In my last column, Who Has The Crystal Ball, I questioned the existence of “the liberal media,” and I remarked that it would be interesting to know the manufacturer of the full body scanners and the company’s relationship to the US and Israeli governments.
Conservative readers wrote to me saying that, as I had not mentioned National Public Radio, I had hidden “the liberal media” under the table. Another reader, well informed on the subject, told me about the full body scanner company and its relationship to the US and Israeli governments.
Let’s begin with the latter.
The full body scanners are manufactured by Rapiscan Systems, a firm represented by the Chertoff Group. The Chertoff Group is Michael Chertoff, a dual Israeli/US citizen appointed Secretary of Homeland Security in 2005 by Puppet President George W. Bush. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) used Obama’s economic stimulus, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, to purchase 150 Rapiscan machines. Much larger purchases are in the works.
Chertoff has been a federal judge on the US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit and a federal prosecutor who convicted and destroyed the Arthur Andersen accounting firm, apparently illegally as the conviction was overturned by the US Supreme Court. But, of course, the firm and the careers of its employees were already destroyed by Chertoff.
Chertoff was also appointed Assistant Attorney General of the Department of Justice by George W. Bush. Chertoff supervised the 9/11 investigation or non-investigation.
Chertoff is also the co-author of the USA PATRIOT Act, a piece of fascist legislation that destroys American civil liberties.
Today Chertoff is using his government credentials to push full body scanners into American airports. A rights group,, has criticized Chertoff for abusing “the trust the public has placed in him as a former public servant to privately gain from the sale of full-body scanners.”
Now let’s have a look at National Public Radio. Once upon a time NPR was an alternative voice. That voice was discarded during the Bush administration when Republican fundraiser Gay Hart Gaines was appointed by Dubya as vice chair for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Cheryl Feldman Halpern was appointed chair of the Corporation by Dubya, and Elizabeth Sembler was appointed by Dubya to the board of the corporation.
These women are certainly not liberals. Gaines is affiliated with right-wing and neoconservative organizations, such as the American Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation and the National Review Institute. According to Common Cause, Gaines was “an ardent fundraiser for Newt Gingrich.”
Halpern is a Republican donor and a critic of NPR. Halpern has accused NPR of anti-Israel bias and said that public broadcasting journalists should be penalized for biased programs. Biased programs are those that don’t fit Republican and AIPAC agendas. Halpern accompanied President George W. Bush to Jerusalem for the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Israeli state in May 2008. Halpern is a board member of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a spin-off organization from AIPAC tasked with focusing primarily on influencing the US executive branch while AIPAC focuses on Congress. At her confirmation hearing, Halpern expressed her opinion that Public Broadcasting System’s Bill Moyers was not objective and regretted that as chair of the corporation she lacked the authority to “remove physically somebody who had engaged in editorialization of the news.”
Sembler is director of Jewish Studies at the Jewish Day School in Clearwater, Florida. Her husband is CEO of the Sembler Company, a shopping center development firm.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting board distributes federal funds to noncommercial radio and TV stations. It became clear to NPR that their funding was in question, and NPR deserted truth for money.
The Republican takeover was completed by an infusion of corporate money into NPR.
Today the station has as many advertisements for corporate donors as a commercial station. It still pretends to be financed by listeners, but NPR is now part of the corporate media and sounds like the voice of Israel.
On November 2, NPR’s news broadcast showed its new colors. Reporting on the 40-year sentence handed to Omar Khadr by a Gestapo military tribunal for “war crimes,” NPR provided commentary from a widow of a US soldier killed in the firefight that captured the wounded 15-year old Khadr and by a retired US military officer. NPR did not provide any commentary by legal experts who have shown the “trial” to be a travesty of law.
Khadr was captured in wounded condition following a four-hour firefight in the Afghan village of Ayub Kheyl, which came under US attack. He was accused of throwing a hand grenade that fatally wounded a US soldier. It is impossible to know who threw a grenade during a firefight. Moreover, the use of lethal force in military encounters does not constitute a war crime.
Khadr was held for seven years in Guantanamo where he was tortured into confession. At his trial, his confession became a plea bargain.
What Khadr’s trial was about is establishing that “enemy combatants” who resist US aggression are war criminals. The assumption is that only “terrorists” resist American invasion of their countries.
None of this information was revealed by the NPR report. Instead America’s “alternative voice” was thoroughly neoconservative. NPR presented its listeners with the self-righteous celebration of the US soldier’s widow, who, the Guardian reported (Nov. 2) “pumped her fist and cheered ‘yes.’ The widow said that now, finally, that justice was done she could get on with her life. NPR followed up with a retired US military officer, who said that Khadr’s sentence was equivalent to freeing a murderer.
Khadr’s prosecutor, Jeffrey Groharing, declared that Khadr’s sentence “will send a message to Al-Qaeda and others whose aims and goals are to kill and cause chaos around the world.” The irony in this assertion escaped the tamed NPR. The deaths that can be attributed to Al Qaeda are tiny in number compared to the deaths inflicted by gratuitous US and Israeli naked aggression against Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Lebanon, Pakistan, Yeman, and Somalia. Groharing declared the 15-year old Khadr to have been “an accomplished terrorist” who committed the offense of resisting American aggression.
Now, really, what kind of idiot would interpret NPR’s report as “the liberal media.”
What message did Khadr’s sentence send? To insouciant Americans only that finally a terrorist got his comeuppance despite the liberal media. To the rest of the world the message is: the US is a morally bankrupt, self-righteous country that believes that might is right. The American claim to world leadership is discredited.
Dr. Roberts is one of the hardist hitting commentators out there. A teller of grave and unsettling truths.
Side Note: Does everyone realize that the guy in the second photo is NOT a make-up job?
The guy that played Nosferatu was really Nosferatu.
"The guy that played Nosferatu was really Nosferatu."
ReplyDeleteaka Michael Chertoff ! I've never seen a man look more like a vampire.
"aka Michael Chertoff ! I’ve never seen a man look more like a vampire."~JG
ReplyDeleteYea...or a demon from hell. Sorta the same thing I guess.
Yay, Dr. Roberts! (This Nosferatu dude does look like the devil!)
ReplyDeleteFor My Favorite Jerseygirl
ReplyDeleteHomeland Security To “Regionalize” Emergency Supplies Over Next 90 Days
A phone interview with Sharon Bylier of The Dept of Homeland Security, revealed that H.S. is stepping up regionalizing disaster supplies.
Simply put, they are taking emergency items that are currently centralized in Washington, D.C., and distributing them nationally. Sort of like a mobilization of suppies. Their plan is to complete the supply of fifteen H.S. warehouses around the country in the next three months.
Ms. Bylier is quoted as saying “we have worked hard the last six months to meet our local objectives.” She continued “the goals of Homeland Security are in sight.”
It’s difficult to know if this is a good or bad omen. No comment was offered as to why this program has been given so much urgency at this time. It’s nice to know we’re ready.
But ready for What?
Putting this item together with the Half Past Human Report, makes food for thought
{no pun intended}>>
"November 14th at 6:50AM Pacific Coast Time (UTC + 8). Repeat - Tipping point starts on 11-14-2010."
"November 14th of 2010, nearly double in a very rapid fashion over mere hours (1.12 hours) on January 7th, at about 5 AM. Further this increased rate of emotional release language persists for an additional 23 hours until 4:30 AM on the 8th of January. Then, whew, the rate of release language goes back to its previously experienced levels, which , while steep, are not as intense as the January 7 to 8 'purge' of anguish."
ReplyDelete“Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula member arrested over UK bomb plot
Home secretary reveals member of the group behind last week's cargo bomb plot was planning an attack in Britain
A member of the group believed to be behind last week's cargo bomb plot was arrested in Britain earlier this year, the home secretary, Theresa May, revealed today.
The man, a member of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), had been planning a bomb attack in the UK, she told the Royal United Services Institute, in a speech on counter-terrorism.”
“ believed to be...” What is this rhetorical nonsense? “Believed to be”?
Where are 'the goods'? All we get are empty assertions based on 'suspicions' that “terrorist experts' believe in.
Now we've got “Aquap”, AQAP...what is this? Like al Qaeda means 'toilet' in Arab street language?
And we are supposed to take these jokes seriously?
So the terrorists are going to go take “a-cwap in the western toilet”...right.
Who writes this twaddle, Dr. Seuss? Kilgore Trout? Some Kurt Vonnegut wanna be on K Street more likely. It's really not even fit for a TV movie. The Hardy Boys had better plots.
This is like some ogre trying to do stand up comedy. The only funny part to it is it is supposed to be scary.
And the tragic part of it is many lame brained TVZombies take it serious and are scared by it.
Fruit of the Loom on fire....jeeeeze.
Somebody roll me an herb taco.~ww
Thanks Patrick. That illustrates perfectly the way most of the public will react to those full body scanners & checkpoints where they will be groped up and down without being taken out to dinner first. They will go along with this sexual assault as if in a trance.
ReplyDeleteI remember the first time I saw an old b&w film about Nosferatu. I was a teenager and had just gotten home from a date. I wasn't sleepy so I turned on the tv and there he was... Michael Chertofferatu. Though I didn't know his real name at the time. I had nightmares for a week. Now he's back to bother me again. Damn him and his evil machines back to hell!
Shoelace widget bombers, written, directed, produced and presented by Holyrood East.
ReplyDeleteSuadi and Israeli backed financial extravaganzas wit our tax dollars to keep us entertained in Ian Flemingville and give the toy robot soldiers a chance to pop their corks.
Eenie Meanie Chili Beanie, AQAP is about to speak!
Are they friendly?
Friendly? Of course, they are your neighborhood law enforcement and neighbors.
Anyone remember that Committee Docudribble called "Arlington Road" [1999] A masterful fear campaign to offset the Waco-RubyRidge-Murrah triad. Starring World Order wonders Tim Robbins, wife of warlock Susan Sarandon. Too bad they didn't correctly identify Robbins as a MK-Ultra dupe working closely with the ADL, SPLC and FBI.
They actually tried to convey the Feds as the good guys. Sheeesh, what a stretch. Great prelude to 911 and truther movement. They have tried to make up all out as McVeighs.
And of course we are really Randy Weavers, who fought for fair tax and independence and were shot down in the backs holding babies by the FEDS
(Federal Reserve Agents) while Janet Reno and Eric Holder held hands with President lucezipper and chanted great Satanic Verses.
Aaahh yes, those were the days my friends we know they'll never end. Hey Willie thanks for the herb taco. I got the munchies. Pass me a rubber buscuit.
"Pass me a rubber buscuit."~Patrick
ReplyDeleteSorry man, the government goons snatched them all up and used the rubber to coat their bullets.
How 'bout a glass of fresh truth;
“On November 2, angry voters responded, shifting right despite favoring many left of center issues, a combination of outrage and angst overriding their best interests. Go figure because what they got will incense them more.
During hard times, election cycles repeat a common pattern. Angry voters throw out bums for new ones, discarding them next time around for still more, mindless of what an earlier article explained - that US democracy is fake. The criminal class in Washington is bipartisan. Mock elections pretend to be real. The process is mere kabuki theater run by political consultants and PR wizards, supported by major media misreporting, featuring horse race issues, not real ones.”~Lendman
'The Ends Justify the Means' + "Might is Right', the two lies that have driven history for centuries.
ReplyDeleteBoth concepts are built on false assumptions. But the assumptions generally held are not naturally held, but taught by social conditioning. So the unthinking herd grazes on oblivious until the dogs snap at their hooves and they're off to the end of the cliff again. The Abominable Carousel of history.
Jeezuz fukkin krist J. are you tryin to pissme off? I have enough info in my head to the point I can barely iterate without releasing a string of profoundly profane 'language'.
ReplyDeleteY'know what? The OWO, NWO, power mongerin muthu fuckas may get a grand surprise some day. I've seen things turn on a dime when lleast expected. Maybe the 2012 elections will provide a 3rd party candidate who they'll ignore as they always do (no convention, no office) and we'll put someone in who is a fuckin commie bastard with more power than god and will hunt the lot of em down and napalm them. I hafta believe that somewhere there's already an entire Administration waiting till the last feasable moment to throw the hat into the arena. Ya think?? maybe??
There I feel a bit better now.
Great post, I can't address something that pisses me off so badly and make any sense. Sorry jg, I'll let everyone else vent coherantly