Friday, December 17, 2010

They Want YOU to See It...They Just Don't Want YOU to "Get It"!

[caption id="attachment_12160" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="Satanist Sign"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_12161" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="See Any Similarities?"][/caption]


Illuminati Documentary 2009 (A MUST SEE) Luciferian Conspiracy


  1. ok now whats weird here?
    until recently ALL US health and aid was only given if NO abortion or family planning advice was given.
    every unfit malnourished mother was meant to risk death and reproduce to suit the church driven, prelifers.
    and clintons supported that too.
    talk about twofaced liars and clintons..snap!

  2. Oz, what else have you got on Hillary's recent visit?

  3. It's the Hand Jive..."Doin' that crazy hand jive"..."The docter and the lawyer and the indian chief, now thy all dig this crazy beat...mamma mamma don't let me down, their doin' that hand jive all over town..."

    Yea, from the 1950s no less.


  4. some time ago i had the idea of everybody making the baphomet sign. when you greet someone, instead of flipping off freaky drivers, raising your hand in a class or a meeting, just any time every day. they want us to be aware of their juvenile secret psychoclub sign, so let's all do it too. it would not take very long before doing what they do would start to disintegrate their hold and their pseudo-power. it would so invalidate their specialness. this kind of thing works! if nothing else, it would be fun.

    sounds simplistic, i know. but i am a simple person.

  5. ‘From Conflict and Crisis to Renewal: Generations of Change’

    Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin as Executive Director of UNFPA, to succeed Thoraya Ahmed Obaid once her tenure ends on 31 December.

    Dr. Osotimehin was a Visiting Fellow at the Harvard Centre for Population and Development Studies.

    The Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies was founded in 1964 by HSPH Dean Jack Snyder and director Roger Revelle with a mandate to address issues of population control.

    Roger Revelle ;" the grandfather of the greenhouse effect,"
    who was also Al Gore's professor and mentor.

    Where does the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies
    stand on the BP oil spill ?

  6. I am rather mystified (ooh, an interesting term to use here) regarding the comments to this thread. I put it up to propose the concept of Satanists at the head of the centers of power. I am baffled that folks don't get it? I find it fascinating that people choose to ignore or rationalize away entities that inhabit another dimension and have played such a large part in the history of human's development upon the earth?

    It is strange to me that many, if not most have no experiential dealings with the "spiritual" or occult? There are two distinct sides. I have experienced 1; therefore, I know the other exists without a doubt. I have experience the 2nd, so therefore, I get the gist that they exist...

    I and others here can provide much more verification regarding the existence of spiritual agencies in high and low places. Is that what you want to hear? Or do you desire to hear nothing?

    That Leaders in this day and age or in the past history were consulted and led by "spiritual agents" of non-human origin is not in question. Which "side", good or evil, is ultimately the most important question...

  7. Boom,
    An interesting mystification on your part.

    I can attest to having had both experiences in this very life.

    But I don't come to the same conclusion as you have.

    I think 'Satan' is a state of human mind. I don't think it is a 'spirit' beyond human psychology. And this is so in view of the fact of my encounter, but juxtaposed with the fact of the first encounter with the divine, which prepaired me to go fearless into that other realm.

    But this is a debatable subject and one that will not bring about change in deeply held beliefs.


  8. Interesting...the next thing I read after posting my last was:

    Which had this, which says what I was saying in a different manner:

    "Watch the Satanists when they come to their master and ask for help and sanctuary. They’re going to hear, ‘hey, I only play the devil to catch people like you.”
    ~Les Visible


  9. boomer - first: i was totally serious about my suggestion to imitate their evil symbol to defuse it. totally. just presented it in a humorous manner.

    i understand that we are dealing with 'those who are not like us'. it is not the first time in this existence that we have encountered this very small percentage of the human (?) race that is completely computerized and lifeless inside. sometimes i am beside myself with anger or apathy. i have gone through the whole range of emotions, countless times, that one might feel upon recognition of suppressive and ultra-evil forces. these are creatures without conscience. the weight of that is not lost on me.

    what i see in them i wish to terminatedly rid myself of. i will use this time to expose the crimes, share the truth and acknowledge in me all that has been evil or harmful, or less than humane. that will change how i experience the evildoers. i trust. in that sense this IS an opportunity. i would rather not be in fear. i will visit anger, but right now i am not feeling anger. right now i would rather imitate their stupid childish hand signals. i would rather be dismissive of their silliness.

    maybe tonight i will feel apathy again. then i will remind myself that they are made of up completely empty atoms and hold only the power we give them. and i will speak out about the very bad things they do. we have a chance, again, to turn the energy around to the light side.

    i am with you on this. we are the light.

  10. "i am with you on this. we are the light."~arcadia11

    I am with you doubt, and somehow that light is getting brighter and brighter as the darkness grows darker...a swilrl, like the yin and yang.

    This is the Apocalypse...the veils are lifting.


  11. I don't think you are "getting IT". There are spiritual forces. They are unearthly. They are not aliens. There is a WAR going on. Humans are preyed upon and prayed upon. Yes. It is of Biblical proportions. Yet, you can only comprehend it with spiritual vision (a gift of The Creator God). Ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and you will find it. Unless you do this, Hillary and all the Satanists are just weird folks practicing strange "arts". You don't understand the Power, nor will you comprehend the implications.

  12. I get it Boom, you just don't get what I am saying about it.

    Yes the is a spiritual force--ONE spiritual force.

    The Satanic force is merely temporal, generated by human beings who have sold their souls for mammon.

    I certainly don't see Hellary and all the Satanists as "just weird and practicing strange arts". No I see their power in their beliefs and the power of money concentration and the manipulations. But it is all base, lies and mythos, they have fallen for their own delusions.

    There is only one spiritual power, and it is the divine, all else is deciet and stories they made up.


  13. Boomer,

    Don't you see that believing in Satan IS what gives it power?

    I don't believe in Satan, only in the divine.


  14. My experiences were tame compared to a old girlfriend of mine who made the mistake of an engagement with a very wealthy gold and Silver mining Mexican Committee Mark which I cannot devulge.

    Her stories curdled my blood and what she confirmed after she gave me the details matched all the details I later got from Khazar kabbalah, Fritz Springmier.

    When you delve into Satanic rituals you can harken back to ancient Babylon and the Sumerian, Phoenician, Hittite, Egyptian, Canaanite and Akkadian peoples, among many others across the world. Nimrod, Baal, Moloch or Molech, Set, the Devil, Lucifer, are all the same person.

    Blood rituals are the continuing theme for the regeneration of power,prowess and longevity. Ted Gunderson, veteran of the FBI, claims there are about 3.75 million active Satanists in the United States and maybe 60,000 sacrifices of humans each a year here.

    While I was living in Denver, JonBenet Ramsey, whose first name is a Freemasonic term for Satan, was killed on Christmas Eve, 1996. The coroner and investigator, Dr Cyril Wecht, claims says that she was killed while undergoing sexual torture by her parents though I beleive she will also come to light in a snuff film that was presented to Vatican Hierarchy.

    It's a timely spot for this Boomer as we are in the pinnacle solstice for pedicide and I HATE THESE BASTARDS worse than the chemtrailers and Bankers

  15. "When you delve into Satanic rituals you can harken back to ancient Babylon and the Sumerian, Phoenician, Hittite, Egyptian, Canaanite and Akkadian peoples, among many others across the world. Nimrod, Baal, Moloch or Molech, Set, the Devil, Lucifer, are all the same person."~Puddy

    I have come to the same conclusion on this matter. But they ARE the chemtrailers and the Bankers, and presedents and cops and common criminals as well.


  16. purrrrr ...

    " As a legal entity,
    the corporation has a life independent of it's owners
    and for that matter, of it's individual officers.
    Proprietorships are subject to sudden and unpredictable demise,
    but, legally at least, corporations are immortal."

    .... corporations are immortal."

    Does a corporation have a soul ?

    So you work for,
    you were educated by,
    you get your food from,
    your house is owned buy,
    your car is owned buy,
    you are owned buy,
    immortal entities that have no soul

    An army of Golems
    created buy legal magic
    Sorcerers in black
    gavel in hand

    "And that no man might buy or sell,
    save he that had the mark, "

    Do you have the mark ?

    Do you have a bank account number ?

    Do you have a credit card number ?

    Social Security Number ?

  17. I recently read the following linked entire book in one sitting. The Book of Enoch. It never made it into the King James version of the Bible for some reason. It is also odd, having read it a week or so ago, that no one ever pointed this book out to me and said -- "Hey, read it". I find it fascinating, and actually cohesive with the Bible on many points. I suppose the sexual disclosures were too controversial for the uptight crowd. I don't know.

    But, the descriptions and information in this book tie in nicely with the subject matter we are discussing here.

    The Book of Enoch

    By the way; many writers in the Bible clearly state that "the dead know not anything". Once you're dead. That's it. Until Creator God, Jesus decides its wake up time. With this "Key" in mind...talking with spirits of the dead, etc. are fooling around with demonic spirits who have taken human form.

  18. That is my interpretation exactly Pod. The number is "in your forehead" when you recall it for business, "it is in your hand" when you write it or punch in a pen code. Without this you cannot by or sell.

    And these things have been with us our entire lives. Seduced into the system as children..yea even as babies, numbered at birth, issued certificates of officialdomdedom.

    I have tried to get this idea across to my raging zionist christianoid sister, that she has already gotten the mark of the beast, just like almost all of Amerika...that these ARE the Tribulations, and she HASN'T been Raptured {pre-trib} as her wacky Dominionist beliefs convince her of.

    Preconceptions can blind. I remember when the year 1984 came along, my step father said, "well hear it is, and there's no Big Brother."
    I had to chuckle, that he thought that since it wasn't the storybook/movie pictures painted in his mind, he couldn't recognize it.
    Same when talking about fascism...and people expect swastika's and a guy with a little square mustache.

    Like Goethe said, "Most people don't have the imagination for reality".


  19. "Filled with hallucinatory visions of heaven and hell, angels and devils, Enoch introduced concepts such as fallen angels, the appearance of a Messiah, Resurrection..."~Sacred Texts

    So Boom, did you find the answer to this one:

    How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?


  20. And let's not forget one of the most powerful dieties of this mythos,Yahweh the Canaanite Volcano god, adopted by the Levites as the name of the creator god of their mythos.

    We could also include Cthuluh, if we want to be inclusive, or Ooga Booga and a thousand African and Islander gods and demons.

  21. So...we seem to be left with a dangling participle in this conversation.

    I hope that I didn't offend or hurt any feelings. I would like to think we are all capable of holding our personal views in spite of challenges. Spiritual/Religious things are very personal, and we should recognize we are dealing with some very subtle emotional issues as well as rational ones.

    I meant not to taunt with the question about angels dancing on the heads of pens--I had a "point" to make, and that is that the "point" is at the opposit end of the pen.
    At any rate--the silence is disturbing.
    Let us not be drawn apart over such things as this. That is all I ask.

  22. i am enjoying this thread no less than i have enjoyed all the others.

    it is always gratifying to come here. it is a safe, good space. different viewpoints are opportunities to know each other thus ourselves better. we have to have that - so there will be a willingness to be vulnerable. and to grow.

    cheers to us all.

  23. Good Arcadia,

    I feel the same way. I just anted to make sure there wasn't any hurt feelings. People can be touchy about this subject beyond most other subjects.

    Personally I enjoy theology and find it fascinating, always have.


  24. me too. so this has been interesting. everyone on this thread has brought up points that reflect my feelings or concerns. especially the understanding that we are dealing with some serious shit.

    and things have shifted. something is happening. it is unmistakable and the momentum is building and we need to keep it going.

  25. Arcadia,

    You might enjoy this, Visible is very inspiring for a lot of people. His writing style is awsome, and his views original and exciting:


  26. Don't be disturbed, oh Rogue1. I've been gone all day. Busy evening as well. Much to contemplate. Nothing is as it seems...

  27. well, you have made me an offer i cannot refuse. i will visit visible this evening. thank you.

    the 'invisible planes' in the link - does this refer to what i talked about not long ago? i mean hearing the slightly 'off' sounds of airplanes when there actually were no airplanes?

  28. We are the collection of Useless Eaters, Chattel Commodities, Blood Resources or Hominal Assets. Thus depending upon your particular instrument or classification you may expect to be packaged into a derivative and sold into Treasury bondage or euthanased via a put-down option.

    Living in the reality is grim but it beats the shit out of Committee abstruse fantasia.

  29. Winning is TRUTH first, knowledge and theory sharing and then finally uniting the people under the 'common threads' That's phase one of the One Percent Solution.

  30. Thanks for checking in Boom.
    See you upon your return.

  31. Which came first, the friction or the heat?


  32. purrrrrrr ...rr.

    The triad,



    and air;

    the fire above,

    the water below,

    and the air in the midst.

    The proof of which is that air is a participator with both.

    Tali, the Dragon,

    is above the Universe,

    as a king on his throne;

    the sphere in the year as a king in his State,

    the Heart of man as a king in warfare.

    { chapter VI }

  33. and it seems, if not already in it, that we are just about to step into phase one, puddy.

    it doesn't hurt that the usurpers added irretrievably to the recipe of winning, predictably so, the arrogant, maladroit misjudgment and delusion that comes of centuries of inbreeding, bloodlust, and pedophilia. too bad we do not have the luxury of time to just sit back and watch them do themselves in.

  34. Yes Arcadia, their seed seems to be the very first GM terminator seed from the mount of false saints.
    The curse of Midas and the tasteless gold tongue.

    Time. The greatest mystery of all. In that it takes a future to reveal that which always is, always was, and always will be. ta panta nous.


  35. ahhahaha what a distinction! the very first GM terminator seed. doesn't it make you happy to be you?

  36. Unbelievably happy, feeling blessed.
    Eternally blessed.

  37. Remember the names of demons...

    The CIA secretly agreed to pay over $5million in legal fees to shield two of it's employees accused of waterboarding terror suspects.

    Psychologists Jim Mitchell and Bruce Jessen are well-known to have invented the brutal interrogation programme, now classed in the US as torture.

    But former U.S. intelligence officials said Mitchell and Jessen also repeatedly subjected terror suspects inside CIA-run secret prisons to waterboarding personally.

    They are now facing a federal investigation over their exact roles in the simulated drowning tactic.
    It is the first time those who carried out the waterboarding have been publicly identified.

    Hard time: Psychologists Jim Mitchell and Bruce Jessen are alleged to have overseen the waterboarding of September 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was tortured with the method 183 times

    Read more:


  38. Aye -- good to see so many comments. I didn't think this subject matter would generate such discussion.

    I think we all (each individual) come to our conclusions of what is, what might be, and what has been -- based on personal experience, study, testing of truths, happenstance, experimentation (wide open with this one), etc.

    With a subject as broad as this one here, we have some choices of where to start...there's the pure scientific approach, which is hamstrung when it runs into the supernatural, there is historical facts and artifacts, there exist the stories of individuals personal experiences, and on and on. So what is concrete?

    We could start by establishing the facts and truths proving the existence of "conspiracies", such as the Illuminatti/Satanists. We could start by attempting to prove the existence of a Creator God, the existence of Good, and Evil spiritual Agencies. We could examine many aspects of these things to uncover a foundation for important truths. I believe what I believe (at this point in time), yet I am open to new information, investigation, and revelations. Each one of you following this thread have formulated your own beliefs and opinions based on your unique body of knowledge and experience. Can we share and come to a common understanding or agreement on certain pillars? I don't know. The subject is most likely far too encompassing to address on this blog. But, I wanted to shine a light on the Satanists for a couple of reasons: #1) They are getting really arrogant with flashing their hand signs around like gang bangers (which they are in essence), #2) I despise what they are about, #3) I don't care for their marketing -- gain the world, lose your soul. There are other reasons, but like the saying goes -- You're either for us, or against us?! I will always be against them and their ilk. So be it.

  39. "I will always be against them and their ilk. So be it."~Boom

    I too shall always be against them.

    One for all and all for one on this matter. {Always loved the Three Musketeers, Lol}


  40. Purrr ...

    .. from a curious kitty ..

    "And he said unto them,
    I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
    Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions,
    and over all the power of the enemy:
    and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
    Notwithstanding in this rejoice not,
    that the spirits are subject unto you;
    but rather rejoice,
    because your names are written in heaven. "

    Are Lucifer and Satan the same entity,
    or are they two different beings ?

    "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

    For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

    I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."

    - Isaiah 14

  41. she seems upset, h.

    did you say something to offend her?

  42. Now Pod, I'm lighting my stone pipe filled with the sacred flowers, and I will be like, most high. Specially when the music begins to play {grin}.

    Lucifer is the planet Venus my friend.


  43. Ha ha ha...Yea, I said she's as crazy as a shithouse rat.

    No, really I said, "Perhaps a second pediatric opinion was a good idea."

    This is a long story that has gone on for a couple weeks now.


  44. Just found this extensive PDF (Looks Very Interesting!)

  45. Wow...Wacky is Right. Best to stay far away from a time-bomb in stilleto's like that piece of work.

  46. The Time is off on your computer's clock oh flower fondler. You're 35 minutes ahead of me, and that's not correct, unless we just pole shifted.

    As for Pod's question, if you are using the Bible, it answers the question for you in many places. Lucifer was the "light-bearer" in Heaven. The Father of Lies. Lost his way because of his pride in his own beauty. Lucifer became Satan. Thrown out of heaven with 1/3 of the angels of Heaven's Host. Satan tempted Jesus Christ in the wilderness. But, I think you already know this, Mr. Pod. Leading question.

  47. Great PDF Boomer. I downloaded it. I am going to look into it tonight.


  48. Purrrrrr ...

    ... the beneficence of which
    the Alchemist speak ...Catnip ..tea ...

    "Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all,
    and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world.
    And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell
    and I understood more than I saw;
    for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit,
    and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being.
    And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops
    that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight,
    and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree
    to shelter all the children of one mother and one father.
    And I saw that it was holy.

    Then as I stood there,
    two men were coming from the east,
    head first like arrows flying,
    and between them rose the daybreak star.
    They came and gave a herb to me and said:
    With this on earth you shall undertake anything and do it.
    It was the daybreak-star herb,
    the herb of understanding,
    and they told me to drop it on the earth.
    I saw it falling far,
    and when it struck the earth it rooted
    and grew and flowered,
    four blossoms on one stem,
    a blue, a white, a scarlet, and a yellow;
    and the rays from these streamed upward to the heavens
    so that all creatures saw it
    and in no place was there darkness."

    - Black Elk Speaks

  49. Boomer,
    Lucifer is mentioned by that name one time in the whole Bible.
    There is great controversy in the translations between Aremaric to Greek, and then not only this but many passages in the books.

    One of the best lingual analysis I read indicated that Lucifer, translated into the Greek, as they would identify the planet Venus, is based on other text that show Nimrod as being refered to the Morning Star, which announced the Sun, then viewed as a god.

    The analysis then went on to show that the linkage between Lucifer and Satan is not made in the original languages.
    The author was an expert on all of the languages in question and a theologian .

    Yes, I do have the authors name and even saved the paper of the analysis.
    But, I'm just not going searching for it. But that is the take on it, and if we are discussing 'authenticity' in what was actually written...well, this had the most compelling linguistic info I have found.
    The author is a well known Christian Theologian

  50. Very cool, Black Elk...thanks Pod.

    Native American spirituality really resonates with me.


  51. “Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health,
    lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy
    freedom, the major media destroy information, and religion destroy
    Michael Ellner

    Preliminart Quote from that PDF.

    Man, that is a huge document.


  52. this dark world has been a long time in the making.
    and i think this is not the first time we have
    encountered these creatures.

    whatever 'they' are, the inbred, demons, sociopaths,
    reptilians, they have been here for a long time.

    to make a really long story short:
    as humans on this planet we have had many chances
    to conquer this darkness and choose the light. these
    creatures can win only if a tiny majority of us fails to
    come to terms with the darkness in ourselves.

    when we change ourselves the reflection changes.
    and at any given moment the government is simply a
    reflection of the majority of the people.

    that is why some say this is an opportunity. not to
    minimize the horror of it, of course.

    the unbearable trauma that we endure, when
    we feel the suffering of the tortured
    children and murdered parents, the unnecessary
    pain inflicted on the animals, the rape of the
    rain forest and the death of the gulf, restimulates
    in us every time we caused harm and suffering to
    another life form through all our incarnations.
    it is forced to consciousness so that it can be
    acknowledged, understood, forgiven
    and released. it's karma.

    the more outrage we feel the stronger our
    desire to be released from our dark acts. it
    is such a horror for us because, i believe,
    man is basically good. without the influence
    of the inbred i think we would not be warlike
    at all. unlike humans, they do not seem to
    possess conscience or be capable of empathy.

    for myself, i have had more emotional
    charge on things that i have done than
    on things that were done to me. and
    that's with having spent a few years
    at the mercy of a particularly vicious
    pedophile priest.

    still, i would rather be the done-to than
    the doer. it would be unimaginable to
    me to have to bear the suffering of having
    murdered or tortured.

    in light of the extent of the evil on this plane
    at this time, it might seem unkind to say that
    we are using these 'others' to trigger desperately
    needed release in ourselves. but i think it is
    very close to the truth.

    the trauma has started to abate some for me
    when i feel the pain of seeing awful things
    done to others or done by others because
    when i am confronted with suffering now i say
    (to myself)

    i love you
    i am sorry
    please forgive me
    thank you

    that's my story.

    it is working.

  53. Yes Arcadia,

    That last self talk. It does work doesn't it.


  54. maybe it is the only thing
    that does work, h.

    i want to know what
    it is like to be
    by the dark

  55. It is life in the time-space-continuum, Arcadia.
    A sequence of light and darkness, like day and night.
    Learnings and yearnings, the agony and the ecstasy.

    The world is the music and life is the dance.

    Lay your burdens down. For more will arrive and you have no responsiblilty to carry more than your share.

    It does work, to self talk with purpose, it even changes you chemically, thoughts are electro-chemical. You drive your own emotions by the chemicals your own thinking releases. You know what fear brings, the tension, angst...therefore do not dwell beyond the acceptance, move on to power thoughts.
    Bring all fears forward, name them and take their power from them.

    You are on your way.......

  56. " And no marvel;
    for Satan himself is transformed
    into an angel of light.
    Therefore it is no great thing
    if his ministers also be transformed
    as the ministers of righteousness;
    whose end shall be according to their works. "

    - 2 Corinthians 11:14

    "I Jesus have sent mine angel
    to testify unto you these things in the churches.
    I am the root and the offspring of David,
    and the bright and morning star. "

    - Rev. 22:16

    " The Apocalypse is,
    to those who receive the nineteenth Degree,
    the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone,
    and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer.
    LUCIFER, the Light-bearer!
    Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness!
    Lucifer, the Son of the Morning!
    Is it he who bears the Light,
    and with its splendors intolerable
    blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls?
    Doubt it not!
    for traditions are full of Divine Revelations and Inspirations:
    and Inspiration is not of one Age nor of one Creed.
    Plato and Philo, also, were inspired. "

    Morals and Dogma
    Council of Kadosh
    xix Grand Pontiff p.321

  57. ...and the best part is-
    i am not alone.

    thanks for the fine prose.

    and for the link. i just got
    back from vis and some of
    the links. went through the
    stats on all nineteen more or
    less recommended states
    for relocation.

    unfortunately, california was
    not highly rated. way not
    highly rated. understandable,
    of course, plus i am living only
    20 minutes from s.f. and on a
    strip of land between the bay
    and the ocean.

    but i love it here. i would hate
    to have to leave. we'll see.

    time for bed. it is already
    the next day!

  58. Pod,
    Those are interesting quotes aye?

    The linkage of Jesus to the bright morning star, also referred to as Lucifer is quite a twist, that most would balk at.

    Things aren't so simple as the simple would hope.


  59. " it comes the night..."


  60. Arcadai,

    As per our side conversation on affirmative self talk. I happened on this article this morning which can give some insight as to the scientific foundations of the concepts we feel intuitively.
    I recall discussions on NPR some 15-20 years ago with alme Amerikan DNA researchers who were describing DNA as 90 percent junk--they illustrated it as a symphony, interupted by meaningless static.
    This struck me intuitively as absurd, and I surmised an allegory to DVD with both data and audio being put into a normal CD player--that would be the effect--snaches of music interupted by unreadable digital data. It wasn't that the data was junk, it was they weren't seeing/reading it with the correct program.

    Later on I read some about the Russian DNA research that essentially backs up my intuitive take on this.

    Here is the article I found on this today:

    "This, too, was experimentally proven! Living DNA substance (in living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies are being used. This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, autogenous training, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects on humans and their bodies. It is entirely normal and natural for our DNA to react to language. While western researcher cut single genes from the DNA strands and insert them elsewhere, the Russians enthusiastically worked on devices that can influence the cellular metabolism through suitable modulated radio and light frequencies and thus repair genetic defects."

  61. thank you, h. it sounds fascinating and i am definitely with
    the russians on this one - i will check it out tonight.

    i am familiar with the 'junk' dna theory. when i first read about it
    i couldn't stop laughing.

    funny you would bring it up now, though, because all day yesterday i
    was researching frequencies. i have several cds that play opening, healing
    frequencies and i had them going day and night. i am a big proponent
    of sound and light therapy, but i had forgotten about the cds. i am now
    on a frequency mission! (again)

    i watched an interview on
    with ani williams/sound healing. she sings and plays the
    harp and does something called voice analysis. it was
    amazing. i found her website, where i could listen to clips from her
    cds and i hit the jackpot.

    i downloaded all the clips. one in particular, homage to hathor -
    when i listened to the first few notes i felt i was levitating. it is
    worth a listen. this is for everyone here. i highly recommend
    checking it out. i am going to play the clips for my dog.

    the last three lines of h's comment re: repairing genetic defects
    with radio & light frequencies: i know this works. it can facilitate
    opening up more of the brain. this is very important - right now we
    can use all the help we can get. even opening up just a small
    percentage more of the brain will have far-reaching effects.
    just think about for a minute.

    what a timely comment, h. i'm on it with renewed enthusiasm.

  62. "what a timely comment, h. i’m on it with renewed enthusiasm."~Arcadia

    EXCELLENT...I'll give Ani a listen.

    All very faskinatin.

  63. AniWilliams a divine transport, wonderous. Just that short section took me there.
    It is rolling over in my mind even now...

    Thank you Arcadia, \\ll//

  64. this might be a better link to the Book of Enoch -- only requiring you to view two web pages instead of over a 100:

    chapters 1-60

    chapters 61-105

    haven't read it yet

  65. "What would you call beings which
    don't have physical bodies,
    seem relatively crafty,
    and appear to be immortal?
    A Tulpa,
    a Djinn,
    or a familiar?

    How about corporations?"

    The Corporate Body: Liber 118 U.S. 394
    by Paco Xander Nathan

  66. "118 U.S. 394, pitting the County of Santa Clara against the Southern Pacific Railroad"

    Hey Pod, thanks for bringing this up.

    The case is even more twisted than the short essay here explains. The ruling in this case really did not address the personhood of the corporation.
    The words to that effect came from the judges mouth in a ramble before the case was even argued.
    How it happened into the legal ledger is even more underhanded. It was the law clerk, a previous member of the railfoad corporation above, who used the judges words, outside of the actual descision, and enterjected them into the record.
    The judge merely said they weren't in court to decide the personhood of corporations that as far as he was concerned that was just how it is.

    Remarkable huh?
    As with most of what goes on in this corporatist state--it was simply underhanded and not legal in any sense.

    Already in 1871 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INCORPORATED had been formed in DC by a treasonous Congress. This all being directed by the owners of the "National Debt" that had been accrued by both sides in the Civil War. Those owners were and are of course, THE CROWN, of the City of London--the House of Rothschild. "Reptiles with red shields above their doors." [Heirphant/ Black Ribbons]


  67. It's too bad there is such a cloud cover here...I won't get to see the MOON TURN THE COLOR OF BLOOD tonight...

    But the Solstice will bring something "refreshing" to us all, as I am given to understand these things.


  68. I just found an interesting article at

    The comments there are interesting as well. People seem to feel strongly one way or another. It should be noted that the Bushes, and Bill Clinton are Skull & Bones. I don't know about Obama. I believe John Kerry is as well. That men who belong to this "fraternity" have their way "paved with light" to the highest offices in the land can hardly be argued as "coincidence".

    *** I added Metzger's video at the top of the thread.

    The Discussion opens NOW!...

  69. Bill Clinton didn't go to Yale, he is not Skull and Bones. The Bush's and Kerry are part of the fraternity.

    "The original name of the statue was “Liberty Enlightening the World,” not the Statue of Liberty. Again, the word Enlightening fits in with the Illuminati theme. Enlightening, enlightenment, light, the sun, intelligence, bright, brilliance, Lucifer. Are you getting this? The smart people are. The zombies probably stopped reading this by now."~Meltzer

    The word "enlightenment" fits in with the "Illuminati theme". It also fits in with an artistic movement called the "Romantic Period", which was just previous to the abstract movement in sculpture begging with Rodin'.

    “Liberty Enlightening the World,” is indeed the maquette for the "Statue of Liberty".
    The figure of Liberty is a common theme throughout the romantic period, which was steeped in the classical styles of Greek and Roman statuary.
    It is a matter of aesthetics Boom. Artists are driven by their own personal Muse, and draw inspiration from all and everything around them.

    I think throwing every little thing into the "Conspiracy Pot" and boiling it is juvenile.

    Liberty as a concept IS opposed to dogma and unthinking servility to authority--just the type of despotic authority the catholic church held over Europe for centuries. The movement towards "enlightened reason", if viewed in totality as an evil concept will lead one to oppose liberty and justice in the name of totalitarian edict.

    'Nature Revealing Herself To Science' is another beautiful sculptural piece from the Romantic era, and implies just what the word “enlightened” means in this context; to throw the spotlight of reason upon the subject of understanding.

    This attack on such ideas as 'Liberty', 'Justice', 'Reason', as well as the distrust in the artistic beauty of these works is in my view, jejune nonsense.


  70. I appreciate your comments, Rogue1

  71. purrrr ...

    just found this pic.
    it's a gem aye...

  72. “I Jesus have sent mine angel
    to testify unto you these things in the churches.
    I am the root and the offspring of David,
    and the bright and morning star. ”

    - Rev. 22:16

    Okay, we have contradictions here.
    Are you going to toss a coin?

    Admit that there are linguistic problems in all this Lucifer bullshit?
    Is "he" Satan or Jesus? have both written in the volumes know as the Holy Bible.

    Realize that the Bible is NOT history but 2 and 3 thousand year old myths?

    Men lie and hide the truth in order to gain power. Isn't this revelation enough?

    Just askin'.

  73. purrrrrrrr ....

    Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh.
    What? shall we receive good at the hand of God,
    and shall we not receive evil?

    - Job 2:10

    Of the children of Asher after their families:

    of Jimna, the family of the Jimnites:

    of Jesui, the family of the Jesuites:

    of Beriah, the family of the Beriites.

    - Num. 26:44

    Why do Jesuit priest dress in black ?

  74. "Why do Jesuit priest dress in black ?"~Pod

    They are in mourning.


  75. .. and the mourning
    and the evening was the first day.

    purrrrrrr ...

    to much catnip tea for me ...

    Anyway, the query was ;

    Are Lucifer and Satan the same entity,
    or are they two different beings ?

    rogue, could the color black
    symbolize the planet Saturn ?

    and if so, check this out ;

    "He then lying on Jesus' breast saith unto him, (kinky)
    Lord, who is it?
    Jesus answered, He it is, to whom I shall give a sop,
    when I have dipped it. And when he had dipped the sop,
    he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon.
    And after the sop Satan entered into him.
    Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly."

    - John 13:25-27

    "Then Judas, which had betrayed him,
    when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself,
    and brought again the thirty pieces of silver
    to the chief priests and elders, Saying,
    I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood.
    And they said, What is that to us? see thou to that.
    And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple,
    and departed, and went and hanged himself.
    And the chief priests took the silver pieces, and said,
    It is not lawful for to put them into the treasury,
    because it is the price of blood. And they took counsel,
    and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in.
    Wherefore that field was called, The field of blood, unto this day.
    Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet,
    saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver,
    the price of him that was valued,
    whom they of the children of Israel did value;
    And gave them for the potter's field,
    as the Lord appointed me."

    Matt. 27:3-10

    The connection between Satan and Saturn
    is made by the thirty pieces of silver.
    30 is the number of Saturn
    it's orbital period being 29.5 years
    and Saturn is the planet
    that is said to rule over bones and graveyards.

    - Signs In The Sky , by Adrian Gilbert , p.226-227

    so, if Lucifer is symbolize by the planet Venus,
    is Satan symbolized by the planet Saturn ?

    just a curious kitty .. purrrrrrrr ...

  76. The planet Saturn is considered to be associated with Molach in various myths.
    I suppose a case can be made that it is associated with Satan and evil in it's turn.
    Even in Roman myths it seems to bode evil.

    I have seen extraordinary claims made by the purveyors of the Electric Universe model--now being adopted by some NASA scientists after the August "unwinding" and global expulsion of a huge coronal mass--that the major force of the sun is not nuclear but electomagnetic. Or more precisely that the nuclear is a product of electromagnetic forces.

    At any rate the 'electric universe' theorists claim evidence of much different alignments of the planets during prehuman--but also human timesThey claim at one point Saturn was as large in our sky as the moon.--which of cours would have meant a different type of gravitational ballance on earth, and some wild tides, to say the least...{grin}

    The ancient past will remain a mystery and a frame for theoreticals of all manner.

  77. yea rogue, I find this phrase in Malachi interesting

    "But unto you that fear my name
    shall the Sun of righteousness arise
    with healing in his wings;
    and ye shall go forth,
    and grow up as calves of the stall."

    - Malachi 4:2

    However the Hebrew word for sun
    in the O.T. is Shamash
    which is the Sumarian word for Sun

    hmmmm ......

    and what about the Dollar sign $

    "Now the serpent was more subtil
    than any beast of the field
    which the LORD God had made.
    And he said unto the woman,
    Yea, hath God said,
    Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
    And the woman said unto the serpent,
    We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
    But of the fruit of the tree
    which is in the midst of the garden,
    God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it,
    neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
    And the serpent said unto the woman,
    Ye shall not surely die:
    For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof,
    then your eyes shall be opened,
    and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."

    - Gen. 3:1-5

    "If I have told you earthly things,
    and ye believe not, how shall ye believe,
    if I tell you of heavenly things?
    And no man hath ascended up to heaven,
    but he that came down from heaven,
    even the Son of man which is in heaven.
    And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
    even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
    That whosoever believeth in him should not perish,
    but have eternal life."

    - John 3:12-15

    "And I saw an angel come down from heaven,
    having the key of the bottomless pit
    and a great chain in his hand.
    And he laid hold on the dragon,
    that old serpent,
    which is the Devil,
    and Satan,
    and bound him a thousand years,
    And cast him into the bottomless pit,
    and shut him up, and set a seal upon him,
    that he should deceive the nations no more,
    till the thousand years should be fulfilled:
    and after that he must be loosed a little season."

    - Rev. 20:1-3

    what's up with this hieroglyph $ ?

    purrrrr ...

  78. Pod, you quote scripture, but I as yet, am not convinced by your references if you think it (believe) to be myth, allegory, factual, or some other combination. Will you speak clearly regarding how you esteem it?

    Rogue1, it is clear you are contemptuous of the Holy Book. You have your reasons. I must say, that you should remain open to new information and personal experiences to frame your opinions. This is only wise. We are talking about here Lucifer, who became Satan upon his Fall. We are talking about powers, spirits, and principalities that inhabit a realm and plane which humans cannot fathom.

    I suggest for the sake of argument; that to ignore or disbelieve the existence of the supernatural world takes a lot of work to explain away the multitudinous examples of "possession" of humans, whether by good or evil entities. That "unexplained" encounters and evidences exists in massive quantities attesting to the existence of supernatural beings must be carefully considered. That an individual has no personal experience in these matters does not matter a whit as to the actual facts.

  79. First the dollar sign for Pod; It is originally a U and an S superimposed, ie- US currency symbol. Over time the U became a simpler mark.

    As per my personal experiences with the 'spiritual realm' Boomer. As alluded to earlier I have [in terms we are using here] met God...personally.
    At a later date I met, "the devil". God is real. The devil was a trick of the mind.

    To explain this in detail would be just another story to you.
    You have taken what I said here and assumed that by it I mean I do not 'believe in God'--but that is miscomprehension on your part.

    A two--four thousand year old book of second hand testimonials are weak tethers for one who has an ongoing and continuing relationship with the Source of Being.
    This happened in my early twenties but is an event as near as if it happened this morning. It is not something I can explain in human tongue, and if I were to attempt it, it would, like I said; be merely another story to you, and all here.

    "Possession" is a mental problem, which is a "spiritual" problem to pre-scientific terminology. While such things as telepathy and such are realities on this plane, they also have "scientific" explanations--that meaning rational explanations when accounted for in the full spectrum of our knowledge.

    The language of science is beneficial because it is based on an objective sense, in that the language can transmit ideas on agreed upon basis. Thus I turn to the language of psychology rather than the vaporous terms of mysticism, which have no objective agreed upon terms--only vague intrapersonal imagery. When using such terms as say "angel", most people will imagine a winged woman in flowing robes, or some such imagery. This is no foundation for clear communication. The language is stunted from the get go.

  80. Pod, you may be interested in this as you were the one who brought up Corporate Personhood earlier:

    The “United States” is a corporation…

    If you really want to understand why this is true, then you will have to look at each of the following pieces of the puzzle (links)… This will take a lot of your time and more importantly, the suspension of your idealism and belief.

  81. hah! again. h -i just met with some neighbors re smart meter installation and i had a conversation with one of them about the fact that all senators and congresspersons are in treason, even without the recent abominations, because they all know that the usa is a corporation. she said that that was impossible and i should not say such things because people will think i am crazy. i told her i would send her something irrefutable about it and i just checked my email and here it is.

    thanks so much.

    maybe i should buy a lottery ticket.

  82. Arcadia,
    It is like is the Apocalypse. Those with eyes to see will. Those who remain in their delusional trance will not.

    I would NOT buy a lottery ticket--beware of the seduction of mammon as your powers grow.


  83. the lottery ticket was a humorous aside. though....

    yes, it is like that, h. and i am enjoying it thoroughly.
    once you put fear aside.....changes occur. i have
    postulated a more functional brain. i have not been

    re lucifer/venus. i have seen the venus project also
    referred to as the lucifer project. and 666, it seems,
    does not refer to the demon satan, but to the goddess.

  84. Riane Isler {sp?} has some good remarks on the advent of the male god replacing the goddess...and that ol' "Jezebel Spirit" Lol
    Yes it was those crazy desert tribes that gave us the 'jealous, vengeful god' and the fear of the wisdom of the female...
    Time for a truce, I'd say.

  85. Rogue1 -- you must always assume that I respect your thoughts and intellect. Your experiences and knowledge are valid. We are all searching for validity (i.e. the truth) are we not? Because of my own experiences and knowledge, I differ with you on the subject of the reality of God and Evil. I absolutely believe in the existence of both, and they are not "mental" to me. I have witnessed the working of both. Therefore I tread lightly on the subject. I would not reduce your experiences to "stories" out of respect and interest. This probably is not the forum for discussion of such things. However, we each can put stock in what we determine to be true and real, and continue to search for validity in our lives. Peace be to you and all...

  86. Same here Boomer, great respect for all here at COTO.

    No, I didn;t think you would be dismissive about the story of my "enlightenment", what I mean is, it is just a story. My personal story, and as such would not in any way lead you to the same experience.

    I have seen and heard ghosts. I have met wierd monsters in the swamps of Louisianna, I have seen flying suacers and communicated with the inhabitants.
    Many a manifestation of the "uncanny"...I have had out of body experiences, I levitated before the astonished eyes of one of my girlfriends.

    All of these things were learnings, and the final learning is that there is ONE true God...and there is NOTHING else--time is an illusion--we are HIS dream.

    ta panta nous


  87. Thank you for sharing my friend. Take a look at my new post at the top. Do you have any ideas on this phenomenon?

  88. purrrrr ...

    In our Abrahamic paradigm of
    Egyptian , Sumerian, Zoroastrian,
    and Hindustani mystery schools
    stories overlapped , fused together,
    when Rome unified the pagan cults.

    Czars used local families to maintain order
    with what ever mind control worked.
    It's the same today.

    As for your question boom;

    "you quote scripture, but I as yet, am not convinced by your references if you think it (believe) to be myth, allegory, factual, or some other combination. Will you speak clearly regarding how you esteem it?"

    Boom, I believe scriptures to be a combination
    of myth, allegory, political lies, historic facts and wisdom.
    However, you gave us a link the the book of Enoch,
    so beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees,
    which is hypocrisy. .. purrrrr ...

    boom, you said;

    "We are talking about here Lucifer, who became Satan upon his Fall. We are talking about powers, spirits, and principalities that inhabit a realm and plane which humans cannot fathom. "

    It seems to me,
    that Lucifer is any light source,
    and Satan is the Shadow which is cast.

    exempli gratia ...

    "When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying,
    Shew a miracle for you:
    then thou shalt say unto Aaron,
    Take thy rod,
    and cast it before Pharaoh,
    and it shall become a serpent.

    And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh,
    and they did so as the LORD had commanded:
    and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh,
    and before his servants, and it became a serpent.

    Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers:
    now the magicians of Egypt,
    they also did in like manner with their enchantments.

    For they cast down every man his rod,
    and they became serpents:
    but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods."

    - Exodus 7:8-12

    "The darkness of shadow
    and the chaos of Apep,
    the archetype of all serpents,
    was probably strengthened
    in the Egyptian mind
    by the fact that snakes
    will often hide in dark crevices.
    The pharaohs raised obelisks extolling
    Re-Heracte, "the Mighty Bull."
    These obelisks of the pharaoh would cast,
    on certain days, shadows of specific lengths.
    In this way the darkness of shadow,
    itself a mini-serpent,
    was brought into the service
    of the gods of light and order,
    thereby emphasizing their dominion
    over chaos."

    Signs In The Sky , By Adrian Gilbert - p. 148-149

    The pyramid like-wise
    was used to indicate solstices and equinoxes.
    Due to the angle of the sides
    of the pyramid vs. its latitude,
    it casts no shadow at noon
    during the spring equinox.

    "On the Spring and Autumn equinox,
    at the rising and setting of the sun,
    the corner of the structure casts a shadow
    in the shape of a plumed serpent -
    Kukulcan, or Quetzalcoatl -
    along the west side of the north staircase.
    On these two annual occasions,
    the shadows from the corner tiers
    slither down the northern side of the pyramid
    with the sun's movement
    to the serpent's head at the base."

  89. Gotcha Pod,

    I am with your assessment in many ways.

    I wrote a parable about the casting of the shadow--of its NECESSITY in time space reality.

    I may or may not find it. If I do I will repost it here.


  90. Alright, your beliefs are stated. Thank you for taking the time to express them.

  91. "You have to take seriously the notion that understanding the universe is your responsibility, because the only understanding of the universe that will be useful to you is your own understanding."~Terence McKenna


  92. Since we're on a roll here; I found this information/depictions of Masonic handshakes, signs, and such, and who throws them:

  93. Boom,
    Yup I sawdum last night...quite a galleria of pustulantus ungallantus.

    Ezzybody outta lookylu


  94. purrrr ...

    Cats have paws
    so we give our signs
    with our tails

    The ultimate goal:
    A duly constituted world government
    of delegated powers;

    An international legislative body

    An international court with adequate jurisdiction

    International administrative bodies
    with necessary powers

    And adequate international police forces
    and provision for enforcing
    its worldwide economic authority,9171,801396,00.html

  95. "The ultimate goal:
    A duly constituted world government
    of delegated powers; "

    I couldn't disagree more.


  96. It crossed my mind this morning, that perhaps the manufactured Gulf Disaster, and subsequent depopulation agenda may be directly tied to this North American Union treasonous bullshit. Perhaps New Orleans or other close coastal areas present an "Entry Point" that the gov wants to establish. Establish a Beach Head if you will...?

  97. Yup Boom,

    I think you are right on to IS the unannounced North American Union already.
    And it sure is one hell of a tyrannical situation. Is it not.

    Keep talkin, keep downloading and saving info--the Internet is doomed.

    Even print out the most essential info...go to paper for when the grids all go down. Become librarians of this history. Hide it like stash. It will be revealed in the coming alternate universe.

    Keep brave hearts me brothers...and sisters.

  98. "From the political point of view
    there is but a single principle,

    -- the sovereignty of man over himself.

    This sovereignty of one's self
    over one's self is called LIBERTY.

    Where two or several
    of these sovereignties associate,
    the State begins.

    But in this association there is no abdication."

    purrrrrrrr ....

    So according to the philosophy
    of the Mother Supreme Council of the World
    of the Inspectors General Knights Commander
    of the House of the Temple of Solomon
    of the Thirty-third Degree
    of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite
    of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction
    of the United States of America."

    We here at COTO,
    are by their own definition,
    a State.

    purrrr ....

  99. Ah yes prrrrrmeister,

    And then, here at COTO is just about the largest a proper state as should be.
    All of this centralized taxed and ruled bullshit can go to hell.

    This is the crown of individual soveriegnty: \\ll// ..Of whch I have claimed.


    "This new FTC crap is really something, and our future dims each day now as the light of life online is reostated down slowly but surely.

    A web filled with wonders, filled with beauty and arts, music and joy of all sorts, the good bad and ugly, an amazing slice of life cutting across all barriers and prohibitions, releasing us from our chains at least in our heads for a while, glimpses of the coolest stuff, the wildest fun and pleasures, the most profoundest thoughts, the highest levels of science and inspiration of all sorts and persuasions, all dimming now, as fear casts its dark shadow.

    This is why we keep trying so hard to keep the candles lit, to keep typing out the keys to freedom while we can. As you saw in my little NET FREEDOM BANNER, it wasn't about neutrality or cheap bandwidth to download infinite videos or game crap, it was about those simple precious things,
    It wasn't about wiki this or wiki that, or wing-nut news, blogotweets, or silly pet tricks on you tube. sure the web is all of this but it has to be about the real fundamental things that make us human and not just slaves and consumers.


  101. That's it in a golden nutshell Arcadia'


  102. Is the web our new SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP? We nurture it, it nurtures us? If so, and it appears so at least in a electromagnetic spectrum way. Perhaps it is just such awareness of our electromagnetic plasma interconnectedness that we will find our way forward, we are all one, but on the verge of being disintegrated by evil fission into fried food fallout. Where is our cool fusion plan? The one that really turns back the fission fascists that may lie just beneath the surface of all we see and are, if we can just tune into it, the Truth is IN THERE !

    The web is about saving mankind and our humanity, and we to never loose sight of that purpose. Sure we can rant, we can rave but we need to always be creating the most wonderful visions of a better future, free from the final chains once and for all. Its right within reach, but its also right on the edge of the darkest abyss we have ever faced, the final lockdown, life without parole, a slow death at the hands of corporate cartels and mobsters, our humanity slowly stripped away and replaced with a scrambled egg brain, unable to ever have a good dream again, drained of all neurotransmitters, of all joy, laughter and smiles, a bitterness and void just like a three day ecstasy binge that mows off the tips of our exquisite receptors so we can never feel good again. Our receptors are numbed by the horrors we are bombarded with each day, endless wars and corporate killing, death by a thousand corporate cuts, bleeding us of precious bodily fluids into a dehydrated strip of road kill jerky.


  103. actually, i meant to say 'long' live the sovereign entity.
    somehow love snuck in there.

    but that works too.

    i am part of a small neighborhood watch group to
    keep the installers of the SMART meters from doing their
    dirty work on the homes here. about 15 of us shut down
    the pg&e office in san rafael last week.

    about 30 minutes ago i was attempting to convince the installer, who claims he is just doing his job of course, to see that he is working against
    that precious and rightful sovereignty of self. sovereignty over what you expose your body and your family to and over what a corporationgovernment tries to force you to attach to your dwelling. no doubt a seed was planted in his brain and sometimes that is all you an accomplish. but it was frustrating.

    sovereignty of self is the bottom line and the golden nutshell.

    death of sovereignty of self is, therefore, the golden ring for the inbred.

    i will not give mine up. so in a very real sense, i am safe.

  104. WTF?

    The CIA has formed a WTF unit to deal with any fallout from the WikiLeaks disclosures.
    The CIA has launched a taskforce to assess the impact of 250,000 leaked US diplomatic cables. Its name? WikiLeaks Task Force, or WTF for short.

    yup \\ll//

  105. Aye Mates -- just when you've reached cruising speed, the warm wind is blowing through your hair, a song is in your heart, and you are Truly Feeling Free!!! Along comes some asshole trying to enforce an arbitrary Speed Limit, and bungle your Fun. Safety reasons of course.

    Information, good or bad, is really able to bounce around freely on the internet, and they want to put a "governor" on it, shackle it, then fine or remove you if you don't play nice. Some authority figure wants to make you PAY for it, tax you even more, and limit your Freedom. Oh yeah -- they want to know and log everything and everywhere you go on this Super Information Highway, too! To protect who? You, US? We can see through this shitshine in a nanosecond.

    We'll see how it works out for them. Lots of info has already been cached away. In minds, on paper, on hard drives. Its going to be pretty difficult taking mankind back to the Dark Ages now that Freedom has been Felt.

  106. Arcadia,

    What The Fuck does what mean?

    I remember trying to explain "WTF" to my mom. Awkward...huh.

  107. Nice run-on sentence there HyperBird1 -- I enjoyed it!

  108. You guys are hilarious. You oughta get off your chairs and go outside if it is clear where you are and put some binocs on the Moon coming up. It is freaking pristine amazing. You can see some amazing detail from here...or there I hope.

    Yeah Rogue1, we need to spend more tax dollars on more redundant dunce outfits aye? WTF! The WTF's will never be able to contend with the Humanity Taskforce that has formed to protect itself from the Who-in-the-Fuck-Do-They-Think-They-Are tskfarce. WFDTTTA.

  109. wait a minute. i'm laughing.


    yes, that could be awkward.
    though if my mom had known
    that acronym
    she would have
    used it whenever she could
    properly or not fit it in.

  110. you're right, bcb. i am going to put on my coat
    and take my dog for a walk. and hopefully the
    chemtrails will have cleared up enough that we
    can see the moon.

    speaking of moon - have you heard the theory of
    the moon being man-made? seriously.

  111. Cloud cover..bwawabah he's the man the man with the foggy sky...oh me oh my.

    { the tune of "Goldfinger"...}


  112. O.K. The Laughs are over. I'm going to post this link RIGHT HERE:

    Video: CIA Op Speaks Out On Drug Running, Bush Senior, Bill Clinton, Oliver North, Fox News Neo-Cons

    The information found here in this expose' is probably of more import than the Wikileaks information. Unfortunately, you have to wade through a very slow build-up to get to the juicy stuff in about the 3rd video of the KEY photographer's description of events. However, names are named -- and they are Presidents and Congress persons. The subject of this thread is mightily important to the condition in which WE citizens of the World find ourselves. The sickening nature of what happens in "secret" as committed by Agents and People's Representatives should raise your suspicions to the highest THREAT LEVEL on the terrorist scale.

    Digest the fact that the highest leaders in the land are aware, and are participants in the lowest and ugliest crimes committed by man upon this earth...and you will begin to understand the depths of depravity that government have sunk. Most people cannot comprehend the import of such information. It is from this "Well of Evil" that the bitter waters of NWO plans spring. Investigation, Accountability, and punishment is incumbent upon humanity to right the wrongs done to the innocents.

    How can we sleep soundly when devils such as these abound? Wake UP! And run these people into the ground!

  113. "Digest the fact that the highest leaders in the land are aware, and are participants in the lowest and ugliest crimes committed by man upon this earth…and you will begin to understand the depths of depravity that government have sunk."~Boom

    And there have been warnings for decades as to the authors of this vile evil, that they would finally gain total control...

    “One of the strongest causes militating against the full Americanization of several millions of Jews in this country is their belief – instilled in them by their religious authorities -that they are ‘chosen,’ that this land is theirs, that the inhabitants are idolators, that the day is coming when the Jews will be supreme.”–Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947, Engineer, Industrialist, Inventor, Founder of the Ford Motor Company)

    The City of London, Washington DC, The Vatican, the triad of the Empire. Israel is but a proxy, a thorn buried into the side of the Middle East, creating the strategy of tension for the plunder of resources. “A hard dick has no conscience…”

  114. Did you listen to any of the audio/videos (3rd or 4th I believe are incriminating)?

  115. Can't Boom...with this wireless web connect the cost is unbearable for long videos.
    Hstory is repleat with legions of such confessions........
    I'd love to watch, that's just the way the cookie crumbles tonight.


    The Loop Current is dead.


  117. If that's global warming your chilling to, let me know when the sun's going to come out...

  118. No it is the ramifications of the BP Event, which simply stopped the loop currrent which is what motors the rest of the world currents, a cylinder out in a hemispheric two cylinder engine that draws warm equatorial waters north. The same general MO of an electrical-magnetic currents generating poles.
    This in turn feeds the jet stream features. It is this, for the most part that is locking the fridgid zone up, further distorting the air and water patterns.
    It is a possibility that due to chaotic mutations, the situation may prove to be driving into an exponential shutdown and perhaps an ice age enfolding the planet in a very short time.
    In short, the sun may be some time in coming out.
    More alarming is that a pole shift could very well be in the mix. That having more to do with the current sun situation.
    since the whole solar system is sympathetic--all parts effecting each, it could very well be that the planet earth signaled the sun, triggering an electromagnetic mirroring, an adjustment for global alignment and planetary alignment.
    This could set off adjustments in all the planets orbits.
    A reshuffle so to speak.


  119. The scenario I just layed out above, could be transposed into mystical language very easily.
    It could be put in such a way as the conditions of the geosphere of Earth effect the electromagnetic harmony between it and the Sun. As the BP Event is a man made disaster, mankind has signaled the Sun that the life force of the planet has become disharmonic, and needs retuning.

    Now what that means to us is what we think of it.

    A billion stars in the sky, and a billion fables to be told.

  120. I quite like your description of the "sympathetic" relationship of the sun to the earth. The harmony/disharmony aspect is certainly perceivable. You have "touched" upon the chords that ring though-out the universe. Tremendous dissonance has been created in this world by the evil PTB. I think they are headbangers only, who possess no capacity for appreciating the more subtle nuances of the musical spectrum. As well, they choose the dark to commit their crimes, and the bright, bright lights of bought media to bask in their lies.

    I have always said, "psychopaths are one thing, if not predictable". They cannot help themselves in betraying themselves eventually, because they can ultimately only produce "evil". In this, they reveal their weakness.

    Rogue1; by applying principles of "musicality" to the tune humanity plays, we can see when we readily hear and see when the individual sections of the band are blaring out discordant notes. Crap for the ears. They run off on their solos with diarrhea note combinations that are discordant and offensive to the melodic harmonies that soothe the soul. Somewhere...the maestro waves the wand, and certain sections of the band are off on their own emanations -- totally lost from the charts and music script on the pages before them. They have no knowledge of how to play their instrument. No appreciation for playing their parts. Clanging cymbals, drum beats that are offbeats, complete and total fuckups to the musical panoply. They play through the "rests", they play a dirge when a symphonic masterpiece is called for.

    It is what we should suspect always from their ilk. Shitty musicianship. Obnoxious notes. When humanity's ears tell them the truth, they will all look at the posers in their seats, blowing nothing but acrid smoke, calling it "music". Then, we shall take away their instruments and kick them out of the band. A futile performance by showing they never understood the music of man.

  121. Have you seen the following? Posted online in a number of places. No doubt, many hunters are beer swilling, out-of-shape neanderthals. Calling today's version of providing food for the table, "sport". None-the-less, 10's of millions more of Americans don't hunt, but possess firearms and the will to use them should an "event" arise to cause them to rise to the occasion.

    When "targets" are painted as the the criminals they are, woe be to the predators who have now become the "hunted"...

    The World's Largest Army? America's Hunters!!!

    The state of Wisconsin has gone an entire deer hunting season without someone getting killed. That's great. There were over 600,000 hunters. Allow me to restate that number. Over the last two months, the eighth largest army in the world - more men under arms than Iran ; more than France and Germany combined - deployed to the woods of a single American state to help keep the deer menace at bay. But that pales in comparison to the 750,000 who are in the woods of Pennsylvania this week. Michigan 's 700,000 hunters have now returned home. Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia , and it is literally the case that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world. America will forever be safe from foreign invasion of troops with that kind of home-grown firepower.

    Hunting - it's not just a way to fill the freezer. It's a matter of national security!!!

  122. Hey Boom,

    JRR Tolkien wrote and entire novel about this, THE SIMARILLION, The epic history of the elves in The Lord of the Rings.

    This is an amazing work that gets to the very center of the Source, and explains the "dissonance", and how even that is accounted for and countered by the realm of "self determination" and how "disharmony" is merely 'Jazz', and can be a real blowout musically.
    Only the "Conductor, and Composer" knows how it all fits together, but if you listen with true ears, you too can be illuminated and blessed by the song of the universe.

    Dig it dude.

  123. "Hunting – it’s not just a way to fill the freezer. It’s a matter of national security!!!"

    Now there is some food for thought {grin}

    Is it any wonder the PTB try to keep them in deep trance?
    Ha ha slip of the spin and their asses are deep fried charcaca.

  124. “How long? Not long. For what ye reap is what ye sow.”~Rage Against the Machine

    Benjamin Disraeli once labeled Britain’s government "an organized hypocrisy." That was in circa 1845. Things have not changed much and by now hypocrisy might well be seen as a common sin of democratic government. This is because in democracies straight forward honesty about behavior that runs counter to the idealized national image is usually bad politics. Among today’s democracies none proves this point more than the United States. The United States, like Great Britain in the 19th century, simultaneously acts like an imperial power and cultivates a national image as the world’s prime purveyor of good government, stability and progress.~Professor Lawrence Davidson
