Total Onslaught - 221B - A New World Order - FULL VIDEO GOOGLE
Puddy, awesome to see Professor Veith's video presented here. He is a brilliant researcher with valuable insights, backed up with solid documentation.
ReplyDeleteIt is one of the best I have viewed Boom. Thanks for pointing me to him.
ReplyDeletePuddy -- Note that I am still prevented from emailing or forwarding any emails with the address in it. Even with "Coalition of the Obvious" listed, these emails are stopped from circulation.
ReplyDelete> That means = there must be the Truth on this site!
My brother gave me a CD today called BLACK RIBBONS, it is a "radio
ReplyDeleteshow" with Steven King as the 'announcer' doing his last show,
barrackaded in the station waiting for storm troopers to burst in and
take him out....the music is Oliphant.
Very COOL.
Will, I heard a portion of that cd on jones' show. Up till then I had no idea Stephen King knew the truth. I'm glad he does because I read and enjoyed many of his books.
ReplyDeleteI had posted a sample song on here when it first came out. I intended to buy it but it wasn't in stores around here yet and then I forgot about it. I will now that you reminded me!
Cheers to Shooter Jennings and Stephen King.
Thanks Boom and PD for posting this movie. There are so many. We'll never see them all. I'll watch this today(it's raining, perfect for the mood I'm in) and some that you've posted on our new site that I haven't seen either PD. The site is lookin' good! Thank you for your tireless effort :)
ReplyDeleteBoom is ur email yahoo or gmail by any chance? Occasionally I have problems with my email and I have in the past. People say they don't receive my emails and I don't get theirs.
ReplyDeleteMy computer has been having major freezing problems lately too but that's most likely because it's 8 years old (or maybe not).
Here's one more short video that was sent to me last night..
ReplyDeleteJG, my email is not gmail. The emails I have attempted to send or forward COTO links to have been gmail, and a number of others. It is interesting that I cannot send any message with the address in it. Then I found, I could not send with even the name Coalition of the Obvious. Very telling. As soon as these "taboo" word strings were removed, and I directed people to simply Google, the msg went through.
ReplyDeleteJG or others who would like to see Professor Veith's impressive credentials can listen to these two interviews:
JG, Dr. Veith grew up Catholic. Interestingly, his Catholic background was steeped in the Occult as well. His journey following the footprints and clues left from Secret Society manuscripts, the study of esoteric symbolism and numerology, biblical prophecies, and numerous other methodologies have taken him to a place of belief and understanding he never would have expected.
"Where" he has arrived, is bolstered by his thorough investigation along the way. It is simply impossible for him to refute the facts he has dug up, and the realization that has dawned upon him about the master plan.
Should you or others continue to investigate his work -- you will be lead to truths and conclusions that you may not like...but which you must admit are valid because of the research that brought you to where you now stand. I also will tell you that many "myths" and misunderstandings you currently hold about things you've been taught will be shattered. The Truth has always been standing there in front of us. It might be buried, but it is our job to dig for it.
Professor Veith has done a lot of the heavy-lifting for us, and his conclusions and insights are revelations, and inescapable.
JG, that was an interesting video on the 9/11 witnesses, for sure.
ReplyDeleteBoomer, sorry but I could only stick with about fifteen minutes of the video about the pope being at the top of everything. Sorry too because I do not believe that at all. I believe that money creation explains who controls the kings and popes and that the masonic orders descend from the money power. I believe the money power is zionist and anti Christian, and that the pope is just a puppet.
Here's a short video about the money power
The Pope is totally in hock to the money power, has been for a long time.
And here is another one addressing this phony hierarchy story-
I think the Pope may be very deep into the banking Vatican money laundering.
ReplyDeleteJust as City of London and DC, they have no obligation to provide any financial info.
City of London (finance) - All Ponzi Bank Schemes
Washington DC (military)- All drug, tax and treasure looting
Vatican City (religion)- All foundation crime ops, COR, Organized Crime other than drugs (ie. slave trading, gambling, extortion, charity skimming etc.
But I agree the Zionist, fake joo are the focal manipulators and they are everywhere
I agree with Mary & PD. I think the zionist influence is much bigger than the vatican. The Vatican is every bit as money grubbing and corrupt as the rest of the banksters. The pope is a scary looking evil pedophile ala the bishop in V for Vendetta and all those boy abusing priests. But I don't think they are the end all and be all of power.
ReplyDeleteThe catholic church keeps it's faithful brainwashed as does ALL organized religion. As I've said here many times I think the bible was written by the very people that controlled things then and control things now. It's part of the plan to keep the "faithful" obedient and subservient.
The PTB's minions are legion and spread far and wide. They are vampires.
ReplyDeleteThe Best VIDEO on that point imo.
I'll simply say this at this point -- The Papacy possessed for many hundreds of years running, one of the world's greatest extortion, robbery, genocide and murder, and "intelligence" systems ever devised. And while most of the world's peoples were paupers, the Roman Catholic machine was vacuuming up and storing away the known riches of the world.
ReplyDeleteWhere do you suppose this wealth went? We know it has always been used by them for "control" purposes of the world's populations.
I agree the Zionist's have a monstrous machine running as well. Puddy speaks of Triads, cross-pollination, factions, etc. You all are debating who sits at the peak of the pyramid. Surely, there is a "body" at the top, as the pyramidal form is the most dominant structure throughout history for organizations. {Unless your considering MLM orgs -- Ha! Just kidding}.
We shall see how it all plays out. Deception is the rule, whether Mossad or Papacy or Sun Tsu.