Wednesday, December 1, 2010

2010 Bohemian Grove Membership List




  1.'s just the Glee Club...


  2. Groovy graphics in the header again Patrick.

    Hey, is everybody in COTO takin' a long nap today or whut??????


  3. I'm not nappin Rogue1. Who can sleep at a time like this?

  4. Yup these are times that keep you on the edge of your seat...Hellzapoppin'.


  5. Scrambling now for rice, oats, tires and gas. Water storaga and Faraday room. Keeping this company afloat is a challenge as well. Too much to do and not enough time.

  6. Don't forget seeds. If your electronics are protected in a Faraday room, how are you going to be able to use them post-flash, and "who" are you going to talk to? Water filters, etc. are a necessity as well.

  7. Do you have room on your property to garden?
    I saw a great design for an alternative to row planting...lost it in a computer crash, or I would send it to you.
    It was like box gardens, uses 85 perc. less water. I'd look into it.

    Boom has a good question...who you going to communicate with if most everyone else is down???
    I guess it would be a one up if the military figured everyone else was knocked down...they might get sloppy on open channels.


  8. You know what I think? I think it's going to get real cold....and stay that way.


  9. Bad and Extensive chemtrails this morning in Greenville, SC general area and due East. Sprayed during the night and early morning hours. Backlit by the rising sun this a.m. to greet the day (sic).

    Is there a page, a website, that receives daily photos, comments, scientific test results on samples, etc. to document the extent of chemtrailing in the U.S. and worldwide? Something like that would provide an extensive historical repository for this evil and inhumane 'program'. I would think a massive amount of information would be quickly gathered, making a very strong case for mankind against the PTB!

    We've got to help our species out! Against the mutant reptilian psychopaths behind this eugenics program.

  10. PTB...that's Punk Turd Bites...intit?

    It's just sort of an aluminum gray sky and colder'n'shit here in southern Indiana.

    yup \\ll//

  11. too many trees. I like them too much to clear

  12. Got the seeds. Watch Ventura on the Great Lakes Scam. I said water would be an issue and it's rapidly arriving now.

  13. Box gardens would work...unless you mean perennial shade.

    I'm planning on one for my balcony--now THAT's any easy garden to defend.

