You end up as Randy, Charlie Sheen, Mel Gibson, Britanny Spears, Tiger Woods or worse, Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, David Carradine, Tupac Shakur or Stanley Kubrick. If you don't think it happens on mainstreet as well as Rodeo Drive you're dead wrong. Just ask Papa Hemingway.
I have been keeping up with Quaid's case for quite awhile now. It is certainly no joke. You can add James Dean to that list...this is a long running story.
Do you all have the weird feeling I do...that something is going to preempt Christmas this year...??
Some eerie stuff floating in my periphrial intuition now.
They are the best living example of the
All propagated by a T.A.T. and set up. It's tough when they get your families mindcontrolled or coerced into this as well. Such is the case here and they are robbed, discredited, tailed, setup and via web and CIAoogle, they get smeared to the world. It's "Who can you trust" time and the answer is no one.
Onto the street you go. Remember Troy Donahue, Cliff Robertson as well?
i did have such a feeling about a month ago - re something happening around christmas. whatever it was, has dissolved. it's gone.
this has happened 3 or 4 times this year. i mean where i felt something was going to happen at a certain time, even heard others talk about it, but it didn't happen. the 'event' just disappeared from the ether.
two possibilities that i can think of: either the consciousness of humanity was high enough at the time to thwart the event, which is how it is supposed to work, or the perpetrators of the events changed their minds about the time or the event.
Thing is Arc, events ARE happening...things are popping all over the is a matter of how they cascade...are culmative...the reach of radiance and such.
One of the triggering mechanisms will be at the end of this month when two million idled workers, now collecting unemployment, will be dropped from the rolls. At the end of December, another two million workers will join the ranks of those who have exhausted their unemployment benefits and a total of 4 million Americans will be without unemployment checks and face destitution."
Archadia...this isn't to say you personally are among those who will feel this phase of the crunch...but it will certainly make waves.
Personally, I have no plans for the "Holy Days" that can be disrupted. I am essentially in 'fox hole mode'.
But the pressure, the condensing of time like it's in ears are already popping.
I feel like I should be screaming from the rooftops..but...there's no one there at all. They are all inside watching 'Dancing with the Stars' and stuffing their guts with pizza and beer.
"I feel like I should be screaming from the rooftops..but…there’s no one there at all."
I think there's a larger percentage of people who do actually get it. I dropped a line about this being the United States of Nazis whilst be herded through security during our recent trip. I received a positive response from a few fellow travelers (smiles, thumbs up). I think a lot of people are concerned but are afraid to mention it in public. Most are in 'fox hole mode' simply because they don't know how to fight this thing.
The only alternative I can think of is to be in 'weatherman mode.' But where does one join up?
There're thousands of people getting the Randy Quaid treatment every day in US courts. Same thing as sending 'em to the gas chambers IMO. Result is: I think we can all rest assured that the US government is a criminal entity at this point. Every single aspect of it. So, watcha gonna do? Stay current on your foxhole payments I reckon. Or maybe that should be hen house payments since the foxes are running the show.
yes, events are happening world wide. event after event, and they are big events. some are 'answering' events. i was referring to something happening in a certain place within a certain range of time. but since the world has become much smaller and time has changed maybe we are sensing events that HAVE happened or ARE happening somewhere far from us that we may never hear about, or that ALMOST happened. all these events are only probabilities. so...that's just it, h. there are only maybes. everything is in wild flux.
the energies that generate these events of whatever nature are also in flux. the energy has to go somewhere and the direction and force can change at the last second. i know things that are supposed to happen, that must happen. i know things that have been planned. but the aim is off. sometimes it is totally off.
the triggering mechanism at the end of the month that you spoke of - maybe that will be the tipping point. the tipping point seems late. i have spoken of it being very close, as in any minute now, for the past year and a half. i could actually feel it. but it didn't happen. now i am wondering if it DID happen. in a way that we did not expect or recognize. now that is something to think about.
at any rate, i agree that weird has become the new normal. and that is my disclaimer for posting this nonsense.
" but it didn’t happen. now i am wondering if it DID happen. in a way that we did not expect or recognize. now that is something to think about."~Arcadia
Well...I just lost a long post addressing this idea back to you, but clicked paste instead of copy on my mouse to save it--Lol
So I lost the whole thing.
Basically it was agreement with that idea with some astro-logic to back it up...
Look into a clear night sky, you see not only space, but time... the stars you see aren't there anymore...they are various times away as well as distances...Time is the greatest mystery--for it takes a "future" to show what is and has always been.
In martial arts, a practitioner has a certain advantage in understanding what is called, "telegraphing" a move. The stance and preset of a punch or kick is the cue to a practitioner.
I mention this for the illucidation of Mr. O.
It is important to understand that we have a determined professional enemy...a practitioner, if you will.
I am at pains not to hurt any feelings here. I hope what I am saying is not recieved as animosity, as it is not meant that way.
This is not a test--this is reality. Consider things deeply. Loose lips sink ships, and all that trite zeitgeist memoribalia dodads. Ja?
so the aim was off even on your click. there it is.
i am delighted that you were able to find something in my verbiage to agree with. it sounds confused because it is confusing.
this may seem unrelated, but it is relevant to everything and i am just going to go ahead here and shoot for the ultimate plus randomity: the theory that space exists only as far as the most powerful telescope can measure. this is important.
we need to quickly get that extra dna strand and a larger percentage of our brains functional.
doesn't it seem that we have so much to do in compacted, speeded up time/space but we don't consciously know what we are supposed to do but we are doing it anyway? anybody?
If I've said something that might put others at risk, feel free to delete the offending post. I won't be offended at all. It saddens me that we've become such a frightened nation. And I'm not just referring to speaking out on the web. I know many who are even afraid to speak out one on one and in private. That's the scariest shit of all.
"I know many who are even afraid to speak out one on one and in private. That’s the scariest shit of all."
Yes it is Mr O and that's exactly where we are today. Being listened to, watched and tracked like never before in human ways Orwell never imagined. Everywhere I go there are multiple cameras on top of supermarkets and department stores and in the parking lots and at intersections. They are watching us right now as we type.
arcadia, I feel the same way. I keep thinking, another month or two and it all goes down. ..but what exactly is going down? I'm not sure. But that feeling of impending doom has been with me for so long now that I think it's clouding my basic intuition which is usually very good.
I think you're right. Maybe in the end, that's what will do it. In the end our united consciousness will defeat the dark forces that control things now. It's something David Icke speaks about all the time. We have the power. We just have to acknowledge it and come together as one and use it.
Even though chemtrails and fluoride affect our memory perhaps they can't penetrate our core consciousness. Imagine victory over our oppressors and make it reality? I truly believe in the power of mind in affecting situations and we use only 10% of it's ability.
Like you said arcadia. It's time to power up the other 90!
THe other day at work they were discussing Randy Quaid and how nutty he was acting. I have to admit I wasn't following the story so I didn't know what the hell was really going on with him and his wife though I had heard bits and pieces of the story. However, I did ask the girls why he was acting "nutty" to see what they'd say and they didn't really know just that he was talking like he had gone crazy.
That's my baa baa girls. All they know is what the msm tells them. They feed on the soundbites of the propaganda machine. Then they regurgitate it back to each other as if they have something juicy to discuss. Far be it from them to ever really research a story to find out the whole truth. I can't help but feel pissed off at them most of the time for just this reason.
I have to laugh but it's like that show "THE VIEW" That crew is by far the most mainstream baa baa as it gets. The epitome of the left right hen house. Nice little Apha prp thanks to the fox, Eisner and the new fox, Iger.
It does my heart good to read this. Tiny Tim Osman and his group cannot effect the fear for cotonoses. We know their bag of goodies are quite plentiful.
We also know the means to the end are all in their sweaty little grips. The shadowstalkers and committee librarians have been very busy for decades getting the files and books straigtnened out.
I noticed that my post HAITI, NWO and under the RADAR is back in the most popular. When I said phase two would include Detrick Disease assault and sterilization vaccination via Gates I said it was a certainty. Thanksgiving Soft Kill and the REAL BLACK FRIDAY.
i believe that this is a 'battle' of consciousness.
i think you are correct re the chemtrails and fluoride. we do have bodies but we are not bodies. even injury from chemicals or worse might be nothing more solid than maybes too. i think if one thing is a maybe everything is a maybe.
the enemies are of such a blackness, and as david i says, are programmed like computers. a computer would have no feelings about killing a child. and since, as predicted, the weapons now in their hands can take out the entire world and probably a neighboring planet or two, this, hopefully, last big war is over our minds. (i have to give the always lovely aj credit for that saying)
the clues along those lines have been exponentially piling up in our faces for the past ten or so years. we are being overwhelmingly inundated with information. there is something for just about every kind of consciousness to choose from.
the concepts that nothing is a given and we are creating as we go along (re space extends only as far as we can measure) are our aces in the hole. if you throw in: 'man is basically good', the possibilities for higher consciousness are unlimited.
i also think that if our 'going down' were a given, i would not be here at this time. i bet you would not be either.
re david icke: i think he is a little bit gullible and i do not necessarily go along with the reptilian story, but take it as allegory, (though my daughter saw al gore shapeshift on tv before she ever heard of icke or reptilians! and nothing is impossible) but i totally love him and when i am feeling despondent i play his video 'the robots' rebellion' over and over while i am working around the house or whatever. i just play it until i am feeling empowered again. i have gone through a lot of 'exposers' and one of the few left in my life is david.
you might want to check this out. it's a video with a guy named hew len who explains a concept called ho'oponopono that i have found to be significantly powerful. a close friend sent me the link with the caveat that the man in the video is connected to someone from the video 'the secret', which he knows i cannot abide. he recommended that i just watch the videos with hew len and take what i like and disregard anything else. so i did. and now i am passing it on to you all.
Speaking out is one very good thing Obtuse...revealing strategies that might be interpreted as...take a guess how things might be interpreted... You know the distinction I am getting at.
One distintion is that this is NOT, one on one in private, we here are in full view of the whole world. Yes?
I got into a thing with Flakstopper sometime back. He was very specific about something that was indeed a perilous path. perhaps you recall our dispute..?? He suggested that we start a fund, to hire a certain type of 'mechanic'... Well, to me, this is volunteering for rupture. And for what?
If this isn't clear, I don't know what else to say.
Here is a detailed manual in the most straight forward manner I have ever read. Just skip ALL of the yada by Jane and her husband...they don't even get weird as that may seem...
i have read all the seth books. but it is been a long time. nice to hear a reference to him.
i did have a bit of a conflict with the concept of oversoul, still he was a very sensible 'person'. i might pick up a used copy online. thanks for the memory - kind of full circle, you know?
please don't be too hard on jane and robert. they did all the work!
Because of the problem with shrinking page borders...I'm answering down here.
I don't mean to be had on Rupert, as Seth refers to Jane. She has done a spectacular job...and after all is the medium. But what I foun was that a straight reading of Seth himslef, sans all the chatter inbetween let the info flow more clearly.
"Now"...and you know how important that constant intro is to Seth's dialog. It is the bottom line; it is ALWAYS NOW.
Think of it. Where is a moment that isn't now? Every memory takes place in the Now. Every speculation of future takes place in the Now. Our very experience in life proves to us that there is an eternal Now.
That is why I said that Time is the greatest mystery in our Time/Space existance; because here, it takes a 'future' to reveal that which always was, will be, and is. Da?
To carry this 'always' in your consciousness is the trick..and the treat. So smile for me sweet Arcadia.
it is easy to smile for you. for you all. i feel like i have come home here.
we could just as well say that 'now' is our ace in the hole.
NOW encompasses the concepts of 'we create as we go along and nothing is a given.' so we have it reduced to one word. perfect. let us create a certain now.
now time is a mystery. yes. but...time is a human-construct. i feel that is so. i would like to believe that i did not agree to the time-prison initially, but...
in this now, i am susceptible to time in ways i would like not to be. time causes aging and death and beautiful sadness. and the feeling that we are running out of time in which to act. it is truly the prison. we did not start out under the weight of time. i do think that it was created by certain entities, much as certain entities are now creating multitudinous other prisons.
i do not wear a watch and i do not own a calendar. my intention is to not go into agreement with time, but to master it. i do better than some but not as well as others in that regard.
a compelling and powerful idea that i picked up from seth is to go back in time and change events. i was doing that in an incredible dream last night, which ended in my coming back to 'this' time with two baby goats. but that is another story. it is a saving grace in a time-oriented existence. therein lies an out.
in that regard, i too am in a kind of fox-hole mode. i do not much leave the house much except to walk my dog and cat in the open space here. the work that i am doing is in my head. in the universal mind. i need to keep to myself for this.
i have to say that i felt a little shy about posting my comments on this thread at first. but i am so glad that i did it anyway. every comment has created a kind of excitement and anticipation where there was a lack of energy. and a feeling of certainty that i am not alone.
and not to be nit-picky here, but the idea that we share a soul with others was not the only thing that pissed me off about seth. he thought it was good enough to feed your pets canned food (yukk). every time i picked up his books i ended up arguing with him. i guess we enjoyed it because i kept reading. but sometimes he was maddening.
If there are any similarities going on here to the historical organization I linked to (disclaimer: for information purposes only), it's pure coincidence. I simply haven't posted on this board long enough to know of any suggested activities that would be considered illegal.
And I agree. Making [specific] plans of such sort on a public forum isn't wise. You're preaching to the choir on that account. But applauding the actions of a historical organization in the cause of freedom is not something I ever intend to shy away from.
Okay Mr. O, I apologize if I stepped on your toes. I didn't mean to. I will just let this lay, because you and I are in the same boat and have the same frustrations. I want a just world to live in, that is obviously what we are all after on this site.
Interesting posts here...I have to say, some are couched in the "Fear" Thing that I abhor. Folks -- we are all just people with a voice, a breath, and seeking to leave a positive footprint in the sands of our time.
Of course, we are confronted with the Gargoyles staring down at us menacingly from the tops of the gilded skyscrapers. So what. It has always been so, for the folks that do the "work" 'round here. So be it.
So flash em the Big Bird, especially for the Holidays!
Mr. Quaid is on the run, and it sounds like for good reasons. Be empathetic and understanding of his situation. A Cabal, or Mafia, is exacting the tribute they desire, doing what they do. Such is life in this world. We cannot -- Any One of Us -- go to sleep at night worrying and fretting. You must fight at your doorstep. You must draw a line in the sand. You must gird up your loins as the Bible says. You must realize that bad forces are continually seeking the easy money (that's yours of course) and the easy way. It is called sociopathy. They are not like you. Get That!
These mutants represent a very small percentage of the population, but exact a disproportionate price. When humanity figures out this equation -- they will have "ascended" to a higher level. Meaning...they will have learned to understand Predators.
I don't think it is constructive to get into the esoteric "meanings" of what this all is or is not. It surely "is". Therefore...strengthen your personal position. Speak out when necessary. Alert the Herd. Sound the Alarm when threatened, or you are not doing your job. Get in tune with your instincts, and listen to the sounds coming through the ground and the airwaves. Lift your nose to the wind -- when it is ill, hunker down and guard your perimeter. Militarily -- don't let any enemy within the "wire".
You are at risk. You are always at risk. We are always at risk. So what. Sit in defensive mode, and get overrun because you have lost momentum --- or go on the Offensive, and take no prisoners (so-to-speak).
We are not weak. We are humans. You can all make a difference....You already are doing it, by being here and raising your voice, and using your intellect. It's a far cry from bending over for the next TSA proctology exam, mind you.
Give em the Finger Back! Or else, you'll be feeling their Iron Fist.
I went to the store, and thought about this some more...
People -- we MUST REALIZE the value in the saying about, "Wolves, in Sheep's clothing". If we still lived in the woods, on the plains, in the jungles -- we would have had instilled in each of us, the reality of predators, and what they look like. Society and neutered humanity to the extent that they cannot fathom, nor recognize the very villains that prey upon them.
For many hundreds of years, perhaps thousands now, humanity has been "socialized" by media and marketing to live in denial and delusion regarding the true nature of the Beast. Suits and ties, and titles seem to confuse people as to "what" they are dealing with when it comes to those who prey upon them.
Sun Tsu said War is deception. Mossad means War "by" deception. The very colossal size of the American government and it's agencies presents a Borg that assimilates the assets of all that come within it's reach. Is this not to be expected? I am mystified by the confusion and denial of the Obvious! The senile, the weak, the wealthy and the ignorant are all "marks" to be preyed upon by the group of sociopaths that feed upon the fat of the land. We face the Feudal Empire, and you are are a serf or you are a survivor.
Just last night I watched a nature series with my son, narrated by none other than Oprah Winfrey (sic). One segment showed the amazing defense mechanisms of schools of fish. In particular, herring. Being predated upon by sharks and seals. The ability of the "school" to protect itself by acting in concert as "one" -- no single fish presenting a target -- yet All making rapid movements to dissipate and avoid being eaten was fascinating. Where once was a "fish ball" of many thousands if not more of tasty fish people; they darted away in clouds, leaving holes and emptiness and no particular target to be devoured by the predators. Their instinctual defensive maneuvers were a successful solution to the problem. Interesting, herring do not possess the aggressiveness of piranha. If every small fish were to have taken a "bite" out of the predators, soon there would have only been a lifeless carcass left -- and the predators would have disappeared into the void. A lesson here.
Every Voice of the people, every recognition of the Wolves, and a pointing out of the Intruder, and subsequent small "bite" by the People would soon solve the problems of dealing with Wolves in Sheep's Clothing. We will learn this valuable survival methodology (ala guerilla warfare), or WE will succumb to the ranks of redcoats and flanking maneuvers being currently advanced against us all. It seems quite obvious.
So, there's my take on becoming a Statistic. WE are complicit in our own demise if WE are complacent. A united front, and an individual effort and recognition of our common enemies is a mandate for Freedom and Survival. The choices are only Two (2). Eat -- or be Eaten.
Do you have people around you to organize a mill-eatcha? Or do you have a compound or something there that you are inviting us to show up with our "equipment" at?
I have felt people out that I live around, even relatives and such. You'd have to hit them in the head with a hammer to even get them to bleat.
Even my ex-brother-in-law, a military type guy sees the idea of such organizing as wacky.
Realize; most people are still in a trance bowing and praying to their TV. They are lost in the duh-zone.
Or maybe you're thinking of being the Lone Ranger? Now that is's called the Leaderless Resistance. Those who strategize these things seriously advize this way of war. I suppose it is something to keep in mind as we watch this thing develop.
Thanks for the Props Rogue1! HA! I believe you're missing my point; being that Everybody is an army of One. This is my verbal attempt (perhaps lame-ass) to point out the Obvious. Folks First (1st), gotta grasp the reality of the situation. Perhaps I'm just Blowin in the Wind. Whatever.
I'm personally dealing with a family member who blew millions to sharks with big smiles, and thought they were his friends. A pity. This Quaid dude acknowledges he made $42 Mil -- then got ripped off by hangers on in Hollywood. Old story. Having his brother whacked, and noting others getting sacrificed for dead-stars-turn-into-more dollars is an old one frankly. I feel for him. But then, he's lived in the lime-light many years, and can't trust Hollywood attorneys or "businessmen". What's new here?
Joe 'merican can't seem to recognize he too has a target on his back. Serf's up you know? If you've lost your instincts, then you're going to get eaten alive. Even if you've still got em, you're likely getting schooled right up to the shore, where you're easy pickins.
The "organizing" idea, means people have got to look out for each other, manifest some integrity and smarts, and they improve their chances for survival in this corrupt ocean of predators. For the most part, if you haven't notice (and I know you have), nearly everybody and "system" is geared to Take what you've got -- not give you a helping hand. Yeah, its a slap upside the head, but people gotta wake up.
None of us waste our time here, 'cause we just gotta vent. It IS an exercise in Waking Up people and pointing out the Obvious.
If what we say here is total waste of time, if our efforts to wake people up are just a bloody Rant...then, I got better things to do with my time. How about you? And You, and You, and You?!
Most folks don't want to hear anything that's outside the box. I can't explain it. For example -- a measly $4500 for a bag of junk silver in or around 2005/2006 would have cost $4500 or so. Now, it'll cost you about $20,000. That'd be a $15,000 profit for some folks. Nothing to sniff at, when their stocks and home values have lost 30-40% over the same time. But...ya still can't convince the dolts to think for themselves.
Frankly, I'm tired of trying speechifying. I happen to have personal experience with having to actually Plan for the future. You a squirrel. If you don't put wood up you freeze in the winter. If you don't squirrel away some nuts, you go hungry or starve. Far be it from me to be able to convince the TV city folks that someday, when they go to flick the light switch or turn on the heater, they may get ZIP! They don't even know where electricity comes from. They think food...comes from the store in a package or box. They think everything will always be like it has been before... until the lights go out.
Whatever. My batting percentage is probably about like yours for waking people up. Can't say I haven't tried.
One more tentacle of the prestidigitating octupus. (did I spell prestidigitating right???) Oh well the freekin octopussy magician. Sure glad to be a pennyless nobody. (did I spell pennyless right?) Oh well a broke nobody has nobody pilfering they pockets.
i know what you mean about the things he was saying jogging your memory. i think everyone has such memories. just not activated. i would imagine that every time an expansive memory is realized more of the brain becomes activated in response. it is the willingness to activate that makes the difference. much like the willingness to see things as they really are.
seems we have been in training for a long time and this is the slow motion fluid countdown.
the weird thing is, i think i am ready.
i think it was in their new house and the cat had jumped onto her (his) lap and he was talking about pets and he was amused at how people worry so much about what to feed their pets.
do you happen to remember when they had the flood and i think the bridge near their home collapsed - maybe. all the citizens were advised via tv and radio to get tetanus shots. rupert was not sure she wanted to do that and after a little back and forth decided not to. seth told her it was a good decision because the vaccine was tainted and some people became ill from it. i do not remember if anyone died. funny.
Yeah, well...none of us can even conceptualize the wealth the STEALthy Wealthy in politics and Wall Street have accumulated. Lifestyles of the rich and infamous, aye?
No use contemplating it either. Just don't hand what little you got over. There is bliss in the simple things. The rich and the evil have no peace as a wise One once said. So we sleep well...with one eye open, and our hands near to our piece. There's some peace in that. Perhaps our very own spaghetti western where we can be the Good against the Bad and the Ugly.
We both know--all of us here know that we are fighting the Mind War here in Digitalis.
I can think of no better way to reach those who might be vaguely interested in 'waking up'. This is where it is the notices left on the Liberty Tree in the 1770s.
It is so, that things are now coming down fast >> too fast. There will be many just totally caught off guard...they are still daydreaming. Some are capable of daydreaming sitting in a pool of their own vomit. What can you say to these types of zombies?
I've seen photos of women standing with their hands in the air while TSA goons fondle their breasts, heard a hundred and one bizarre stories about this past weekend. Not a single "terrorist" caught squatting in line with a nuke bar.
This is surreal. And all of it is backed up by Duckspeak. Utter fucking quackery. What can you think when you see and hear this kind of stuff? The people are giving in--letting it happen, did you hear of ANYONE duking out the fucking TSA goons?? Anywhere? Millions of chumps going through this humiliation, and not one person stood back once faced with it saying, "hey fuck you"...That is incredible shrinking man bullshit right there. I couldn't stand it. That is why I won't fly. I could NOT hold myself back in such a situation.
I remember laughing in the face of a drill instructer in boot camp. It's now that I have 'guts'. I am simply aware of myself and and free enough to react to absurdities acting out right in front of me. The guy was screaming in my face, just like in the movies. To me it was unbelievable that a grown man would act that way. I laughed and when that pissed him off I told him he was an idiot. Sure it could have led to a fight right then and there. But I wasn't thinking of that. You play these things each moment at a time. Yea...I got in trouble. So what? I wanted out anyway. And I got out.
But I know better than putting myself in such situations. I don't make nice in stupid situations. So, yea...anyway, just like you Boom, I gotta vent. Because this really pisses me off. Just seeing it from afar here on the is so blunking surreal and stupid I feel like...well really angry. I don't know how I keep being disappointed with the people, like as if I didn't expect this from these zombies. F it.
i become discouraged too when people do not stand up and fight back. or at least stand up. this video, linked below, is about the euro. it is one man standing up all alone and telling the evil-doers that they are doing evil and that he does not like it. at all.
he is not an american but he is a human being. after i read the latest comments here i found the video in my inbox. i had to come back and post the link. the timing is too good to ignore. here is one response to 'wake up'.
There is alot happening in Europe and GB now, almost a revolt. They have AP's out working the demonstrations with violence, and the police are massing forces in response. I was in Kathmandu on May Day and also Bangkok downtown the day before 30 people were killed, I saw the burning tires that day but it was peaceful...for 24 hours. Alot of the social movements are engineered toward establishing martial law, but that is the best they can hope for now that there is so much popular anger at how humanity is being treated. There are a ton of demonstrations in China, all the time, high school kids rioting. This whole Orwellian state authority trip as gotten way outta hand and people are not happy!! Now that the velvet glove American Dream koolaid has been withdrawn and the reality check for the financial ponzi arrives, I too sense the whole thing is growing desperate... but there is knowledge at the center of the whirlwind, and winter solstice. In the US, most people are too shattered to even guess at what is behind the enormous deconstruction of their dreams unfolded by global governance, and we all know who governments work for, and it's not the people.
Quite a speech. Could be that Farage knows this is the issue that brings the whole house of cards down. Or, maybe he's just reflecting populist anger to garner votes. Hard to tell who is really sincere these days. That said, here's the guy's bio...
Obtuse, please read something other than wiki. For example,
"Ayers and Dohrn came out in the open on December 3, 1980, a month after Ronald Reagan won the presidential election. Why didn’t the Reagan Justice Department prosecute them on numerous possible (and extreme) felony charges, such as second degree murder? Why didn’t Bush Sr. or Bush Jr.? I will show that the explanations (plural, and contradictory!) that the media has put forward for why the government failed to prosecute Ayers and Dohrn are not credible. The failure to prosecute Ayers and Dohrn, who have publicly confessed to committing murder, at least in the second degree, and other Federal and State crimes that have no statutes of limitations, and who have not confessed to, but are convincingly linked to, at least four murders in the first degree – this failure supports the charge many people made in 1969: that key Weatherman leaders were (and still are) agents provocateurs with the assignment of destroying the very possibility of a decent Left in this country, associating the notion of social change with gangsterism and corruption. " -Alex Constantine
As I say...if you don't stand up, you're sitting down. If you don't make a squeak, you will make a squishy splat when the big wheel of 'progress' rolls over your prone body. Sometime, one brave man who stands in front of a cavalry of tanks in a red square, can inspire inspire thousands to stand up where-ever they are. If we don't stand up for truth, for dignity, for what is right and decent...then we may live, but as zombies as in having died inside.
I write these words, and hope I live them when called to do so. I might be brave, or perhaps petulantly stubborn. Perhaps unrealistic and idealistic. Gotta choose some way to walk in this world.
What we all don't want to become are soul-less bastards who live to thieve, murder and fraudulently prey upon our fellow man. We would then be like 'them' -- what we see running amok in the present world.
Sociopathic tendencies seem to be all the rage these days. A world full of depraved bullies and sharks just seems like pollution of the worst kind. We all get to make our choices.
Ayers and Dohrn also have a history with Obama, a close if not reported history. Obama is closely alligned with US Intel, and has been groomed from a young age. His mother was also undercover intel. It runs as far back as his grandparents--many connections. Anyone following the birth certificate scandle has surely read this info. The Simbianese Army that held Patty Hearst was an agent provocateur group as well. The whole kidnapping thig was a psyop. ALL dissident groups are infiltrated as soon as they get beyond their own city block. This is why it is not a good idea to 'join' anything. And if you grow your own keep it tight and simple. \\ll//
Well said, we got to decide where we stand, with sociopathic predators or with the innocent. There will be alot of lying and deceiving going on as people find themselves left out of musical chairs, and it will come down to who has real integrity and who does not. And yeah it will come down to our street/jungle smarts keeping an eye out for deceivers.
Senor' Obtuse lamented the truth in the airport recently.
The Nazi's were here in the U.S. prior to WWII. Though at that time they were called ORT and ORC. Red and Blue joiners settled in from the days at Plymouth.
What were Pilgrims carrying the water for NWO here to the states showed it's tentacles quickly with witchhunts, eugenics, aryan Wandervögel ecology, social engineering under the mind control and ethnic cleansing.
What was this project called before Nazism? Dig deep into the illuminati archives prior to the Bavarian movement discover their roots in the colonies.
Then you can get the sense for the two winged phoenix and the core hierarchy and designer of all things facsist. Weishaupt's plans came to light by providence but they were successful in carrying out the agenda without much delay. Fabian Rose Croix
Joiner? No way. Not the Red Cross, Jaycees, Demolay, Shriners, John Birch, GOP, DNC, or LMNOP ~
When certain numerology and colors are recognized you can link the science of Illuminatists to all things earthly and beyond [BlueBeam] Bloodlines exposed.
You are a donor evertime you eat at McDonalds of Merovingian.
That's right Mary. Remember the Shrub's statement, "you're either with us or against us!". See, he had multiple meanings in that statement. Some literal and some code I imagine...
* To fellow elites -- a rallying call to action * To Joe 'merican -- form up in cannon fodder formation, and go kill foreigners who are sitting on Our oil. Much strategic fallout resulted from this murderous escapade. I won't go into them here, but altering the balance of mid-east power qualifies, fabulously enriching MIC companies like Cheney's Halliburton and KBR, funneling money to cronies, essentially laundering tax payer money through a contrived war, etc., etc. The psyops angles were super important to the elites as well, while altering the very fabric of American society also took place. The Iraq and Afghan wars and ever-widening imperialistic advances have been one of the biggest Boons for the elites -- while simultaneously being one of the biggest boondoggles for Americans across the board (Loss of Freedoms, increasing fascist police state powers, economic collapse, fear and loathing across the land). Do note -- the EXACT OPPOSITE has occurred from the Propaganda Slogans sold to Americans. Massive loss of Freedoms in Iraq as well as here in the U.S. Increased destabilization of life on both ends. Less Peace, More Fear. Impoverishment of the masses on both sides. The list goes on and on. Point these things out to your zombified relatives and friends. Reality is at polar opposites from "the story" circulated. * If anybody actually "thinks" about the with us or against us meme while reflecting on the actual things that have taken place, they will quite clearly see the Predator side and the Prey side of things. The Shrub and the elites want the masses to "act" like them and kill each other off. The elites profit on both sides (ala Rothchilds, Committee strategy), then divide up the spoils for themselves at pennies on the dollar. A Home Run all the way around for them!
So I say again > Are YOU gonna stand there for this treatment, or fight back in whatever ways you can? You really have no choice, to tell you the truth...
I don't think the Weathermen actually murdered anyone. They purposely targeted empty buildings. My understanding regarding their prosecution is: the government broke so many laws trying to catch them that they had to let them go.
Thank you Sir. We all might as well "Swing Away" for the fences you know, 'cause we're all facing a full count in the bottom of the 9th.
And by the way, I was "self-justifying" the right margin by hitting "return", trying to make it easier to read. I had it all lined up and looking pretty for you folks -- Lo and behold, it screwed the entire thing up.
South Korea: dispatch from the frontline of World War Three
According to local media, the North Koreans used “hyperbaric,” or fuel-air, explosives – rare and unusually destructive weapons, only just this side of breaching international law. But then the attack itself, Pyongyang’s first, in its own words, “precisely aimed” land assault on South Korea's civilians since the end of the war in 1953, broke wholly new and dangerous ground.
The war-games will take place in a part of the sea at least fifty miles south of Yeonpyeong, but that hasn’t stopped North Korea threatening to turn them into a conflict for real. “The situation is inching closer to the brink of war due to the reckless plan of those trigger-happy elements to stage again the war exercises targeted against the (North),” the state news agency said, calling it an “unpardonable provocation” and promising a “shower of dreadful fire.”
I have been keeping up with Quaid's case for quite awhile now. It is certainly no joke.
ReplyDeleteYou can add James Dean to that list...this is a long running story.
Do you all have the weird feeling I do...that something is going to preempt Christmas this year...??
Some eerie stuff floating in my periphrial intuition now.
They are the best living example of the
ReplyDeleteAll propagated by a T.A.T. and set up. It's tough when they get your families mindcontrolled or coerced into this as well. Such is the case here and they are robbed, discredited, tailed, setup and via web and CIAoogle, they get smeared to the world. It's "Who can you trust" time and the answer is no one.
Onto the street you go. Remember Troy Donahue, Cliff Robertson as well?
With so many drowned in the psychomyth...they won't even understand when loaded into cattle cars.
ReplyDeleteAvoiding the dragnet--that is the challenge to come. Public advice on this is not a good idea.
Keep your wits about you is all I can say.
i did have such a feeling about a month ago - re something happening around christmas. whatever it was, has dissolved. it's gone.
ReplyDeletethis has happened 3 or 4 times this year. i mean where i felt something was going to happen at a certain time, even heard others talk about it, but it didn't happen. the 'event' just disappeared from the ether.
two possibilities that i can think of: either the consciousness of humanity was high enough at the time to thwart the event, which is how it is supposed to work, or the perpetrators of the events changed their minds about the time or the event.
Thing is Arc, events ARE happening...things are popping all over the is a matter of how they cascade...are culmative...the reach of radiance and such.
ReplyDeleteOne of the triggering mechanisms will be at the end of this month when two million idled workers, now collecting unemployment, will be dropped from the rolls. At the end of December, another two million workers will join the ranks of those who have exhausted their unemployment benefits and a total of 4 million Americans will be without unemployment checks and face destitution."
This is not MAYBE, this IS.
Archadia...this isn't to say you personally are among those who will feel this phase of the crunch...but it will certainly make waves.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I have no plans for the "Holy Days" that can be disrupted. I am essentially in 'fox hole mode'.
But the pressure, the condensing of time like it's in ears are already popping.
I feel like I should be screaming from the rooftops..but...there's no one there at all.
They are all inside watching 'Dancing with the Stars' and stuffing their guts with pizza and beer.
Anyway...weird has become the new normal.
"I feel like I should be screaming from the rooftops..but…there’s no one there at all."
ReplyDeleteI think there's a larger percentage of people who do actually get it. I dropped a line about this being the United States of Nazis whilst be herded through security during our recent trip. I received a positive response from a few fellow travelers (smiles, thumbs up). I think a lot of people are concerned but are afraid to mention it in public. Most are in 'fox hole mode' simply because they don't know how to fight this thing.
The only alternative I can think of is to be in 'weatherman mode.' But where does one join up?
ReplyDeleteWell Mr. O,
ReplyDeleteThat is a squeaky wheel you have there. Where oh where is that oil can?
BTW, I read this piece while on vacation...
ReplyDeleteMatt Taibbi: Courts Helping Banks Screw Over HomeownersRetired judges are rushing through complex cases to speed foreclosures in Florida
There're thousands of people getting the Randy Quaid treatment every day in US courts. Same thing as sending 'em to the gas chambers IMO. Result is: I think we can all rest assured that the US government is a criminal entity at this point. Every single aspect of it. So, watcha gonna do? Stay current on your foxhole payments I reckon. Or maybe that should be hen house payments since the foxes are running the show.
Perhaps you might suggest painting a virtual bullseye on our foreheads, aye Mr. O?
ReplyDelete"The first rule of Fight Club is you don't talk about Fight Club.
The second rule of Fight Club is you don't talk about Fight Club."
~Tyler Durden
"I know nothing! I see nothing! NOTHING!
ReplyDelete~Sgt Schultz
ReplyDeleteme too Obtu
ipsa scientia potestas est
yes, events are happening world wide. event after event, and they are big events. some are 'answering' events. i was referring to something happening in a certain place within a certain range of time. but since the world has become much smaller and time has changed maybe we are sensing events that HAVE happened or ARE happening somewhere far from us that we may never hear about, or that ALMOST happened. all these events are only probabilities. so...that's just it, h. there are only maybes. everything is in wild flux.
ReplyDeletethe energies that generate these events of whatever nature are also in flux. the energy has to go somewhere and the direction and force can change at the last second. i know things that are supposed to happen, that must happen. i know things that have been planned. but the aim is off. sometimes it is totally off.
the triggering mechanism at the end of the month that you spoke of - maybe that will be the tipping point. the tipping point seems late. i have spoken of it being very close, as in any minute now, for the past year and a half. i could actually feel it. but it didn't happen. now i am wondering if it DID happen. in a way that we did not expect or recognize. now that is something to think about.
at any rate, i agree that weird has become the new normal. and that is my disclaimer for posting this nonsense.
" but it didn’t happen. now i am wondering if it DID happen. in a way that we did not expect or recognize. now that is something to think about."~Arcadia
ReplyDeleteWell...I just lost a long post addressing this idea back to you, but clicked paste instead of copy on my mouse to save it--Lol
So I lost the whole thing.
Basically it was agreement with that idea with some astro-logic to back it up...
Look into a clear night sky, you see not only space, but time... the stars you see aren't there anymore...they are various times away as well as distances...Time is the greatest mystery--for it takes a "future" to show what is and has always been.
ta pant nous
In martial arts, a practitioner has a certain advantage in understanding what is called, "telegraphing" a move. The stance and preset of a punch or kick is the cue to a practitioner.
ReplyDeleteI mention this for the illucidation of Mr. O.
It is important to understand that we have a determined professional enemy...a practitioner, if you will.
I am at pains not to hurt any feelings here. I hope what I am saying is not recieved as animosity, as it is not meant that way.
This is not a test--this is reality. Consider things deeply. Loose lips sink ships, and all that trite zeitgeist memoribalia dodads. Ja?
so the aim was off even on your click. there it is.
ReplyDeletei am delighted that you were able to find something in my verbiage to agree with. it sounds confused because it is confusing.
this may seem unrelated, but it is relevant to everything and i am just going to go ahead here and shoot for the ultimate plus randomity: the theory that space exists only as far as the most powerful telescope can measure. this is important.
we need to quickly get that extra dna strand and a larger percentage of our brains functional.
doesn't it seem that we have so much to do in compacted, speeded up time/space but we don't consciously know what we are supposed to do but we are doing it anyway? anybody?
If I've said something that might put others at risk, feel free to delete the offending post. I won't be offended at all. It saddens me that we've become such a frightened nation. And I'm not just referring to speaking out on the web. I know many who are even afraid to speak out one on one and in private. That's the scariest shit of all.
ReplyDelete"I know many who are even afraid to speak out one on one and in private. That’s the scariest shit of all."
ReplyDeleteYes it is Mr O and that's exactly where we are today. Being listened to, watched and tracked like never before in human ways Orwell never imagined. Everywhere I go there are multiple cameras on top of supermarkets and department stores and in the parking lots and at intersections. They are watching us right now as we type.
Life isn't just weird Will, it's a sci fi movie.
arcadia, I feel the same way. I keep thinking, another month or two and it all goes down. ..but what exactly is going down? I'm not sure. But that feeling of impending doom has been with me for so long now that I think it's clouding my basic intuition which is usually very good.
ReplyDeleteI think you're right. Maybe in the end, that's what will do it. In the end our united consciousness will defeat the dark forces that control things now. It's something David Icke speaks about all the time. We have the power. We just have to acknowledge it and come together as one and use it.
Even though chemtrails and fluoride affect our memory perhaps they can't penetrate our core consciousness. Imagine victory over our oppressors and make it reality? I truly believe in the power of mind in affecting situations and we use only 10% of it's ability.
Like you said arcadia. It's time to power up the other 90!
THe other day at work they were discussing Randy Quaid and how nutty he was acting. I have to admit I wasn't following the story so I didn't know what the hell was really going on with him and his wife though I had heard bits and pieces of the story. However, I did ask the girls why he was acting "nutty" to see what they'd say and they didn't really know just that he was talking like he had gone crazy.
ReplyDeleteThat's my baa baa girls. All they know is what the msm tells them. They feed on the soundbites of the propaganda machine. Then they regurgitate it back to each other as if they have something juicy to discuss. Far be it from them to ever really research a story to find out the whole truth. I can't help but feel pissed off at them most of the time for just this reason.
I have to laugh but it's like that show "THE VIEW"
ReplyDeleteThat crew is by far the most mainstream baa baa as it gets. The epitome of the left right hen house. Nice little Apha prp thanks to the fox, Eisner and the new fox, Iger.
It does my heart good to read this. Tiny Tim Osman and his group cannot effect the fear for cotonoses. We know their bag of goodies are quite plentiful.
ReplyDeleteWe also know the means to the end are all in their sweaty little grips. The shadowstalkers and committee librarians have been very busy for decades getting the files and books straigtnened out.
I noticed that my post HAITI, NWO and under the RADAR is back in the most popular. When I said phase two would include Detrick Disease assault and sterilization vaccination via Gates I said it was a certainty. Thanksgiving Soft Kill and the REAL BLACK FRIDAY.
CHECK OUT THIS LINK - Say's it all.
Are you sure you want to do this?
Please try again.
okay! you go first, and let us know... : )
ReplyDeletei believe that this is a 'battle' of consciousness.
i think you are correct re the chemtrails and fluoride. we do have bodies but we are not bodies. even injury from chemicals or worse might be nothing more solid than maybes too. i think if one thing is a maybe everything is a maybe.
the enemies are of such a blackness, and as david i says, are programmed like computers. a computer would have no feelings about killing a child. and since, as predicted, the weapons now in their hands can take out the entire world and probably a neighboring planet or two, this, hopefully, last big war is over our minds. (i have to give the always lovely aj credit for that saying)
the clues along those lines have been exponentially piling up in our faces for the past ten or so years. we are being overwhelmingly inundated with information. there is something for just about every kind of consciousness to choose from.
the concepts that nothing is a given and we are creating as we go along (re space extends only as far as we can measure) are our aces in the hole. if you throw in: 'man is basically good', the possibilities for higher consciousness are unlimited.
i also think that if our 'going down' were a given, i would not be here at this time. i bet you would not be either.
re david icke: i think he is a little bit gullible and i do not necessarily go along with the reptilian story, but take it as allegory, (though my daughter saw al gore shapeshift on tv before she ever heard of icke or reptilians! and nothing is impossible) but i totally love him and when i am feeling despondent i play his video 'the robots' rebellion' over and over while i am working around the house or whatever. i just play it until i am feeling empowered again. i have gone through a lot of 'exposers' and one of the few left in my life is david.
you might want to check this out. it's a video with a guy named hew len who explains a concept called ho'oponopono that i have found to be significantly powerful. a close friend sent me the link with the caveat that the man in the video is connected to someone from the video 'the secret', which he knows i cannot abide. he recommended that i just watch the videos with hew len and take what i like and disregard anything else. so i did. and now i am passing it on to you all.
cheers and peace
Speaking out is one very good thing Obtuse...revealing strategies that might be interpreted as...take a guess how things might be interpreted...
ReplyDeleteYou know the distinction I am getting at.
One distintion is that this is NOT, one on one in private, we here are in full view of the whole world. Yes?
I got into a thing with Flakstopper sometime back. He was very specific about something that was indeed a perilous path. perhaps you recall our dispute..??
He suggested that we start a fund, to hire a certain type of 'mechanic'...
Well, to me, this is volunteering for rupture. And for what?
If this isn't clear, I don't know what else to say.
ReplyDeleteHere is a detailed manual in the most straight forward manner I have ever read.
Just skip ALL of the yada by Jane and her husband...they don't even get weird as that may seem...
i have read all the seth books. but it is been a long time. nice to hear a reference to him.
ReplyDeletei did have a bit of a conflict with the concept of oversoul, still he was a very sensible 'person'. i might pick up a used copy online. thanks for the memory - kind of full circle, you know?
please don't be too hard on jane and robert. they did all the work!
ReplyDeleteBecause of the problem with shrinking page borders...I'm answering down here.
I don't mean to be had on Rupert, as Seth refers to Jane. She has done a spectacular job...and after all is the medium.
But what I foun was that a straight reading of Seth himslef, sans all the chatter inbetween let the info flow more clearly.
"Now"...and you know how important that constant intro is to Seth's dialog. It is the bottom line; it is ALWAYS NOW.
Think of it. Where is a moment that isn't now? Every memory takes place in the Now. Every speculation of future takes place in the Now. Our very experience in life proves to us that there is an eternal Now.
That is why I said that Time is the greatest mystery in our Time/Space existance; because here, it takes a 'future' to reveal that which always was, will be, and is.
To carry this 'always' in your consciousness is the trick..and the treat. So smile for me sweet Arcadia.
i am smiling right now, h.
ReplyDeleteit is easy to smile for you. for you all. i feel like i have come home here.
we could just as well say that 'now' is our ace in the hole.
NOW encompasses the concepts of 'we create as we go along and nothing is a given.' so we have it reduced to one word. perfect. let us create a certain now.
now time is a mystery. yes. but...time is a human-construct. i feel that is so. i would like to believe that i did not agree to the time-prison initially, but...
in this now, i am susceptible to time in ways i would like not to be. time causes aging and death and beautiful sadness. and the feeling that we are running out of time in which to act. it is truly the prison. we did not start out under the weight of time. i do think that it was created by certain entities, much as certain entities are now creating multitudinous other prisons.
i do not wear a watch and i do not own a calendar. my intention is to not go into agreement with time, but to master it. i do better than some but not as well as others in that regard.
a compelling and powerful idea that i picked up from seth is to go back in time and change events. i was doing that in an incredible dream last night, which ended in my coming back to 'this' time with two baby goats. but that is another story. it is a saving grace in a time-oriented existence. therein lies an out.
in that regard, i too am in a kind of fox-hole mode. i do not much leave the house much except to walk my dog and cat in the open space here. the work that i am doing is in my head. in the universal mind. i need to keep to myself for this.
i have to say that i felt a little shy about posting my comments on this thread at first. but i am so glad that i did it anyway. every comment has created a kind of excitement and anticipation where there was a lack of energy. and a feeling of certainty that i am not alone.
and not to be nit-picky here, but the idea that we share a soul with others was not the only thing that pissed me off about seth. he thought it was good enough to feed your pets canned food (yukk). every time i picked up his books i ended up arguing with him. i guess we enjoyed it because i kept reading. but sometimes he was maddening.
If there are any similarities going on here to the historical organization I linked to (disclaimer: for information purposes only), it's pure coincidence. I simply haven't posted on this board long enough to know of any suggested activities that would be considered illegal.
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree. Making [specific] plans of such sort on a public forum isn't wise. You're preaching to the choir on that account. But applauding the actions of a historical organization in the cause of freedom is not something I ever intend to shy away from.
Okay Mr. O, I apologize if I stepped on your toes. I didn't mean to.
ReplyDeleteI will just let this lay, because you and I are in the same boat and have the same frustrations. I want a just world to live in, that is obviously what we are all after on this site.
ReplyDeleteLol...I have no memory of the dog food advice given by Seth...???
I just remember thinking, "I already know this", with the larger frame he was was like my own memory being jogged.
Interesting posts here...I have to say, some are couched in the "Fear" Thing that I abhor. Folks -- we are all just people with a voice, a breath, and seeking to leave a positive footprint in the sands of our time.
ReplyDeleteOf course, we are confronted with the Gargoyles staring down at us menacingly from the tops of the gilded skyscrapers. So what. It has always been so, for the folks that do the "work" 'round here. So be it.
So flash em the Big Bird, especially for the Holidays!
Mr. Quaid is on the run, and it sounds like for good reasons. Be empathetic and understanding of his situation. A Cabal, or Mafia, is exacting the tribute they desire, doing what they do. Such is life in this world. We cannot -- Any One of Us -- go to sleep at night worrying and fretting. You must fight at your doorstep. You must draw a line in the sand. You must gird up your loins as the Bible says. You must realize that bad forces are continually seeking the easy money (that's yours of course) and the easy way. It is called sociopathy. They are not like you. Get That!
These mutants represent a very small percentage of the population, but exact a disproportionate price. When humanity figures out this equation -- they will have "ascended" to a higher level. Meaning...they will have learned to understand Predators.
I don't think it is constructive to get into the esoteric "meanings" of what this all is or is not. It surely "is". Therefore...strengthen your personal position. Speak out when necessary. Alert the Herd. Sound the Alarm when threatened, or you are not doing your job. Get in tune with your instincts, and listen to the sounds coming through the ground and the airwaves. Lift your nose to the wind -- when it is ill, hunker down and guard your perimeter. Militarily -- don't let any enemy within the "wire".
You are at risk. You are always at risk. We are always at risk. So what. Sit in defensive mode, and get overrun because you have lost momentum --- or go on the Offensive, and take no prisoners (so-to-speak).
We are not weak. We are humans. You can all make a difference....You already are doing it, by being here and raising your voice, and using your intellect. It's a far cry from bending over for the next TSA proctology exam, mind you.
Give em the Finger Back! Or else, you'll be feeling their Iron Fist.
I'm BACK!!!
ReplyDeleteI went to the store, and thought about this some more...
People -- we MUST REALIZE the value in the saying about, "Wolves, in
Sheep's clothing". If we still lived in the woods, on the plains, in the jungles -- we would have had instilled in each of us, the reality of predators, and what they look like. Society and neutered humanity to the extent that they cannot fathom, nor recognize the very villains that prey upon them.
For many hundreds of years, perhaps thousands now, humanity has been "socialized" by media and marketing to live in denial and delusion regarding the true nature of the Beast. Suits and ties, and titles seem to confuse people as to "what" they are dealing with when it comes to those who prey upon them.
Sun Tsu said War is deception. Mossad means War "by" deception. The very colossal size of the American government and it's agencies presents a Borg that assimilates the assets of all that come within it's reach. Is this not to be expected? I am mystified by the confusion and denial of the Obvious! The senile, the weak, the wealthy and the ignorant are all "marks" to be preyed upon by the group of sociopaths that feed upon the fat of the land. We face the Feudal Empire, and you are are a serf or you are a survivor.
Just last night I watched a nature series with my son, narrated by none other than Oprah Winfrey (sic). One segment showed the amazing defense mechanisms of schools of fish. In particular, herring. Being predated upon by sharks and seals. The ability of the "school" to protect itself by acting in concert as "one" -- no single fish presenting a target -- yet All making rapid movements to dissipate and avoid being eaten was fascinating. Where once was a "fish ball" of many thousands if not more of tasty fish people; they darted away in clouds, leaving holes and emptiness and no particular target to be devoured by the predators. Their instinctual defensive maneuvers were a successful solution to the problem. Interesting, herring do not possess the aggressiveness of piranha. If every small fish were to have taken a "bite" out of the predators, soon there would have only been a lifeless carcass left -- and the predators would have disappeared into the void. A lesson here.
Every Voice of the people, every recognition of the Wolves, and a pointing out of the Intruder, and subsequent small "bite" by the People would soon solve the problems of dealing with Wolves in Sheep's Clothing. We will learn this valuable survival methodology (ala guerilla warfare), or WE will succumb to the ranks of redcoats and flanking maneuvers being currently advanced against us all. It seems quite obvious.
So, there's my take on becoming a Statistic. WE are complicit in our own demise if WE are complacent. A united front, and an individual effort and recognition of our common enemies is a mandate for Freedom and Survival. The choices are only Two (2). Eat -- or be Eaten.
I'm hungry now.
Okay Boomer,
ReplyDeleteDo you have people around you to organize a mill-eatcha? Or do you have a compound or something there that you are inviting us to show up with our "equipment" at?
I have felt people out that I live around, even relatives and such. You'd have to hit them in the head with a hammer to even get them to bleat.
Even my ex-brother-in-law, a military type guy sees the idea of such organizing as wacky.
Realize; most people are still in a trance bowing and praying to their TV. They are lost in the duh-zone.
Or maybe you're thinking of being the Lone Ranger? Now that is's called the Leaderless Resistance. Those who strategize these things seriously advize this way of war. I suppose it is something to keep in mind as we watch this thing develop.
Thanks for the Props Rogue1! HA! I believe you're missing my point; being that Everybody is an army of One. This is my verbal attempt (perhaps lame-ass) to point out the Obvious. Folks First (1st), gotta grasp the reality of the situation. Perhaps I'm just Blowin in the Wind. Whatever.
ReplyDeleteI'm personally dealing with a family member who blew millions to sharks with big smiles, and thought they were his friends. A pity. This Quaid dude acknowledges he made $42 Mil -- then got ripped off by hangers on in Hollywood. Old story. Having his brother whacked, and noting others getting sacrificed for dead-stars-turn-into-more dollars is an old one frankly. I feel for him. But then, he's lived in the lime-light many years, and can't trust Hollywood attorneys or "businessmen". What's new here?
Joe 'merican can't seem to recognize he too has a target on his back. Serf's up you know? If you've lost your instincts, then you're going to get eaten alive. Even if you've still got em, you're likely getting schooled right up to the shore, where you're easy pickins.
The "organizing" idea, means people have got to look out for each other, manifest some integrity and smarts, and they improve their chances for survival in this corrupt ocean of predators. For the most part, if you haven't notice (and I know you have), nearly everybody and "system" is geared to Take what you've got -- not give you a helping hand. Yeah, its a slap upside the head, but people gotta wake up.
None of us waste our time here, 'cause we just gotta vent. It IS an exercise in Waking Up people and pointing out the Obvious.
If what we say here is total waste of time, if our efforts to wake people up are just a bloody Rant...then, I got better things to do with my time. How about you? And You, and You, and You?!
Most folks don't want to hear anything that's outside the box. I can't explain it. For example -- a measly $4500 for a bag of junk silver in or around 2005/2006 would have cost $4500 or so. Now, it'll cost you about $20,000. That'd be a $15,000 profit for some folks. Nothing to sniff at, when their stocks and home values have lost 30-40% over the same time. But...ya still can't convince the dolts to think for themselves.
Frankly, I'm tired of trying speechifying. I happen to have personal experience with having to actually Plan for the future. You a squirrel. If you don't put wood up you freeze in the winter. If you don't squirrel away some nuts, you go hungry or starve. Far be it from me to be able to convince the TV city folks that someday, when they go to flick the light switch or turn on the heater, they may get ZIP! They don't even know where electricity comes from. They think food...comes from the store in a package or box. They think everything will always be like it has been before... until the lights go out.
Whatever. My batting percentage is probably about like yours for waking people up. Can't say I haven't tried.
One more tentacle of the prestidigitating octupus. (did I spell prestidigitating right???)
ReplyDeleteOh well the freekin octopussy magician.
Sure glad to be a pennyless nobody. (did I spell pennyless right?)
Oh well a broke nobody has nobody pilfering they pockets.
Nobody in Hoboken. Broken !
so you think bad dog food advice is funny??
i know what you mean about the things he was saying jogging your memory. i think everyone has such memories. just not activated. i would imagine that every time an expansive memory is realized more of the brain becomes activated in response. it is the willingness to activate that makes the difference. much like the willingness to see things as they really are.
seems we have been in training for a long time and this is the slow motion fluid countdown.
the weird thing is, i think i am ready.
i think it was in their new house and the cat had jumped onto her (his) lap and he was talking about pets and he was amused at how people worry so much about what to feed their pets.
do you happen to remember when they had the flood and i think the bridge near their home collapsed - maybe. all the citizens were advised via tv and radio to get tetanus shots. rupert was not sure she wanted to do that and after a little back and forth decided not to. seth told her it was a good decision because the vaccine was tainted and some people became ill from it. i do not remember if anyone died. funny.
Yeah, well...none of us can even conceptualize the wealth the STEALthy Wealthy in politics and Wall Street have accumulated. Lifestyles of the rich and infamous, aye?
ReplyDeleteNo use contemplating it either. Just don't hand what little you got over. There is bliss in the simple things. The rich and the evil have no peace as a wise One once said. So we sleep well...with one eye open, and our hands near to our piece. There's some peace in that. Perhaps our very own spaghetti western where we can be the Good against the Bad and the Ugly.
It sure is Bad and Ugly out there.
Well Boom,
ReplyDeleteWe both know--all of us here know that we are fighting the Mind War here in Digitalis.
I can think of no better way to reach those who might be vaguely interested in 'waking up'. This is where it is the notices left on the Liberty Tree in the 1770s.
It is so, that things are now coming down fast >> too fast. There will be many just totally caught off guard...they are still daydreaming. Some are capable of daydreaming sitting in a pool of their own vomit. What can you say to these types of zombies?
I've seen photos of women standing with their hands in the air while TSA goons fondle their breasts, heard a hundred and one bizarre stories about this past weekend.
Not a single "terrorist" caught squatting in line with a nuke bar.
This is surreal. And all of it is backed up by Duckspeak. Utter fucking quackery.
What can you think when you see and hear this kind of stuff? The people are giving in--letting it happen, did you hear of ANYONE duking out the fucking TSA goons?? Anywhere? Millions of chumps going through this humiliation, and not one person stood back once faced with it saying, "hey fuck you"...That is incredible shrinking man bullshit right there. I couldn't stand it. That is why I won't fly. I could NOT hold myself back in such a situation.
I remember laughing in the face of a drill instructer in boot camp. It's now that I have 'guts'. I am simply aware of myself and and free enough to react to absurdities acting out right in front of me. The guy was screaming in my face, just like in the movies. To me it was unbelievable that a grown man would act that way. I laughed and when that pissed him off I told him he was an idiot. Sure it could have led to a fight right then and there. But I wasn't thinking of that. You play these things each moment at a time. Yea...I got in trouble. So what? I wanted out anyway. And I got out.
But I know better than putting myself in such situations. I don't make nice in stupid situations.
So, yea...anyway, just like you Boom, I gotta vent. Because this really pisses me off.
Just seeing it from afar here on the is so blunking surreal and stupid I feel like...well really angry. I don't know how I keep being disappointed with the people, like as if I didn't expect this from these zombies.
F it.
i become discouraged too when people do not stand up and fight back. or at least stand up. this video, linked below, is about the euro. it is one man standing up all alone and telling the evil-doers that they are doing evil and that he does not like it. at all.
ReplyDeletehe is not an american but he is a human being. after i read the latest comments here i found the video in my inbox. i had to come back and post the link. the timing is too good to ignore. here is one response to 'wake up'.
There is alot happening in Europe and GB now, almost a revolt. They have AP's out working the demonstrations with violence, and the police are massing forces in response. I was in Kathmandu on May Day and also Bangkok downtown the day before 30 people were killed, I saw the burning tires that day but it was peaceful...for 24 hours. Alot of the social movements are engineered toward establishing martial law, but that is the best they can hope for now that there is so much popular anger at how humanity is being treated. There are a ton of demonstrations in China, all the time, high school kids rioting. This whole Orwellian state authority trip as gotten way outta hand and people are not happy!! Now that the velvet glove American Dream koolaid has been withdrawn and the reality check for the financial ponzi arrives, I too sense the whole thing is growing desperate... but there is knowledge at the center of the whirlwind, and winter solstice. In the US, most people are too shattered to even guess at what is behind the enormous deconstruction of their dreams unfolded by global governance, and we all know who governments work for, and it's not the people.
ReplyDeleteQuite a speech. Could be that Farage knows this is the issue that brings the whole house of cards down. Or, maybe he's just reflecting populist anger to garner votes. Hard to tell who is really sincere these days. That said, here's the guy's bio...
Obtuse, please read something other than wiki. For example,
ReplyDelete"Ayers and Dohrn came out in the open on December 3, 1980, a month after Ronald Reagan won the presidential election. Why didn’t the Reagan Justice Department prosecute them on numerous possible (and extreme) felony charges, such as second degree murder? Why didn’t Bush Sr. or Bush Jr.? I will show that the explanations (plural, and contradictory!) that the media has put forward for why the government failed to prosecute Ayers and Dohrn are not credible. The failure to prosecute Ayers and Dohrn, who have publicly confessed to committing murder, at least in the second degree, and other Federal and State crimes that have no statutes of limitations, and who have not confessed to, but are convincingly linked to, at least four murders in the first degree – this failure supports the charge many people made in 1969: that key Weatherman leaders were (and still are) agents provocateurs with the assignment of destroying the very possibility of a decent Left in this country, associating the notion of social change with gangsterism and corruption. "
-Alex Constantine
As I say...if you don't stand up, you're sitting down. If you don't make a squeak, you will make a squishy splat when the big wheel of 'progress' rolls over your prone body. Sometime, one brave man who stands in front of a cavalry of tanks in a red square, can inspire inspire thousands to stand up where-ever they are. If we don't stand up for truth, for dignity, for what is right and decent...then we may live, but as zombies as in having died inside.
ReplyDeleteI write these words, and hope I live them when called to do so. I might be brave, or perhaps petulantly stubborn. Perhaps unrealistic and idealistic. Gotta choose some way to walk in this world.
What we all don't want to become are soul-less bastards who live to thieve, murder and fraudulently prey upon our fellow man. We would then be like 'them' -- what we see running amok in the present world.
Sociopathic tendencies seem to be all the rage these days. A world full of depraved bullies and sharks just seems like pollution of the worst kind. We all get to make our choices.
Except for the agent provocateur problem I mentioned above..
ReplyDeleteAyers and Dohrn also have a history with Obama, a close if not reported history. Obama is closely alligned with US Intel, and has been groomed from a young age. His mother was also undercover intel. It runs as far back as his grandparents--many connections.
ReplyDeleteAnyone following the birth certificate scandle has surely read this info.
The Simbianese Army that held Patty Hearst was an agent provocateur group as well. The whole kidnapping thig was a psyop.
ALL dissident groups are infiltrated as soon as they get beyond their own city block.
This is why it is not a good idea to 'join' anything. And if you grow your own keep it tight and simple.
Nice, Boomer. I hear ya now.
ReplyDeleteWell said, we got to decide where we stand, with sociopathic predators or with the innocent. There will be alot of lying and deceiving going on as people find themselves left out of musical chairs, and it will come down to who has real integrity and who does not. And yeah it will come down to our street/jungle smarts keeping an eye out for deceivers.
ReplyDeleteSenor' Obtuse lamented the truth in the airport recently.
ReplyDeleteThe Nazi's were here in the U.S. prior to WWII. Though at that time they were called ORT and ORC. Red and Blue joiners settled in from the days at Plymouth.
What were Pilgrims carrying the water for NWO here to the states showed it's tentacles quickly with witchhunts, eugenics, aryan Wandervögel ecology, social engineering under the mind control and ethnic cleansing.
What was this project called before Nazism? Dig deep into the illuminati archives prior to the Bavarian movement discover their roots in the colonies.
Then you can get the sense for the two winged phoenix and the core hierarchy and designer of all things facsist. Weishaupt's plans came to light by providence but they were successful in carrying out the agenda without much delay. Fabian Rose Croix
Joiner? No way. Not the Red Cross, Jaycees, Demolay, Shriners, John Birch, GOP, DNC, or LMNOP ~
When certain numerology and colors are recognized you can link the science of Illuminatists to all things earthly and beyond [BlueBeam] Bloodlines exposed.
You are a donor evertime you eat at McDonalds of Merovingian.
That's right Mary. Remember the Shrub's statement, "you're either with us or against us!". See, he had multiple meanings in that statement. Some literal and some code I imagine...
ReplyDelete* To fellow elites -- a rallying call to action
* To Joe 'merican -- form up in cannon fodder formation, and go kill
foreigners who are sitting on Our oil. Much strategic fallout resulted
from this murderous escapade. I won't go into them here, but altering
the balance of mid-east power qualifies, fabulously enriching MIC
companies like Cheney's Halliburton and KBR, funneling money to
cronies, essentially laundering tax payer money through a contrived war,
etc., etc. The psyops angles were super important to the elites as well,
while altering the very fabric of American society also took place. The
Iraq and Afghan wars and ever-widening imperialistic advances have
been one of the biggest Boons for the elites -- while simultaneously being
one of the biggest boondoggles for Americans across the board (Loss of
Freedoms, increasing fascist police state powers, economic collapse, fear
and loathing across the land). Do note -- the EXACT OPPOSITE has
occurred from the Propaganda Slogans sold to Americans. Massive loss
of Freedoms in Iraq as well as here in the U.S. Increased destabilization
of life on both ends. Less Peace, More Fear. Impoverishment of the
masses on both sides. The list goes on and on. Point these things out
to your zombified relatives and friends. Reality is at polar opposites from
"the story" circulated.
* If anybody actually "thinks" about the with us or against us meme while
reflecting on the actual things that have taken place, they will quite
clearly see the Predator side and the Prey side of things. The Shrub
and the elites want the masses to "act" like them and kill each other off.
The elites profit on both sides (ala Rothchilds, Committee strategy), then
divide up the spoils for themselves at pennies on the dollar. A Home Run
all the way around for them!
So I say again > Are YOU gonna stand there for this treatment, or fight back in whatever ways you can? You really have no choice, to tell you the truth...
Sorry for the screwed up type above. It looked fine until I posted it.
ReplyDeleteHey Boomer, you've been hitting home runs for a couple weeks need to apologize for a couple typos.
ReplyDeleteKeep sluggin' dude.
I don't think the Weathermen actually murdered anyone. They purposely targeted empty buildings. My understanding regarding their prosecution is: the government broke so many laws trying to catch them that they had to let them go.
ReplyDeleteHere's a documentary about them...
Thank you Sir. We all might as well "Swing Away" for the fences you know, 'cause we're all facing a full count in the bottom of the 9th.
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way, I was "self-justifying" the right margin by hitting "return", trying to make it easier to read. I had it all lined up and looking pretty for you folks -- Lo and behold, it screwed the entire thing up.
Try the Desiderada if you ever need 'self-justification' Boom {grin}
Now I get it...that Golden Calf has that Benjamin Buttons thingy...right puddy?
Funny one Rogue1! Self-justifying is a marginal exercise at best...
ReplyDeleteWeird. I think out-of-the-box, then try and fit it into a box?
"Self-justifying is a marginal exercise at best…"*****
ReplyDeleteWhoa, you are on a roll my man...Lol
Cracker Jax...remember to always put a prize in da box...great marketing trick from the 40s.
Provocative headlines here:
South Korea: dispatch from the frontline of World War Three
According to local media, the North Koreans used “hyperbaric,” or fuel-air, explosives – rare and unusually destructive weapons, only just this side of breaching international law. But then the attack itself, Pyongyang’s first, in its own words, “precisely aimed” land assault on South Korea's civilians since the end of the war in 1953, broke wholly new and dangerous ground.
The war-games will take place in a part of the sea at least fifty miles south of Yeonpyeong, but that hasn’t stopped North Korea threatening to turn them into a conflict for real. “The situation is inching closer to the brink of war due to the reckless plan of those trigger-happy elements to stage again the war exercises targeted against the (North),” the state news agency said, calling it an “unpardonable provocation” and promising a “shower of dreadful fire.”
\\ll// Is it real or is it memorex?