Americans are left to wonder what really goes on behind the veil of secrecy erected by administrations and institutions which present a public facade of serving the people. Supposed "elected" officials work secretly with unseen finance and power brokers, doing the unseemly in the dark.
The information contained in the Links here should provide all with fascinating reading and insights into WHERE HAS ALL THE MONEY GONE?!
Personally, I am familiar with some of this material going back to the 1990's. I began reading VKD around the year 2000, and have read it all at which is a feat in itself. VKD is now in her 70's and posts frequently at Much of what is going on in the world today, is linked to the financial fraud identified in these articles.
This information is public knowledge on the world-wide web, so I'm sure the "operators" behind the scenes won't mind if more folks peek at their dirty laundry. I mean, frankly, it is hanging out on the line blowing in the wind, not one whit cleaner with repeated washings. The question is, when will the victims of these crimes take down the laundry and burn it? If you don't know about it, how ya going to address it?
So make a point to go to these links and do a little research. It sucks to be left out in the cold and dark, homeless and penniless, because You Was Robbed!
I believe you will find the information at the accompanying Links very interesting.
Email Letter to Nicholas Proto , Chief Investigator
Response by Jim Sinclair:
Bogus Gold Derivatives / Instruments, Pending U.S. Banking & Financial Crash
Are the Feds just "blowing smoke"?
Documentation of Deceit
Wurzburf, Bavaria arrived 12 minutes ago to check on you Boomerangerslangerdorph,
ReplyDeleteThe ILLUMINATI has found you "a person of interest".
Musta struck a nerve..."chime". Da?
The only discrepancy I find with VK's article is that The United States of America Incorporated was established in 1871 when DC was incorporated as the capitol.
ReplyDeleteShe indicates 1863, with the establishment of the National Bank Charter.
There may have been a technical reason to re-incorporate because of the new location of the central offices...???
The central point however, that we are now dealing with a business entity, rather than of republic/government is to the point. And adding that, corporations are deemed to be "Persons" in every sense of the word since Santa Clara v Southern Pacific; we have the unfortunate situation wherein "Authority" has all the "Rights" of an individual under the protection of the Bill of Rights--which generates an oxymoron lawfully.
Authority granted by the Constitution is limited numerically in that document.
Such rights as per individual are enumerable [see: Number 9]
What this all boils down to is--simply farce, constitutionally--ultra vires.
Can't believe how international this blog is. UK, Belgium, Italy, Florida...all within the last 5 minutes. Are they all looking for investment advice?
ReplyDeleteOK, here. PRPFX. It's where you want to be.
Let's see what happens when I mention the International Bank of Settlements. That one should attract a lot of flies...
Or 'bout these guys, they seem to have some rather global clout:
'Saint Lazare Foundation' building a global fresh water monopoly.
[See: My Pictures for webshots]
So What is the Saint Lazare Foundation? It seems to be a spinoff related to the Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus, who are in fact the Knights Of Malta Like Cubed or something. Descended from the Crusaders!
This is Deputy Commander Geoff Fosberry, appointed Grand Chancellor Emeritus of the Order of St Lazarus. I swear I am not making this up.
Now this looks like a guy that can get things done with Berlusconi's P2 freemason buddies. Straight up Grand Prior of England & Wales: The Rt. Hon. the Earl Ferrers PC GCLJ GCrLJ DL . Nice!
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Could it be that feudalism has never been extinguished -- that its simply adopted different disguises through the years. Or do these new age 'Tudors' just like dressing up in medieval costumes?
ReplyDeleteI guess when you suffer from all that in-breeding, combined with a lack of imagination, it can be hard to give up on those 500 year old traditions.
I don't think it is just a costume party Mr. O
ReplyDeleteThese monkeys are the real deal/
Did you read the part about the Bush "ranch" in Paraquay being a huge aquapher?
They [the elite] are prepping for special areas to hide out during the Big Bang.
Ever see the film Zardoz? something clicks with that here.
I will have to look up your links a bit later as I must "live a life" under the low grey chemtrail rain-laden clouds that blanket the area today. I took some pictures yesterday, to document absolutely clear-blue skies through much of the day -- until the sprayers began "just doing their jobs" on the skies again.
ReplyDeleteRogue1: I can't be much of a "person of interest" because I am just a reader and commenter upon the documentation already proliferated in the ether-net. That the plans to Hide the Truth have failed for the PTB is a logical outcome of the truism that "your lies and frauds will find you out".
Perfect Crimes may have been committed, yet it is ignorance and arrogance that clouds the minds of these criminals. In this life or the next, they will "pay back" with interest on the schemes they have undertaken. Why they should think that they will escape the inescapable is a mystery.
It is good and right that the you folks and others would educate yourselves to the "games people play" upon you. My axe to grind is the loss of a not insignificant investment amount by someone higher in my family, and a group of investors swindled in the 90's by the Peruvian Bond fiasco. An ex-CIA "agent" representing the investor group was led all around the globe chasing down phantoms attempting to find answers to the loss of all invested funds due to fraudulent games played upon them. I received weekly reports of the espionage and fraud, but without full understanding at the time. I understand a lot more now.
The money lost is paltry compared to the gigantic sums stolen. But it is significant in that it represents many hard-working men's earnings which were accomplished at the sacrifice of time they could have spent with family. Fortunes lost. Stolen. Appropriated to well-known Family's off-shore accounts, with no conscience. I take umbrage to That! Hell with Them. The Pit is waiting and so is justice.
I'm waiting for the next Wikileaks chapter so I have the whole picture.
ReplyDeleteInteresting shit coming out on so many different fronts. I hope they don't shut down the internet before the final chapter comes out.
Me and Bill Gates both live on lakes, though. His is dead. Mine is spring fed. I could use a few chickens and a cow...
"The Pit is waiting and so is justice."
ReplyDeleteI hope yer right. I've been amazed though--with all the shit coming out that exposes the clandestine activities of the elite--that half the US population is still defending their government. Denial is a powerful force.
If the peeps can break free of their 'Stockholm Syndrome', then we might yet have a chance at justice.
"If the peeps can break free of their ‘Stockholm Syndrome’, then we might yet have a chance at justice."~O
ReplyDeleteThat is it exactly, they are enamored with their Captor/Tormentors--they got them 'Patty Hurst Eyes'
BTW, Boom, I actually have my own legal battle ramping up regarding some oil-producing property that was suppose to be left to members of my family. I've seen the corruption within our court system up close. In fact, most would be amazed at the level of corruption within our so-called injustice system. It's clear that the over-riding principle is social engineering--with the the rich being the clear benefactors. I could write a book on that fact alone.
ReplyDeleteBut whatcha gonna do? The only option for us peons is to take the law into our own hands and say, "bonzai" whilst doing it. If you catch my drift.
‘Patty Hurst Eyes’... LOL, Brilliant.
ReplyDeleteMaybe a variation of that works as well -- "Patsy Hurts Eyes"...?
ReplyDeleteTuse 'mon -- good luck with getting the cards to go your way. I have seen that the biggest investment faux paus anyone can ever make is to... Trust Someone Else with Your Money. See -- THIS is the biggest Stupid brain fart Americans have made and are currently making: Trusting "experts", "bankers", "politicians", and "administrators" with their money.
You don't have to live very long in this life to get wise to the absolute corruption that resides in many men's (and women's) souls. Whether it is in-breeding, environmental pollution, or spiritual possession by Devils; these dark souls manifest the cold capability of snakes to poison everything they sink their teeth into, and then swallow whole another's life's work of toil and hard work. And they don't blink. They just stick out their forked tongue. Well, everyone knows how to kill a snake.
The soulless creatures of which you speak have been around since time immemorial. Twas why 'the rule of law' was instituted. What's changed is, the rule of law has become has become ever more corrupted during recent times. The elite have figured out how to usurp it for their own benefit.
ReplyDeleteWith no recourse for us peons, we have only vigilante justice to fall back on. And that my friend, is what I think a lot of people are waiting to see...
"With no recourse for us peons, we have only vigilante justice to fall back on. And that my friend, is what I think a lot of people are waiting to see…"~O
ReplyDeleteYes that is the thing of it...people are waiting...
Look into game theory. When it comes time for rebellion, just like everythng else, the peeps will be pushed into it--for the benefit of the elite, who will have become fully prepaired. It will be by provocation, not thought nor imagination.
I would say Rogue1, that you are correct. I imagine they are counting on it. However, they no longer possess the element of "surprise". So, we see the iron fist coming out of the velvet glove. Yet, plans do not always work as intended.
ReplyDeleteBest laid plans of mice and men...yes Boomer.
ReplyDeleteNevertheless--when the big bang comes many will already be corralled...
If we can just stay tuned and avoid the dragnet...that is the challenge.