From the New World Order Report
(Press for 9/11 Truth)
(With thanks to Oz for this heads up;) ~jg
After the first World Trade Center tower is hit, Barry Jennings, a City Housing Authority worker, and Michael Hess, New York’s corporation counsel, head up to the emergency command center of the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM), which is on the 23rd floor of WTC 7. Testimony from Barry Jennings and Michael Hess has rarely been confirmed, until now. This video was just released via a FOIA (freedom of information act request) and New World Order Report has obtained and released it on the internet.
Take a look for yourself. Michael Hess, clearly visible, is stuck in the building. This corroborates the story they told that on the way down trying to evacuate the building, an explosion occurred inside of the building which trapped them. The stairway, where the explosion occurred, blew out the last floors in the stairwell. Barry Jennings gave an exclusive interview with Loose Change creator Dylan Avery where Barry stated that when he was finally found by firefighters, they stepped over dead bodies in the lobby on their way out. After the video publicly aired, Barry Jennings mysteriously died just before the BBC aired a piece about World Trade Center Building 7...
New footage just released:
Bad ass. But we already knew. That building looked stable to Me. Must have been a little problem with asbestos abatement. So "pull it".
ReplyDeleteCool. Notice what a "burning infurno' the place was..Lol
ReplyDeleteNo wonder it collapsed from all that could see right there Mr. Hess with his hair on fire and his eys melting from the er...well thats what the guberment says, who am I to see anything else.
The NIST Report should have begun, "Once upon a time..." like anyother fairytale, and signed off by the Bros. Grimm
Yes, I remember the Jennings interview. An expert eye witness.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone recall...didn't something happen to him later?
Deputy Director of Emergency Services Department for the New York City Housing Authority. On September 11th, 2001, he saw and heard explosions BEFORE the Twin Towers fell, while attempting to evacuate the WTC 7 Command Center with NYC Corporation Counsel Michael Hess. Jennings publicly shared his experiences with a reporter on the day of 9/11/01, as well as in a lengthy 2007 video interview with Dylan Avery, a small clip of which was then released; subsequently his job was threatened and he asked that the taped interview not be included in Loose Change Final Cut.. However, after an interview with Jennings was broadcast by the BBC in their program The Third Tower ostensibly refuting what he had previously stated to Avery, Avery felt compelled to release the full original video interview to show the distortions made by the BBC. The cause of Jennings' death has not been made public, and a private investigator hired by Avery to discover the cause and circumstances surrounding his death refused to proceed with his investigation.
ReplyDeleteYes, yes...No mystery here for anyone with a lick of sense. MURDER SHE SAID...
Kudos JG and OZ.
ReplyDeleteDo you believe youtube is going to pull [no pun intended] these astounding clips? RIP Barry Jennings.
How many people have died thus far and continue to perish needlessly for these abhorrent lies?
So Barry stated the war in Iraq is over. Yeah! It's all over, for the unknown soldier.
Growin up in the late 60's this song scared the shit outta me.
9 years on and still no prosecutions. I'm pessimistic that we will ever get them. However, we can keep spreading the truth and work to turn the public against these bastards responsible for this. Along that line, I've been mulling over one particular perp - the British government. Read here about their very real and historical motive:
Well Renai,
ReplyDeleteIt has been my possition that "The Crown" is the enemy, just as it was during the American Revolution. By "Crown" I do not necessarily refer to the queen of fairyland, but the Rothschild controlled 'City Of London', where even the queen must shed her 'vestments' to enter.
See: Declaration of Independence, and the conspiracy it illuminates in its charges against the "Crown". This nation was begun by 'Conspiracy Theorists'...and if it is to be saved it will be by conspiracy theorists.
ReplyDeleteDiseased urls have been zapped & destroyed !
ReplyDeleteI saw BLdg 7 fall on 9/11 after 5pm on my teevee with my very own eyes.. I was eating my dinner in front of the screen after work and was wondering WHY THE HELL THAT PERFECTLY NORMAL LOOKING BUILDING SUDDENLY JUST FELL DOWN like 1 and 2 when no plane hit it and it wasn't engulfed in flames?!!??
ReplyDeleteI kept changing channels after that to find the answer to that question and the next day scouring the newspapers and online news sites but never got that answer. I went to work the next morning and asked my fellow employees if they saw that building fall. Not one of them had seen it and looked at me like I was crazy. "I didn't see a third building fall" was the stock answer. Since it was never seen again on tv nor even mentioned, I started to doubt my own sanity until I came to my senses and smelled a rat.
That's what led me down the rabbit hole of 9/11 investigation and where I've remained in the many winding and weaving tunnels of the underground internet ever since. Once you find out the alphabet agencies housed in that building, DOD,CIA,IRS,SEC, Enron evidence etc and you still remain uncurious,(unlike Alice) it just proves that fluoride really did work in dumbing you down.
Munich, I'm sure as with Silverstein, the call has gone out to just "pull it".
ReplyDeleteRenai... love the quote from Cicero on your webpage. Truer words were never spoken, however in this case I think the many "fools"could be our very downfall. If they were all to come to their senses and pay attention, we wouldn't be in the situation we are now. All those "support the troops" types with their yellow ribbbons and the "9/11 was not an inside job" idiots who call us traitors for knowing the truth are pawns for the evil empire. We must not suffer these fools gladly and not waste our time on them. Personally, I have no time for the willfully ignorant. I used to try to give them the information I have found in hopes that they were curious enough to research the facts for themselves to prove me right or wrong but to no avail. Screw them.
ReplyDeleteGood jog Joisy, thanx \\ll//
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your blog as well Renai.
ReplyDeleteYour response to Bloomberg on wanting New York to be more like London...
"Imagine that"...very subtle
Very well said Jersey Girl.
ReplyDeleteThey only showed the collapse a few times and it wasn't until I first watched Alex Jones did I come up from the rabbit hole and understand that everything we've been fed is all mendacity that continues to this day, and is only getting worse while the elite get richer, and the serf's, they shall eat cake, or a piece of the every shrinking pie from the Chemtrailed sky.
The Rubicon, we've crossed it
Be well
From Prison Planet
Hmm...When I saw the first tower explode like a volcano from the top down on live TV that morning I leapt up pointing at the screen accusingly saying "THAT is impossible". I was alone in my library with a B*W small television that my (then) wife had that was dug out of the closet for this special occasion.
ReplyDeleteI had already determined that something was very suspicious while listening to NPR. Everything seemed so obviously scripted.
Of course, I had been studying intelligence analysis for years by this point in time, and as every major event up to this point had been proven a psyop to my satisfaction--the MO intuition kicked in for me. Like they say, "All the hallmarks..."
There was chatter on the Internet almost instantly...the thing about the Taliban being offered a "red carpet to riches, or a carpet of bombs" over the pipeline deal was already making the rounds on the sites I frequented.
A report from someone in NY said they had received an email from their son, some three or four hours before the event that the aircraft carrier they had just seen him off on a bon voyage earlier. This ship was on it's way to the Mid East. The son had written that something strange must be up. The ship was turning around and heading back to port in NY--at least three hours before the first WTC crash.
I began with those two stories and never stopped collecting and investigating.
ReplyDeleteNow you know why I walked out of history class never to return. Lusitania-Pearl Harbor.
We think about the 3000 + murdered on 911 and don't spend enough time on WWI and II. Guess how many were murdered there by stealth and design let alone military casualties of a fraud.
Kudos JG on another great deposit. Thanks to the Renaissance man for providing corroboration. Numbers are their game, Numbers are their tools and with COTO & TRUTHERS, Numbers are their enemy.
Will, you were way ahead of me in your conspiracy education. It wasn't until 9/11 that I really started researching false flags and the real ptb by way of, what else, the internet.
ReplyDeleteYet, that morning of 9/11, while watching the whole script unfold on our tv at work, I kept running around repeating over and over... why aren't they scrambling jets? Where are the jets to intercept the planes??? I couldn't believe a plane could hit the pentagon an hour after the other planes crashed into buildings. I mean, we're talking the most secure airspace in the world for christ sake! Then when they showed the "remnants"(what remnanats?) of the plane that "crashed" in Shanksville. Gimme a break! No bodies, no luggage, no real wreckage? And stupid ass people didn't question that either??!! Or the disintegrating plane at the pentagon through the 15/20' hole??
Yet, no one at work was paying attention. No one was even trying to put two and two together and questioning what the hell was going on. They were in a trance, mesmerized by what they thought they saw on the teevee and what the teevee talking heads told them to think later. 19 muslim hijacking terrorists with boxcutters brought our entire defense system to it's knees........ that's where they were then and exactly where they are now. Nothing has changed. They still don't get it and still don't want to know. I gave up trying to talk to them about anything to do with world events long ago because honestly, when they give me those vapid looks of disbelief or indifference, I just want to smack them with a 2x4.
See Jersey--you kept your brain ticking while everyone around you dove into the emotional trauma induced trance.
ReplyDeleteWhy some of us are capable of resisting these psychological attacks while the majority is so susceptible is the great question.
Answer that, and we might find our way out of the dark woods.
For sure Will. I wonder about that all the time. Just what does make one coto? Obviously, there is something very different in our makeup. I think we've always been ones to question from the very beginning.. Old souls perhaps? I tend to think so.
ReplyDeleteI hated history class.. so boring and full of facts and dates to memorize. I never had a teacher who brought any of it to life. Fact or fiction, they could have tried to make it at least interesting..........
ReplyDeleteYes...I have come to realize that is the whole point of HS history courses; to numb and dumb.
ReplyDeleteI slept through every history class in highschool. It wasn't until a Humanitiies class that I read of Santayana's dictum, "Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them", that the spark set the reasoning kindling aflame.
Check out this thinker; Lysander Spooner (January 19, 1808 – May 14, 1887)
"The Rothschilds, and that class of money-lenders of whom they are the representatives and agents--men who never think of lending a shilling to their next-door neighbors, for purposes of honest industry, unless upon the most ample security, and at the highest rate of interest--stand ready, at all times, to lend money in unlimited amounts to those robbers and murderers, who call themselves governments, to be expended in shooting down those who do not submit quietly to being robbed and enslaved. "
"And why are these men so ready to lend money for murdering their fellow men? Solely for this reason, viz., that such loans are considered better investments than loans for purposes of honest industry. They pay higher rates of interest; and it is less trouble to look after them. This is the whole matter."
"...a private investigator hired by Avery to discover the cause and circumstances surrounding his death refused to proceed with his investigation."
ReplyDeleteWow. Then another investigator should be hired.
Yes, agreed Renai
ReplyDeleteBut then if all the "shoulda's" be stacked on end, they would most likely reach beyond the orbit of Pluto.
The circumstantial evidence surrounding Jennings death, added to the panumbra of other circumstantial, physical, and blatant MO and cui bono evidences of 9/11 create a "slam dunk" case for wide ranging prosecutions.
All of this leads to the inescapable conclusion that the US is ruled by the criminal syndicate--so aptly described by COTO on these pages.
This larger issue leaves us in the same position as the sane persons of 1776...
"When in the course of human events it becomes necessary"...DO IT
Thanks, you guys for the moral support on my first blogging attempt. If you wanna see a sheep, someone left me a long comment refuting everything I posted (and never even clicked the hyperlinks) and called me a bigot, lol. They ARE out there and they so brainwashed.
ReplyDeleteThat video with Ken O'Keefe (whom I've never heard of before) was oustanding. He mentioned our being dragged into WWII, which is VERY important with respect to the British and Anglophile American traitors. In a while, I'm going to post a new entry with a mind blowing speech reagrding just that. Please check for it.
I became aware of the complete fraud of our system in 1980 when I learned the truth about the Fed and the IRS. I've been into conspiracy ever since. Still with years of reseach under my belt, I WAS TOTALLY DUPED ON 9/11!!! When I saw WTC7 collapse, I was like, WTF? but went right on buying the bullshit KNOWING I was having cognitive dissonance! I didn't have a computer back then but was a nighly listener to the great Bill Cooper (who was soon after murdered), on shortwave. That night he said it was an intelligence operation, yet still I couldn't believe it because it was just too evil to wrap my mind around. It took me a couple of months before I regained my senses. That's how powerful mind control is, and 9/11 was the daddy of all mind fucks.
Thank you soooooo much for this wonderful blog. I know I'll be a regular here.
BTW, I'm a woman but I was Thomas Paine in a past life ;-)
"BTW, I’m a woman but I was Thomas Paine in a past life "--Renai
ReplyDeleteHa ha...yea, glad to meet you Mr/Ms. Paine, I was Thomas Jefferson in a past life.(grin)
We should get on well.
BTW, I posted the whole NO TREASON essay as a COTO story here.
ReplyDeleteExcellent essay...right on the MONEY (grin)
This nation was established by 'Conspiracy Theorists'...and if it is to be saved it will be by conspiracy theorists.
Renaissance, yup it's an Anglo-American-Zionist collaboration. Welcome. On both 9/11 (NYC) and 7/7 (London), host governments were conducting terror exercises simultaneously for cover, and in both falseflags, Bibi Netanyahu was in town to survey operations. On 9/11 Ehud Barak was in London where he provided the muslim terrorist storyline to media. The City of London have been the enemy of the world's people for hundreds of years including of the British. They lost their commons to the warmongers and userers a long while back which no amount of global war, colonization and slavery has ever restored them.
ReplyDeleteMunich, nice clip on Ken O'Keefe, same guy the Israelis beat up on the Marmara, right?
ReplyDeleteThat's a great testimony by Barry Jennings of the explosions and blown up lobby in WTC7. It's pretty obvious now to anyone curious who planted all those explosives and why, and it sure wasn't muslim people in caves on the other side of the world. It was people with access to the buildings with a history of demolishing buildings in terror bombings running back to the King David Hotel. Barry's death is intimidating but it didn't stop his testimony at all.
ReplyDeleteI had no clue about FF terror prior to 9/11. Unlike many here, I had never studied it. Given that 9/11's botched FF woke up millions to the real perpetrators bankrolling Warshington and Tel Aviv who otherwise would have stayed in the dark, chutzpah was a dumb strategy ...because it created a truth movement! Just what they hate the most, they caused to occur. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
"This nation was established by ‘Conspiracy Theorists’…and if it is to be saved it will be by conspiracy theorists."
ReplyDeleteI added that to my collection of quotes.
Thanks for the invite hybridrogue1.
jameslee17, aka James17. Hopefully, Recce1 won't be slithering this way with cheeks full of anti-S---- crap. Whatever R----1 is, I ticked it off with the forked tongue remark.
I remember watching the news the night of 911 and seeing building 7 fall. There was a female reporter going over the events of the day with a 'live view on screen' behind her of where the towers were, smoke and then building 7 falls. She is shocked by someone telling her and she turns to look at the screen, then it is cut off. - Now, did I just imagine something like that, or did I really see what I think I saw? If I am imagining things, then I made a wrong turn down one of these rabbit tunnels. Really, though, I think I saw what I said I saw and hopefully someone else can verify what I think I saw really happened.
Well Hey James Lee,
ReplyDeleteSo cool that you actually took me up on joining us here.
What you saw on TV on the number 7WTC, is a little more complex as I recall, but the essentials are there in your memory. If it was the BBC report, the woman in NY was speaking to the guy in Britain--she had reported that Soloman Bros building had collapsed {that's no.7} was still in the background behind her--having not collapsed yet. Somehow the script was overshot on her end. Then as they are talking to one another, the building DOES collapse...although she had just reported it had collapsed some ten to twenty minutes before; all this time reporting on it with the building in view behind her.
There was of course a great controversy that arose about all of this--with the BBC conveniently LOOSING the master tapes of that particular segment.{grin}
Of course, you may have been watching another channel and seen just what you recall here. But I wanted to add this info to the thread at any rate.
Yes...recce1. I just left him with a large check his ass can't cash. You might want to go back and's funny.
Anyway, welcome aboard, check out some of the other stories here...lotsa good stuff.
Kurt Sonnenfeld was the only videographer, who was allowed to film at Ground Zero in New York. He was working for the FEMA.
ReplyDeleteOn New Years Eve 2002, he was arrested for having killed his wife. The story didn't make big headlines in the news, but started some speculations and rumours on the internet. On June 14, 2002, prosecutors dismissed first-degree murder charges against Sonnenfeld in the early New Year's morning shooting death of his wife. Nancy Sonnenfeld, 36, died of a gunshot wound in the head after she and her husband had celebrated New Year's Eve together.
Kurt Sonnenfeld told police that his wife committed suicide. Prosecutors wouldn't comment on specific reasons for the dismissal, but the defense investigation found a note written by Nancy Sonnenfeld which police had not taken into evidence, said public defender Carrie Thompson. "Our investigators found a letter written in Nancy's own hand consistent with a suicide letter, although it was very cryptic," Thompson said. She said the letter said, "What is more beautiful than love and death?" with the word "love" scratched out. "Kurt, please get help." The letter was found behind a framed photograph of Kurt Sonnenfeld. ...
Nancy Sonnenfeld's sister, Amy Leek, said the family knew this was coming but would have no comment on the news. ...
Kurt Sonnenfeld was a videographer who documented disaster sites for FEMA, including the September 11 attacks in New York.,Kurt.shtml
Now the police have reopened the case and are seeking extradition of Sonnenfeld, as he has coppies of the FEMA videos that he claims prooves government involvement with the attacks.
Does this look like another set-up or what?
I hear ya Patrick. You're a very smart man. Life means nothing to these sociopathic, malevolent bastards. It's all been one abhorrent charade, and the proles haven't a clue. They’ve been dumbed down for such a long time, which is pssed on through generations with the corporate feckless mind control programming, maybe not Leave it ta Beaver, or My Three Sons.
ReplyDeleteI was talking to my neighbor earlier this evening, and she still wants to believe in Barry, who she fully supported. I tried to explain to her about Zbig, and that he is one of Barry's advisors, who wrote the Grand Chessboard, which is now being played out in the Middle East. She hasn't a clue as to who Zbig is, and Patrick, she actually said “I don’t want to hear it.” She doesn't want to hear the truth.
So there are millions of people out there like my neighbor. Interestingly, her father use to be close pals with the late Frank Rizzo here in Philly, and the democratic machine. You didn’t mess with Frank and brutal mentality.
As for my neighbor and the rest of the proles throughout [A]merica, it is always gonna be Credulity, Ignorance and Apathy An acronym which is frowned upon here at COTO.
By the way there have been some really good articles.
Once last question Patrick, you're down there not to far from Lake Lure, and for anyone who's never driven down in those beautiful Blue Ridge mountains late at night, it's better than any dam roller coaster ride, trust me. I wanted ta ask, being you're in mountains, have they run cable modems to your area? Just curious.
ReplyDeleteThis one is high nippled tits...
Excellent video Munich... thank you for posting ! Ken O'Keefe... now THAT's what being a Marine should be all about.
ReplyDeleteOh yes Jack. Verizon, Cable and Wireless all available here. There money in these mountains and the corporatists don't want to miss out on the monopolies.
ReplyDeleteFrontier has moved in to buy Verizon out of the land line biz. Apparently 20 states. Me thinks Frontier may be CIA FRONT in two of the Five FEMA designates.
I'd like to get Barry's list of Governors for Martial law. That's got to be some NOC list.
Your neighbor is the reason that we will not defeat the NAU, UNWO and committee takeover. Alex Jones is convinced we will as is Tarpley and others but I reject that conclusion.
Satisfaction for me will be to know we were right, victory, to have them aware we had known this truth and for me personally to have the opportunity to present to them their worst nightmare.
Oh my lady renaissance. Bill Cooper was my anchor when I had the visions of truth. When I thought back in the mid eighties that I may be losing my mind I found Brother Bill. Shot down in cold blood by criminals that carry badges as they did in Ruby Ridge and Waco.
ReplyDelete911 was just another incremental step towards the next and final blow for global governance. At which time the New World Thinktank will likely present all the false flag truths to their new vulgus. It will be a show of intellectual prowess and power supremacy as they will not miss such an opportunity to indicate who controlled it all then and now.
Though I would love to get confirmation on the Space Shuttle Challenger and Discovery, Waco, OK City, 911, Ruby Ridge, Chernobyl, Haiti, Pearl Harbor, Lucitania, Maine, Titanic, Hindenberg, JFK-RFK-KING-LENNON etc, etc, etc, I will have to hope it comes after life itself.
If you interested please send us the email you use to sign in to your account and we will make you an author. We'd love to have your personal posts mirrored on our site for our visitors. If so send to
Same goes for you James17. Is there a writer behind the commentor?
ReplyDeleteIf you interested please send us the email you use to sign in to your account and we will make you an author. We’d love to have your personal posts mirrored on our site for our visitors. If so send to
Well Willie I have stated my beliefs on Scalar takedown. Turning steel to nano dust, triggered with or without thermite and caps. What would be more important to them, having a conspiracy on Hijackers versus demolition or:
If that came out every plane down, every shuttle, every quake, typhoon or volcano would be in question. Not to mention new interest on Bluebeam, Montauk, Philadelphia Exp, Tesla Howitzer, Global Warming Fraud and many more possibilities.
I am sure they are satisfied with the Thermite crowd. Explosions in the lower levels by witnesses was staged for Scalar attack which left molten steel at the basin. Not even thermite would leave steel lava pool at lower deck.
And then their is the strange weather phenomenon in the Atlantic, pleaaaaase!!
"Let each of us affirm that BP has the corporate form of bone cancer and that it is 100% terminal. Let’s accept it as a reality that is seeking its own end, even faster than we are. Let us accept it, as if it were one of our own hands in front of our face that everyone involved in this unspeakable crime against humanity and Nature, are inexorably and with all possible speed, being confronted with and punished for their crimes. Close your imaging with a sense of clean sea air and calm optimism; frolicking laughing dolphins and sea birds aloft in a cloudless azure sky, which you just realized you haven’t seen in a long time and shake your head and say, “Something dark and evil isn’t here any more. I can feel it”. Believe it. Know it. Let it go and do its work, secure in knowing it’s done."
ReplyDeleteThank you Will. I like that.. I like that a lot. Now let's all do it !! Mind over matter could work wonders.
eggnog nasty on precise bludgeon selfly despired here. You could be absolutely right. Until I know I will not know, but will keep openly mentalized to all plausabilities.
ReplyDeleteIt IS strange however that no big whammer cyclone has inGulfed us yet, in this season that was supposed to be a super dooper cylone pooper.
The fact that the conveyor belt has come to a halt doodoo to oily exits from the core may be a max factor...clever game theorist boys and their toys gots lots of buttons to push. Sorta like stud poker jokers wild...and every card in the deck is a joker. Makes for a strange game.
I'm keeping my soul close to my vest, and making no bets on this table...the chips are all toxic and I will not handle them.
Yea Jersey...blessed aye?