Sunday, August 22, 2010



Will it be a world worth living in? It has already become a world in such ruin that those who understand grieve with broken hearts. Not only is the environment being strip mined to the point of Martian like landscapes, but the people themselves have been driven insane by social engineering regimes intent on turning their populations into automatons.

This idea, that in order to leave a green world to the generations ahead, it will mean strict regimentation by “wise all powerful states” or an all powerful superstate, gives a false choice to those of good will. It is built on the assumption that man is too stupid to live and must be forced to behave. The ludicrous lie being that at this moment such insane behaviour is the result of the 'behaviour scientists' employed by the oligarchy itself.

It is past time for humanity to wake up to the crisis before it. And this awakening certainly is not defined as rousing the masses into another Utopian mythos, but one in which stark reality is beheld without fear. What is needed is not dreams and hope, but knowledge and truth.

How many more lollipops are people going to be forced to choke on before they get off of their knees? How many phony leaders spewing fantastic tales of delivering a new Eden before it is realized that 'Leaders” are the problem?

Knowledge and truth is not a process of osmosis. It does not come to you in a dream. It is not handed to you by those who seek to control you. You have to search it out for yourself. You have to think for yourself, and develop the critical reasoning skills to accomplish this.

The time has come, TODAY to begin this project, for no one is going to save you but yourself. Do not leave your children in the world the ghouls are creating for them.

© Copyright William Whitten 2010 ®


  1. Some Added Thoughts:

    Thinking for oneself is an act of bravery for some, those brought up in some enforced group-think synthetic culture.

    The key is to question everything you think you know. Do you know it yourself, or were you told it was so? By questioning a point, are you intimidated into silence, or are you shown by reason?

    Lastly and more difficult, does it actually stand to reason?

    One way to distinguish is to imagine a scenario with a similar equation of ; A is so and you see that, therefore B is like A, so it is so.

    Is B truly like A? Or is this simply an assertion?

    Is B truly like A in the context that you know A to be true?

    Begin with your core assumptions and work your way through every single 'belief' that you have, and ask if you know it as fact that you yourself are capable of verifying, simply by thought experiments like the simple example above.

    The important thing is to think it through for yourself, not rely on other opinions. If having a question has led to trouble, simply keep it to yourself and make your way through. You were given a brain to think with, not simply to memorize dogmas. You are given to choose freely. Choose for yourself then. It is your mind, your soul, your destiny, no other's.


  2. This could as well have been written by myself - I absolutely agree, in every regard! Very well said, Willy!

    Good thoughts for a Monday morning, in particular for this one, as today is the first day of school for my little son, where I will be the only teacher - I'm home-schooling him, for many (obvious) reasons. :)

  3. Yep -- food for thought.

    Critical reasoning skills are in short supply apparently; which is too bad, considering they are key survival skills.

  4. Dave,

    Congratulations home schooler. I am so pleased to here that. And thank you for your kind words.

    I am ever more aware that we have an international audience here at the COTO site. I find speeking in more general terms to such readers is where I like to be.
    Most of us here have already got most of these ideas under their caps.

    It's funny, I don't know how exactly one finds the way to one of these new posts that haven't made it to the favorite list. But I'm glad you found it straight away.

    Tell ya why I don't mind Mondays...{grin}...I'm retired, that's why I have so much time to dabble in my hobbie of trying to "save the world".


  5. Exactly, and this is why one of the subjects of our private school is called "Thinking" - the art of methodical, critical, logical, thoughtfully structured approach of life in general, and every single subject in particular.

  6. Hey Boom

    I think that as the crisis begins to focus, more will start to look for answers outside of the general synthetic frame.

    Hopefully some may find their way here, where I believe we offer something valuable for consideration.

    Viva reason and free thought.


  7. Great, give them a real head start as opposed to the PR one by that title.

  8. That's great - we share the same hobby! :)

    Though I'm not retired yet, but being self-employed as well leaves some more room for the things I deem important! I'm happy you've got the time to frequently share your valuable thoughts, and I'm looking forward to learn more of your considerations and suggestions!!

    School starts in 30 minutes, got to go...!

  9. Pretty sure that those humans who are prone to understand what is happening in the world have already gotten it.

    Those who haven't gotten it yet, I'm pretty sure won't. Those who won't or can't, are the vast majority. Without a mass epiphany on a grand scale, it would seem that there's no stopping this freight train as it barrels down the tracks toward oblivion.

    Barring the fact that the planet is already overpopulated many times over, and almost guarantees a poor outcome for all of us, the fact is, it would take a global revolution to put an end to the exploitation of much of the world's population--including those of us living in the USA.

    But, there simply aren't enough people who know who their real enemy is. Not to mention enough who'd be willing to fight. If, such a thing could be coordinated before all lines of communication were shut down.

    Of course one can still wage their own battle against injustice. Based on the absurdist philosophical school of thought, all of us have three choices...

    1. We can delude ourselves into thinking that life continues on after our miserable existence, or that there's some spiritual/religious meaning in our lives (scratch that, I'm an atheist).

    2. We can commit suicide and maybe take out a few of the bastards at the same time ala Joe Stack.

    3. We can accept injustice (the absurd) and continue to live in spite of it. From Wikipedia..."Camus endorsed this solution, believing that by accepting the Absurd, one can achieve absolute freedom, and that by recognizing no religious or other moral constraints and by revolting against the Absurd while simultaneously accepting it as unstoppable, one could possibly be content from the personal meaning constructed in the process."

    In other words, maybe just by pointing out the lack of justice in the world, we give ourselves meaning. Maybe that's why we kindred spirits tend to flock together. We give validity to each other through our common disgust for the inhumanity of injustice.

    Maybe that's enough.

  10. Mr. O,

    …”Camus endorsed this solution, believing that by accepting the Absurd, one can achieve absolute freedom"...Wikipedia

    Was this really what Camus was saying?

    I read something by a supposed scholar who remarked that Camus had said, "The only question facing humanity is whether or not to commit suicide," and that it was ironic that he had died in a car accident.

    Did this scholar comprehend what Camus had meant? Obviously not. Camus was not suggesting personal suicide as some sort of answer, he was making an existential observation about the ability to end life on earth with nuclear weapons.

    I beware of wiki for this very reason. Camus' suggestion that we recognize the world is absurd, is not to accept the absurdity. Recognition and acceptance being distinct from one another.

    However, your "maybe-esque" conclusion comes closer to the existential position taken by Camus.

    After all...the world is always "ending". Our mortal coil is always transient in the physical plane. Our view of the future opaque. We only come to know ourselves here.


  11. Puddy has created a forum here for truth seeking via many avenues; fact finding, intellectual debate and curiosity, corroboration, deductive reasoning and analysis, etc.

    An insightful fact is not that the Truth remains...but that the Truth always exists and has always been "present". becomes apparent through effort or circumstance. That is, we "discover" the Truth about something by searching for it and finding it, or we trip over it enough times that it becomes incontrovertible. Discovery by accident!

    I don't much care which method I find the Truth about things, but I am supremely interested in finding it -- or it finding me.

    Because, Lies of all forms -- fraud, subterfuge, sleight-of-hand, fables, falsehoods, and fronts, present no foundation upon which to stand. And in this oily sea of snake-oil salesmen, we will sink and drown unless we find a purchase upon which to stand {i.e. the Truth as a Rock, versus everything else being sinking sand}.

    To me, the intellectual gymnastics, the "thinking" exercises and honest introspective critiquing required to participate in our 'conversations', provides a discovery process whereby I might discover "Truth". Yes, it takes time and pain. But I'm always better for it. Beats the heck out of many of the non-work pursuits folks waste their time on.'s kind of a School for Thought.

    I very much hope more and more people will come and test the waters, and participate in the inter-action.

    It is the action of the bouncing of ideas that creates the friction to stoke our intellectual fires. Otherwise, we've only got a couple of non-palatable choices left as mentioned below. Suicide, or surrender of our intellectual honesty. The "ride" is to interesting to choose the former, and I'm too stubborn and principled to accept giving in to barbarians and predators.

  12. Splended Boomer.

  13. Absulutely Dave!!! Bravo coto pal. Not what I expected but I think the MOST important decision next to vaccines for your kids. If we could confirm the vaccination adjuvants and nano toxins, then all parents would home school because they mandate it for enrollment. If we topple one domino, many would fall. One lie after another.

    They denied Chemtrails, then after pressure and expose, they admit to chaffing. Now we know it's toxic and dumbing down agenda. Just like Monsanto, PhRMA and Media. They are beginning to buckle.

    There's no Aspatame lollipops in the Hunter household :)

  14. When meaningless enters the discourse I generally decline to pursue the notions of afflicted, alcoholic, addicted or mentally imbalanced writers let alone endorse or model such pathetic individuals.

    You can sit at the Green Parrot in Key West and see the future Ernestos sipping their way to meaninglessness.

  15. Yess, Boomer, you nail it! Absolutely true!

    One thought I'd like to add: it often seems to be a kind of fear that prevents people from striving for truth, as they are afraid of the challange(s) coming along with discovering facts that would change their lives. They prefer to dewll on the soft cushion of "sweet little lies", more or less just for the comfort of a falsly attained feeling of "security", not being aware of the much more painful consequences of such ignorance once their supposed foundation will fall apart.

    Facing the truth may hurt, but still the gain outweighs the pain by far. "The truth will set you free" - it is so true, while it's such a shame the biggest company of notorious liars dare to trample on these words every day.

  16. Camus' essay "The Myth of Sisyphus" did in fact have as its central question wether one could accept the absurdity(meaninglessness) of life and not be driven to suicide.

    It was written in 1942.

    Like Albert, Mr. O. thinks when we are dead, thats it, nothing but worm food. I disagree. We are eternal beings of light.

    Reincarnation is real. Check out the work of Dr. Ian Stevenson. over 3,000 cases of children remembering their past lives, giving obscure facts, naming obscure relatives, all scientificly observed and verified.

    What is the "life force"? Chinese call it chi. Quantum physics are just now discovering that the ancient mystics knew their shit. Many "paranormal" phenomena can now be explained through the new physics, mostly non-locality. Superstrings? Vibration? Membranes?

    What leaves the body at death? Electric charge? Only? We all know matter equals energy(E=Mc2)

    Dont need no stinkin religion, but my friends I'm afraid we do have a soul. Deal with it.

    OT: 2 other areas that I feel are more "true" than not are UFO's and Atlantis. Curious about other's perceptions.

  17. Thanks, Puddy! :)

    There's definitely no Aspartame lollies in our dwelling, as there is no other poisoned food stuff around! :) Baking my own bread since long, recently contemplating how to lay my own eggs... :D

    Our first day of school was more than encouraging, I consider it the best investment of time one could possibly imagine. Of course, it was all introduction and assessment today, to agree on a preliminary curriculum.

    When I asked my son: why is thinking so important?, his answer just amazed me - I'll try to record it on video tomorrow and post it, a repetition in writing is close to impossible! ;)

  18. You are correct CamusR, I was unaware of that particualr essay.

    I began Tai Chi lessons at around 12 years old, and I have indeed had mystical experiences my whole life.

    I have had a long evolution of maybe yes maybe no but certainly maybe on the esoteric subjects; UFOs, Atlantis, the bovine origin of Luna, the wee folk, and butterfly induced hurricanes, etc.

    A sense of wonder prevents rigermorts and protects from the evil eye. Certainty is in the eye of the beholder, weight is in the size of the boulder--when that twain shall meet is the moment of epiphany.


  19. So, I think I can assume you two fit nicely in category no 1.

  20. Mr. O

    A pidgin hole has never been a comfortable nest for my personal needs.

    We could get into a discussion about the scientific method and the impossiblilty of proving a negative. I could assert the primise that "atheism" is as absurd an absolutist position as any loonball belief in tinkerbell.

    However, I have ruffled enough feathers this past week, and think a focus on our common goals might be a more prosperous agenda at this moment of crisis.


  21. QUIZ:

    Is Angelina Jolie really Laura Croft?

    She has successfully infiltrated the Illuminati, becoming a member of the CFR...

    Just food for thought.

    --Agnus Werehead

  22. Ah...and London arrives just prior to this posting.
    {grin} apprx 10 min. ago.

    Do you ever wonder at there Prophet Software?


  23. I can help you there. No one lays more than I :) But at least they are salmonella free.

  24. Here is a practical ATTACK by the state to be considered: > The Tax Whack 2011 <


  25. I've heard several things here from you all.

    People don't want to hear the truth, they hear what they want to hear. What makes them fuzzy and warm.

    Remember the guy that see's the Celebrity and runs up to him and says "Aren't you.... aren't you..... and the celebrity says "yes I'm Tommy Lasorda" and the man "No that's not it." :) love that one.

    If you could convince people of this fact, then you might get somewhere.


  26. Truth seeking's a really good subject Will. I was just arguing with a former friend last week about Obama. She maligns AJ for posting the excellent study by Tarpley, assaulting me with straw men. Laters. I heard Socrates was into this here truth seeking method, and probably many at COTO have been too a long time. I still feel like a student in this practice as Will describes it, but in the last year I have read the life of Osho and found he too used the method proposed here. By the way, the government liked Osho the way it did Socrates and Jesus, not much.
    Back to the future of the planet. Kudos to our learned friend Dr. Chris Busby of England for reporting on today's Fallujah six years after the horrific radiologic US attack on this city the size of Cinncinnati. The US military fulfilled the evil strategies of the Manhattan Project's Groves Memo and before that Churchill's speech that the unruly tribes of Fallujah should be gassed. The US gassed them with burning nuclear waste like a miniature Chernobyl and now their leukemia is 37x compared to before attack.
    So, yeah I would be very worried about this regime destroying the human genome given the cancer incidences alone not to mention the horrible teratogenicity (birth defects, monsters).

  27. Here's a Scott Horton interview of Chris-

  28. As Mencken once noted, governments aren't much appreciative of those who think for themselves.

    “The intellectual world is still locked into a phony verbal battle between
    "left" and "right," whereas the real struggle is the battle between
    individual freedom and the encroaching power of the absolute State.”

    Fallujah, like Hiroshima and Nagasaki are the blackest marks on Amerika Inc., King Crimson's goon squad extraordinaire. It puts a cold stone in my heart to consider these things. The tragedy of fools.


  29. 'Reflections on the Overthrow of Communism' is an mp3 by Michael Parenti

    Is a curious speach. He is a very good and passionate speaker--but his rap is total crap.

    His aspect is that the cold war was real. Most of us here recognize this as BS--it was a choreographed Punch and Judy theater.

    But to listen to this rap from Parenti, he molds it into a compelling psychological--a real doublewhack...pretending that the Societ Union was not built by western capital, as is PROVEN with no if and or buts by the books by Antony Sutton.

    This is Communist propaganda sublime. Beautiful Left/Right Hegelianism.

    He is most likely sincere...which is really scarier than he is a conscious agenteur.

    He is funny, and it is fun to listen to...but easy to fall for.



    The point being is that majorities can become oppressors of minority rights as well as individual dictators."--Ron Paul

    Burke made this exact point two hundred years ago...this is why the US was founded as a republic—NOT a democracy.

    It is a democracy now. Most people don't understand what the dictatorship of the proletariat really means.

    It means dictatorship. Pretty simple, aye?

    We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized." - Edward Bernays


  31. The hideous war crimes in Fallujah shocked me, still do, but now I understand who developed and financed DU and first used radiologic gas emitting weapons in combat so the perpetrators are clear, the same damn mafia that most all of Coto knows so well by now. They hate it that we love our lives and our planet, that we love the truth and our freedom.
    I just hope they realize they are mutating their own futures. The sperm count in Israel has dropped precipitously in the last decade, it has been reported. The IDF which first used DU in 1973 combat, are committing slow suicide/jewish genocide using US uranium weapons upwind of Ashkelon. At least the US military produced Major Doug Rokke and Dr. Duracovic who spoke out but not IDF they have no independent science to guide them. The IDF and their people are breathing in DU smoke from their own explosives. We've had that around US anti armor firing ranges in the US, Vieques, and Hawaii. DU is slow suicide for the entire human genome incl. Israel's. It's incredibly stupid.

  32. That is why I see Israel as just another pawn in the game...the "Lesser Brethren" if you will. Remember the Elders sacrificed a whole lot of the lesser brethren in WWII to establish Israel...we certainly do not see the Crimson King housed down there, now do we?

    The "Throne" being prepared for him in Jerusalem could be--must be in this ovbvious circumstance just another charade for the automatons.


  33. Krishnamurti: The gentleman asks, you have talked about fundamental change of human consciousness and so on for the last 50 years and obviously there is no change at all. Then the question is, why do you talk?

    The speaker is not talking for his amusement, for his fulfillment, for his encouragement. If he didn't talk, he would not feel depressed, he would not feel lacking something. Therefore, why do I talk? Have you ever asked why the lotus blooms?


    Aug 21, 2010 (IPS) - The U.S. state of Mississippi recently reopened all of its fishing areas. The problem is that commercial shrimpers refuse to trawl because they fear the toxicity of the waters and marine life due to the BP oil disaster.
