Yes we can laugh. Yet I believe that Charlie like others that include Mel Gibson are targeted in shadowstalking government programs that have been around for years.
These include mislabeling and getting listed as Psychiatric, molestation or no fly lists. Using can drive you mad and then get you on these lists. Auto and aerial surveillance ala Goodfellas, caller and IP dropping. Mail tampering and profiling through your garbage.
City or state records removal as in DMV or Tax info, roadrager activity. Private space invasions in public, agent provacateurs in social situations manifesting as entrapment scenarios and paranoia programs which may come in a multitude of ways. i.e. Strange noises around home, lights flashing outside, intruders inside home moving personal belongings in or out, rearranging objects, etc.
EMP or subsonic assault through walls in an apartment scenario or from outside trucks motivating heightened paranoia, depression and confusion.
Once they have you fully ID'd and profiled they will go after your family and relationships as well. False emails, cards and random phone calls as a anonomous friend who is concerned about your new obsessions or kinks (which of course do not exist)
These techniques were used in Corporate environments for years, all developed through the entities like CIA, Tavistock and MIT. Once they discover your phobia's, passions and pet-peeves they can drive you insane and render you in a sleep-deprivation "bell jar"
Trust me, I know this like Alex Jones knows the constitution.
Last night I happened to be at the table with the director of MoveOn, and I challenged him as to why his political action group won't address 9/11?
He tried to make the excuse that MoveOn wasn't about steering the topic and that 9/11 was far down on his members minds. To which I called him out by saying that MoveOn has continually promoted causes and gotten their members to move in one direction or the other, and that they do not just go off the signal in which the constituency is trending, and that its because MoveOn wasn't bringing 9/11 to the forefront, but in fact suppressing discussion of this most important topic, along with the rest of the controlled media, that, that is why 9/11 if far down on their survey list.
I challenged him to open up the topic and said I'd make a bet with him that instead of frightening people away from his movement (what he was essentially afraid of) but that it would bluster his membership and give him a great deal of credibility instead of trying to maintain the status-quo which was crumbling around us.
I reminded him that the 9/11 Truth Movement is not going away, but getting stronger by the day and by his refusal to discuss this topic that there would come a day when the truth would be known and what would happen to his movement then, when all his members look at MoveOn and ask where were you on this? I told him that when that day comes he doesn't want to be on the wrong side of history, standing with the discredited corporate media.
I challenged him as to how a political organization could ignore the most defining moment of our lives? Something that has effected nearly every aspect of policy. I asked him how he could ignore the mass-murder of Americans and not draw attention to it and to not use the millions of members that MoveOn has to address this situation, and that if he didn't, he was no better than being complicit in the cover-up of mass murder himself.
I actually got him to admit that he may well indeed be guilty of what I accused him of. I don't know if I made a dent in them changing their policy on 9/11, but I certainly got him thinking.
So indeed I had a marvelous Thanksgiving. I ruined it for him, and made everyone else at the table squirm, but I felt great.
I went on to blast them with all kinds of facts and recent bits of information until they couldn't take it anymore and changed the subject. And I'm not making this up, they started talking a shit - literally. I think it started out about something to do with dog shit and branched off into all different kinds of shit. I sat there quietly listening for about 8 to 10 minutes and butted in with, "Well, this conversation certainly has turned to shit. I can see why you wanted to change the subject."
And I wonder why I don't get invited back anywhere.
Not only do I trust you Brother, I believe I'm suffering from at least 2/3rds of the symptoms and conditions you've described. It certainly would go a long way in explaining what's been happening to me lately.
But in my case I think it could be a bit of me screwing-up my own life, surrounding myself with fools and a good case of bad luck. Indeed if the government spooks were to investigate me on how to neutralize my ass they'd most likely come to the conclusion that I'm doing a pretty good job of fucking screwing up my life myself and that the best thing they could do is just leave me alone.
Don't discount the signs M. You have stirred the pot enough to be noticed. I don't exclude their tracking of CSPAN and all other communicating you have done.
I sent letters and editorials to three major newspapers in the south and that was enough to get the shadow over my world.
Remember the government has 500,000 on payroll. What could all these global slimeballs and the ones they don't admit to be doing? Sitting in cubicles intercepting Telecom - Search and email algorithms all day long.
We tend forget FISA and the massive breaches being done everyday. Barry O didn't lie when he said "tranparency"..... Yours, not his. We are a virus to them and sitting in a Petri Dish.
I give you credit for going after MoveON, but like Wiki-Assange and the liberal editors I was was after, they turned me over to the shadow authorities. You may have done the same with MoveOn (or is it MoveOntoWorldOrder?) Be careful.
Patrick, I agree with everything you posted. I can picture it all happening in the very near future and have spent many sleepless nights thinking about such things.
But every once in a while, I need to get out of my own head and for just a day or two pretend that all that stuff I worry about won't really come to pass. That some divine intervention will happen to prevent the ultimate police state from taking over our very lives. That escape into the sheeple pasture is a very short lived adventure and reality always comes crashing back and hits me over the head.
I do however need to keep my sense of humor or I will go stark raving mad. That would mean they have already won without even trying out all their psyop programs on me.
So, that's the reason for my posting something occasionally that maybe some of us can have a laugh at and for just a brief moment lift that black cloud up just long enough to take a deep breath before the next horrific piece of news slams us again.
Firstly M, how'd you wind up having thanksgiving dinner with the director of moveon?? Secondly, congrats on rattling his cage and the others as well.
But Moveon is just another msm propagnda tool. They are fake liberals. That guy has no intention of looking into 9/11 or anything else that would benefit we the people.
Funny they were talking about shit. I guess it's hard not to when you're so full of it......lovely dinner conversation eh?
Yes for sure we need to laugh. I am not doing it enough these days. I spent TG alone and watched EDGE OF DARKNESS w/Gibson. It's hard for me to give thanks.
I thought about all the Thallium and Pelonium assassinations, then started reeling back to all the wellstones and I got my fannie in the sling with the Challenger and Christa McAuliffe and KAL007 McDonald. Thats exactly where I started writing editorials regarding the strange bird kill that day.
I found myself running down all the names I could remember but chemtrails have fooged my head and there are so mnay now that I have to refer to my database. This whole deal started for me in 1986.
And then out of the blue Laudy posts the late and great Burroughs from 86 on Thanksgiving. I got a cold chill when she posted that. Strangeness is the norm for me.
A quarter century of the darkside. Keep posting the humor. The site needs it as do I. Disregard my incessant morbidity as well. It's the season for me.
Thanks Laudy--love Bouroughs. I saw him live in LA once upon sometime long ago. He stood and gave one of the most amazing monologs for about an hour and a half at an auditorium, more of a place for a concert. It was very much autobiographical. He mentioned the William Tell moment of shooting his wife in the head, enstead of the was all very surreal, with that amazing drone of a voice that cuts right through ones being...hypnotizing.
I've been listening to Black Ribbons a lot line keeps sticking in my mind;
"When the radio goes dead and the airwaves are filled with hate instead They're gonna come for my head for the things that I said when the radio goes dead"
I guess that isn't a cheerie thought...sorry JG. \\ll//
Just so happens that this guy is married to the daughter of the people I put-up after Katrina. I had meet him once before briefly a couple of years ago and they were in town visiting and I was invited over.
Ah hell, they've been tracking me since 72' that I know of. Maybe earlier. Fuck em' they can come take this life of mine anytime they want. Between what I've been printing in the Levee and the things I post online, I'm sure I'm on their A-list when it comes round-up time. Not because I'm any worry to them, I just have a big mouth. I'm actually surprised I've gotten away with what I have so far being as vulnerable as I am.
But this MoveOn guy, Jason, couldn't be more than 34yrs old, seemed to be aware that he was playing a game and that he was trapped. I pretty much had his number and I have no fear of what he may do.
As I've mentioned, my situation is so precarious right now I need little help from anyone of going over the edge.
You kidding, I couldn't wait to get this pencil-neck phony in my cross-hairs.
If there is any one thing I've relished in all my life is pissing in the punchbowl of powerful people. There's few things I enjoy more. Maybe its because I'm from the streets and never learned how to behave amongst the highbrow polite people.There's just something about making them nervous I get a kick out of. I know it must be some kind of social disorder, and it has caused many moments of embarrassment, usually not for me, but I just can't seem to help myself.
Of course this kind of behavior I wouldn't recommend for just anyone, it does have some serious drawbacks and immediate fucked-up cause and reaction butt-kickings, but life sure isn't dull.
That was pretty funny, Jerseygirl. I needed a laugh. Cheers to all you COTO, and remember this, Brother Nathaniel ain't rattled, and he dishes it out, so we got nothing to fear at our insignificant level of the info war. Plus, now even Geraldo sez 9/11 was an inside job. That's kinda groovy. Anyway, wavy gravy to yas.
? even Geraldo sez 9/11 was an inside job."~Mary
There is this concept called, "the Revelation of the Method" in Kabbalistic mysticism. It has to do with one-up generation of powers. The 'wink' of the killer who got off scott free.
You will see more of this as their impunity is assured.
Will, that does kinda make sense, if I understand your idea. What good would conquering the world do for zion if it meant they had to hide in the shadows unable to admit their triumph over America? That would mean they had not won anything for all their manic efforts. That would be too neurotic to bear in silence. They gotta admit it. So now with impunity they can boast of how they did 9/11 and got away with it. Bibi said it was all good, the dancing Israelis got off and bragged on TV, and sick Ari said no worries because we control the Americans. Why don't they just take all the damn credit and glory for the Z team on a FF job well done? The PNAC didn't do half the work. Are they scared? Time will tell. But maybe some of their second string players have woken up a bit. It's so obvious 9/11 was an inside job that even airheads like Geraldo don't wanna suckup to the old make believe version of events anymore and continue to look and sound stupid. The groovy thing about the truth is the Z team doesn't completely understand its character. It's been so long since they had any real experience with it and could speak freely of what they have done in the world. Let's encourage them to be open in admitting their role in history, since it is so obvious to so many by now anyway, and it would relieve their neurotic fear of being found out for what they really are.
A classic Patrick. Very clever poetic turn of phrase too btw. It's as true today as it was in '08. Thanks for the encore. Some things never change or end corruption and war.
I've never seen Edge of Darkness. I do like Mel Gibson movies. Of course "conspiracy theory" is one of my favorites. Amazing how almost everything he talks about in that film is true or coming to pass and it was made 13 years ago in '97. Yet he's supposed to look like a stark raving lunatic.... until it's proven he isn't. There is some of Mel's character (jerry flectcher) in every coto member.
Like I said, the walk through sheeple park is always very very VERY short lived.
Here's the opening scene....I have to say though, I've never heard the one about the nobel prize winner's fathers being rounded up by the UN for their semen....
No need to apologize for not being cheery Will. I still haven't bought that cd. I did hear parts of it on AJ's show right before it was going to be released and that line from Stephen King as the dj was played. Those are really chilling for people like us who are waiting for that inevitable day when alternative radio/internet goes dead.
Right Mar. They are getting bolder with the revelations of their true intentions by the day. They have everything in place and feel the need to brag about their accomplishments. However, doesn't hubris always come before the fall of any empire?
Thanks for that trailer for CONSPIRACY THEORY with Mel...that was such a fun movie.
I had it on VHS but left that in Georgia with a buncha othern cuz dvd's the only way t'fly anymore--specially since TSA.
Isn't it something that all that in the film takes place before the big one? 9/11
Speaking of Mel, what were the first words of dialog in his film the Patriot? "9 lbs, 11 ozs"...that's right folks; 9/11, for a film called the partiot...get it? Another one of those weird coynsydoynsies, like the Loan Gunman and others we have reviewes {southpark etc.} Anyway it is too early in the morning for me to be writing...hopw it makes sense... \\ll//
The double Cross [XX]+[Z] like scenario 22. Only criminals give real information and handlers disperse it in incremental stages while they always provide a higher looming alpha complex. Target NWO has evolved through a memetic complex so intricate as to boggle any algorithm computist.
Revelation of the Method
RECYCLE Example: Triangulate Gauntanamo -
WOT = XXZ - X=FEAR X=D&C (divide and conquer) Z=?
[Z] - Re-Introduction to torture The formula is the double cross. The memes. "Keeping America Safe"
911 = 20 [XX] true
[Z] = The War of Terror - TORTURE
Camp 020 - WWII (Physical Torture doesn't work) “The Commandant obtained results without recourse to assault and battery. It was the very basis of Camp 020 procedure that nobody raised a hand against a prisoner.” The terrifying commandant of Camp 020 refined psychological intimidation to an art form. Suspects often left the interrogation cells legless with fear after an all-night grilling.
Z= Ritual killings: as torture for the masses (alpha) - Bush Clan (I'd do it again to keep America Safe) where z=False
Z=Psychological Torture: (Delta) programming, deprivation, Stockholm Syndrome, MK Assassins - Bush Clan (I'd do it again to keep America controlled) where z=true
Z=Redistribution of wealth10power to the top of the triad. where z=true
Alan Dershowitz, the American legal scholar, has argued that when interrogators believe that a suspect terrorist has, say, planted a bomb that will shortly go off with huge loss of life, they should be able to apply to a judge for a “torture warrant” to extract the necessary intelligence by non-lethal means. =false
The double cross - Torture is a moral corrosive in any society and will destroy any form of Democracy =true
Status: Ritual Killings (no charges) Million dead in middle East (no charges) Multiple assassinations (no charges) Multiple Constitutional law breaches and violations (no charges) 911-60-80% think the official story is a lie (no charges) Holiday Season Spending (many, many,many charges)
Welcome to Willies, Revelation of the Method dialectic.
Thanks for the diagramical of the dialectical Puddy. There is of course plausablility in the pause...sort of like, "ah...yea"...which is more important, the affermative or the 'ahh'?
yes, but then again no. if you aren't confused yet you haven't been paying attention
That's for certain. It is dabilitating in mass doses. I have to periodically flush the brain and reboot. I can get so far off the track now people stare at me with those insane doe eyes.
There's a covert invert to every overt to subvert the convert. - dunne
It is starting to cook over there...the possibility of this being a strategy of tension is starting to fade. There is something up.
The US is essentially saying, "hey lets go the fence and tease that junk yard dog, think I'll bring my sip-gun this time."
Well the timeline matches all those 'voodoo' wave charts too.
Gordon Duff, who I see as a spot on analysis is saying there are two nukes already planted in the US...Israeli nukes; for a false flag to jumpstart a war against Iran. We could begin the third one with a doubleheader right off the bat--Korea/China + Iran Syria and Lebanon in the Mid East. The big ones would be going off within weeks from either one--let alone both theaters.
It's mind boggling--can they be serious? Just flicking nuts.
So they say. I mean, when Bill Gates can shamelessly say at TED there is hope for limiting global population with vaccines, you gotta realize they think they can get away with anything now. It creeps me out to see they don't even care what people think of them.
So if I get this, Puddy, it's those frikkin double crosses that get us! Yet you say it has a built in deception, like what's it mean if a lover sends you xxoo? Puddy you are a master at this craft! I confess I can't even follow the formulas, but I know you studied it alot. Hey was it you who coined the word "Holyrood?" If so take a bow, that is pure genius, and I did get THAT because rood means red in old English, right?
The holyrood connection to hollywood is more than coincidence. You have to dig deep as the CIAoogle has crammed meaningless info en masse to the top of the list. Try digging with Shakespeare.
The traditional double-cross has been enhanced via triad to reflect the dialectic Revelation of the Method. In mind-control (trauma) is the key.
911 - simple double cross. The inside job is the Z. The added to the formula. Torture similarly to the WOT.
It doesn't matter whether 3000 died or 1000 were tortured by them. It's whether you think they did and how the trauma base effect works on you Mary. The trauma content is used to enable the implanting of the desired PsyOps outcome deep in the psyche.
If you believe the Arab Muslim al-queda story, alpha primes you for war soldier duty. If you see through the pretence of arab hijackers being responsible for 9/11, then you become a coto. A detached anti-governmental soveriegn militia type scheduled for something just as ugly.
I think, on a subconscious level at least, the perpetrators wanted the public to know that the towers were not brought down by the boxcutter gang. The uncertain suspicion, a component of the traumatisation process. The purpose is to disempower and demoralize the citizens through an unspoken acknowledgment that the enemy is within, untouchable and theres nothing you can do?
Correct? How many times do the sheeple you talk to say, "Theres nothing I can do" or "What can one person do" The XX+Z
"Theres nothing I can do” or “What can one person do”~Puddy
Yes indeedy...You can talk and talk and after every excuse is worn out and they have to admit it, that is the sure fire final bleat; "What can I do about it?"
What are we doing about it? Is this site not solid evidence of what we do about it???
I am on the trail of the assassins ten to twelve hours a day. Do I think it is worth it? Of course I do--or I damn sure wouldn't be doing this for free.
I think the more the web is saturated with dessent and defiance the more people will run into it. The more that run into the more that are turned on to the truth.
Don't discount the penumbra of flags from all over the planet that we see as visitors here.
Remember my credo Willie. There is nothing happening by Accident.
Coinicidence resides in SynchroniCity somewhere in Edinburgh, I beleive. Alchemy is the tool of deception. Real Science is their enemy. It will ultimately be science that confirms the truth of time-space and the exisitence of GOD.
Their continued attempts to 'MAJI'Kally alter the course has failed at every turn. The millions of coto that walked before us and passed GO knew the alchemists and assassins. The reality is they are just boys with toys and their secret knowledge nothing more than the complicated instructions that come with the toys. The TRUTH is the word
X" comes from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word Χριστός, translated as "Christ".The term "Mass" is derived from the Late Latin word missa (dismissal), a word used in the concluding formula of Mass in Latin. XXZ Z=the mission. Death of truth, death of Christ, death of spirit and soul.
To my Catholic Brothers and Sisters: Follow the double cross: Windows XP labarum
FUN and GAMES by the Committee
"XXMAS time is here, Hopelessness and fear Fun for all that committee call Their profit time of the year
Chemtrails in the air Chaos everywhere Olden times and ancient rhymes Of lust and schemes to share
HAARP bells in the air Bounty everywhere Yuletide by the alterside And ritual memories there
XXMAS time is here We'll be drawing near Oh, that we could always see Such misery through the year Oh, that we could always see Such mayhem through the year...
Thank you Charles for Charlie Brown, the wisest of Wise Men.
well done Jersey..scary how like alex it is:-0
ReplyDeleteOMG...they CLONED ALEX.............................
ain't it the truth oz? lol. Though I must say, AJ is much better looking........
ReplyDeletethat was too fun! thank you jg.
ReplyDeleteYes we can laugh. Yet I believe that Charlie like others that include Mel Gibson are targeted in shadowstalking government programs that have been around for years.
ReplyDeleteThese include mislabeling and getting listed as Psychiatric, molestation or no fly lists. Using can drive you mad and then get you on these lists. Auto and aerial surveillance ala Goodfellas, caller and IP dropping. Mail tampering and profiling through your garbage.
City or state records removal as in DMV or Tax info, roadrager activity. Private space invasions in public, agent provacateurs in social situations manifesting as entrapment scenarios and paranoia programs which may come in a multitude of ways. i.e. Strange noises around home, lights flashing outside, intruders inside home moving personal belongings in or out, rearranging objects, etc.
EMP or subsonic assault through walls in an apartment scenario or from outside trucks motivating heightened paranoia, depression and confusion.
Once they have you fully ID'd and profiled they will go after your family and relationships as well. False emails, cards and random phone calls as a anonomous friend who is concerned about your new obsessions or kinks (which of course do not exist)
These techniques were used in Corporate environments for years, all developed through the entities like CIA, Tavistock and MIT. Once they discover your phobia's, passions and pet-peeves they can drive you insane and render you in a sleep-deprivation "bell jar"
Trust me, I know this like Alex Jones knows the constitution.
For a reality check see:
ReplyDeleteWilliam S. Burroughs, Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28, 1986
Last night I happened to be at the table with the director of MoveOn, and I challenged him as to why his political action group won't address 9/11?
ReplyDeleteHe tried to make the excuse that MoveOn wasn't about steering the topic and that 9/11 was far down on his members minds. To which I called him out by saying that MoveOn has continually promoted causes and gotten their members to move in one direction or the other, and that they do not just go off the signal in which the constituency is trending, and that its because MoveOn wasn't bringing 9/11 to the forefront, but in fact suppressing discussion of this most important topic, along with the rest of the controlled media, that, that is why 9/11 if far down on their survey list.
I challenged him to open up the topic and said I'd make a bet with him that instead of frightening people away from his movement (what he was essentially afraid of) but that it would bluster his membership and give him a great deal of credibility instead of trying to maintain the status-quo which was crumbling around us.
I reminded him that the 9/11 Truth Movement is not going away, but getting stronger by the day and by his refusal to discuss this topic that there would come a day when the truth would be known and what would happen to his movement then, when all his members look at MoveOn and ask where were you on this? I told him that when that day comes he doesn't want to be on the wrong side of history, standing with the discredited corporate media.
I challenged him as to how a political organization could ignore the most defining moment of our lives? Something that has effected nearly every aspect of policy. I asked him how he could ignore the mass-murder of Americans and not draw attention to it and to not use the millions of members that MoveOn has to address this situation, and that if he didn't, he was no better than being complicit in the cover-up of mass murder himself.
I actually got him to admit that he may well indeed be guilty of what I accused him of. I don't know if I made a dent in them changing their policy on 9/11, but I certainly got him thinking.
So indeed I had a marvelous Thanksgiving. I ruined it for him, and made everyone else at the table squirm, but I felt great.
I went on to blast them with all kinds of facts and recent bits of information until they couldn't take it anymore and changed the subject. And I'm not making this up, they started talking a shit - literally. I think it started out about something to do with dog shit and branched off into all different kinds of shit. I sat there quietly listening for about 8 to 10 minutes and butted in with, "Well, this conversation certainly has turned to shit. I can see why you wanted to change the subject."
And I wonder why I don't get invited back anywhere.
Not only do I trust you Brother, I believe I'm suffering from at least 2/3rds of the symptoms and conditions you've described. It certainly would go a long way in explaining what's been happening to me lately.
ReplyDeleteBut in my case I think it could be a bit of me screwing-up my own life, surrounding myself with fools and a good case of bad luck. Indeed if the government spooks were to investigate me on how to neutralize my ass they'd most likely come to the conclusion that I'm doing a pretty good job of fucking screwing up my life myself and that the best thing they could do is just leave me alone.
Don't discount the signs M. You have stirred the pot enough to be noticed. I don't exclude their tracking of CSPAN and all other communicating you have done.
ReplyDeleteI sent letters and editorials to three major newspapers in the south and that was enough to get the shadow over my world.
Remember the government has 500,000 on payroll. What could all these global slimeballs and the ones they don't admit to be doing? Sitting in cubicles intercepting Telecom - Search and email algorithms all day long.
We tend forget FISA and the massive breaches being done everyday. Barry O didn't lie when he said "tranparency"..... Yours, not his. We are a virus to them and sitting in a Petri Dish.
I give you credit for going after MoveON, but like Wiki-Assange and the liberal editors I was was after, they turned me over to the shadow authorities. You may have done the same with MoveOn (or is it MoveOntoWorldOrder?) Be careful.
You are very welcome arcadia :)
ReplyDeleteThat was excellent Claudia. Thanks for posting.
ReplyDeletePatrick, I agree with everything you posted. I can picture it all happening in the very near future and have spent many sleepless nights thinking about such things.
ReplyDeleteBut every once in a while, I need to get out of my own head and for just a day or two pretend that all that stuff I worry about won't really come to pass. That some divine intervention will happen to prevent the ultimate police state from taking over our very lives. That escape into the sheeple pasture is a very short lived adventure and reality always comes crashing back and hits me over the head.
I do however need to keep my sense of humor or I will go stark raving mad. That would mean they have already won without even trying out all their psyop programs on me.
So, that's the reason for my posting something occasionally that maybe some of us can have a laugh at and for just a brief moment lift that black cloud up just long enough to take a deep breath before the next horrific piece of news slams us again.
Firstly M, how'd you wind up having thanksgiving dinner with the director of moveon?? Secondly, congrats on rattling his cage and the others as well.
ReplyDeleteBut Moveon is just another msm propagnda tool. They are fake liberals. That guy has no intention of looking into 9/11 or anything else that would benefit we the people.
Funny they were talking about shit. I guess it's hard not to when you're so full of it......lovely dinner conversation eh?
Yes for sure we need to laugh. I am not doing it enough these days. I spent TG alone and watched EDGE OF DARKNESS w/Gibson. It's hard for me to give thanks.
ReplyDeleteI thought about all the Thallium and Pelonium assassinations, then started reeling back to all the wellstones and I got my fannie in the sling with the Challenger and Christa McAuliffe and KAL007 McDonald. Thats exactly where I started writing editorials regarding the strange bird kill that day.
I found myself running down all the names I could remember but chemtrails have fooged my head and there are so mnay now that I have to refer to my database. This whole deal started for me in 1986.
And then out of the blue Laudy posts the late and great Burroughs from 86 on Thanksgiving. I got a cold chill when she posted that. Strangeness is the norm for me.
A quarter century of the darkside. Keep posting the humor. The site needs it as do I. Disregard my incessant morbidity as well. It's the season for me.
Just like "It's a Wonderful Life" and "Frosty" Heres the repeat performance...
Thanks Laudy--love Bouroughs. I saw him live in LA once upon sometime long ago. He stood and gave one of the most amazing monologs for about an hour and a half at an auditorium, more of a place for a concert. It was very much autobiographical.
ReplyDeleteHe mentioned the William Tell moment of shooting his wife in the head, enstead of the was all very surreal, with that amazing drone of a voice that cuts right through ones being...hypnotizing.
I've been listening to Black Ribbons a lot line keeps sticking in my mind;
ReplyDelete"When the radio goes dead and the airwaves are filled with hate instead
They're gonna come for my head for the things that I said when the radio goes dead"
I guess that isn't a cheerie thought...sorry JG.
Just so happens that this guy is married to the daughter of the people I put-up after Katrina. I had meet him once before briefly a couple of years ago and they were in town visiting and I was invited over.
ReplyDeleteHot dog Mr. M, good job and kudos to you. You took an opportunity many would have been to meek to take.
ReplyDeletein hoc signo vinces
Ah hell, they've been tracking me since 72' that I know of. Maybe earlier. Fuck em' they can come take this life of mine anytime they want. Between what I've been printing in the Levee and the things I post online, I'm sure I'm on their A-list when it comes round-up time. Not because I'm any worry to them, I just have a big mouth. I'm actually surprised I've gotten away with what I have so far being as vulnerable as I am.
ReplyDeleteBut this MoveOn guy, Jason, couldn't be more than 34yrs old, seemed to be aware that he was playing a game and that he was trapped. I pretty much had his number and I have no fear of what he may do.
As I've mentioned, my situation is so precarious right now I need little help from anyone of going over the edge.
You kidding, I couldn't wait to get this pencil-neck phony in my cross-hairs.
ReplyDeleteIf there is any one thing I've relished in all my life is pissing in the punchbowl of powerful people. There's few things I enjoy more. Maybe its because I'm from the streets and never learned how to behave amongst the highbrow polite people.There's just something about making them nervous I get a kick out of. I know it must be some kind of social disorder, and it has caused many moments of embarrassment, usually not for me, but I just can't seem to help myself.
Of course this kind of behavior I wouldn't recommend for just anyone, it does have some serious drawbacks and immediate fucked-up cause and reaction butt-kickings, but life sure isn't dull.
That was pretty funny, Jerseygirl. I needed a laugh. Cheers to all you COTO, and remember this, Brother Nathaniel ain't rattled, and he dishes it out, so we got nothing to fear at our insignificant level of the info war. Plus, now even Geraldo sez 9/11 was an inside job. That's kinda groovy. Anyway, wavy gravy to yas.
ReplyDelete? even Geraldo sez 9/11 was an inside job."~Mary
ReplyDeleteThere is this concept called, "the Revelation of the Method" in Kabbalistic mysticism.
It has to do with one-up generation of powers. The 'wink' of the killer who got off scott free.
You will see more of this as their impunity is assured.
Will, that does kinda make sense, if I understand your idea. What good would conquering the world do for zion if it meant they had to hide in the shadows unable to admit their triumph over America? That would mean they had not won anything for all their manic efforts. That would be too neurotic to bear in silence. They gotta admit it. So now with impunity they can boast of how they did 9/11 and got away with it. Bibi said it was all good, the dancing Israelis got off and bragged on TV, and sick Ari said no worries because we control the Americans. Why don't they just take all the damn credit and glory for the Z team on a FF job well done? The PNAC didn't do half the work. Are they scared? Time will tell.
ReplyDeleteBut maybe some of their second string players have woken up a bit. It's so obvious 9/11 was an inside job that even airheads like Geraldo don't wanna suckup to the old make believe version of events anymore and continue to look and sound stupid.
The groovy thing about the truth is the Z team doesn't completely understand its character. It's been so long since they had any real experience with it and could speak freely of what they have done in the world. Let's encourage them to be open in admitting their role in history, since it is so obvious to so many by now anyway, and it would relieve their neurotic fear of being found out for what they really are.
A classic Patrick. Very clever poetic turn of phrase too btw. It's as true today as it was in '08. Thanks for the encore. Some things never change or end corruption and war.
ReplyDeleteI've never seen Edge of Darkness. I do like Mel Gibson movies. Of course "conspiracy theory" is one of my favorites. Amazing how almost everything he talks about in that film is true or coming to pass and it was made 13 years ago in '97. Yet he's supposed to look like a stark raving lunatic.... until it's proven he isn't. There is some of Mel's character (jerry flectcher) in every coto member.
Like I said, the walk through sheeple park is always very very VERY short lived.
Here's the opening scene....I have to say though, I've never heard the one about the nobel prize winner's fathers being rounded up by the UN for their semen....
No need to apologize for not being cheery Will. I still haven't bought that cd. I did hear parts of it on AJ's show right before it was going to be released and that line from Stephen King as the dj was played. Those are really chilling for people like us who are waiting for that inevitable day when alternative radio/internet goes dead.
ReplyDeleteRight Mar. They are getting bolder with the revelations of their true intentions by the day. They have everything in place and feel the need to brag about their accomplishments. However, doesn't hubris always come before the fall of any empire?
ReplyDeleteHard not to love Jerry. Great opener for my season. Thanks JG.
ReplyDeleteThanks for that trailer for CONSPIRACY THEORY with Mel...that was such a fun movie.
ReplyDeleteI had it on VHS but left that in Georgia with a buncha othern cuz dvd's the only way t'fly anymore--specially since TSA.
Isn't it something that all that in the film takes place before the big one? 9/11
Speaking of Mel, what were the first words of dialog in his film the Patriot?
"9 lbs, 11 ozs"...that's right folks; 9/11, for a film called the partiot...get it?
Another one of those weird coynsydoynsies, like the Loan Gunman and others we have reviewes {southpark etc.}
Anyway it is too early in the morning for me to be writing...hopw it makes sense...
No one is resisting the occupation in the US because no one recognizes the occupation.
Revelation of the Method
ReplyDeleteThe double Cross [XX]+[Z] like scenario 22. Only criminals give real information and handlers disperse it in incremental stages while they always provide a higher looming alpha complex. Target NWO has evolved through a memetic complex so intricate as to boggle any algorithm computist.
Revelation of the Method
Example: Triangulate Gauntanamo -
WOT = XXZ - X=FEAR X=D&C (divide and conquer) Z=?
[Z] - Re-Introduction to torture
The formula is the double cross. The memes. "Keeping America Safe"
911 = 20 [XX] true
[Z] = The War of Terror - TORTURE
Camp 020 - WWII (Physical Torture doesn't work) “The Commandant obtained results without recourse to assault and battery. It was the very basis of Camp 020 procedure that nobody raised a hand against a prisoner.” The terrifying commandant of Camp 020 refined psychological intimidation to an art form. Suspects often left the interrogation cells legless with fear after an all-night grilling.
Z= Ritual killings: as torture for the masses (alpha) - Bush Clan (I'd do it again to keep America Safe) where z=False
Z=Psychological Torture: (Delta) programming, deprivation, Stockholm Syndrome, MK Assassins - Bush Clan (I'd do it again to keep America controlled) where z=true
Z=Redistribution of wealth10power to the top of the triad. where z=true
Alan Dershowitz, the American legal scholar, has argued that when interrogators believe that a suspect terrorist has, say, planted a bomb that will shortly go off with huge loss of life, they should be able to apply to a judge for a “torture warrant” to extract the necessary intelligence by non-lethal means. =false
The double cross - Torture is a moral corrosive in any society and will destroy any form of Democracy =true
Status: Ritual Killings (no charges) Million dead in middle East (no charges) Multiple assassinations (no charges) Multiple Constitutional law breaches and violations (no charges) 911-60-80% think the official story is a lie (no charges)
Holiday Season Spending (many, many,many charges)
Welcome to Willies, Revelation of the Method dialectic.
Thanks for the diagramical of the dialectical Puddy. There is of course plausablility in the pause...sort of like, "ah...yea"...which is more important, the affermative or the 'ahh'?
ReplyDeleteyes, but then again no. if you aren't confused yet you haven't been paying attention
That's for certain. It is dabilitating in mass doses. I have to periodically flush the brain and reboot. I can get so far off the track now people stare at me with those insane doe eyes.
ReplyDeleteThere's a covert invert to every overt to subvert the convert. - dunne
Time to begin the beguin with the chinese and Korea.
ReplyDeleteG-20's (Greed XX) Role in the Post-Crisis World - Just a few words on that
China and Gold - The double cross for the committee. Hip Hip Hooray!
It is starting to cook over there...the possibility of this being a strategy of tension is starting to fade. There is something up.
ReplyDeleteThe US is essentially saying, "hey lets go the fence and tease that junk yard dog, think I'll bring my sip-gun this time."
Well the timeline matches all those 'voodoo' wave charts too.
Gordon Duff, who I see as a spot on analysis is saying there are two nukes already planted in the US...Israeli nukes; for a false flag to jumpstart a war against Iran.
We could begin the third one with a doubleheader right off the bat--Korea/China + Iran Syria and Lebanon in the Mid East. The big ones would be going off within weeks from either one--let alone both theaters.
It's mind boggling--can they be serious? Just flicking nuts.
\\ll// new header Puddy...I just cought it as my last comment loaded.
So they say. I mean, when Bill Gates can shamelessly say at TED there is hope for limiting global population with vaccines, you gotta realize they think they can get away with anything now. It creeps me out to see they don't even care what people think of them.
ReplyDeleteExcept maybe a few of us?? But broadly speaking, yeah, it is like Orwell said, a state of universal deception.
ReplyDeleteSo if I get this, Puddy, it's those frikkin double crosses that get us! Yet you say it has a built in deception, like what's it mean if a lover sends you xxoo?
ReplyDeletePuddy you are a master at this craft! I confess I can't even follow the formulas, but I know you studied it alot. Hey was it you who coined the word "Holyrood?" If so take a bow, that is pure genius, and I did get THAT because rood means red in old English, right?
Most of us are edge dwellers, Michael. It'd be an honor to meet ya, activist brother.
ReplyDeleteThe holyrood connection to hollywood is more than coincidence. You have to dig deep as the CIAoogle has crammed meaningless info en masse to the top of the list. Try digging with Shakespeare.
ReplyDeleteThe traditional double-cross has been enhanced via triad to reflect the dialectic Revelation of the Method. In mind-control (trauma) is the key.
911 - simple double cross. The inside job is the Z. The added to the formula. Torture similarly to the WOT.
It doesn't matter whether 3000 died or 1000 were tortured by them. It's whether you think they did and how the trauma base effect works on you Mary. The trauma content is used to enable the implanting of the desired PsyOps outcome deep in the psyche.
If you believe the Arab Muslim al-queda story, alpha primes you for war soldier duty. If you see through the pretence of arab hijackers being responsible for 9/11, then you become a coto. A detached anti-governmental soveriegn militia type scheduled for something just as ugly.
I think, on a subconscious level at least, the perpetrators wanted the public to know that the towers were not brought down by the boxcutter gang. The uncertain suspicion, a component of the traumatisation process. The purpose is to disempower and demoralize the citizens through an unspoken acknowledgment that the enemy is within, untouchable and theres nothing you can do?
Correct? How many times do the sheeple you talk to say, "Theres nothing I can do" or "What can one person do" The XX+Z
"Theres nothing I can do” or “What can one person do”~Puddy
ReplyDeleteYes indeedy...You can talk and talk and after every excuse is worn out and they have to admit it, that is the sure fire final bleat; "What can I do about it?"
What are we doing about it? Is this site not solid evidence of what we do about it???
I am on the trail of the assassins ten to twelve hours a day. Do I think it is worth it? Of course I do--or I damn sure wouldn't be doing this for free.
I think the more the web is saturated with dessent and defiance the more people will run into it. The more that run into the more that are turned on to the truth.
Don't discount the penumbra of flags from all over the planet that we see as visitors here.
Do you thing XX00 may mean Love you Hate you? or Kiss Kiss Bang Bank? ;)
ReplyDeleteRemember my credo Willie. There is nothing happening by Accident.
ReplyDeleteCoinicidence resides in SynchroniCity somewhere in Edinburgh, I beleive. Alchemy is the tool of deception. Real Science is their enemy. It will ultimately be science that confirms the truth of time-space and the exisitence of GOD.
Their continued attempts to 'MAJI'Kally alter the course has failed at every turn. The millions of coto that walked before us and passed GO knew the alchemists and assassins. The reality is they are just boys with toys and their secret knowledge nothing more than the complicated instructions that come with the toys. The TRUTH is the word
X" comes from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word Χριστός, translated as "Christ".The term "Mass" is derived from the Late Latin word missa (dismissal), a word used in the concluding formula of Mass in Latin.
XXZ Z=the mission. Death of truth, death of Christ, death of spirit and soul.
To my Catholic Brothers and Sisters: Follow the double cross: Windows XP labarum
FUN and GAMES by the Committee
"XXMAS time is here,
Hopelessness and fear
Fun for all that committee call
Their profit time of the year
Chemtrails in the air
Chaos everywhere
Olden times and ancient rhymes
Of lust and schemes to share
HAARP bells in the air
Bounty everywhere
Yuletide by the alterside
And ritual memories there
XXMAS time is here
We'll be drawing near
Oh, that we could always see
Such misery through the year
Oh, that we could always see
Such mayhem through the year...
Thank you Charles for Charlie Brown, the wisest of Wise Men.