longley, January 23, 2011 – 11:58 am
So now you are blatantly admitting boosterism for the Eugenics movement…{grin}
Look pal, I have made it my business to study this issue for many years–I understand the topic from top to bottom.
If you seriously think you are going to sway me with any of this Fabian elitist jabberwacky, you might as well try dancing on the head of a pin and singing pop goes the weasel through your pouting sphincter.
________________________________Any Coto should check out who this guy is.
Type his name in your browser. He is a psychologist for the penal system. And he is a raving fucking lunatic. But you can judge for yourself reading our exchange on the above URL.