Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Obama: Is he sinister, ignorant, remiss, deaf, illiterate, or blind?

By John Kusumi

My headline is a closed-end choice between six possibilities. President Obama is certainly one of these six things.

The correct economic advice is out there. This morning, economist Jeffrey Sachs appeared on CNBC, followed by T. Boone Pickens.

A massive investment in infrastructure, and a massive investment in alternative energy, are two ideas that Obama has shrugged off and these items are seemingly left "off the table" in administration priorities to date.

According to CNBC, Jeffrey Sachs is "Obama's man." At least, the introduction said: "He has been called the leading international economic advisor of his generation - sought after by President Obama and Hollywood A Listers alike."

I'm not sure why friends in Hollywood implies extra credit as an economist. But, no matter: Sachs is supposedly "sought after by President Obama." Well, well.

I will have to guess that Sachs and Obama aren't getting along very well, because in his interview, Sachs was actually harshly critical of Obama.

Obama has blown it on the economy, thus far in his administration. A few years ago, former Congressman Dick Gephardt said of George W. Bush, "This President is a miserable failure." Well, more recently, Barack Obama is the new "miserable failure" in the White House.

This leads me to six rhetorical questions:

Is Obama sinister?
Is Obama ignorant?
Is Obama remiss?
Is Obama deaf?
Is Obama illiterate?
Is Obama blind?

In many ways, the best answer among these choices is to conclude that Obama is sinister. Perhaps there could be a seventh choice, "Plain old incompetent." That too would be a fitting answer, but not to the exclusion of the other choices.

Let's face it. Sachs and T. Boone Pickens pointed out the right directions in which this country should move. On this article, I will append a transcript of the Sachs interview.

In short, Obama tried being Keynesian, and that approach failed. If I had to approach the presidential tasks on the economy, I would use the advice of Jeffrey Sachs here, plus more: I would withdraw the United States from the World Trade Organization. Also, I believe that the United States can avoid a sovereign debt default by instituting a new money system.

What that means is that I am yet more draconian than Sachs, who is moderate by comparison. And yet, Sachs speaks of an America headed in the right direction, back towards economic well being.

Presumably, Obama has heard this advice before. So, we are left to ponder such questions as, "Is Obama sinister? Ignorant? Illiterate?"

Personally, I also offer the question, "Is Obama a war criminal, who belongs in the Hague?" That's a rhetorical question. The word from Afghanistan is that our forces shot to death, execution style, a group of school children who were already in handcuffs at the time of their deaths.

I believe certainly that Obama is sinister, and is a war criminal who belongs in the Hague. (Of course, the administration would try to spin these matters to suggest that they might merely have been "remiss.")

At this point, I don't care to quibble about why Obama is in the dog house; it is enough simply to confirm the point that Obama, indeed, is in the dog house.

The transcript below, of Jeffrey Sachs' appearance on CNBC on Aug. 25, 2010, is recommended reading. The Obama administration will find many places in this discussion where they should wince, because truth hurts. Perhaps Sachs is out of favor at the White House because his accuracy is "too close for comfort" in an arrogant, self-congratulatory administration.

No matter how they're getting along personally, the advice of Sachs is well taken here, and is immediately actionable at the White House. Therefore, if these actions are not undertaken, then Barack Obama simply MUST be one of these choices:

- Sinister
- Ignorant
- Remiss
- Deaf
- Illiterate
- Blind

# # #

Wed. Aug. 25 2010 7:43 AM ET


CNBC: He has been called the leading international economic advisor of his generation - sought after by President Obama and Hollywood A Listers alike. And now he's calling for a new approach for recovery here in the United States. Joining us in the studio is economist and director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, special advisor to the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon, Jeffrey Sachs. Professor Sachs, good to have you with us.

Sachs: How are you?

CNBC: What do you think we need to do to get our US economy moving?

Sachs: Well we're in a deep mess, clearly, which is not getting better right now and I think the basic summary of what the administration's tried to do was to get consumption-led recovery.

We had a consumption boom; it collapsed; they said let's get housing starts going, let's get auto sales going, and so on.

And it's not working, obviously. Households are tired, they're exhausted. And this means that we have to look elsewhere for demand, for employment, for future economic growth.

CNBC: Exhausted or just afraid?

Sachs: I think that they're pretty exhausted, actually. Because we went, really, 20 years - it wasn't just a year or two, but we went 20 years - with saving rates falling, eventually to negative levels - everybody banking on housing values that turned out, of course, to be an illusion.

And you still have miserable balance sheets; the Fed (New York) came out with a report a couple of weeks ago showing how many loans are still - consumer loans, and consumer credit - still spilling over into defaults; into foreclosure; how households are deleveraging.

So the idea that we're just going to go back to the kind of consumption led boom that we had, I never found persuasive. I believe that the stimulus approach that was taken a year ago wasn't going to work. It's not a matter of "I told you so," it's kind of sad that we didn't try something that had a better chance.

CNBC: So focusing on the consumer hasn't worked - and in your view won't work - because of the frame of mind of the consumer. So what will? Is it investment in infrastructure, is it investment in green technologies, what is it that gets things moving, gets jobs growing?

Sachs: If you look first of all - kind of mechanically - if you take output: If it's not consumption, there are only two other things that happen with our output other than contraction: One is investment spending and the other is exports. The idea that we should be increasing our net exports is absolutely right. The Obama administration said it, but it hasn't done anything about it. But, that is a valid place to look. And the other is public investment, and investment in people.

We have a skills deficiency and a skills mismatch. We actually have companies saying they're trying to hire skilled workers and can't find them. If you can imagine: a miserable labor market; a jobs crisis; and yet firms that are saying, when they're looking for skilled workers, that there are real shortages.

And we know that the big unemployment problem is unskilled young people, and older people whose skills are no longer demanded in the modern labor market. So, we have a skills problem. That means human capital investment and physical investment. And the problem on the physical investment side is obviously, consumer industry is not going to invest. So we have to look at public investment. And, we've got great reason for public investment.

CNBC: Did we mis-spend the stimulus? I mean, I thought that was a massive stimulus package that was supposed to do a lot of those things.

Sachs: When you look at the stimulus package, part of it was just emergency relief for the states. I don't have any great complaint about that, because it was and remains an emergency.

Part of it was more tax cuts, which I thought was a little bit dangerous and - absurd, frankly, is the word I would use - because we're in a fiscal crisis. So you don't keep cutting taxes, but politicians of both parties continue to pander to the public as if there is no budget constraint.

CNBC: Although, economists will go back and forth on that. Should you be raising--

Sachs: Some will, but I won't!

CNBC: That's a huge question though, should you raise taxes, or you're just saying leave the structure the way it is?

Sachs: First, if you're in a budget hole of more than a trillion dollars, don't cut taxes. Second, if tax cuts are expiring, let them expire. We've got a crisis here, on the fiscal side!

CNBC: And you'd let them go, across the board?

Sachs: I would. Of course, no one else would, but I would. Or - let's be precise and careful: I would phase out all of it, because we need a real adjustment to get the budget back under control.

And, what we have is both parties pandering. The Republicans far worse, because they want to give tax cuts to everybody, which is an absurdity. The Democrats only partially pander.

CNBC: I would agree, but what about the question of increasing public spending at that same time? If your big concern is a massive deficit, shouldn't you be cutting spending at the same time you're looking at tax - either tax increases or...

Sachs: First, I would cut about $200 billion in the military spending, because there is no greater waste of our money than Afghanistan. This is a tragedy, is the right word. But it's useless. And we're spending $100 billion dollars this year in Afghanistan. We're still with a huge bill in Iraq. We have wasteful arms systems that even the Pentagon and the generals don't want, but because of local pressures of the arms manufacturers, we still are buying those. So we have about $200 billion dollars on the military side that ought to come down sharply.

What we ought to be doing, though, is investing so that our highways don't collapse, so that our dams don't collapse, so that we have a 21st century rail infrastructure, so that we are modernizing our I.T. networks and so forth.

And, that we have a new energy system, because we probably noticed by now that our energy system fails on all dimensions - on national security dimension, because of oil import dependence; it fails on environmental dimensions, because we're doing absolutely dangerous things and breaking the climate; and we're completely trapped because we don't have a proper energy plan in this country. And that's where we are losing tens of billions of dollars.

CNBC: We're sending the money overseas! It's draining our resources!

Sachs: That's right. Why don't we have an energy plan?!?

CNBC: We've got Boone Pickens on a little later this morning, we'll be able to talk about that. Will all of these things you're talking about be able to move the needle immediately? You talked about the education issue. That's a long term issue. If you need, actually, skilled workers to do all the things you're talking about, how are we going to make that work?

Sachs: I don't think we can move the needle after 20 years of boom. I think the idea that they were going to make a quick recovery and that the only things we were going to invest in was "shovel ready" investment -- was part of the illusion sold once again to the public. I don't know who bought it, but it isn't true. It's going to take us years to dig out of this.

But, here's the problem: Since everyone in Washington has a time horizon of a minute or a day or the longest time horizon conceivable is to November - then everybody's looking for quick fixes. The quick fixes don't work. But in the meantime, we then go a year and a half and there are no plans! Because nobody makes plans in Washington! And so we go month after month: quick fix; quick fix; quick fix. It fails; it fails; it fails. The tax credits for housing end; housing collapses. Big surprise.

But what's happened during the year and a half of the Obama term? What long term plans have they created? I haven't seen them. That's where we're losing time as a country. I have been looking all over the world -- other countries actually are looking to their future! They're looking 5 years ahead, 10 years ahead, 20 years ahead. We're looking week-by-week! That's our real failure.

CNBC: Germany actually has taken steps to avoid dependence on Russian natural gas, for example. They've spent a lot of money on wind power and things like that. Alas we have to leave it there. Big questions, lots to talk about. Thank you very much, you're heading to New Orleans?

Sachs: We are. We've got a big meeting about a region that's in crisis of all sorts. The same issues: energy and the environment.

CNBC: Environment and infrastructure. ...Can I just jump in, one final queston: Double dip, or no?

Sachs: It's quite possible.

CNBC: I hate to leave it there. But on that note, thank you.


  1. Anybody should want to vent a spleen at this point. Sachs' is healthy advice. There's nobody home at the U.S. White House.

    This year will be a 30th anniversary: 30 years since a 14-year-old John Kusumi first did public advocacy of emission-free energy. (Homey went on television at age 14, with an idea that Ronald Reagan ignored.)

    It's 31 years after a huge energy crisis. That wasn't a wake up call for Washington? They've blown this issue off for 31 years!


  2. John,

    I don't know how seriously you may take some of the other articles posted on this site. But I think the answer is very clear: Obama is a showpiece. Whatever his other qualities, aside from his charismatic showmanship, are of zero consequence.

    I hate to leave it there. But on that note, thank you.


  3. We're on the same page. Obama's intended role, itself, has several possibilities:

    (a.) The third term of George W. Bush;
    (b.) The third term of Bill Clinton;
    (c.) The second term of George H. Bush;
    (d.) The eigth term of Reaganomics;
    (e.) The second term of Jimmy Carter;
    (f.) The ninth term of Zbigniew Brzezinski;
    (g.) The eleventh term of Henry Kissinger

    In truth, Obama is carrying ALL of this water simultaneously.

    Someday we'll have our first post-Kissinger President. But, eleven terms of this shit is becoming tedious.


  4. It hasn't been a republic since the Civil War...just a moon dance by witches and flying monkeys.

    So called 'children's tales' are more accurate than history taught in academia and promoted via media.

    In fact, like every war I have ever studied, even the Revolutionary war; victory on the battlefield means naught--it's the deals behind closed doors afterward that sets the agenda.

    And it is the ever infamous “Money Powers” that hold the final veto.

    Cha cha?


  5. When Kissinger started, America had a healthy middle class, and the Great Depression was in the rearview mirror. If we look at his results, he's reversed that. Now, if America didn't tolerate war crimes, then he could have been put away in the 1970s. All of the post-Nixon Presidents failed to uphold strictures against war crimes. From Nixon 'til now, they are all part of the problem, rather than part of the solution. And Kissinger has remained a free man, not brought to justice (sheltered from accountability), for all of this time from Nixon 'til now.


  6. Well, who is Kissinger?

    He is point man for the Rothschild-Rockafeller Crime syndicate.

    Impunity is his epitaph


  7. I think Soetoro is being threatened by his own party.
    There are several key figures in Congress more powerful than little Barry on both Isles.
    Pat Leahy is one. He could end a heartbeat in a heartbeat.

    (a.) The third term of George W. Bush;
    (b.) The third term of Bill Clinton;
    (c.) The second term of George H. Bush;
    (d.) The eigth term of Reaganomics;
    (e.) The second term of Jimmy Carter;
    (f.) The ninth term of Zbigniew Brzezinski;
    (g.) The eleventh term of Henry Kissinger

    RIGHT ON - Nixon was the end. Ford began the real puppet regimes. After that the death KISS and the big Z brought the committee to real life in the US.

    Thirty years of painstaking planning, counter planning, theft, fraud, lies and manipulation using the techniques from the Club of Rome which is the hitman for the mafia crime syndicate. Zionists handle the media, AIPAC and Israel run the elections and Freemasons, Bush Box Gang and CIA run the drug ops.

    No jobs, alternate energy, infrastructure, recession solving or any other new business for Obammy. He's just there to fill the suit and talk the talk.

    Someone wrote recently Obama will be the last elected President of America. It may be the truth but he will not provide the death blow for America. That will be for someone else waiting in the wings.

    Can you say שָׂטָן ?

  8. I can't say it...but I know what you mean..a lost tongue I understand, one buried deep in sand. But the script remains and has that occult POWER still disrupting the wave form.

    I call it the GREAT OOGA BOOGA of psychotwerpia {as per Devil Ruse} but the ticket bought leads to the same destination destiny flamboiant woowoo.
    The train keepsa rollin'.


  9. Dog Poet has something to say today that seems to fit here:

    "You can see this in religious terms or you can see it in numbers and symbols and the pure math that lives at the top of the mountain, where our highest possibilities reside and which melt like the snow and run down into the valleys where they turn into all the colors of our natural and unnatural worlds. You can see it or not see it depending on whether you tried to see it enough to convince whatever determines your possession of sight to make it possible. This is how it looks to me today and, no doubt, this will account for something in terms of my tomorrow. I suspect we are all reaping similar rewards depending on what we found rewarding. I’ll say in conclusion that it is never too late until it is too late. It’s a pity that some people closed out their options by making themselves blind, so that they could see something that wasn’t real."--Les Visible

  10. Rogue. That was gibberish. zippitydoodah.

    Air's too thin at the top of Dog Poet's mountain, or else I'm just not in proper absorption mode at the moment.

    John, do we need to explain Obama, or any of the previous puppets? They're autobiographers will try and rewrite their history and deeds in an illustrious light, however -- we've been here freaking watching and suffering under the waterfall of their criminal incontinence (it just came to me). Exclamation Point!

    So I can sum up with a Piss On Them and Their Shadow Bosses! We get stooges and zombies and empty suits and entertainers and everything dramatic in this sad comedy and everything comedic in this pestilent drama.

    If you're aiming for politics, don't "blend in"...that's all I can tell ya!

  11. Some people like poetry Boomer...ain'tcha got no kulchur?

  12. Oh yea...I forgot. I wanted to drop this ten pound sledgehammer on your heads:

    The "Airport Model" takes to a street near you.

    “Hell is empty and the devils are here.” --Shakespeare

  13. Ain't that Cult Sure, RogueDog? I think my problem yesterday was something else.

    My mom thought the following Bill Gross (former Pimco bigwig) article was funny, on-point, and entertaining:

    For some reason, it wasn't even working for me as bathroom reading material.

    I agree with that native Indian guy you mentioned --

    Shakes Spear. He must have been a Warrior with Words or something...

  14. What do you make of THIS, John?

    Chilling News from Crawford County, Ohio

    Re: Republican Dinner Last Night

    Just thought I would share with you a little bit of what we heard at last night's Republican dinner here in Crawford County, Ohio. John Kasich (running for Gov. of Ohio ) was the keynote speaker. Also present were many politicians, most notably, Bob Latta, our U.S. Congressman. Mike and I walked up to Bob and thanked him for his conservative voting record and voiced our concern about what is going on in Washington. He made some funny botox remarks about Pelosi and then agreed with us that we have every reason to be concerned. As there were others waiting to talk to him, our time was brief.

    Although what took place later that evening should make chills run up and down everyone's spine to hear.

    He had asked to speak a few words at the end of the night and went up on stage. He proceeded to tell the crowd how bad things really are in Washington . He said he only had a few minutes to speak, but if he could tell us even half of what the agenda is and what this administration plans to do to our country we couldn't sleep at night. He said he only gets about 4 to 4-1/2 hours of sleep a night and worries constantly about what they want to do to this country. He said that Pelosi, Reid and Obama have to be stopped.

    He said, "You know, you always hear this is the most important election blah blah blah, but I am telling you people...whatever you have to do to wake people up you need to do! We have got to vote them out in 2010 or with the things they have planned for this country we won't even be a country by 2020! Ten years. You could see the look of almost desperation on his face.

    He talked about the huge debt. He talked about how the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) gets their "figures". He sits on the finance committee of some sort and listens to the ramblings of Geitner and Bernanke. He said "If you think that the Chinese won't hold this over us with all our debt you have another thought coming. Our children will have nothing. I don't care if you have to go out door to door, tell at least 10 people who will then tell 10 people. We have to do this. This is the single most important election ever in the history of this country. The change that Obama promised us is NOT the change people thought he meant."

    Found this at:

  15. I'll tell you this Boomer--anyone who thinks it's just the Demo's or the personages of Obammy and Pisslousy are just as stupid as all the stupid yesterdays flippin' channels from Republican to Democrat hopin' for a new movie.

    We KNOW every word this freaked out congressman said is true--we also know it's systemic and voting won't accomplish shit.

    I'vegot a whole warehouse full of "I TOLD YOU SO" mailers...but what the frack good is that?

    All of our worse nightmares are a DONE DEAL kiddos...WERPH AUCHT



  16. Yeah, we know the agenda. I was just wondering if representatives and congress slime are actually talking like this to "the people" at public meetings. If so, it provides me more information if you know what I mean?

    By the way, since I don't speak ze German, what does Werph Aucht mean? Could it be a synonym with the Geek expression, I mean Greek expression --
    Bin Tover?

  17. Boom, werph it out loud phonetically.

    Sure, I'm glad to know there's squakin'...but it all ends up eith...hey vote the bad guys out..bla bla bla...meanwhile back in the minefields.

    Economists too. Dig this:

    “For anyone who still believes we live in a free country where capitalism reigns please show me one economic textbook which states that failure, and fraud get rewarded with borrowed taxpayer money. For anyone who believes we live in a democracy please show me a textbook that says the government will en-debt you and your kids and their kids to pay for a failed business. How is that democratic?”
    Sherman Okst,

    This scratches and it scratches well, but that's not where the itch is.

    First of all, if you would read the fine print; 'capitalism' is corporatism, and yes it says so right in the textbook {Jekyll Island expose' by both Griffith and Mullins and ALL OVER THE INTERNET FOR FUCKING YEARS ASSHOLE}

    Second, The U.S. was established as a republic NOT a goddamed democracy. I'm sick of hearing from you tin-horn “economists” who don't know shit about real history and played the casino game happy as a lark for all these years and suddenly wake up from your dream screaming. Fuck about stupid, because it's not stupid it is a criminal syndicate running your shit, and you still think they are “morons”. Well, they get all your toys now. And you call them stupid. Pretty funny.

    There are no secrets, just things you failed to pay attention to.

    \\ll// Yea--WARNING LANGUAGE....sorry I feel the punctuation important this time.

  18. @boomerang, I agree. Vote the bums out, period.

    In previous years, I wrote articles like 'American Politics, 2004' and 'American Politics, 2008.' I should do it again for this mid term election year. (I don't remember if I did 'American Politics, 2006'...I'm scratching my head and drawing a blank.)

    In the 2004 edition, I was careful with words but basically said that America has four more years of getting screwed to expect.

    Now in 2010, my latest tweet says: "The United States has become a rogue nation and a failed state led by a war criminal. We have a criminal gvt protected by a criminal media."

    And, on Facebook, my latest status says: "Neener, neener, neener... I didn't vote for Obama!"

  19. Voting is like taking a good crap. It makes you feel like you've really done something satisfying..

    ..You'v done your "duty" as they say.

    NOBODY gets one of these major federal offices that isn't chosen by the Money Powers. It's the truth, it's factual--no matter how unsatisfactual.

    But y'all may as well follow your delusions, because it's already all over but the screamin'.

    You're in the New World Order already, they just haven't unveiled the Crown yet.

    Forget politics--it's every man for himself now.


  20. I've gotta disagree with you, Will.

    Are we boxed in by evil? Yes we are.

    Are presidential candidates pre-selected by PTB? Yes they are.

    But this 2010 election matters more than most. Why?

    - Barack Obama already merits removal through impeachment.
    - Nancy Pelosi will never initiate impeachment.

    Therefore, Pelosi must lose her gavel.

    I expect she will lose her gavel. This election should be easy for Americans to figure out. They should say to Congress, "No jobs for us? No jobs for you!" They have a splendid opportunity to make 435 Congressmen hit the unemployment line. This is a bad year in which to be an incumbent. The Republicans have everything going for them in terms of circumstances.

    My prediction is that the Congress will turn over between the parties, and that Republicans will initiate impeachment proceedings, come January.

    There's no joy in that the country will be spinning its wheels, consumed by political infighting "while Rome burns." But, impeachment of Barack Obama would be a satisfying step towards justice.

    I realize that my interest in justice seems dry, academic, or intellectual, at a time when the country really needs more progress on jobs and energy independence. But, the latter is not coming from Barack Obama.

    Chinese people would call Obama a "flower vase." That's their term for useless officials.

  21. Rowgee -- read mine faunetaklee. As in we're all Bint Over cause we're about to git faucht. You're a funny guy. I just bin tover and grinned. Get it?

    I'm laughing. I needed that!

    John, why not write "Polisucks, 1913 -- infinity"?

    "Voting" ain't worth a damn. That's why so many Americans don't go to the trouble. The Gang is just running their agenda right over the top of all of the wee little American peasantry. Its going to take something stronger than voting.

  22. Maybe yes, maybe no, but certainly maybe.

    None of this matters. The country is zip--nada.

    This Left/Right waltz is bullshit--if you think the "Republicans" are going to fix anything...

    Well, like I said, dream on.


  23. The federal government is a criminal syndicate. Period.

    They are ALL "flower vases", "empty suits", "puppets"--It's the SYSTEM, not the actors on this stage.

    Your opinions are your own and I support your right to hold them.

    But the crumble is already on, it is an avalanch that has just begun.

  24. Headline's a little loaded, isn't it John? "Obama- threat ot menace?" Obammy- yer Fanny- or whack-jack-sammy... ALL sock-puppets.

    "Voting" is a circle-jerk. "Representatives" are no such thing. The "political process" is worse than useless... it doesn't exist. They are ALL "useless officials" and would not BE there unless they were "useless..." to US. It's all a puppet show to make us believe we have a "choice."

    WE DON'T. EXCEPT for the choice that must be unmentioned.

  25. Ahoy skullfaced boy...I was beginning to thunk you'd flew the coup for greener pranksters.

    \\ll// yadaboomka ziiinngg

  26. John, here is the key to get this. The economic bomb trumps the "political" yada yada.
    Games over:

    Economic Collision Course The 'Crash Of 2010'

    "Whatever your investment strategy may be, proactive measures taken now will minimize the impact of the "Crash of 2010" that, by the New Year, will be unmistakable and undeniable. Rather than debating the probabilities of a double-dip recession, the business media will be glomming onto the financial body counts littering Wall Street as though it were another Katrina."--Celenti


  27. Not so, contrarian butt-boy.

    While there are few greener pranksters available, at least a rudimentary awareness of the possibilities "deep conspiracy" is somewhat useful and necessary.

    It is on this common ground we realize that "elections" and the "political process" are lolly-land. That door was closed at least 30 years ago and the "alternatives" are "unspeakable."

    So let us not talk falsely now... the hour is getting late.

  28. There's five or six Congressmen who I'd be sorry to see defeated. I do value Dana Rorabacher, Chris Smith, Thad McCotter, Ron Paul, and Dennis Kucinich.

    And if I stopped to think about nuances, I am also given pause as follows: I have long thought, in general, that people should defeat their Senator and reelect their House member.

    The U.S. Senate is the real House of Sociopaths.

    But, this is the kind of year when I am ready to say "hang the nuances." The condition of the economy makes it plain that "representatives" have not delivered for the people.

    And, I am aggrieved at Pelosi's level of corruption (because I was a big fan of hers, back in the days when she was rising in the House).

    So even while I like the specific Congressmen I mentioned, I am willing to see them sacked if it means that we get a "clean sweep" of the House.

    I'm not even a Republican, but I am saying: "We must get rid of Nancy Pelosi."

    This is just another way of saying, "Vote the bums out." And, I realize that I've got a disconnect going with those around here who are against voting. I understand being turned off, but only the status quo is helped by a refusal to vote.

  29. Ahh...yesssssss..the unspeakable comes on silent wings never the less.

    Brought right to our front doors at some unspeakable point.

    "When standing still be like a mirror.
    When moving, like water"--Bruce Lee


  30. Not if they threw a vote and NOBODY came...

    The Vote just lends a verneer of credablility to the criminals.
    If voting changed anything they would make it fact it IS illegal, it is a is rigged.

    But like I predict; the game is over. We will be crushed along with the "economy".
    The casino is closing, the chips are worthless. The flyng monkey's are on our backs.
    Every move we make is monitored. This is the PANOPTIC MAXIMUM SECURTIY STATE.

    John, we're not in Kansas anymore. ALL of this goes into our NSA dossiers, we are indicted...homegrown boogie guys us. Don't you get it? The pump is primed.


  31. Get your ammo now.

    This is how they will take care of the gun owners.

    The EPA...the EPA? Yes...WTF???

    New rules for ammo--no more regular ammo...all must have chem signatures.

    Not ICE, not SWAT...the friggin EPA...

    Talk about sneaky spook jazz aye?

    The time draws near.



    Treasury bills and Treasury notes at the short end. The main reason for this demand is of course fear and panic – coming from the growing awareness that the world is indeed experiencing the second wave of a world economic depression of colossal proportions.--Tarpley

    yup \\ll//


    PRECRIME Policing comes to US—predictive profiling software. Totalitarianism begins to set like concrete.


  34. John, Barry has been at this role so long from his grandparents through three generations that I have to say he is sinister and a made man. If the game is not already over, then we are just reaching the crux when the economy goes way off track and people can't believe the lies so much anymore. From next year on it will all be very obvious to tens of millions more people it's all a big unsustainable lie.. Barry's police state is in place with military backup to intimidate the angry populace and set truth up for bullshit harassment. Barack Obama and his supporters really have been worse than Bush, and so thanks for not voting for him, John, I didn't either.

  35. "Barack Obama and his supporters really have been worse than Bush..."--Mary

    And THAT is exactly how we all ended up on this delightful little site of our own isn't it Mary?

    Because we saw through Mr. Magic Obammy even before the elections, and spoke the truth of what was coming and did come to pass.

    Can we boast that our analysis is superb?

    Like I have said, there is only one way to predict the future accurately; and that is to engineer it.

    The caveat to that is paying attention to the engineers. Da?


  36. We knew that the Bush crime spree was a set up for the the big reversal. The slinky effect.

    Hillary was too polarizing and the committee never passes on an opportunity to place the race card. Bilderberg has invested a lot of time and money on these grooming programs. A well oiled media propaganda campaign to stir the pot for racism, religion, origin and philosophy. After four years of tanking the republic and dividing the citizens, we'll get the next installment. A ticket like PALIN-X.

    Waiting in the closets are some more expensive suits. We should start our pool now for 2012 since we are at halftime here now.


    Obama has filed an official complaint to the UN Human Rights Council, a possible precursor to handing over the dispute between the Federal government and the state of Arizona to the hands of the United Nations.

    Blue Helmets on the border of Mexico and US soon?

    Another giant step towards the fruition of the New World Order agenda.

    Great Ooga Booga \\ll//
