Lord knows I am trying to never hold a grudge or be vindictive. I am too tired to wage war on more than one front at a time.
There is a little despot I wanted to overthrow,she just has to go.
Institutionalized hate and neglect, I must reject.
Although I love a good fight I must refrain. I take it all too seriously.
It causes Me mental and physical pain.
The cries of the downtrodden have been heard by those stronger and more steeled for the fight.
Counselors learned and dedicated, much wiser than I
Will ride in like the cavalry to defend what is right.
Its out of My hands.
My time will be done when the censors have won.
I can hold a grudge no problem, if the issue is important enough. We all need to stand for something sometime or we might fall for anything. You're a good guy, King, and you know what it is to choose your battles. Just don't lose sight of your political platform, as you presented it on national radio (almost?) and that's guns, girlz and ganja! Tee hee. Take care.
ReplyDeleteJust got a bizarre message from Rob Kall about biographical info and rewards for posting on his site, which I never do, but I hit the "unsubscribe" button. We all know he's a zionist shill, and none of us loses sleep over it....so that is how to deal with the minor stuff, which could include censorship on zionist sites.
We love ya here partnuh.
Korny, I must be dense because I don't know what you are getting at here. Are you leaving us?
ReplyDeleteWow Mar, Kall is getting really desperate isn't he? Rewards given if you post? His site is like a black hole since (ahem) all his most interesting commenters were booted out........
ReplyDeleteThis is from his series on the principal of his daughters school/
~ King you need to walk in Gods Grace and leave the demands to him ~
ReplyDeleteInteresting you should mention Kall. I found an invite to be a Facebook pal with him????? I never actually go to Facebook, but got an alert for four folks who claimed to know me...the only one I recognized was our great friend and guru, Rob.
I simply clicked away and ignored the whole thing. Facebook is stupid...and probably dangerous as well.
I avoid OEN for the EONs I leave it there to serve the peons who lost their brains to the prions...how do ya like that you Leons? Write me a note with yer crayons.
That woman sounds like a true NWO minion.
ReplyDelete"That Woman"....isn't that Moan-ica Lewd-in-skee?
ReplyDeleteLike in, "I've never had a cigar in 'that woman'"?
"I can hold a grudge no problem.."--Mary
ReplyDeleteYea, a grudge is nothing but clear headed memory, nothing to feel shame about.
But there is truth in; The best vengence is success.
Look at COTO as an example of that my refugees{grin}
No. Certain "people" and I use the term lightly, use a persons lack of language skills to deprive them of due process and their civil rights. I won My little battle with the despot and My daughter is now in high school. The cases that I presented to MALDEF have sparked their interest and they wish to defend them againsthe district. I plan to go one step farther and seek legislation at the state level that will require all schools in Texas to have a log book on the office counter where all who request a meeting with school administrators will sign in with time and date,who they wanted to see,whether they were accomodated and if not why and a space for when they will be available again and their phone number. Also I want the complaint\grievance form ON DISPLAY on the same counter in english and spanish. If MALDEF does not have civil rights attorneys then I will go to the ACLU , LULAC or whoever will listen. If the powers that be want foreigners by leaving the border open then their rights must be protected. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
ReplyDeleteThe true christian heritage is speaking truth to power . John the baptist corrected Herod when he took his brothers wife. Our Lord called the ruling elite vipers,whitewashed sepulchers etc. I dont go for the pablum pukin pew packin papas that use God as an excuse to sit back on the laurels. Lives are being destroyed by a tin-pot dictator and I cannot stand by and watch a child be abused by any institution without going to bat. I used to do this more when i was younger and stronger. It takes a toll on Me so I have to rely more on professional troublemakers. Unless I have misunderstood You Paddy I'm not with You on that one.
ReplyDeleteThat was VERY funny Will. I too have avoided Facebook, no way Jose.
ReplyDeletePuddy got the graphics and computer talent.
ReplyDeleteWell what do You think about My quest ?
ReplyDeletego get 'em Korn
ReplyDeletebtw, Patrick, love the poppy banner
I think your quest is noble and of great worth. Praxis in action, a personal illustration. I salute you.
Yes, BUT - Please note how strategic fiction infiltrates and obscures and poisons.
ReplyDelete'The British' were used to oppress the world, and did so via orders, in exactly the way the 'America' is now and has been for the last century, all around the world, motivated and manipulated by the same people.
The Sassoon family - Bombay jews - were the opium traders who demanded that the British war against China for their ban on opium imports. And Britain did it, as the Rothschilds were already secure in Britain and pulling the strings there. The Sassoons - Rothschild in-laws - were probably acting with Rothschild funding anyway for their common goal. 'They were later 'honoured' in Britain, and one - Philip - became a Secretary to Haig during WWI - Wiki him and see.
'Robert Trout', supposing him to be the same, was originally 'Blondheim', who added the fish to his name to 'anglify' it, but recognisably for those who know what names signify. These people never miss an opportunity to further their cause, which is to dominate, and stifle ours, which is simply to live.
'The British' - who hardly exist as a people any longer - were simply used, as are the 'Americans' by those who have come and infiltrated all the mechanisms of control and power.
These infiltrators are the enemy of us all. I have already told you how to counter them.
Caution in what you read and believe.
"I have already told you how to counter them."--Flak
ReplyDeleteThis is an issue I am still not clear on Flak.
How? In real simple terms. You surely can sum it up for us in some digestible form.
I think you accurately have identified the Money Power as the true enemy. And that identification seems to be shared here as spot on.
So, okay...now what?
Really, I don't want to provoke you. I'm just looking for a straight forward answer.
Problem: Our planet has fallen under the malign influence of a few who use a fiction of finance to captivate our 'leaders' and public servants and 'levers or power' to do their bidding and work in their interest rather than ours.
ReplyDeleteObvious solution: Recapture our lines of command and unpick their influence.
How: DRAFT servants, who by our control will do what WE require of them or face the consequences after they have been replaced.
Yes, very simply put, but the only alternative is bloody revolution or sitting there hoping that a miracle will change their minds while they eliminate you.
The internet affords us an opportunity to reach most of the people of the world virtually in a few days.
The people have to be instructed that the present situation requires the replacement, by our own representatives, of all existing administrative structures, and that this will be done by draft, as obligatory public service without choice. This will be no sinecure. These anonymous independent individuals will then have to use use their individual conscience. Influencing them will be made a punishable crime, and their corruption will mean instant replacement and will be a capital offence.
Total control - or abolition - of finance will then be effected worldwide to eliminate the present reaping of the world by the few.
Look, don't anyone just pooh-hoo this as pie in the sky. If you think it is impracticable, then find a way to MAKE it practicable, and then DO it. The alternative is to pass passively through the process which is intended for you, and we have been told what that is, and can view its evidence all around us.
We cannot see other than in the geological evidence what nature has in store for us. But, realise, 'The Few' have taken that into account, and in their planning have been working to use even that against the rest of us, as I explained in the 'Weather' article some months ago.
If you think you have other effective means of wringing the tool of fictional finance out of malignant hands, then say so, but don't just argue and then sit there twiddling your thumbs, and don't anyone argue simply because it pleases your mental vanity.
History? - I don't know whether subjecting the rest of humanity has happened before in human history for any lesson to exist, other than the progressive parasitism of our nations by those who have manipulated finance for five thousand years, the culmination to which process we now witness. However, in the animal kingdom, this is when a rogue cannibal element arises within a species. The species then eliminates the threat, or is eliminated. That is the choice that we now face. Eat or be eaten. This is world war, at the moment one-sided, of them against us. It is time for us to turn and start war against our enemy.
I have told you and told you exactly WHO the enemy is, and how they initiate and support almost all the present ills of the world, and most of you now recognise who they are. Their influence has to be annulled, and I have outlined very crudely how to do it.
If you think it can't be done, then MAKE it do-able. But don't just argue.
"Their influence has to be annulled, and I have outlined very crudely how to do it."
Yes, that has been my point all along, how crude the outline. And I note the fact that you will have no argument on the matter. Just a hint of megelomania there aye?
As to our "servants" that we are to "draft" as representatives...
So say we attempt to organize from here, an already established base. We put out a permanently posted call for 'volunteers' to organize within their communities? IS this your plan?
What do you think our readership is here? I get the sense that you don't have a handle on logistics, nor on public relations. Say a permanent notice is left, say where the banner goes. "A CALL TO SERVICE", etc...
What do you imagine the response to be? I'm curious Flak. What do you see the influence of this site as being?
And suppose we have takers? What percentage of those would you guess might be corporatist agents for Homeland Security? Personally I would wager at least half, or more.
You don't seem to haveeven slight a grasp on the present situation as far as web surveilance is concerned.
Do you not grasp they are already reading what goes on here?
You have to have a strategy to sell your plan—even if a plan is feasible it cannot sell itself. You have to be more compelling than your environment. A spark, a flame, something that jumps out and grabs ones notice.
What I hear from you is, “first we take Manhattan...and then we take the world”. It is that vague to me.
Or then there is the other extreme that would get your face plastered on post office walls.
Thanks for you answer, which I already antisipated from our previous conversations.
This is all I need to know. There is nothing more to explain to me. So rather than singling me out as your solo opposition. Inquire of the others here. Perhaps they may have some ideas to fill in your 'plan'.
As they say, rock on. \\ll//
While we should express our gratitude to the previous correspondent for his inestimable contribution to the future of our benighted race, we should also note that, despite his evident omnipresence on this site and the invitation to do so, he yet again has precisely nothing positive to add.
ReplyDeleteWe trust therefore for their own sakes that other readers remain unswayed by both his infectious optimism and his continued encouragement to find a solution to the problems that presently beset us, which otherwise should be so simply resolved.
Incidentally, ask yourselves, what is so harmful or illegal about democratically adjusting the political balance so that our own reps lawfully and honestly for once do the job they are paid to do in our interest rather than that of international aliens? And what is so treasonous about eliminating criminality from our human dealings? What should be feared in bringing Justice to the world where for so long it has been so flagrantly flouted? And what should be dissuaded in correcting education so that it teaches truth to the very best of its ability, and in modifying the media so that it impartially represents unbiased fact? And what is so subversive in either eliminating the worst drug of finance from the world, or at least correcting the counterfeiting banking practices to prevent these parasites from debilitating our societies, and their cousin vermin from leaching the blood from all our activities? What in fact is so unnatural and unforgiveable in merely trying to survive.
Many years ago I popularised a book by inventing a chain-letter via which, if after some days intended recipient friends did not refuse, I would send them a copy, and they could send it on in the same way - always to friends. It later became known as 'viral' mail. People should be given a chance to survive, and apprising them of how to do so might well be done in this same way. - Not, 'How would you like to join our club?' but giving them the evidence and offering them the chance, 'Survive or prepare to be eliminated. We notify you that we propose to take this lawful action. No financial contribution is required. We invite you to demand and institute a just society for all and an end to corruption.'
You should avoid face recognition - ie Facebook, MySpace and Google likethe plague, lest you enjoy being an ameoba.
ReplyDeleteIf you walk in his grace he will give you the power to meet your demands. If you walk without then you are on your own and subject to anothers demands.
Thanks Rady. Was I trippin? Hmmmm?
ReplyDeleteYea...I really want no part of it.
ReplyDeleteNo profile. No photos. No nuttin.
Here is a catch of current event articles to fill your brains for the day:
ReplyDeleteNavy to test its ability to vaccinate masses in pandemic --In the military exercise's three final phases, medical personnel won't wait for patients to come to them.
15 Sep 2010 It may be part of an exercise, but have no doubt: The needles in this simulated pandemic flu scenario are real. And so are the deltoids of thousands of sailors to be immunized in coming days as part of a test of the Navy's capacity to "surge" huge quantities of vaccines to its work force.
The first phase of the military exercise, PANFLUEX - short for pandemic flu exercise - begins today, when nurses and corpsmen from Portsmouth Naval Medical Center will fan out to local military medical clinics. Their goal is to vaccinate about 6,000 "mission essential personnel" within 48 hours.
And more here:
Guniea pigs,volunteer guniea pigs. Next comes the draft.
ReplyDelete"Next comes the draft."--Korn
ReplyDeleteYea, they have been hiding that one under the table for some time now.
But it is surely coming...jackboots and all...
Israeli art student activity reported at federal officials' homes...I hope we all remember what happened the last time these Mossad clowns popped up.
"On the eve of the 9/11 anniversary and in an eerie repeat of Israeli “art student” activity a year and a half prior to the 9/11 attack at the offices and homes of federal government, U.S. military, and even federal judges, WMR has been informed of an increase in similar renewed activity at the homes of current and former federal officials."
well done Korn and congratulations on both victories:-)
ReplyDeletewonder how many service people will drop dead, get Gullain barre?
ReplyDeleteand will NOT be reported or allowed to seek outside help to recover?