I am suspicious of Paul's attitude towards corporations. I would want to know more about this. Does he agree with Santa Ana v Southern Pacific? ARE corporations deserving of 'complete' personhood in perpetuity?
This aside from the fact we would have no recourse on the prosecutions of the perps of 9/11.
My major complaint however is that anyone who actually thinks this system can be moved in any direction but the agenda of the powers that have it in firm grip, is deluding themselves. Voting is no more prosperous than banging your forehead on a brick wall each morning before your first cuppa java.
I agree with Peter & Will. I love RP's civil liberties views and stand on the fed. However, as Peter has posted, he does not support the 9/11 truth movement. It's obvious to me that to him, we are a bunch of crazies. How can I support someone who doesn't know, or pretends not to know the truth?
I also don't like the fact that he never once voted to raise the minimum wage. Of course that shows he is true to his republican values but those are not my values. As we all know, corporations will ALWAYS take advantage of their workers as they always have. Yes, the unions got very powerful and corrupt too but I know of several personal cases where they defended the working man against the mighty corporation and won.
Free market? What's that? Big fish will always eat little fish without regulation. If there are no protections for the little guy, we always get devoured. Our problems today are caused by big business having way too much power going unchecked by government because they've been bought and paid for by the almighty Ceos.
Yea, Wilson let the wolves in but knowing the power they wield it would have happened eventually anyway wouldn't it? So saying it's all because the government got involved doesn't float.
Today we have the corporations & bankers ruling the government. I honestly don't know how it's possible to ever stop that when those with the most money always win. Do you?
I cannot endorse RP as president. As a working person I honestly do not trust him to do what's right for the working class. I do like JV but I wonder what took him so long to figure out 9/11 as well? Are they both plants?
Let's just say I'm coto suspicious for all the above reasons.
Btw, Korny that's not a very good picture of Ron Paul. He looks like a sad little man sitting in a corner waiting for his kids to visit and his shoes look too big for his feet :(
Exactly,he is a human being. He still maintains his 1970 Ford tractor. He gardens. Your alternative is to vote for the status quo war machine and world slavery. If he is so bad why has the establishment sabotaged his campaign ?
Well maybe to bring him back in 2012? He still gets lots of air time.
I like much of what he has to say. It's the other stuff I mentioned that bothers me. It bothers me a lot.
I won't be voting in 2012 because I've had enough. I did my little protest vote for Nader in 08, but I'm done now. We know elections are rigged. Only the chosen ones make it to the final two. If RP is legit and honest and not part of the machine, he will never make it to that point.
Do you know why a carnival is successful? Because the average person is a chump.
"Fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice shame on you..." {that Bush couldn't quite articulate}
How many generations of Americans have now gone along to get along with this utterly phony system? Is it really all that difficult to identify it so?
The "democratically elected" isn't even true. In a socially engineered society, where consent is manufactured by perception manipulation and mind control, this trumps any assertions of "democracy".
I'm with JG. I'd be happier if it was a Ventura / Paul ticket, but I have differences with BOTH of these men about the globalization of free trade. They have coolness on other issues, but on trade I'm afraid they've been part of the problem, not the solution.
And trade is a big issue -- because all of our jobs are affected.
I've said it elsewhere: I'm with Paul against the wars and the Federal Reserve, but I differ with him on taxes, trade, and the social safety net.
.."differ with him on taxes, trade, and the social safety net."""John
I differ as well, but am wary of the "social safety net"--as it is so easily turned into a social dragnet, as is obvious from the so called health reform we have seen lately.
We have so many intent on "interpreting" English into Newspeak in Mordor {DC} that I would rather see the earth swallow it than go on hearing the lies. I hope for that in the news each morning.
911 is a killer for an election. He can remain silent until he's elected. 911 can do him no good but to alienate him from the bambi's who would peg him nuts if he came forward.
He has made it clear to A Jones not to address it when they talk. I'll bow to the wiley fox.
Perot didn't mention the shadow governments attacks and threats on him. I think they sent a message to him via his sick wife just as they got Kucinich's family in line via soft kill.
They mean business!!!! Let's get a consensus on this first then address the candidates.
"911 is a killer for an election. He can remain silent until he's elected. 911 can do him no good but to alienate him from the bambi's who would peg him nuts if he came forward."
Obvious,thanks Paddy. The greens,gays,entitlement buffs and pseudo-socialists need to realize that liberty serves ALL. Liberty enables,frees,inspires and unites. Drop the squabling and unite for a landslide. Even the MSM cant ignore exit polls above 60%. If you guys havent suffered enough just let apathy and indifference guide you into the totalitarian world plantation. Wake up and smell the NWO septic tank.
Paul would be better than most who have a chance. But since we don't have real elections, we have pageants here in the U.S., I don't put much stock in the process.
I'd like to see what kind of house cleaning Paul would do once in the catbird seat, maybe it would be inspiring, I don't know.
Maybe the People will do the house cleaning...that'd be messy, but voting in rigged elections is so...sooo passe and impotent. Yechh!
Someones got to make the point. If it kills them, it is a life well led.
We are long overdue and the numbers would correlate to another assassination. Politicians are cowards since JFK and his brother Bridge Jumper Teddy was a traitor. He copped the NWO so fast to save his cowardly drink soaked skin.
The rule was join or die for all Kennedy's. Just watch the roaches run in the light. Let's put someone in who's not in the committee, even if ti means death. Then we say it like Connery;
"They put one of yours in the hospital and you put two of theirs in the morgue" That's the 1% solution my friends.
I'm with the.. voting doesn't mean a damn crowd. Will you're right, those polls are bs. Here's hoping I'm wrong and our own Michael Cavlan makes it to senator. I truly think he is as uncorruptable as they come. (is that a word?) I'd break my vow just to vote for him if I could.
Again, if Paul makes it to the final two, he's one of them. I'll actually have more respect for him if he doesn't. My god, isn't that what coto talks about all the time? Who controls the candidates AND the msm? Are we saying the people's vote actually DOES count now and the candidates aren't bought and paid for whores by their elite handlers?
Besides wouldn't they smear or murder him before they'd let him 'win" if he's the good guy he seems to be? Why hasn't he gotten the same memo as Kucinich I wonder? Who will he pick as his running mate? That will be interesting. We know it won't be JV.
See? I can't turn off that inquiring mind or maybe it's enquring mind. ha
Ron Paul would be a step in the right direction. If it came down to it, I would vote for him. But the globalization of free trade simply must be reversed, because it is a system of kleptocracy, not democracy.
We need someone who will stand up to the big boys in a big way, damn nearly saying: "Turn out the lights, the party on Wall Street is over." The bull must be confronted and taken by the horns. As a country, if we don't take the bull by the horns, then we'll be gored again before the next election.
P.S.-There's nothing free about the highly managed trade that they pass off as "free trade." It's the neo-liberal trade agenda, and it must stop in order for productive, middle class jobs to return to this country. If Paul doesn't get that, then he will be a one-term President. This is the SAME ISSUE that is eating Obama right now. Obama could bring back jobs if he'd take it up to dial back on NAFTA, CAFTA, WTO, PNTR. Conclusion? Obama's NOT EVEN TRYING to regain those lost jobs.
P.P.S.-The prior postscript is the reason why I am recently given to thinking that they are DELIBERATELY keeping unemployment high. In a twisted way, it makes sense: Unemployment is a deflationary pressure, and it offsets the inflationary pressure that is caused by "quantitative easing" - all that funny money that the Fed is printing out of nowhere.
Normally, to debase the money supply by inflating it thusly would cause inflation. But, they can still get away with printing money now BECAUSE of the high unemployment. In theory, more money added to the economy would increase production and reduce unemployment. As long as the quantity of goods increases, then the economy can withstand the money printing. BUT, if we reached full employment - conquering the unemployment problem and returning to a healthy economy - then there is no remaining "slack" or excess capacity to produce more goods. So then, new money would not be matched with new goods -- hence, the inflation would kick in.
So, in its own sick way, DELIBERATE unemployment makes sense for the big boys. It means the economy has slack, with which to absorb the infusions of new money being printed.
It's as though there is a plank sticking off of a ship at sea. The Fed is walking down that plank. But, will they know when to stop? Or will they cause the calamitous hyperinflation that is the standard warning from bearish quarters?
"But the globalization of free trade simply must be reversed, because it is a system of kleptocracy, not democracy."--John
But kleptocracy is EXACTLY what democracy is John. Democracy is merely mob rule. You've seen mobs in the streets, windows are busted, shops are stripped. That's what mobs do...they also lynch heroes.
This is why the MYTHOLOGY of the US refers to the nation as a democracy--when it in fact was established as a confederation of republics.
It was PR and PR alone that sold the lie that the US is a democracy.
THIS IS DEMOCRACY...that is the elephant sitting in the middle of the room.
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for supper. Liberty is a well armed lamb."--Benjamen Franklin
1827: Sir Walter Scott publishes his nine volume set, The life of Napolean and in volume two he states that the French Revolution was planned by the Illuminati (Adam Weishaupt) and was financed by the money changers of Europe (The Rothschilds).
Yes indeed "They mean business" Patrick...it's been "business" for close to three hundred years. There's no business like bullshit, ie; PR, propaganda, coersion, assassination...the whole gamit.
1881: President James A. Garfield (The 20th President of the United States who lasted only 100 Days) states two weeks before he is assassinated,
"Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerceand when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate."
Korny,you're where I was in '08. After the dems did nothing after taking control of congress, especially going forward with the impeachment process, I decided I'd protest vote one more time AGAINST them. We all know how THAT turned out.
If every American would vote third party or for someone like Paul or Kucinich or Nader maybe it would be impossible for them to "fix" that many votes. But I don't see that happening when people are still arguing in terms of red team/blue team all over the internet and on the teevee.
It seems the majority of humans just haven't the energy to break away from the massive brainwashing to think for themselves.
Treasury is meeting on the 14th to draw up a plan to take all the pensions,if that dont wake their asses up nothing will. I think a truckers strike would force a shuffling of the beast's house of cards. They got all the money,let them take it and not come back. We can rebuild and we can survive. There is many times more material wealth and resources than were available in 1929. Either the beast loses or we lose,big time.
"Treasury is meeting on the 14th to draw up a plan to take all the pensions,if that dont wake their asses up nothing will. "--Korn
Yea...and what is likely is the spin will just make everyone dizzy again. The powers that be have it down to a science; that certain majority profile is targeted with the whirlpool to get them goin', "gee what does this really mean? They say it's good because of bla bla bla...and I ain't no expert so...duh...you know".
And when it's just too hard to think, because they have been habituated not to... Well, we see what has come from that.
History and current events have made me a cynic, and I see no rational alternative.
I'd like to see one Giant Sit-In by all working Americans. A huge nose-thumbing at the B.S. rat race imposed upon Americans. I'd just like to see the fixed overhead expenses of the big corporations tighten around their necks.
As a follow up to Rogue, and the understanding of "money...most everyone is running around trying to make a dime, and all of this effort and commerce feeds the elites at the top of the money pyramid. Scraps for the peasants -- kingly ransoms for those behind the illegal and inhumane Federal Reserve.
Perhaps one of the most important things to accomplish for mankind is to insist on REAL money, honest money, that cannot be counterfeited like fiat monies. By not demanding real money, mankind gets paid with script, and the larceny game rolls on reaching heights of debt that are unimaginable as well as non-payable.
Almost nothing is real anymore. When people demand real, tangible, honest money for their trade -- then all the grifters from politicians to bankers/financiers, corporations, etc. will be made to fall in line. It is the epitome of Truth. All the Falseness would be unmasked in an environment of real money and value(s).
"The greens,gays,entitlement buffs and pseudo-socialists need to realize that liberty serves ALL."
hey- I resemble that remark! Now, since yer lumpin' us 'greens' into the same bucket with all that other... not that I mind sharing the bucket, mind you, I'm still not sure what "entitlement buffs" means.
Let's see what YOU say, Kamrade Korn, when (and if) you go to collect "Social Security" (which I imagine you... like me... have "paid" for your entire working life)... and "they" say, "so solly."
I dunno bout YOU... but I'm gonna say, "NO... 'so solly' on YOU... cos a deal's a deal... I'm ENTITLED to it... and I'm TAKING it... ONE WAY OR ANOTHER." But hey- that's just me.
"No resistance is not futile…voting is." Exactly. "For Entertainment purposes ONLY."
"They mean business!!!! Let’s get a consensus on this first then address the candidates." Exactly. They ain't playin around... and neither should we. "Violence?" Oh that's soooo "1930." We got better ways of baking a cake now... altho that COULD be part of the icing... garden forks and all.
Yeah, a Paul-Ventura "ticket" is a fun bit o' entertainment. Who knows? In 2012 the "pubes" might actually be desperate enough to try it... but ONLY after each "candidate" has heard (if they haven't already) and signed off on the "Mr. Beale" speech.
"Yea…if I were 20 years old again…" Precisely. Other than a last desperate farewell gesture... this option is useless. Your popgun vs. plasma and thermobaric weapons? Stick to the garden fork. It roots out poop-grown spuds real good.
All said, a fun thread... IF we had a "republic," or IF we had a "country."
Me? I could fantasize all the livelong day about a Kucinich-Brown "ticket" or even a Paul-Kucinich "ticket" (which has actually been discussed) but I find "teenage girls" more visually stimulating... and don't engage in that one much either because of the "thermobaric weapons vs. popgun" paradigm.
In Ancient Greek the word praxis (πρᾶξις) referred to activity engaged in by free men.
The Effortless Path
The rhythmic patterns of textures in nature can best be replicated by tooling techniques based on the rhythmic tapping of a drum stick on a taut snare head. This frees the artist from intent and allows nature to take over—but to be successful, close attention is vital. One must be right there with it, watching every stroke.
And yes, one awakens to this as being Zen. For one experiences the spirit through attention—consciousness.
Doing by not doing. A paradox, yet manifest.
************** I originally wrote this as a sculptor for my apprintices...but I see it as practical/practicable in the larger frame of life.
Yes, do not be fooled by the Orwellian Newspeak that, not voting is a form of apathy.
It is the exact opposite: Apathy is going along to get along with the same old broken program. Praxis is acting on your own as a free individual, practical action through awareness self possessed.
This IS doing something. Remember the “Letters of Correspondence” preceding the first revolution in the colonial days. They weren't “kidding around”...and neither are we.
“When standing still by like a mirror. When moving be like water,”--Bruce Lee
While we yet stand still we are mirroring back the true image to the beast—it is its own ugliness that enrages it. Know this, and it will know this. This will cause dissonance within its own awareness.
Truth is powerful, and the moment of power is always now.
Addenda: Oh yeah, and as to how we lumps in the bucket "...need to realize that liberty serves ALL," I find this amusing coming from people who have never experienced "Liberty" in their entire lives.
Aside from a few isolated moments 2-miles above the earth or 12-miles from the nearest telephone pole, I know I HAVEN'T.
Near as I can tell, "liberty" is just another one of those meaningless memes.
We all make out own meaning Waldo. If your heart does not burn for liberty that is your own cold fire...not a matter of useles words like "memes" and all the other 'intellectual' jaberwacky echoing from your programming at times.
To me you run just parallel to reality...out of azmuth with the tapehead...so to speak. Something smolders, aye?
I read Hedges article this morning before I left for work. As usual Chris is spot on. Here's a taste of what he says in the article:
"The menace we face does not come from the insane wing of the Republican Party, which may make huge inroads in the coming elections, but the institutions tasked with protecting democratic participation. Do not fear Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin. Do not fear the tea party movement, the birthers, the legions of conspiracy theorists or the militias. Fear the underlying corporate power structure, which no one, from Barack Obama to the right-wing nut cases who pollute the airwaves, can alter. If the hegemony of the corporate state is not soon broken we will descend into a technologically enhanced age of barbarism. "
"Investing emotional and intellectual energy in electoral politics is a waste of time. Resistance means a radical break with the formal structures of American society. We must cut as many ties with consumer society and corporations as possible. We must build a new political and economic consciousness centered on the tangible issues of sustainable agriculture, self-sufficiency and radical environmental reform. The democratic system, and the liberal institutions that once made piecemeal reform possible, is dead. It exists only in name. It is no longer a viable mechanism for change. And the longer we play our scripted and absurd role in this charade the worse it will get. Do not pity Barack Obama and the Democratic Party. They will get what they deserve. They sold the citizens out for cash and power. They lied. They manipulated and deceived the public, from the bailouts to the abandonment of universal health care, to serve corporate interests. They refused to halt the wanton corporate destruction of the ecosystem on which all life depends. They betrayed the most basic ideals of democracy. And they, as much as the Republicans, are the problem."
“It is like being in a pit,” Ralph Nader told me when we spoke on Saturday. “If you are four feet in the pit you have a chance to grab the top and hoist yourself up. If you are 30 feet in the pit you have to start on a different scale.”
"All resistance will take place outside the arena of electoral politics. The more we expand community credit unions, community health clinics and food cooperatives and build alternative energy systems, the more empowered we will become."
There be plenty o' leaden gnoshes for yer fekkin "hunger" for "liberty," ya "social darwinist" exploiter bourgeoisie tool. Defend your Master Race. We'll throw ya in with Dr. Goebbels' skull fragments.
"The divil gang wi ye, ye FASCIST FUCK. There be plenty o’ leaden gnoshes for yer fekkin “hunger” for “liberty,” ya “social darwinist” exploiter bourgeoisie tool. Defend your Master Race. We’ll throw ya in with Dr. Goebbels’ skull fragments...."...etc.
But you don't comprehend that "fascist" is the counter thesis to antithesis. I'm looking at this from a wider frame, that you simply refuse to grasp.
Without BOTH sides of this synthesis, Left OR Right, the manipulated conflict would not take place.
Your equating love of liberty with 'fascism' is the apogee of absurdity.
You are repeating script from your programming, even as you toy with words to try to put it in code subconsciously.
"Awe Bullwinkle...that trick never works"
ReplyDelete--J. Rocket Squirrel
Ron Paul on 9/11 conspiracies
Otherwise, he's great!
I am suspicious of Paul's attitude towards corporations. I would want to know more about this. Does he agree with Santa Ana v Southern Pacific? ARE corporations deserving of 'complete' personhood in perpetuity?
ReplyDeleteThis aside from the fact we would have no recourse on the prosecutions of the perps of 9/11.
My major complaint however is that anyone who actually thinks this system can be moved in any direction but the agenda of the powers that have it in firm grip, is deluding themselves.
Voting is no more prosperous than banging your forehead on a brick wall each morning before your first cuppa java.
I agree with Peter & Will. I love RP's civil liberties views and stand on the fed. However, as Peter has posted, he does not support the 9/11 truth movement. It's obvious to me that to him, we are a bunch of crazies. How can I support someone who doesn't know, or pretends not to know the truth?
ReplyDeleteI also don't like the fact that he never once voted to raise the minimum wage. Of course that shows he is true to his republican values but those are not my values. As we all know, corporations will ALWAYS take advantage of their workers as they always have. Yes, the unions got very powerful and corrupt too but I know of several personal cases where they defended the working man against the mighty corporation and won.
Free market? What's that? Big fish will always eat little fish without regulation. If there are no protections for the little guy, we always get devoured. Our problems today are caused by big business having way too much power going unchecked by government because they've been bought and paid for by the almighty Ceos.
Yea, Wilson let the wolves in but knowing the power they wield it would have happened eventually anyway wouldn't it? So saying it's all because the government got involved doesn't float.
Today we have the corporations & bankers ruling the government. I honestly don't know how it's possible to ever stop that when those with the most money always win. Do you?
I cannot endorse RP as president. As a working person I honestly do not trust him to do what's right for the working class. I do like JV but I wonder what took him so long to figure out 9/11 as well? Are they both plants?
Let's just say I'm coto suspicious for all the above reasons.
Btw, Korny that's not a very good picture of Ron Paul. He looks like a sad little man sitting in a corner waiting for his kids to visit and his shoes look too big for his feet :(
ReplyDeleteExactly,he is a human being. He still maintains his 1970 Ford tractor. He gardens. Your alternative is to vote for the status quo war machine and world slavery. If he is so bad why has the establishment sabotaged his campaign ?
ReplyDeleteWell maybe to bring him back in 2012? He still gets lots of air time.
ReplyDeleteI like much of what he has to say. It's the other stuff I mentioned that bothers me. It bothers me a lot.
I won't be voting in 2012 because I've had enough. I did my little protest vote for Nader in 08, but I'm done now. We know elections are rigged. Only the chosen ones make it to the final two. If RP is legit and honest and not part of the machine, he will never make it to that point.
Do you know why a carnival is successful? Because the average person is a chump.
ReplyDelete"Fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice shame on you..." {that Bush couldn't quite articulate}
How many generations of Americans have now gone along to get along with this utterly phony system? Is it really all that difficult to identify it so?
The "democratically elected" isn't even true. In a socially engineered society, where consent is manufactured by perception manipulation and mind control, this trumps any assertions of "democracy".
I'm with JG. I'd be happier if it was a Ventura / Paul ticket, but I have differences with BOTH of these men about the globalization of free trade. They have coolness on other issues, but on trade I'm afraid they've been part of the problem, not the solution.
ReplyDeleteAnd trade is a big issue -- because all of our jobs are affected.
I've said it elsewhere: I'm with Paul against the wars and the Federal Reserve, but I differ with him on taxes, trade, and the social safety net.
.."differ with him on taxes, trade, and the social safety net."""John
ReplyDeleteI differ as well, but am wary of the "social safety net"--as it is so easily turned into a social dragnet, as is obvious from the so called health reform we have seen lately.
We have so many intent on "interpreting" English into Newspeak in Mordor {DC} that I would rather see the earth swallow it than go on hearing the lies. I hope for that in the news each morning.
I support Him 100%
ReplyDelete911 is a killer for an election. He can remain silent until he's elected. 911 can do him no good but to alienate him from the bambi's who would peg him nuts if he came forward.
He has made it clear to A Jones not to address it when they talk. I'll bow to the wiley fox.
Perot didn't mention the shadow governments attacks and threats on him. I think they sent a message to him via his sick wife just as they got Kucinich's family in line via soft kill.
They mean business!!!! Let's get a consensus on this first then address the candidates.
"911 is a killer for an election. He can remain silent until he's elected. 911 can do him no good but to alienate him from the bambi's who would peg him nuts if he came forward."
ReplyDeleteObvious,thanks Paddy. The greens,gays,entitlement buffs and pseudo-socialists need to realize that liberty serves ALL. Liberty enables,frees,inspires and unites. Drop the squabling and unite for a landslide. Even the MSM cant ignore exit polls above 60%. If you guys havent suffered enough just let apathy and indifference guide you into the totalitarian world plantation. Wake up and smell the NWO septic tank.
Paul would be better than most who have a chance. But since we don't have real elections, we have pageants here in the U.S., I don't put much stock in the process.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see what kind of house cleaning Paul would do once in the catbird seat, maybe it would be inspiring, I don't know.
Maybe the People will do the house cleaning...that'd be messy, but voting in rigged elections is so...sooo passe and impotent. Yechh!
"Even the MSM cant ignore exit polls above 60%."--Korn
ReplyDeleteBullshit, they do whatever it takes and put who they want in.
Anyone who hasn't got that by now is just clicking their heels together chanting, "there's no place like home"...
Voting is pissing in an updraft. You always taste it afterwards.
Someones got to make the point. If it kills them, it is a life well led.
ReplyDeleteWe are long overdue and the numbers would correlate to another assassination. Politicians are cowards since JFK and his brother Bridge Jumper Teddy was a traitor. He copped the NWO so fast to save his cowardly drink soaked skin.
The rule was join or die for all Kennedy's. Just watch the roaches run in the light. Let's put someone in who's not in the committee, even if ti means death. Then we say it like Connery;
"They put one of yours in the hospital and you put two of theirs in the morgue" That's the 1% solution my friends.
I'm with the.. voting doesn't mean a damn crowd. Will you're right, those polls are bs. Here's hoping I'm wrong and our own Michael Cavlan makes it to senator. I truly think he is as uncorruptable as they come. (is that a word?) I'd break my vow just to vote for him if I could.
ReplyDeleteAgain, if Paul makes it to the final two, he's one of them. I'll actually have more respect for him if he doesn't. My god, isn't that what coto talks about all the time? Who controls the candidates AND the msm? Are we saying the people's vote actually DOES count now and the candidates aren't bought and paid for whores by their elite handlers?
Besides wouldn't they smear or murder him before they'd let him 'win" if he's the good guy he seems to be? Why hasn't he gotten the same memo as Kucinich I wonder? Who will he pick as his running mate? That will be interesting. We know it won't be JV.
See? I can't turn off that inquiring mind or maybe it's enquring mind. ha
Ron Paul would ax NAFTA,DOE,CIA and many other alphabet scams,
ReplyDeleteSo,,,resistance is futile? I will make one more try with the system. If all else fails its road warrior time.
ReplyDeleteNo resistance is not futile...voting is.
ReplyDeleteVoting is not resistance, voting is going along with the bullshit trip over and over.
Just commenting on this blog is more profitable than voting.
I'm not looking for a leader--I'm looking for freedom FROM leaders.
Ron Paul would be a step in the right direction. If it came down to it, I would vote for him. But the globalization of free trade simply must be reversed, because it is a system of kleptocracy, not democracy.
ReplyDeleteWe need someone who will stand up to the big boys in a big way, damn nearly saying: "Turn out the lights, the party on Wall Street is over." The bull must be confronted and taken by the horns. As a country, if we don't take the bull by the horns, then we'll be gored again before the next election.
P.S.-There's nothing free about the highly managed trade that they pass off as "free trade." It's the neo-liberal trade agenda, and it must stop in order for productive, middle class jobs to return to this country. If Paul doesn't get that, then he will be a one-term President. This is the SAME ISSUE that is eating Obama right now. Obama could bring back jobs if he'd take it up to dial back on NAFTA, CAFTA, WTO, PNTR. Conclusion? Obama's NOT EVEN TRYING to regain those lost jobs.
P.P.S.-The prior postscript is the reason why I am recently given to thinking that they are DELIBERATELY keeping unemployment high. In a twisted way, it makes sense: Unemployment is a deflationary pressure, and it offsets the inflationary pressure that is caused by "quantitative easing" - all that funny money that the Fed is printing out of nowhere.
Normally, to debase the money supply by inflating it thusly would cause inflation. But, they can still get away with printing money now BECAUSE of the high unemployment. In theory, more money added to the economy would increase production and reduce unemployment. As long as the quantity of goods increases, then the economy can withstand the money printing. BUT, if we reached full employment - conquering the unemployment problem and returning to a healthy economy - then there is no remaining "slack" or excess capacity to produce more goods. So then, new money would not be matched with new goods -- hence, the inflation would kick in.
So, in its own sick way, DELIBERATE unemployment makes sense for the big boys. It means the economy has slack, with which to absorb the infusions of new money being printed.
It's as though there is a plank sticking off of a ship at sea. The Fed is walking down that plank. But, will they know when to stop? Or will they cause the calamitous hyperinflation that is the standard warning from bearish quarters?
"But the globalization of free trade simply must be reversed, because it is a system of kleptocracy, not democracy."--John
ReplyDeleteBut kleptocracy is EXACTLY what democracy is John. Democracy is merely mob rule. You've seen mobs in the streets, windows are busted, shops are stripped. That's what mobs do...they also lynch heroes.
This is why the MYTHOLOGY of the US refers to the nation as a democracy--when it in fact was established as a confederation of republics.
It was PR and PR alone that sold the lie that the US is a democracy.
THIS IS DEMOCRACY...that is the elephant sitting in the middle of the room.
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for supper. Liberty is a well armed lamb."--Benjamen Franklin
1827: Sir Walter Scott publishes his nine volume set, The life of Napolean and in volume two he states that the French Revolution was planned by the Illuminati (Adam Weishaupt) and was financed by the money changers of Europe (The Rothschilds).
ReplyDeleteYes indeed "They mean business" Patrick...it's been "business" for close to three hundred years. There's no business like bullshit, ie; PR, propaganda, coersion, assassination...the whole gamit.
“They put one of yours in the hospital and you put two of theirs in the morgue” That’s the 1% solution my friends.
ReplyDeleteYea...if I were 20 years old again...
1881: President James A. Garfield (The 20th President of the United States who lasted only 100 Days) states two weeks before he is assassinated,
ReplyDelete"Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerceand when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate."
Korny,you're where I was in '08. After the dems did nothing after taking control of congress, especially going forward with the impeachment process, I decided I'd protest vote one more time AGAINST them. We all know how THAT turned out.
ReplyDeleteIf every American would vote third party or for someone like Paul or Kucinich or Nader maybe it would be impossible for them to "fix" that many votes. But I don't see that happening when people are still arguing in terms of red team/blue team all over the internet and on the teevee.
It seems the majority of humans just haven't the energy to break away from the massive brainwashing to think for themselves.
"Are they both plants?" JG
"He still maintains his 1970 Ford tractor."--Korny
ReplyDeleteTreasury is meeting on the 14th to draw up a plan to take all the pensions,if that dont wake their asses up nothing will. I think a truckers strike would force a shuffling of the beast's house of cards. They got all the money,let them take it and not come back. We can rebuild and we can survive. There is many times more material wealth and resources than were available in 1929. Either the beast loses or we lose,big time.
ReplyDelete"Treasury is meeting on the 14th to draw up a plan to take all the pensions,if that dont wake their asses up nothing will. "--Korn
ReplyDeleteYea...and what is likely is the spin will just make everyone dizzy again. The powers that be have it down to a science; that certain majority profile is targeted with the whirlpool to get them goin', "gee what does this really mean? They say it's good because of bla bla bla...and I ain't no expert so...duh...you know".
And when it's just too hard to think, because they have been habituated not to...
Well, we see what has come from that.
History and current events have made me a cynic, and I see no rational alternative.
I'd like to see one Giant Sit-In by all working Americans. A huge nose-thumbing at the B.S. rat race imposed upon Americans. I'd just like to see the fixed overhead expenses of the big corporations tighten around their necks.
ReplyDeleteAs a follow up to Rogue, and the understanding of "money...most everyone is running around trying to make a dime, and all of this effort and commerce feeds the elites at the top of the money pyramid. Scraps for the peasants -- kingly ransoms for those behind the illegal and inhumane Federal Reserve.
Perhaps one of the most important things to accomplish for mankind is to insist on REAL money, honest money, that cannot be counterfeited like fiat monies. By not demanding real money, mankind gets paid with script, and the larceny game rolls on reaching heights of debt that are unimaginable as well as non-payable.
Almost nothing is real anymore. When people demand real, tangible, honest money for their trade -- then all the grifters from politicians to bankers/financiers, corporations, etc. will be made to fall in line. It is the epitome of Truth. All the Falseness would be unmasked in an environment of real money and value(s).
"The greens,gays,entitlement buffs and pseudo-socialists need to realize that liberty serves ALL."
ReplyDeletehey- I resemble that remark! Now, since yer lumpin' us 'greens' into the same bucket with all that other... not that I mind sharing the bucket, mind you, I'm still not sure what "entitlement buffs" means.
Let's see what YOU say, Kamrade Korn, when (and if) you go to collect "Social Security" (which I imagine you... like me... have "paid" for your entire working life)... and "they" say, "so solly."
I dunno bout YOU... but I'm gonna say, "NO... 'so solly' on YOU... cos a deal's a deal... I'm ENTITLED to it... and I'm TAKING it... ONE WAY OR ANOTHER." But hey- that's just me.
"No resistance is not futile…voting is." Exactly. "For Entertainment purposes ONLY."
"They mean business!!!! Let’s get a consensus on this first then address the candidates." Exactly. They ain't playin around... and neither should we. "Violence?" Oh that's soooo "1930." We got better ways of baking a cake now... altho that COULD be part of the icing... garden forks and all.
Yeah, a Paul-Ventura "ticket" is a fun bit o' entertainment. Who knows? In 2012 the "pubes" might actually be desperate enough to try it... but ONLY after each "candidate" has heard (if they haven't already) and signed off on the "Mr. Beale" speech.
"Yea…if I were 20 years old again…" Precisely. Other than a last desperate farewell gesture... this option is useless. Your popgun vs. plasma and thermobaric weapons? Stick to the garden fork. It roots out poop-grown spuds real good.
All said, a fun thread... IF we had a "republic," or IF we had a "country."
Me? I could fantasize all the livelong day about a Kucinich-Brown "ticket" or even a Paul-Kucinich "ticket" (which has actually been discussed) but I find "teenage girls" more visually stimulating... and don't engage in that one much either because of the "thermobaric weapons vs. popgun" paradigm.
Definitely no "country" for old men.
In Ancient Greek the word praxis (πρᾶξις) referred to activity engaged in by free men.
The Effortless Path
The rhythmic patterns of textures in nature can best be replicated by tooling techniques based on the rhythmic tapping of a drum stick on a taut snare head. This frees the artist from intent and allows nature to take over—but to be successful, close attention is vital. One must be right there with it, watching every stroke.
And yes, one awakens to this as being Zen.
For one experiences the spirit through attention—consciousness.
Doing by not doing. A paradox, yet manifest.
I originally wrote this as a sculptor for my apprintices...but I see it as practical/practicable in the larger frame of life.
ReplyDeleteA great article at our sister site featuring a great argument for boycotting the vote, by Chris Hedges.
Yes, do not be fooled by the Orwellian Newspeak that, not voting is a form of apathy.
ReplyDeleteIt is the exact opposite: Apathy is going along to get along with the same old broken program. Praxis is acting on your own as a free individual, practical action through awareness self possessed.
This IS doing something. Remember the “Letters of Correspondence” preceding the first revolution in the colonial days. They weren't “kidding around”...and neither are we.
“When standing still by like a mirror. When moving be like water,”--Bruce Lee
While we yet stand still we are mirroring back the true image to the beast—it is its own ugliness that enrages it. Know this, and it will know this. This will cause dissonance within its own awareness.
Truth is powerful, and the moment of power is always now.
You live in no other moment.
Addenda: Oh yeah, and as to how we lumps in the bucket "...need to realize that liberty serves ALL," I find this amusing coming from people who have never experienced "Liberty" in their entire lives.
ReplyDeleteAside from a few isolated moments 2-miles above the earth or 12-miles from the nearest telephone pole, I know I HAVEN'T.
Near as I can tell, "liberty" is just another one of those meaningless memes.
We all make out own meaning Waldo. If your heart does not burn for liberty that is your own cold fire...not a matter of useles words like "memes" and all the other 'intellectual' jaberwacky echoing from your programming at times.
ReplyDeleteTo me you run just parallel to reality...out of azmuth with the tapehead...so to speak. Something smolders, aye?
Thats some real mumbo-jumbo.
ReplyDeleteI read Hedges article this morning before I left for work. As usual Chris is spot on. Here's a taste of what he says in the article:
ReplyDelete"The menace we face does not come from the insane wing of the Republican Party, which may make huge inroads in the coming elections, but the institutions tasked with protecting democratic participation. Do not fear Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin. Do not fear the tea party movement, the birthers, the legions of conspiracy theorists or the militias. Fear the underlying corporate power structure, which no one, from Barack Obama to the right-wing nut cases who pollute the airwaves, can alter. If the hegemony of the corporate state is not soon broken we will descend into a technologically enhanced age of barbarism. "
"Investing emotional and intellectual energy in electoral politics is a waste of time. Resistance means a radical break with the formal structures of American society. We must cut as many ties with consumer society and corporations as possible. We must build a new political and economic consciousness centered on the tangible issues of sustainable agriculture, self-sufficiency and radical environmental reform. The democratic system, and the liberal institutions that once made piecemeal reform possible, is dead. It exists only in name. It is no longer a viable mechanism for change. And the longer we play our scripted and absurd role in this charade the worse it will get. Do not pity Barack Obama and the Democratic Party. They will get what they deserve. They sold the citizens out for cash and power. They lied. They manipulated and deceived the public, from the bailouts to the abandonment of universal health care, to serve corporate interests. They refused to halt the wanton corporate destruction of the ecosystem on which all life depends. They betrayed the most basic ideals of democracy. And they, as much as the Republicans, are the problem."
“It is like being in a pit,” Ralph Nader told me when we spoke on Saturday. “If you are four feet in the pit you have a chance to grab the top and hoist yourself up. If you are 30 feet in the pit you have to start on a different scale.”
"All resistance will take place outside the arena of electoral politics. The more we expand community credit unions, community health clinics and food cooperatives and build alternative energy systems, the more empowered we will become."
AMEN Chris Hedges & Ralph Nader.. AMEN!
No Korn, Greek...Mumbo Jumbo is African.
my "heart burns" for greasy food-- no more/less... and even that has little to do with the "heart," a metaphor within a metaphor.
ReplyDelete"Freedom?" "Liberty?" What chuff.
Oh yeah... just dropped in to say:
ReplyDeleteThe divil gang wi ye, ye FASCIST FUCK.
There be plenty o' leaden gnoshes for yer fekkin "hunger" for "liberty," ya "social darwinist" exploiter bourgeoisie tool. Defend your Master Race. We'll throw ya in with Dr. Goebbels' skull fragments.
You want it? Ya got it.
See you on the barricades, Paulito spooge-bucket.
Waldoo, you say:
ReplyDelete"The divil gang wi ye, ye FASCIST FUCK.
There be plenty o’ leaden gnoshes for yer fekkin “hunger” for “liberty,” ya “social darwinist” exploiter bourgeoisie tool. Defend your Master Race. We’ll throw ya in with Dr. Goebbels’ skull fragments...."...etc.
But you don't comprehend that "fascist" is the counter thesis to antithesis.
I'm looking at this from a wider frame, that you simply refuse to grasp.
Without BOTH sides of this synthesis, Left OR Right, the manipulated conflict would not take place.
Your equating love of liberty with 'fascism' is the apogee of absurdity.
You are repeating script from your programming, even as you toy with words to try to put it in code subconsciously.