NEWS SET: Mid Sept 2010
Federal Reserve - Enemy of America, describes the treachery of our way of life. "If people crave comfort in denial and solace in the company of weak willed citizens, America is surely doomed. There can be no intelligent debate about the merits of the Federal Reserve. It is a pure FRAUD. Fractional reserve banking is criminal. Public indebtedness, as a requirement for currency creation is the supreme Treason".
Voluntary community recognizes the right of self-determination and the validity to reside in private solitude away from forced associations and involuntary collectivists.
That is why a Radical Reactionary is a true patriotic American. "Foolishly believing that genuine conservatism resides within the Republican political establishment is pure folly. Denying that the Democrats are anything other than savage Statists, renounces the proud heritage of Thomas Jefferson. Both parties operate as carpetbaggers of corruption – self-seekers of power in the pursuit of maintaining the organized crime syndicate. Becoming a radical is the sensible alternative. But to achieve meaningful change, knowing what it means to be a reactionary is also necessary". SARTRE – September 19, 2010
A cabal of Zionist bankers, the Israel Lobby, and the Jewish-owned media are intertwined through finance capital, political dominance, and opinion-forming propaganda — in quest of a Judaic World Order headquartered in America.
Michael Mandelbaum of the Council on Foreign Relations who sees a great “taking away” from blue collar Gentiles:
“We are entering a new era where the great task of government and of leadership is going to be about taking things away from people.”
Weapons have gone missing in Afghanistan. Over 72,000 American supplied AK-47s, hundreds of heavy machine guns and Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) launchers delivered to Afghan police are not traceable.
Americans follow a stringent system for ensuring the security of weapons.
Hence, theft of weapons at such a large scale could not accomplish without the connivance of insiders.
For years, America’s military has been divided, competent military professionals and patriots on one side and Christian Zionists, loyal to Israel and addicted to a propaganda “dreamworld” on the other.
Americans sat, on 9/11, with their military “asleep at the switch,” their president in a daze and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, perhaps out of confusion, we may never know, talking about airliners being shot down and the Pentagon being attacked by missiles. Yes, he said these things, things he couldn’t “unsay”...
Crashes of small aircraft has done more to control the US Senate than any election.
Why do you think Senator Lieberman has demanded a “kill switch” on the Internet? Why do you think “censorship czar” Cass Sunstein has asked to have accusations of Israeli complicity in 9/11 made a criminal act and openly advocated infiltration of groups pushing for an honest investigation. Who is the real “conspiracy theorist” now?
Americans are not so willing to believe a few goatherds in a cave 8,000 miles away planned it, not anymore.
“We have hundreds of nuclear warheads and missiles that can reach different targets in the heart of the European continent, including beyond the borders of Rome, the Italian capital . . . our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us.” (Israeli military historian, Martin van Creveld)
This New Roundup brought to you by the Rogue \\ll//
For those who follow such things, real leaks are proving two things:
ReplyDeleteOsama bin Laden never stopped working for the Central Intelligence Agency and their “regional affiliates.”
Bin Laden was murdered to silence him after 9/11 just as Benzir Bhutto was murdered to silence her.
We have continual debates about religion in the military. Should Christian sects be able to force troops to prayer? Is America a Christian nation, is this what the founding fathers meant? What if, lets say, these sects were not loyal to the United States but rather constituted a national threat?
Is an officer belonging to a Christian Zionist church likely to pass secrets on to Israel? Will they obey orders from the Mossad above their own commanders? Will an Christian Zionist with nuclear access follow his religious calling and cause a nuclear war to bring about Armageddon?--Gordan Duff
ReplyDeleteYes, according is the Earths birthday TODAY:
"Did Jesus create Earth in October?" Asks WorldNetDaily.
And some people take Joseph Farah as a serious political commentator.
“The world was created Oct. 23, 4004 B.C. – making it exactly 6,014 next month,” it is claimed on the email update sent to me this morning, 9/21/2010.
These are the people who want a 'Christian Nation'--a theocracy in the United States.
The FACT that they are utterly insane, ignorant superstitious idiots, does not discount their influence, organization and political power base.
They are part of the Zionist occupation of the federal government already extant. There are legions--millions of potato heads that have fallen for this jejune jabberwacky bullshit.
That makes this a very serious matter, regardless of how ludicrous and ridiculous it may seem to the sane.
"Mother Superior jump the gun..."
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha...sorry, I got a month ahead of myself. However, my commentary still stands.
Maybe the Khazars plan to replace Barry with Petraeus in 2012:
These people sure are overjoyed with the damage to humanity and the planet they have wrought.
Petraeus is a war criminal.
"Petraeus is a war criminal."--Mary
ReplyDeleteYes he is, one of legions in the criminal syndicate of US officialdom.
"Overjoyed" and thrilled and gloating...and damned.
You know Mary, the photo's of that party for Petr-anus, looks like the cast of villains from a James Bond movie. Life mimics art or visa versa?
ReplyDeleteThe general himself looks like a goober. An ass kissing pussy boy. That's my take on him.
Yeah, that's my take on him.
ReplyDeleteThe Gordon Duff article about warning signals of another big falseflag event (renewed Israeli spying activity like around 9/11) coincides with the militarized society taking orders from greaseballs like Betrayus. If folks have not yet seen the Duff article, it's recommended. Too bad the military people only wake up once they are vets. To be a vet today means having blood of innocents on jone's hands.
Anyway we COTO know that 'political change' and 'elections' don't really mean very much anymore.
That link you posted of the Paula Zahn CNN show on Israelis doing 9/11 was another good one. The Z team sure are losing it that so many are fully aware of their game and highlighting the evidence.
"Paula Zahn CNN show "...yes, there they have blended into 'The Veiw' tactic of barnyard chicken clacking as "exciting", and "intimately inclusive".
ReplyDeleteIt is through polling that social engineers get their data on which to tweak the system. It's a cycle, PR/poll, adjusted PR/poll, readjusted PR/poll, and on in sequence. Of course this is now, 'Game Theory" in high tech software systems, and can be worked out graphically.
Bzzzzzzzzth...don't tell it's supposed to be a secret.{grin}
ReplyDeleteI forgot the major premise I was leading to; that the Zannshow is being tweaked for those purposes, as polling shows the View format as the next stage leading eventually to Tower of Babel-cognitive mayhem. The goal of the masters of deceit.
It's Earth Day? and I didn't get ya nothin'
ReplyDeleteI'll make sure I turn on all the lights for one full hour.
Thanks Zaza, I need to do some book reading...
ReplyDeleteThe Consolidated Land, Energy, Aquatic Restoration Act of 2009
BREAKING: US House puts oceans, coasts under UN: Senate vote will seal the deal.
The Consolidated Land, Energy, Aquatic Restoration Act of 2009 (aka: CLEAR Act, HR 3534) gives away ownership of America’s oceans to the United Nations, and sectors America into nine geographic areas. This bill possesses a cap and trade/climate change component as well.
7-19-2010 Executive Order
Moving to the Executive Order, Obama hereby orders as follows in Section 2 (b) (iii): pursuing the United State’s accession into the Law of the Sea Convention. Note the intent to make an end run around the constitutionally required separate two-thirds U.S. Senate vote necessary to ratify a treaty by burying this in associated documents – not in the bill itself.
ReplyDeleteYou may want to look at:
I just uploaded it to the COTO site and will be reading it on my retreat. It is getting some new wings as of late.
Elements of a strategy for a non-catastrophic transition...and the best laid eggs of fleas.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the pee dee eff Ratterpick. Issa smarty.
Will, my take on airhead shows like Paula Z's is that try as they might from way up at the top of things to get a handle on what is really happening to them, they find that some fucking mistake was made in the original calculation, for example to do 9/11, and now that it has played badly and been exposed and them with their plot, the Z's are flipping out. That Michael dude sure was all over the place, be very afraid, no check that don't be afraid, and sorry to be so angry but I'm your "resident jew" as you said...ha ha what a bunch of transparent traitor phonies.
ReplyDeleteI guess if I actually watched TV it might be different but to me it sounds like they KNOW they are screwed now. I can't wait for it all to go down and they get cuffed.
Yes, that is pee dribbling down their inner thighs.
ReplyDeleteSomething is telling them their time is almost gone.