Well...I am Festivus too. I just like to piss off the Rothschild crew that is demanding the use of the words, "Seasons Greatings"...the left hooshkta v the right skapingonink. Da?
§ 3128. Proof of death to support payment
A finding of death made by an officer or employee of the United States Government authorized by law to make the finding is sufficient proof of death to allow credit in the accounts of a Federal reserve bank or accountable official of the Department of the Treasury in a case involving the transfer, exchange, reissue, redemption, or payment of obligations of the Government, including obligations guaranteed by the Government for which the Secretary of the Treasury acts as transfer agent.
Hohohowohow...what a brilliant straight ahead balling out of the prime minister. Yea...where is someone here in Amerika doing this in the fridgid fascist marble halls of DC?
Bravo to Mr. Daniel Hannan! May his mighty balls continue to clang! May the reverberation and echoes of the sounds of Truth and Reality roust the PM and his boot lickers to shame and infamy. This is the kind of real rhetoric and "hold their feet to the fire" bombast that MUST be shouted in public around the world -- in the faces of the elites and in the halls of power. We'll go with some mighty verbal AssKickings like this for starters, then arrest, investigate, and try all these shysters for treason. Might as well round up all of Congress and start there. Hardly a one would make it through an accounting.
A Very Merry Festivus to All COTO bravehearts around the world. Awesome header Puddy; fabulous toon by Laughnmatter. There's nothing more offensive to freedom loving people than having men in uniforms, wearing guns, sticking their hands down your briefs. When they reach for your children...brothers and sisters -- there's a line in the sand, and its time for the uniforms to reach for the sky!
Has anyone here read the original by F. A. Hayek, The Road To Serfdom?
I would recomend it to all. It is not what the neocons, who have embraced it and defiled it, claim that it is. I read the book about three years ago. It is brilliant...and predictive.
"In March 2009, British conservative Daniel Hannan became a celebrity overnight when he assailed prime minister Gordon Brown on the floor of the European Parliament. The YouTube clip went viral, leading to whirlwind appearances on FOX News and other conservative media outlets. A thoughtful and articulate spokesman for conservative ideas, Hannan is better versed in America's traditions and founding documents than many Americans are. In The New Road to Serfdom, Hannan argues forcefully and passionately that Americans must not allow Barack Obama to take them down the road to European Union–style social democracy. He pleads with Americans not to abandon the founding principles that have made their country a beacon of liberty for the rest of the world.”
By the same token we must not let the antithesis of fascism, as represented by Bushian neoconservatism take us in essentially the same direction, simply using switched roadsigns.~ww \\ll//
PODZEMI Inc this makes sense of all the naval vessle analogisms aye?
How many of you out there had the intuition early on in life that "they were lying to" you?
About the time I went into 7th grade..you know, became a pubenista, this feeling that everything was a load of bullshit came over me. And to be frank [rather than CHARLY] that feeling did nothng but amplify as I grew older.
It all gets downright Fight Club to me. You know, like telling the Papal Knight, "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on".
We all should know why the exterminated the "worm eaters". There was something in the native American genes that just wouldn't give into slavery. Same problem the Brits had with the Irish.
Anyway Pod fellow, this OFFICIAL tweedledomdadee gets the cosmic laugh off here at sovereign individual headquarters, \\ll//
"CHILDREN, STAY AWAY FROM THE LIGHT" DON'T GO TO THE LIGHT" The darkness is safe. There's no boggieman, just boggleman and he is the light.
My reoccurring dream - Age four. Dark room, shadowy men at the table. No Fear! But I was afraid of Beacon Lights and huddled to the wall under the window. "CHILDREN, STAY AWAY FROM THE LIGHT" DON'T GO TO THE LIGHT"
Herr God, Herr Lucifer, Beware. Beware.
Out of the ash I rise with my red hair And I eat men like air.
"... and in the Moon of Falling Leaves, they made a treaty with Red Cloud that said our country would be ours as long as grass should grow and water flow. You can see that it is not the grass and the water that have forgotten."
If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom: and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that, too.
this little piggy went to the market this little piggy stayed home this little piggy had roast beef this little piggy had none this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home
"It's an insult to his mother and to his father, and I knew his mother and father; they were my friends, and I have an emotional interest in that," Governor Abercrombie said in a telephone interview late Thursday. "It's an emotional insult. It is disrespectful to the president; it is disrespectful to the office."
~Gov. Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii, who befriended President Obama's parents when they were university students here, has been in office for less than three weeks.
**********ww> Well here's a guy with no conflicts of interest, aye? Gee, I wonder how he ended up governor of Hawaii?
Do I? Not really...this is so transparent someone should be sacked for making up such trite drivel. \\ll//
Ho Hum. Its a Pugilistic Festivus for the Rest of Us. Goobers like this Abercrombie newbie don't waste any time at the foot locker do they? Sheesh, he starts licking the boots as soon as he hits the front porch! Whatever. He's got a black tongue now, and its wagging in the dark so we can't see it.
Disrespectful? How does COTO spell Disrepect? D-I-S-M-E-D...U-D-E & I'll Flock your Tree 4 Free!
COTO is not blinded by no ShitStorm Snowstorm blowing in off the lips of some profligate propagandizer. HELL! We shoot goose down every time they fly by the blind! PULL! Another loser flaps his lips on by lazily spouting the party line...and KAPOW! Shot down by Intellect! Busted out of the SKY by incontrovertible TRUTH! BLAMMO!!! Unloaded upon by wee people sporting nothing but a pocket a common sense and a refined sense of right and wrong...
They shoulda known better.
Not everybody is a sheep.
When you're another brother/sister critter you can spot the weasels in the forest, spy the wolves in the dark, smell the skunks in the swamp, dodge the coyotes running flank, and laugh at the clowns at every step. Sooooowwweeeee PIGS!
The practical arguments for liberty have been made ad nauseam.
The excuses for tyranny are pan-historical. The argument is over.
Those who choose tyranny do so of their own free will and will be judged accordingly. The time is up, judgment day arrives and the tyrants ass is grass. Brought upon themselves.
Your correct rogue, the argument is over even though the rest of the steaks on the table would gladly sell us out to feed at the trough of corporate fascism. This is why I'm underground. I've noticed that the people just want their return from the ponzi scheme so they can buy tawdry plastic shit from wal-mart, target, etc. Why should I risk my life for people who don't give a damn ? So I focused on my tradition for future generations. I made the decision that it was better to survive and pass down the knowledge. However, I believe hubris will be the downfall of the nwo, they will destroy themselves. To many people seeking power, the very element which propels the beast will be it's demise. Ask yourself, do you think an economy built on greed & deception will last very long ? We had learned a long time ago that empires held by force fall eventually to their own vices. So here I sit, clack'n away at this keyboard, talking to all of you, the State of Coto. Even though I've never met any of you I feel a kinship of spirit in a common cause. While reading news at klown kar I stumble on a "rag-tag" group of truth seekers who looked past the tripe two party illusion and dug into the deep politics of the globalist quest for empire. I want to thank each and every one of you, and if I only could give you a big hug. maybe one day, buy you a drink at M's bar a Coto conference in NOLA Ignatius say's he'll attend so will I
Jeez, I wonder what set Neil off, maybe someone brandished those nude pix of "Ann" on Frank's hardwood floor in nothing but high heels and asked why the Dunhams hooked her up and then married her off to that agenteur with a wife back in Kenya??? Just cuz Stanley met him at the airport??
"I have an emotional interest in that,"~Neil Abercrappy
He has a PERSONAL vendeta, openly admitted to because of his recusable, insider ties to that which is already determined to be illegitimate power linkages.
And all of this goes on blatantly in public--because the public is as conscious and thoughtful as a sack of potatoes.
Wonder if he's seen the shot of Ann sipping champaign rectally directly from the bottle?
I found today, that Jesse Ventura's "Conspiracy Theory" shows are shown on regular TV (tru TV) pretty much one right after the other. I watched an episode on "Wall Street", an episode on "The Water Heist". Information is "out there" regarding the depths of corruption infesting government. Hardly, can the Truth be refuted much longer! Only the lithium dull, the homeless in the land, and the masses of troubled peasants walk on without rebelling in the most vicious way to defend themselves against the depraved and corrupt PTB. Arise! For a Plague has descended upon you from HELL!
There's no denying Ventura's impact with his TV show. Suddenly it's "in" to be a conspiracy nut.
Its hard for them to smear an honest man, and say anything you want about JV, one thing that seems to ring true, he's a stand-up kind of guy, that resonates with many across the political spectrum.
But again, what does it all mean? How does Ventura's show get on if the PTB have the control we give them credit for? Does it mean it doesn't matter if we know the truth now, perhaps because the NWO-bullet has already entered the frontal lobe and its too late to duck?
I certainly hope that its because they are losing control. That would be exciting. But it could also be extremely dangerous, if that would be the case, but there is no "safe" place to go now, is there?
Going on forums now you're not challenged one-tenth as much as just 3-years ago mentioning 9/11. The transformation can be heard listening to C-SPAN where nearly every episode some knowledgeable, articulate, creditable caller will lay out the truth, no matter what the topic. Acting like agents of COTO.
Yeah, we've arrived ... to what remains to be seen, but its what we have been asking for, that the truth be known. No one I know promised it would be pretty.
"But again, what does it all mean? How does Ventura’s show get on if the PTB have the control we give them credit for? Does it mean it doesn’t matter if we know the truth now, perhaps because the NWO-bullet has already entered the frontal lobe and its too late to duck?" ~ M
Great point, M. And Rogue also makes a valid point. So we must ask the burning question -- are they cornered? I haven't seen anything yet to make me think they are afraid of the neutered "Justice System" (sic). They are as yet unafraid of lynch mobs or the potential reality of what Bush, Snr. said,"If the American People knew what we had done, they would hang us from the lamp posts".
I really don't sense any fear in the fearmongers. This might be their achille's heel, or probably just hubris and a psychopath's non-reaction to stimuli and instinct that a "normal" would feel. None-the-less, they boldly go where only psychopaths have gone before. The fact that the "old guard", like Kissinger, Rothchilds, Rockefellers, and their ilk are still walking upright tells me humanity has yet to enforce security measures stringent enough to protect themselves from predation.
This does not mean the tables cannot turn in one fort-night. And for the psychopaths reading this...the night will not always stay dark enough for you to hide, nor will the spotlights always continue to burnish your egos. Karma is patient. When you least expect it, your fear and loathing will return to you 1 Trillion fold.
The unmasking will continue from a thousand points of light you never comprehended. The fires of Truth shall stalk your dreams, and consume you to the dung heap you sprung from. The preposition that ended this last sentence is a premonition of Human Nature righting the wrongs you committed with no conscience. Humanity's conscience cannot be conquered. Ever.
"Are they cornered?"--No that is not what the Revelation of the Method is about. It is more of a signal meaning "Checkmate". It is a snear, not a whimper.
They remind us is their superior way that they remind us from time to time, that ignorance is no excuse under the law, and therefore it is the mass of humanity that goes along that has the final responsiblilty. They offer no excuse to the law because the masses pay no attention to the law, and allow their "legalisms" void the law. Anyone with common sense can see how this is done, it is a transparent fraud. But they have put the proles in trance with the voodoo mumbojumbo. They feel quite confident that their boggie woogie works.
Hubris is punished when a Toto Event appears~Apocalypse, a lifting of veils. They have, or will miscalculate out of arrogance, and the repercussions will be immense. \\ll//
Dig this News Roundup COTO kids; The veils they be a lifting:
WikiLeaks: U.S. Drug Agency Eavesdropping Extends 'Far Beyond' Narcotics 26 Dec 2010 The Drug Enforcement Administration has been transformed into a global intelligence organization with a reach that extends far beyond narcotics, and an eavesdropping operation so expansive it has to fend off foreign politicians who want to use it against their political enemies, according to secret diplomatic cables... In Venezuela, the local intelligence service turned the tables on the D.E.A., infiltrating its operations, sabotaging equipment and hiring a computer hacker to intercept American Embassy e-mails, the cables report.
DEA reach goes global, beyond drugs: report 25 Dec 2010 The US Drug Enforcement Administration has grown into a global intelligence organization whose reach extends far beyond international drug trafficking, The New York Times reported. Citing documents from the whistleblower website WikiLeaks, the newspaper said the DEA's operations had become so expansive the agency has had to fend off foreign politicians who want to use it against their political enemies.
'US not to close Guantanamo in near future' 26 Dec 2010 The White House says the US administration will not be able to close Guantanamo Bay detention center in the near future despite President Barack Obama's promise. "It's certainly not going to close in the next month. I think it's going to be a while before that prison closes," CNN quoted White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs as saying on Sunday. Gibbs also suggested that the recent influx of Republicans in Congress could make fulfilling closing the prison more difficult.
Gibbs: Indefinite Guantanamo detentions 'regrettable' 26 Dec 2010 White House press secretary Robert Gibbs says it's unfortunate that some terrorist suspects at Guantanamo Bay need to be held indefinitely without trial. "...Some would be tried in military commissions, likely spending the rest of their lives in a maximum-security prison that nobody, including terrorists, have ever escaped from. Some, regrettably, will have to be indefinitely detained," Gibbs said in an interview aired Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union," describing Obama's beleaguered plan for closing Guantanamo.
Executive order for indefinite detention reviews being drafted 22 Dec 2010 President Barack Obama said Wednesday his administration is trying to figure out what to do with detainees at the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, who can't be prosecuted but are 'too dangerous' to be released. Earlier in the day the White House acknowledged that administration officials are drafting an executive order to set up a review process for detainees prisoners held indefinitely at Guantanamo. Such an order would be further acknowledgment by Obama that his campaign pledge to close Guantanamo Bay will remain unfulfilled for the foreseeable future for the foreseeable future for the foreseeable future for the foreseeable future...
Yea, for the foreseeable future. Not a real long distance view is it...like What Future? \\ll// for the foreseeable future for the foreseeable future
The United States is engaged in the longest war in its 234-year history in Afghanistan, one that will begin its eleventh calendar year in two weeks. Like the war that had been America’s longest before now, that in Indochina, the current one is in the Asian continent. Since the U.S. invasion in 2001 opium production has grown by 40,000 percent (according to Russian estimates), with Afghanistan accounting for 92 percent of the world’s cultivation of the narcotic. In addition to the killing of Afghan civilians by U.S. and NATO air and night raids, bomb attacks against civilians, including suicide bombings, are regular occurrences in Afghanistan and in neighboring Pakistan and Iran.
Last month the U.S. and NATO flew 850 combat sorties, three times more than in November of last year. From January through November of this year foreign occupation forces’ aircraft have conducted 30,000 close air support missions for troops on the ground. In the last six months U.S. and NATO forces have launched 7,000 special operations missions in Afghanistan. [1] NATO helicopter gunships have also increased raids inside Pakistan, including one in September that killed three Pakistani border troops.~Rick Rozoff - Dec 17, 10 \\ll//
I'm perhaps guilty of committing the worst crime an activist can commit, I've known this time was coming most all my life. I had no illusions early on. Yet I couldn't be less prepared if I tried.
But than again, how does one get prepared for what's coming unless you can afford a private island and security force? And even then I don't believe you'd be safe.
Damn, its going to get squirrely. The quickening is upon us. There are those better prepared than I, in all manners, that could do a better job predicting what's coming, but I don't believe I'd be far off by saying a good many of us are way too vulnerable to survive what's coming.
Which is okay with me, in that I've pretty much lived my life and although I have no fear of dying at the same time would like to stick around long enough to see how this turns out.
Maybe its just the big build-up to 2012 syndrome and brainwashing, or just plain old survival instinct, whatever it is has been a trip.
Like you I am thankful for living my life in the period I did and that I am in my 60s now, the best years spent when it was obvious enough to get it, but still not crunched by techno like it is today.
I even made it hitchhiking across the states several times over. That is a lot of time "outside" in the elements much of the time, and amongst strangers who are either kind and giving, or weird and creepy. I met a lot of either kind.
But all in all the experiences with everyday people on those trips were positive. They were for the most part simple and naive. Even the hostile often turned out to be more curious at the core of them...and a bit of patient unfearful dialog brought that out quite readily.
Compared with the 21st century that is a vanished world... I'm glad I was there first. The cusp has been fascinating.
Whatever comes M, we will always have that. \\ll//
"Maybe its just the big build-up to 2012 syndrome and brainwashing..."~ M
Don't doubt your intuition M. Take a look at this:
Unless the prevailing ocean currents of the past 10,000 years are restored, we may be looking at mass crop failures, starvation and ultimately, the collapse of the economies of the Northern Hemisphere.
LOL ... I got on C-SPAN today and they cut me off when I mentioned CODEX and I.G. Farben, said I "went off the rails," ... as it were. Of course I wouldn't be "off the rails" if what I just said was true. But that is something the stupor prevents some from seeing.
But to bing-bats credit he did bring-up what I mentioned about cloned meats and fluoride, later on in the episode.
I'm the first caller 4 minutes in. Max from Meridian.
Gulf Stream has lost its force and is no longer circulating enough warm water to the northern hemisphere to permit continuation of our agriculture. Summary of the problem and a note on how to maximize mankinds chances of finding and making the best moves that remain to us.
Listen to Simmon's before his death:
This is a quickly written warning from Dick Eastman--full of typos...full of info...
for the blind masses history is what happened last week- seems the ability to remember much at all is missing in most, fluoride? chemtrails? the food? all of the above+MSM
dont lose sleep on this one, Gore tried to use it too. it HAS happened before its not "special" as such. try about 80 yrs ago russia and asia had almost the same heat and floods from a similar blocking pattern, add the ENSO and la Nina. just move to be sth of boston , thats the old ice line for america:-)
Ha ha ha ha ha....deck the halls with balls of bullshit tra la la la la la la...
Happy Festivus for the rest of us. Thanks for the reminder of some of Satan Nicholas' nazi ELF squad M.
ReplyDeleteWell...I am Festivus too.
ReplyDeleteI just like to piss off the Rothschild crew that is demanding the use of the words,
"Seasons Greatings"...the left hooshkta v the right skapingonink. Da?
Now is the moment of power.
Looks like two loose wheels here tonight. I think I'll read my new XXMAS carroll
ReplyDeleteNEW ROAD TO SERFDOM by Daniel Hannan
MERRY FESTIVUS FRIEND WILLIE and to all a peaceful eve
purrrr ...
ReplyDeleteTITLE 31 >
§ 3128
§ 3128. Proof of death to support payment
A finding of death made by an officer or employee of the United States Government authorized by law to make the finding is sufficient proof of death to allow credit in the accounts of a Federal reserve bank or accountable official of the Department of the Treasury in a case involving the transfer, exchange, reissue, redemption, or payment of obligations of the Government, including obligations guaranteed by the Government for which the Secretary of the Treasury acts as transfer agent.
Hohohowohow...what a brilliant straight ahead balling out of the prime minister.
ReplyDeleteYea...where is someone here in Amerika doing this in the fridgid fascist marble halls of DC?
I loved hearing that, thanks Patrick.
Tickled pink, \\ll//
Bravo to Mr. Daniel Hannan! May his mighty balls continue to clang! May the reverberation and echoes of the sounds of Truth and Reality roust the PM and his boot lickers to shame and infamy. This is the kind of real rhetoric and "hold their feet to the fire" bombast that MUST be shouted in public around the world -- in the faces of the elites and in the halls of power. We'll go with some mighty verbal AssKickings like this for starters, then arrest, investigate, and try all these shysters for treason. Might as well round up all of Congress and start there. Hardly a one would make it through an accounting.
ReplyDeleteA Very Merry Festivus to All COTO bravehearts around the world. Awesome header Puddy; fabulous toon by Laughnmatter. There's nothing more offensive to freedom loving people than having men in uniforms, wearing guns, sticking their hands down your briefs. When they reach for your children...brothers and sisters -- there's a line in the sand, and its time for the uniforms to reach for the sky!
ReplyDeleteHas anyone here read the original by F. A. Hayek, The Road To Serfdom?
ReplyDeleteI would recomend it to all. It is not what the neocons, who have embraced it and defiled it, claim that it is.
I read the book about three years ago. It is brilliant...and predictive.
"In March 2009, British conservative Daniel Hannan became a celebrity overnight when he assailed prime minister Gordon Brown on the floor of the European Parliament. The YouTube clip went viral, leading to whirlwind appearances on FOX News and other conservative media outlets. A thoughtful and articulate spokesman for conservative ideas, Hannan is better versed in America's traditions and founding documents than many Americans are. In The New Road to Serfdom, Hannan argues forcefully and passionately that Americans must not allow Barack Obama to take them down the road to European Union–style social democracy. He pleads with Americans not to abandon the founding principles that have made their country a beacon of liberty for the rest of the world.”
By the same token we must not let the antithesis of fascism, as represented by Bushian neoconservatism take us in essentially the same direction, simply using switched roadsigns.~ww
ReplyDeleteThe laws of Mortimer a'twisto via criminal "legal" manipulatos.
Read Jefferson's argument against Hamilton's proposal for a national bank.
A brilliant argument.
Yadahoo Boomeroo,
ReplyDeleteWe don't need no stinking badges.
"How the Animated Series G.I. Joe Predicted Today’s Illuminati Dajjal Agenda"
This is actually quite an eye opening and fascinating article~ww
Merry Christmas Coto
ReplyDeletepurrrrr ...
The Essential Craft of the European politician
"The truth prime minister is
that you have run out of our money,
the country as a whole
is now in negative equity.
Every British child is born
owing around 20 thousand pounds.
servicing the interest on that dept
is going to cost more than educating the child."
hmmm.. the child owes money ?
to whom does the child owe money ?
and why ?
later he goes on as follows ;
"It is true,
that we are all sailing together
into the squalls
but not every vessel
in the convoy
is in the same dilapidated condition.
Other ships used the good years
to caulk their hulls and clear their rigging,
in other words, to pay off debt,
but you used the good years to raise borrowing yet further.
As a consequence under your captaincy,
our hull is pressed deep into the water line
under the accumulated weight of your debt."
PODZEMI Inc this makes sense of all the naval vessle analogisms aye?
ReplyDeleteHow many of you out there had the intuition early on in life that "they were lying to" you?
About the time I went into 7th grade..you know, became a pubenista, this feeling that everything was a load of bullshit came over me.
And to be frank [rather than CHARLY] that feeling did nothng but amplify as I grew older.
It all gets downright Fight Club to me. You know, like telling the Papal Knight, "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on".
We all should know why the exterminated the "worm eaters". There was something in the native American genes that just wouldn't give into slavery. Same problem the Brits had with the Irish.
Anyway Pod fellow, this OFFICIAL tweedledomdadee gets the cosmic laugh off here at sovereign individual headquarters, \\ll//
Boogie man - Age 3
The darkness is safe. There's no boggieman, just boggleman and he is the light.
My reoccurring dream - Age four. Dark room, shadowy men at the table. No Fear!
But I was afraid of Beacon Lights and huddled to the wall under the window.
Herr God, Herr Lucifer,
Out of the ash
I rise with my red hair
And I eat men like air.
oooogiiee- ooooooggggieee - boooogiillliiieee
purrrr ...
ReplyDelete"... and in the Moon of Falling Leaves,
they made a treaty with Red Cloud
that said our country would be ours
as long as grass should grow and water flow.
You can see that it is not the grass
and the water that have forgotten."
- Black Elk
Tyranny begins where the rule of law ends.
ReplyDelete~Mr. Obtuse, festivus, 2010
Happy Festivus, Coto! (great header PD)
ReplyDeleteIf a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom: and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that, too.
~W. Somerset Maugham
this little piggy went to the market
ReplyDeletethis little piggy stayed home
this little piggy had roast beef
this little piggy had none
this little piggy went wee wee wee
all the way home
"It's an insult to his mother and to his father, and I knew his mother and father; they were my friends, and I have an emotional interest in that," Governor Abercrombie said in a telephone interview late Thursday. "It's an emotional insult. It is disrespectful to the president; it is disrespectful to the office."
ReplyDelete~Gov. Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii, who befriended President Obama's parents when they were university students here, has been in office for less than three weeks.
Well here's a guy with no conflicts of interest, aye? Gee, I wonder how he ended up governor of Hawaii?
Do I?
Not really...this is so transparent someone should be sacked for making up such trite drivel.
Prescient. I hope you don't mind...purrrrr
ReplyDeleteHo Hum. Its a Pugilistic Festivus for the Rest of Us. Goobers like this Abercrombie newbie don't waste any time at the foot locker do they? Sheesh, he starts licking the boots as soon as he hits the front porch! Whatever. He's got a black tongue now, and its wagging in the dark so we can't see it.
ReplyDeleteDisrespectful? How does COTO spell Disrepect? D-I-S-M-E-D...U-D-E & I'll Flock your Tree 4 Free!
COTO is not blinded by no ShitStorm Snowstorm blowing in off the lips of some profligate propagandizer. HELL! We shoot goose down every time they fly by the blind! PULL! Another loser flaps his lips on by lazily spouting the party line...and KAPOW! Shot down by Intellect! Busted out of the SKY by incontrovertible TRUTH! BLAMMO!!! Unloaded upon by wee people sporting nothing but a pocket a common sense and a refined sense of right and wrong...
They shoulda known better.
Not everybody is a sheep.
When you're another brother/sister critter you can spot the weasels in the forest, spy the wolves in the dark, smell the skunks in the swamp, dodge the coyotes running flank, and laugh at the clowns at every step. Sooooowwweeeee PIGS!
May the pork find the fork.
"How could they know their in the best selling show...is the life on Mars?"~Bowie
ReplyDeleteMaybe, but there is definitely life on COTO, and the herdalistic fatalistic mystical bop of the proles is indeed quite the show.
Homo Vishnu Amerikanus Flacidus bah bah slaughtershop hop.
Gruesome Carousels
The practical arguments for liberty have been made ad nauseam.
ReplyDeleteThe excuses for tyranny are pan-historical. The argument is over.
Those who choose tyranny do so of their own free will and will be judged accordingly.
The time is up, judgment day arrives and the tyrants ass is grass.
Brought upon themselves.
And the same back atcha M, I'm sure.
Your correct rogue,
ReplyDeletethe argument is over
even though the rest
of the steaks on the table
would gladly sell us out
to feed at the trough
of corporate fascism.
This is why I'm underground.
I've noticed that the people
just want their return from
the ponzi scheme so they
can buy tawdry plastic shit
from wal-mart, target, etc.
Why should I risk my life
for people who don't give a damn ?
So I focused on my tradition
for future generations.
I made the decision that
it was better to survive
and pass down the knowledge.
However, I believe hubris
will be the downfall of the nwo,
they will destroy themselves.
To many people seeking power,
the very element which propels
the beast will be it's demise.
Ask yourself, do you think an
economy built on greed & deception
will last very long ? We had learned
a long time ago that empires held by
force fall eventually to their own vices.
So here I sit, clack'n away at this keyboard,
talking to all of you, the State of Coto.
Even though I've never met any of you
I feel a kinship of spirit in a common cause.
While reading news at klown kar I stumble on
a "rag-tag" group of truth seekers who looked
past the tripe two party illusion and dug into
the deep politics of the globalist quest for empire.
I want to thank each and every one of you,
and if I only could give you a big hug.
maybe one day, buy you a drink at M's bar
a Coto conference in NOLA
Ignatius say's he'll attend
so will I
purrr ...
Yo Pod,
ReplyDelete"Here's lookin' at you kid" [~Bogey, Casablanca]
Yea...maybe one day at M's bar in NOLA...that'd be great.
Jeez, I wonder what set Neil off, maybe someone brandished those nude pix of "Ann" on Frank's hardwood floor in nothing but high heels and asked why the Dunhams hooked her up and then married her off to that agenteur with a wife back in Kenya??? Just cuz Stanley met him at the airport??
ReplyDelete"I have an emotional interest in that,"~Neil Abercrappy
ReplyDeleteHe has a PERSONAL vendeta, openly admitted to because of his recusable, insider ties to that which is already determined to be illegitimate power linkages.
And all of this goes on blatantly in public--because the public is as conscious and thoughtful as a sack of potatoes.
Wonder if he's seen the shot of Ann sipping champaign rectally directly from the bottle?
A coto party at M's bar sounds fanbloodytastic!. Damn, can you imagine THAT conversation and the dirty looks we'd get from eavesdroppers ? haha
ReplyDeleteI love you guys. Every last one of you :)
If it was my bar you can be assured we'd be applauded. Id's have a sign over the door saying I'd have right to refuse service to dumb-asses.
ReplyDeleteWe could MAKE it your bar for a night M.
Hoisting one to all of you liberty jibbets! Salute.
ReplyDeleteI found today, that Jesse Ventura's "Conspiracy Theory" shows are shown on regular TV (tru TV) pretty much one right after the other. I watched an episode on "Wall Street", an episode on "The Water Heist". Information is "out there" regarding the depths of corruption infesting government. Hardly, can the Truth be refuted much longer! Only the lithium dull, the homeless in the land, and the masses of troubled peasants walk on without rebelling in the most vicious way to defend themselves against the depraved and corrupt PTB. Arise! For a Plague has descended upon you from HELL!
ReplyDeleteThere's no denying Ventura's impact with his TV show. Suddenly it's "in" to be a conspiracy nut.
Its hard for them to smear an honest man, and say anything you want about JV, one thing that seems to ring true, he's a stand-up kind of guy, that resonates with many across the political spectrum.
But again, what does it all mean? How does Ventura's show get on if the PTB have the control we give them credit for? Does it mean it doesn't matter if we know the truth now, perhaps because the NWO-bullet has already entered the frontal lobe and its too late to duck?
I certainly hope that its because they are losing control. That would be exciting. But it could also be extremely dangerous, if that would be the case, but there is no "safe" place to go now, is there?
Going on forums now you're not challenged one-tenth as much as just 3-years ago mentioning 9/11. The transformation can be heard listening to C-SPAN where nearly every episode some knowledgeable, articulate, creditable caller will lay out the truth, no matter what the topic. Acting like agents of COTO.
Yeah, we've arrived ... to what remains to be seen, but its what we have been asking for, that the truth be known. No one I know promised it would be pretty.
Yea Mr. M,
ReplyDeleteWhat you are pointing out here is the "Revalation of the Method"...
And so boldly now, it means there is BIG DANGER in the offing. Make now mistake about that.
And also remember there is nothing more dangerous than a cornered rat.
Well, we are coming on 2011...a harbinger of great novelty and change.
You think 2010 was a roller coaster...
B, b, baby, you ain't seen nuthin yet.
"But again, what does it all mean? How does Ventura’s show get on if the PTB have the control we give them credit for? Does it mean it doesn’t matter if we know the truth now, perhaps because the NWO-bullet has already entered the frontal lobe and its too late to duck?" ~ M
ReplyDeleteGreat point, M. And Rogue also makes a valid point. So we must ask the burning question -- are they cornered? I haven't seen anything yet to make me think they are afraid of the neutered "Justice System" (sic). They are as yet unafraid of lynch mobs or the potential reality of what Bush, Snr. said,"If the American People knew what we had done, they would hang us from the lamp posts".
I really don't sense any fear in the fearmongers. This might be their achille's heel, or probably just hubris and a psychopath's non-reaction to stimuli and instinct that a "normal" would feel. None-the-less, they boldly go where only psychopaths have gone before. The fact that the "old guard", like Kissinger, Rothchilds, Rockefellers, and their ilk are still walking upright tells me humanity has yet to enforce security measures stringent enough to protect themselves from predation.
This does not mean the tables cannot turn in one fort-night. And for the psychopaths reading this...the night will not always stay dark enough for you to hide, nor will the spotlights always continue to burnish your egos. Karma is patient. When you least expect it, your fear and loathing will return to you 1 Trillion fold.
The unmasking will continue from a thousand points of light you never comprehended. The fires of Truth shall stalk your dreams, and consume you to the dung heap you sprung from. The preposition that ended this last sentence is a premonition of Human Nature righting the wrongs you committed with no conscience. Humanity's conscience cannot be conquered. Ever.
"Are they cornered?"--No that is not what the Revelation of the Method is about.
ReplyDeleteIt is more of a signal meaning "Checkmate". It is a snear, not a whimper.
They remind us is their superior way that they remind us from time to time, that ignorance is no excuse under the law, and therefore it is the mass of humanity that goes along that has the final responsiblilty.
They offer no excuse to the law because the masses pay no attention to the law, and allow their "legalisms" void the law.
Anyone with common sense can see how this is done, it is a transparent fraud. But they have put the proles in trance with the voodoo mumbojumbo.
They feel quite confident that their boggie woogie works.
Hubris is punished when a Toto Event appears~Apocalypse, a lifting of veils.
They have, or will miscalculate out of arrogance, and the repercussions will be immense.
As Hegel noted, the most obvious lesson in history is that people don't pay attention to history.
ReplyDeleteSo whatever revelation occures to the people at large, it won't be a sudden comprehension of history. It will be something immediate, of the moment.
Only our imaginations can speak to that until the moment actually arrives.
Agreed Rogue1. In one swift movement, their plug will be pulled.
ReplyDeleteDig this News Roundup COTO kids; The veils they be a lifting:
ReplyDeleteWikiLeaks: U.S. Drug Agency Eavesdropping Extends 'Far Beyond' Narcotics 26 Dec 2010 The Drug Enforcement Administration has been transformed into a global intelligence organization with a reach that extends far beyond narcotics, and an eavesdropping operation so expansive it has to fend off foreign politicians who want to use it against their political enemies, according to secret diplomatic cables... In Venezuela, the local intelligence service turned the tables on the D.E.A., infiltrating its operations, sabotaging equipment and hiring a computer hacker to intercept American Embassy e-mails, the cables report.
DEA reach goes global, beyond drugs: report 25 Dec 2010 The US Drug Enforcement Administration has grown into a global intelligence organization whose reach extends far beyond international drug trafficking, The New York Times reported. Citing documents from the whistleblower website WikiLeaks, the newspaper said the DEA's operations had become so expansive the agency has had to fend off foreign politicians who want to use it against their political enemies.
'US not to close Guantanamo in near future' 26 Dec 2010 The White House says the US administration will not be able to close Guantanamo Bay detention center in the near future despite President Barack Obama's promise. "It's certainly not going to close in the next month. I think it's going to be a while before that prison closes," CNN quoted White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs as saying on Sunday. Gibbs also suggested that the recent influx of Republicans in Congress could make fulfilling closing the prison more difficult.
Gibbs: Indefinite Guantanamo detentions 'regrettable' 26 Dec 2010 White House press secretary Robert Gibbs says it's unfortunate that some terrorist suspects at Guantanamo Bay need to be held indefinitely without trial. "...Some would be tried in military commissions, likely spending the rest of their lives in a maximum-security prison that nobody, including terrorists, have ever escaped from. Some, regrettably, will have to be indefinitely detained," Gibbs said in an interview aired Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union," describing Obama's beleaguered plan for closing Guantanamo.
Executive order for indefinite detention reviews being drafted 22 Dec 2010 President Barack Obama said Wednesday his administration is trying to figure out what to do with detainees at the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, who can't be prosecuted but are 'too dangerous' to be released. Earlier in the day the White House acknowledged that administration officials are drafting an executive order to set up a review process for detainees prisoners held indefinitely at Guantanamo. Such an order would be further acknowledgment by Obama that his campaign pledge to close Guantanamo Bay will remain unfulfilled for the foreseeable future for the foreseeable future for the foreseeable future for the foreseeable future...
Yea, for the foreseeable future. Not a real long distance view is it...like What Future?
for the foreseeable future for the foreseeable future
ReplyDeleteThe United States is engaged in the longest war in its 234-year history in Afghanistan, one that will begin its eleventh calendar year in two weeks. Like the war that had been America’s longest before now, that in Indochina, the current one is in the Asian continent.
Since the U.S. invasion in 2001 opium production has grown by 40,000 percent (according to Russian estimates), with Afghanistan accounting for 92 percent of the world’s cultivation of the narcotic. In addition to the killing of Afghan civilians by U.S. and NATO air and night raids, bomb attacks against civilians, including suicide bombings, are regular occurrences in Afghanistan and in neighboring Pakistan and Iran.
Last month the U.S. and NATO flew 850 combat sorties, three times more than in November of last year. From January through November of this year foreign occupation forces’ aircraft have conducted 30,000 close air support missions for troops on the ground. In the last six months U.S. and NATO forces have launched 7,000 special operations missions in Afghanistan. [1] NATO helicopter gunships have also increased raids inside Pakistan, including one in September that killed three Pakistani border troops.~Rick Rozoff - Dec 17, 10
ReplyDeleteThe Gulf of Mexico is Dying
A Special Report on the BP Gulf Oil Spill
by Dr. Tom Termotto
Don't miss this any of you......
I'm perhaps guilty of committing the worst crime an activist can commit, I've known this time was coming most all my life. I had no illusions early on. Yet I couldn't be less prepared if I tried.
ReplyDeleteBut than again, how does one get prepared for what's coming unless you can afford a private island and security force? And even then I don't believe you'd be safe.
Damn, its going to get squirrely. The quickening is upon us. There are those better prepared than I, in all manners, that could do a better job predicting what's coming, but I don't believe I'd be far off by saying a good many of us are way too vulnerable to survive what's coming.
Which is okay with me, in that I've pretty much lived my life and although I have no fear of dying at the same time would like to stick around long enough to see how this turns out.
Maybe its just the big build-up to 2012 syndrome and brainwashing, or just plain old survival instinct, whatever it is has been a trip.
I'm with you there on so many levels Mr. M
ReplyDeleteLike you I am thankful for living my life in the period I did and that I am in my 60s now, the best years spent when it was obvious enough to get it, but still not crunched by techno like it is today.
I even made it hitchhiking across the states several times over. That is a lot of time "outside" in the elements much of the time, and amongst strangers who are either kind and giving, or weird and creepy. I met a lot of either kind.
But all in all the experiences with everyday people on those trips were positive.
They were for the most part simple and naive. Even the hostile often turned out to be more curious at the core of them...and a bit of patient unfearful dialog brought that out quite readily.
Compared with the 21st century that is a vanished world...
I'm glad I was there first. The cusp has been fascinating.
Whatever comes M, we will always have that.
"Maybe its just the big build-up to 2012 syndrome and brainwashing..."~ M
ReplyDeleteDon't doubt your intuition M. Take a look at this:
Unless the prevailing ocean currents of the past 10,000 years are restored, we may be looking at mass crop failures, starvation and ultimately, the collapse of the economies of the Northern Hemisphere.
LOL ... I got on C-SPAN today and they cut me off when I mentioned CODEX and I.G. Farben, said I "went off the rails," ... as it were. Of course I wouldn't be "off the rails" if what I just said was true. But that is something the stupor prevents some from seeing.
ReplyDeleteBut to bing-bats credit he did bring-up what I mentioned about cloned meats and fluoride, later on in the episode.
I'm the first caller 4 minutes in. Max from Meridian.
Off the rail maybe but that steamroller could have gone a long way Herr M.
ReplyDeleteYou were ready to go to all the way there Maximillian from Mississippi.
Love it!
It is so quite lately. Here where I am physically, and here on COTO.
ReplyDeleteIt's like everyone in the whole world has disappeared...am I Legend?
Gulf Stream has lost its force and is no longer circulating enough warm water to the northern hemisphere to permit continuation of our agriculture. Summary of the problem and a note on how to maximize mankinds chances of finding and making the best moves that remain to us.
ReplyDeleteListen to Simmon's before his death:
This is a quickly written warning from Dick Eastman--full of typos...full of info...
Take it for what it is.
Hey...did COTO Rapture?????????
'The taxpayer: That's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination.'~ Ronald Reagan
ReplyDeleteWell...he didn' wink and nod ALL the time...{grin}
BTW, Joe Bannister, the X-IRS agent charged with tax evasion, has been aquitted by a San Diego Jury on all counts. Today aroung 2PM.
Ooops make that a San Francisco jury........ww
ReplyDeleteHow does COTO spell Disrepect? D-I-S-M-E-D…U-D-E & I’ll Flock your Tree 4 Free!
ReplyDeleteBoomer, I love it, great T shirt slogan indeed.
I really like UKI Nigel Farage if you want to hear real truth dished to the EU cabal.
so very few of them..sigh
Happy whatever it is now to all COTO crew:-)
for the blind masses history is what happened last week- seems the ability to remember much at all is missing in most, fluoride? chemtrails? the food?
ReplyDeleteall of the above+MSM
dont lose sleep on this one, Gore tried to use it too.
ReplyDeleteit HAS happened before its not "special" as such.
try about 80 yrs ago russia and asia had almost the same heat and floods from a similar blocking pattern, add the ENSO and la Nina.
just move to be sth of boston , thats the old ice line for america:-)