Saturday, December 4, 2010
Conciliating the World to Order 3-4
We have seen the S.510 and S.787 working it's way to reality. We have seen the carbon scam up close and personal as well.
Along with multi-faceted United Nations entities, NGO's and Foundation Networks we have been introduced to the eugenics by soft kill information from food, water and Pharma watchdogs.
Some notables are the ICLEI which have invaded American cities and actively engineering both policy and minds. This component of the Genesis Project is really all about breaking the chain of a generation. Looking for ways to kill off the patriots, veterans, civically, republic and constitutionally minded population and elderly are a prime concern yet not as important as engineering the under twenty population through a global education or dumbing down curriculum depending on the highly focused identification of talent and intelligence.
Those who show the "right stuff" will be groomed and enjoined deeper into the committee corporate layers while other will be controlled by the techniques we have discussed in litany.
Jesse Ventura aired his "Worldwide Water Conspiracy" episode last night. I remembered years ago when the Nestle Co. took operation there and didn't give much thought to water crisis. Water is plentiful, manufacturable, airborn, desalinizable and recyclable.
Shortages are a figment of committee fear mongering and like global warming and natural disaster, all manipulated by their science czars, alchemists and propaganda drones. Here's a segment of the episode.
What is more concerning is the fact that they are adding estrogen disruptors, BPA, DES, Uranium, Lithium and heavy metals intentionally to public water systems. Google any or all for details. What is also concerning is that they have the ability to strike deeper to the core with water legislation. Even money grubbing committee schmuck T. Boone Pickins is on the ball.
Controlling food is second to water. Water is the single avenue to get the masses in one corral. What vaccines and bio-terror could not accomplish, the waterwars will. We have the legislation on the deck to eliminate any private food farming, manufacturing and selling but yet to see the new scam to control water consumption, well drilling, patent land rights to subterranean resources and eventually to land ownership. It's just a matter of time and continued ignorance by the forces we need to end this reign.
What makes this a perfect triad is that the same effort to control the resources are the same avenues they are using to sterilize and diminish the free army, dumb down the troops and emasculate our will and power.
Water and Food? Plentiful. Does anybody have the latest figures in trillions of dollars for farm subsidies? Though huge these figures pale in comparison to tax dollars going to committee corporate fear campaigns, staged shortages and scientific eugenics programs.
With new nanotechnology and other dubious endeavors we can look forward to further bio-engineering and breakthroughs to diminish any chance of turning the tide. Days are very short and the football and sitcoms suck folks. There's nothing there but additional sleepytime alpha sedatives to go with your Budweiser Bispenol A and GMO crusted high fructose tomato sauce.
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Yeah, we hear ya Puddy. Full Spectrum Dominance. Control Everything. The absolute Sickness of the 1% is in full bloom for everyone to see and smell should they decide to pay attention. You know; control water, food, fuel, the air the land the sea and all that in them is! They want to be as GOD! That's an old one ol'boy. Except, the true God, said there shall be no others before ME. So these imposters are play-acting in their sand box. Truly, a sickness.
ReplyDeleteFruition of NWO just up the road...and all I wanted was a cup of java and a ciggie, the fuckers.
"The China Model"...Rockefellers love boat. Wow, the water conspiracy is mind boggling.
ReplyDeleteGreat revelations from Ventura.
So how do we off Nestles? Send them a post card sying "please"? Right.
God damnit. \\ll//
If there were people with balls there would be hijackings of their trucks. Commando raids on their pumping stations. The people that run the plant and work there would fear for their lives.
ReplyDeleteBut to start boycotts of Nestle's products. The former will happen as things start breaking apart.
But frankly I'm not smart enough to predict what's going to happen only to say that it looks to get a whole lot worse before it gets any better - if it ever does.
I am left with only one puzzlement now, why is it that there are those of us that have to suffer the vision of the dark reality when our suffering is in vain?
why is it that there are those of us who have to suffer the vision of the dark reality when our suffering is in vain?
ReplyDeletethat, laughn, is THE question. well-asked.
in the scheme of things, could or would it be likely that those of us who have incarnated at this particular time in history are here only to see everything lost? the death and destruction of the earth and her inhabitants of all species? the shifting of the poles and the nearly irreparable trauma that would entail?
could that be? to me, that doesn't make any sense. it would make astuteness a form of torture. there has to be a way out. at least a way out of vast destruction and loss. there is something we are missing.
ReplyDeleteThe United States of Fear
by Tom Engelhardt
...And don't for a second think that it's going to end here. What happens when the first terrorist with a suppository bomb is found aboard one of our planes? After all, such weapons already exist. In the meantime, the imposition of more draconian safety and security methods is, of course, being considered for buses, trains, and boats. Can trucks, taxis, cars, and bikes be far behind? After all, once begun, there can, by definition, be no end to the search for perfect security.
"...there has to be a way out. at least a way out of vast destruction and loss. there is something we are missing."~Arcadia
ReplyDeleteI have long past come to the conclusion that I [we] who are so intent on 'witnessing' this carnage, are doing so in exactly the spiritual sense that is written in the so-called holy books.
Not being a religionist, but a spirtual person nontheless, I see it as a reward in itself, regardless of our ragged physical condition. And I believe we are eternal.
Put two and two together and you can see what the reward is.
ReplyDeleteThey include:
(1) Crimes of war and against humanity. All congressional members supporting the bogus war on terror and illegal Iraq and Afghan wars, including funding, are guilty, as are high, middle, and lower level administration officials, including the president and vice president.
(2) Looting the Treasury for Wall Street and corporate favorites.
(3) Bailing out criminal banks instead of nationalizing or closing them, and prosecuting their top officials for fraud and grand theft.
(4) Consigning millions of Americans to impoverishment without jobs, homes, savings, social services, or futures.
(5) Letting hunger, homelessness, and poverty fester while plundering the nation's resources illegally.
(6) Funding Israel's war machine, its crimes and overall lawlessness.
(7) Illegally supporting regime change in independent countries, including Venezuela, Iran, Honduras, Haiti, Ecuador, North Korea, and elsewhere.
(8) Prohibiting independent political parties from challenging a two-party dictatorship, supporting privilege, not popular interests.
(9) Endorsing pre-scripted, big money-funded fake elections, not a free, fair and open process.
(10) Allowing the world's largest homeland gulag to grow, persist, and commit grotesque crimes against inmates, many unjustly convicted.
(11) Passing police state laws, turning democracy into tyranny.
(12) Endorsing torture as official policy.
(13) Permitting the criminalization of activists, challenging state policy against imperial wars, homeland repression, and favoritism for wealth over vital popular needs.
(14) Endorsing a corrupted judicial system, including stacking the federal bench with right-wing ideologues.
(15) Passing wealth and power-friendly legislation, harming millions, including the middle class, targeted for destruction.
(16) Vilifying Muslims for their faith, ethnicity, prominence, activism, and charity.
(17) Targeting human rights attorneys and other lawyers who defend unpopular clients too vigorously.
(18) Calling patriotic whisleblowers traitors.
(19) Attacking a free and open Internet.
(20) Denying immigrants of color fair and just treatment.
(21) Supporting privatization of essential services, including healthcare and education.
(22) Working covertly to end Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other vital social services. ~Lendman
And not to be forgotten on the list above: ALL of this by a Criminal Syndicate posing, "Under Color of Authority" [a felony crime in itself] and shattering their oath to preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States of America.
ReplyDeleteThey are traitors, the entire so-called "government". \\ll//
then why rail against it?
ReplyDeleteMorgana, May I recommend the following, sure to raise your spirits:
ReplyDeleteI now believe that to be chosen as a friend of the divine is the greatest accomplishment to be had.
Need I repeat myself in yet one more way to present the same thing? Well, this time, let’s put it this way, these are strange times to be living in. The degree of ubiquitous criminality, coupled with deified ignorance, multiplied against the carnal face of materialism, has given birth to expressions of twisted and mocking countenances beyond count, with no point in counting them.
Those of us who are operating outside of these time zones are getting hit by mega-waves of negativity, generated from dark inner plane locations, which are actually the ruling and generating coordinates for all of the crime, ignorance and materialism already spoken of. As one adjusts, the assault is altered. It mutates like some form of cosmic HIV. It’s alive but, undead, might be a better term. It appears to feed on the life force, while what it generates is fear. Where fear doesn’t apply, confusion will do. Where confusion isn’t effective, appetite will serve.~Visible
“There is a road, steep and thorny, beset with perils of every kind, but yet a road, and it leads to the very heart of the Universe: I can tell you how to find those who will show you the secret gateway that opens inward only, and closes fast behind the neophyte for evermore. There is no danger that dauntless courage cannot conquer; there is no trial that spotless purity cannot pass through; there is no difficulty that strong intellect cannot surmount. For those who win onwards there is reward past all telling—the power to bless and save humanity; for those who fail, there are other lives in which success may come.”~Helen P Blavatsky
"then why rail against it?"~Morgana
ReplyDeleteIt is simply in our nature.
See my last post below>>
Perhaps its not done. Maybe this script isn't over and there is that thing we can't see, the X-Factor, if it exists at all.
ReplyDeleteI just know that to live like this is painful, and that the only brief moments of a joy I have exist under a cloud of sorrow. I'm not sure if I'm even capable of pure joy anymore, there is no innocents in me that is left, and hasn't been for a long, long time.
Is this the poison of the fruit of knowledge? I thought knowledge was supposed to enlighten you? Why is it I feel more cursed than blessed? Why is my heart rips as my mind searches for reason for the pain, is it to just make some sense out of this senselessness? Is there even a point to this bull-shit? Where's the reward? Is there a reward?
It seems a curse no matter which way you live this life, but again comes the question, if you swallow the Red Pill and you don't defeat the Matrix, what was it all for? If we've already flushed this planet down the toilet to what then do we give our heart?
Maybe we just hang in there to see if there is an answer. Just waiting for Godot. But he never comes. At least it sees, not in this life.
Mr. M.,
ReplyDeletePerhaps you might recognize what 'Self Talk' does to a psyche, and simply reconsider the way you experience all of this.
Deceit is a strange fellow. For every obvious answer, there are infinite rationalizations. Truth with a "twist". Soon, it appears that it is pointing in the opposite direction, to the gullible and in the minds of the practitioners of deceitfulness. Repeat the lie and some may start buying it. Hear your lying lips spill your "story" enough times and you're drinking your own kool-aid.
ReplyDeleteTrue treachery results from well-timed deceit, or perhaps from complex plots concocted by devious minds. True treachery springs from "secrecy" and what is done behind the veil. We've seen a tsunami of it in our lifetimes. Psychopaths, narcissists and sociopaths (perhaps all-in-one package of a person) will go to their graves never admitting the obvious.
Thank God there is a group of folks like COTO (and those readers that don't comment but think and form opinions) that realizes you can't create War, murder people under the color of it, call it an exercise in spreading freedom, and call it good. Some folks realize that "taking" anything from other humans without their consent, by fraud or force -- is stealing. I just offered two rather simple illustrations here. But normal humans understand my point. COTO attempts to cut through the bullshit and bravado of the insane criminals plaguing mankind -- and bring the shady into the sunlight. However clever the flim flam -- dark is not light, war is not peace, fraud is not honest, the twisted is not straight.
This surreal environment of crazed and corrupt predators is created by men who believe they "create their own reality". Just looking at the phrase I wrote in quotes makes me spit out a most obvious answer -- well that would be a delusion wouldn't it? We're dealing with delusional monsters. They will destroy the world if they thought they could get away with it. There's about two choices left for people in the world -- be delusional...or don't. I hope the choice of mankind is not to live in insanity.
I spent the evening with my neighbors twenty somethings and their two precious little boys 4 + 2. For me it's always been the kids.
ReplyDeleteThat's how I can clean the enormous deposits of committee waste from my soul. Though temporary, I feel momentarily normal and hopeful, though hope is a crock of committee vomit.
I say we fight for the kids. That's a death worth living.
"I hope the choice of mankind is not to live in insanity."~Boom
ReplyDeleteBut, the majority have and are.
Grace is not a majority vote, or decision.
It is individual and will be lived as such or sold.
It can be neither be stolen nor given away, for giving it away is recieving back a hundred fold, and those who would steal it do not recognize what to take.
We got the chemtrail snowstorm today. Toxic but silently final and in some way quite beautiful. Much like I imagine death and moving from the here to there.
ReplyDeleteI walked for three miles up into the mountain with my 7mm Marlin scope deer rifle and decided to forgo the target practice for the sound of silence.
I thought about twenty five years of madness, misery and pages of despair, being targeted for gangstalking, moving around and never feeling home. Today I felt home and it was a pretty good day.
Steve Lendman never minces words. Clear and precise, traits of the righteous. I love to read it in words.
ReplyDeleteSo now it looks as if wikipops might just be a portion of Blue Beam as well:
ReplyDeleteWikiLeaks: new diplomatic cables contain UFO details, Julian Assange says
New leaked diplomatic cables set to be published by Wikileaks will contain fresh details on UFOs, according to the website's founder Julian Assange.
Well said all. It appears Barry has been pumping up the volume and spilling alligator tears for the troops.
ReplyDeleteThey got some punch to drink just before he arrived and he proceeded to speak of fallen comrades and the price of freedom.
Wait till they return should they be so lucky and find out their benefits are cut and they are number one on the Barry O-saassination list. I can hear him laughing now from Air Farce One.
The double cross plus cross can have you wondering whether you are the koolaid drinking idiot at times. It has had me near insanity at moments. Thank you all for returning some of my marbles.
ReplyDeleteThe committee has been stealing them from me for years.
"I can hear him laughing now from Air Farce One."~Puddy
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to be here with you all--it keeps us sane. I'm glad you are uplifted here tonight Patrick. I certainly am.
With quips such as that quoted above, you have plenty of marbles intact.
Your thoughts on Grace ring true, Rogue1. So much insanity is swirling around us all right now, that we bump into it at the store, see and hear it through media, have it shouted at us through advertising, sales, and marketing, and then there is the colon of D.C. pumping out putrid propaganda all over the land that was once our home.
ReplyDeleteGrace is fine is pure is revitalizing...when you find it and those who are vessels holding a precious sample of it -- warm you hands and heart near the fire. Because the wind is blowing cold at your back most of the time.
they have probably been building up credibility so they could bring on the ufos. i think it is a hologram/wwII german saucers/usa saucers attack that is going to be used as THE universal threat that will cause our governments to declare global governance. to save us. so they can eat us later.
ReplyDeleteSunday's Wayne Madsen Report at
ReplyDeleteoffers Mr. Madsen's sentiments on a number of fronts (He should know a few things as he was former CIA, and offers a COTO-like cynical view of all things "official"). Seems he to thinks the Wikedleaks is Mossad.
You can't sell all the people all the time. Sometimes nobody buys a damn thing. "Consumers" should always and forever remember Mossad means "War by Deception". Case closed.
"THE universal threat that will cause our governments to declare global governance"~Arc
ReplyDeleteI think that is the plan. Personally I'd like to see how well they could pull off such a show...would you need special glasses like the viewing of AVATAR?
One thing; they hoak that one up and it could be their game spoiler.
Yea Boom,
ReplyDeleteWhenever the mainstream sewer waters turn someone into a hero, or a personality like has been done with Ass-anger...well, it's PR clear and simple. And especially since the 'demonization' card was very weakly applied;
but played 'melodrama-esq' by the "oh so hurt" "diplomoids"....
This wikiwinkie is a Punch and Judy show spun like cotton candy.
The thread below this one here on COTO, "Why 80% of Americans disbelieve the 9/11 'story'", is a case in point. I don't think the percentage of doubters of the "official story" is that high unfortunately, but perhaps a wider swath of folks have woken up from their daydream that they aren't lied to 24/7 by a propaganda machine. Repeated idiotic fanciful and illogical lies will tend to burn people out.
ReplyDeleteILLUSTRATION: If I buy something from you for $10 bucks, give you a $20, and you give me $4.99 back insisting that this "change" is correct despite the reality and mathematical impossibility; plus I've got your version of "reality" in my hand and it just doesn't add up -- I've been cheated, you're a Liar, and you've lost my trust in any further transactions. YOUR idea of "change" is non-reality based. Call an honest cop!
The illustration above is what almost ALL the government "officials" and media outlets spout -- Lies and B.S. Its so Obvious you know?!
ReplyDeleteWhile 9/11 served as a wake up call to those awake and aware enough to see the obvious demolitions and misinformation and resultant "Pearl Harbor" effect, most of the world fell for it. And now people are literally bending over, as in airport 'screenings', to the onslaught of police state fascism worldwide. It's staggering. In fact, it's Orwellian. The armies, police and private sector are at war with the vague concept of terrorism - an unbeatable enemy in a war that can be drawn out indefinitely and fought in any arena necessary.
And what was the result of this declared war on terrorism? Not a war on terror, but an increase in fear and terror, all to justify the economic, social and political clampdown that has followed.
What will the Wikileaks debacle herald?
You guessed it--the last bastion of freedom of information and expression, a free Internet, will topple. After all, if information is now the enemy, we must carefully police any and every aspect of this dangerous medium--all for the safety and protection of 'we the people'.
Oh, we'll still have the Internet, just like you can still fly. You'll just have to be on the "approved" list, screened, stamped, zapped, mugged and molested if you want to get "on the net". No biggie. Thanks Julian--job well done
"...Lies and B.S. Its so Obvious you know?!"~Boom
ReplyDeleteHey...THAT would be a GREAT name for a dissident group...something with "Obvious" in it...hmmm?
All good points. Don't forget the driving force = $Money$
ReplyDeleteThe Cash Cow for the elites that is the "war on terrorism" has got to be so freaking monstrously large that humanity would be hard-pressed to conceptually understand the magnitude of the Heist. The Losses to humanity are staggering!
"The Losses to humanity are staggering!"~Boom
ReplyDelete"Humanity" as in "humane"? yea...but how many in the mass called "humanity" truly are?
Remember, a culture is just the scum grown in a petri dish. Civilization is a myth.
Got two dimes and I'll show you a paradigm.
Homegrown is always best, whether herbal or tearist. Don't Tread On Me.
Well, glad you got out into the mountains. I knew they were working up your way as well. The Silence of the woods is calming. You're on the right track, making time for exercise and contemplation out-of-doors. The toxic beautiful silently final statement doesn't sound like you. Sounds like a deadly combination.
ReplyDeleteCheer up! We're all on a mad rush of waiting for...what?
Paradigm is right. To the sociopaths, humanity is just a bump to drive over, getting to the green stuff, and they can never have enough.
ReplyDeleteyou know, it is entirely possible that if the govt told the citizens that they would have to wear special glasses to see the ships, the majority would probably oblige. ohhhhnooo they are real now i can see them helphelphelp!!
ReplyDeleteholograms are amazing. they do it with sound as well. i don't know what that particular illusion is called - but for the past three or so weeks they have been trying it out right over my home, in the open space here in marin.
there is the sound of a low-flying plane, very loud, but it lingers too long. the sound is not exactly consistent with the sound of a plane approaching, flying overhead, then droning off until it is out of hearing range. it's off.
when i stand on the hill in the open space i can see for miles. especially on a clear day, when a celebrity or politician is visiting san francisco and they leave off with the chemtrails, it is easily observable that there is no plane. time after time - no plane. just the sound. but like in a japanese movie when their talking motions don't match the english voice-over.
they could easily fake the 'voice of god' with the clouds parting, etc. they have been working in hollywood for so long they are really good at special effects. i think that is part of how they are planning to dispense with a great many christians and planet exers. i believe they have been working on gigantic anti-gravity saucers that can hold a great many people believing they are being saved. it's pretty sad.
ReplyDeleteThe idea of Nuremberg after World War Two was that crimes against the peace, crimes against humanity and war crimes are also offences against the whole of international society. There is an interest on the part of all states in trying to implement those norms of international criminal law. The American Chief Prosecutor at Nuremberg said the law the state applied to the German survivors of World War Two will not be respected unless those who sit in judgement uphold it in relation to their own behaviour; that it was a promise to the future.
"the voice of God"...yea, I spoze you know about the "Voice to Skull" technology...projected right into yer brain, no one around you can hear it..unless the projector is set to universal.
ReplyDeleteThey [the US military] used this during the first Gulf War with great effect. Drones were rounding up Iraqi squads with a signal saying it was Allah, and they must surrender to save themselves...actually documented.
Wild Sci Fi days these.
i heard about the voice thing some time ago but i have not seen it documented. i'll have to check that out. and thanks for the link a few comments back. i will check that out, too.
ReplyDeletealso i just want to say re your comment that it is in our nature to rail against it: i do not think it is in our nature. i do not think it is in our nature to war, either. i think it is in our true nature to solve the problem or walk away. to rail helplessly against wrongs might be pseudo-nature - a coping mechanism we developed when we smallened ourselves.
and since true nature exists along with gross-matter nature it is fair enough to bring it up because it is not by any stretch of imagination or reason, out of reach.
what say you
"what say you"~Arc
ReplyDeleteSee you at the bottom of the page>>
ReplyDeleteAs per "railing". I mean that in a less formal sense as per the dictionary definition of the word.
I don't see what I/we do here as "railing" in that sense. I think serious analysis, and commentary is beneificial to the extreme, and all that "the word is mightier than the sword" stuff.
It is the TVZombie with only two modes: neutered apathy or hysteria, that "rails" in the true sense of that word. In their hysterical mode, that is all they are capable of because their minds have become disengaged but for their emotions.
I think the last thing that can be said, that COTO members have "smallened" themselves. I know you wouldn't be here as a "smallen" either.
Again, this IS DOING. It is nothing lesser becasue it is intellectual, it is indeed larger.
ReplyDeleteSecond part: Voice to Skull technology, look into "Non-Lethal Weapons".
You will find a penumbra of patends on such technologies. Including skin heaters, microwave weapons, scalar waves, sonic weapons, etc.
ReplyDeletechildren and art.
children and art.
dear w - i think there was a fork in the road somewhere along the way to the bottom of the page.
ReplyDeleteby smallened i meant that we are spiritual beings living a gross matter existence. one has to 'smallen' oneself to fit as much of oneself in a meat body as possible. i was not speaking of coto in particular, i was speaking of everyone. we are using only a small portion of our brains. i am certainly not using all of my brain. we are here to master life, ourselves, and then move on. it is necessarily a limited existence. it was so far from being a judgment or insult that i am not at all certain how it came to seem like one.
everyone is more awake than some and less awake than others. but we are all experiencing physicality at this time on this plane and if we were fully awake we would not need to do so. needless to say, i prefer being here, coto, to many other possible levels of what i might call less wakefulness. i had to move through a number of levels to reach this point. i am where it is important for me to be right now. thankfully so. and more thankfully - i am not alone. but i have no delusions vis a vis others who are well beyond my level of evolution and are still operating on the earth plane. in my comment i treated that as a given. perhaps unclearly so. mea maxima culpa.
i agree that this, the level of communication that is coto, is doing. and it is working. we must do this. some never get this far. and i have been happily moving here and there in the glow of enlightenment that is this thread. i have had new thoughts and feelings and have made decisions that have been delightfully expansive.
but back to the fork - if we are here only to witness the traumatic undoing why rail against it - was an innocent, honest question, because i do not hold that viewpoint, but it appeared that you do. so i asked because i wanted to hear the answer from he who spoke the words. intellectual curiosity and a new point of view.
and you responded honestly. and i am responding to your response. that is the way of it.
i forgot what we were talking about. damnit.
ReplyDeleteI got what you were getting at even if you "forgot what we were talking about" {grin}
I get your "smallen" now...yes the whole holy soul will not fit in a a meat true, but the meat puppet is only a vehicle and the expansiveness of interior is limitless like the universe. ta panto nous. I am He as you are He...bla bla bla.
We are "witnesses" for the prosecution dear. Keep your notes dry, don't cry on them.
i am looking forward to being a witness AT the prosecution.
ReplyDeleteand i am sure to cry on my notes -
but it is practical advice nonetheless.
Yup, it is the most obvious psyop since the Pentagon Papers. My friends and I are laughing at the controlled opposiiton insisting we must believe that Julian Assange is our hero. Even Nimmo seems to wanna play with that now, along with PCR. And meanwhile the controlled neocons believe Wikileaks is the enemy just like they did with Ellsberg. We basically live amongst some VERY mixed up society who will fall for anything.
ReplyDeleteIt seems amazing to me that the crew here is so prescient compaired to even the internet intelligencia. I am very surprised the Paul Craig Roberts is buying this.
Hi Stranger. Glad you stopped by.