Today on the afternoon Univision spanish news the Zeta Laredo invasion was flatly denied. "Believe no story until it is officially denied".
I just saw this on NWO Daily
Here is the update:
Regulator wrote on Jul 25, 2010 4:03 PM:
“Here is the deal on Laredo, Yes they are having trouble and yes A Ranch was taken over.. BUT tx rangers, pd and sheriffs are working with some fed agents. The people are contained in one location. The group is surrounded by both Mexican law enforcement and ours…, It is not that particular gang but a group that are trying to excape the Mexican Gov… After speaking directly with the mayor in Laredo, I am at ease they have this situation under control… Also The mayor said HE is the one calling for the media blackout because he does not want “all the militias and citizens” coming down there and literally starting a war.”
Additional Comment by American Grand Jury:
I hear from a lot of Obots that AGJ is just trying to spread propaganda.. No, that is not true. I leave that up to the Obots. That is their field of expertise. When we find a story that has been shaded so to speak we make an effort to repost the truth. Now I don’t really know what is going on in Laredo. I hope for the best, I really do. No one wants to see Mexican cartel thugs invade our country. The truth of the matter is they are already here and have been for years. The drug cartels have infested many of our cities.
THE REAL ISSUE is we have an illegal alien invasion in this country and it is fast becoming a powder keg waiting to explode. Obama is doing nothing about it and his incompetence has reached “treasonous” levels. The man would really rather play golf than defend our borders. I support Arizona 100% in their efforts to deal with the problem. If the progressives want to call it racism then so be it. We all know the real truth. This is about protecting the welfare system, Democratic votes and power structure in this Country. It has nothing to do with racism. Those that stand in protest and preach “racism” are really saying they want something for nothing.. walking across a border and sponging off the system doesn’t convey any citizenship rights. Again, it is simply wanting the taxpayer in this Country to do something for illegals that their own Country won’t do for them. Go back to Mexico and CHANGE your system of government to give you free welfare if that is what you want. That is what you are supposed to do. We don’t need your kind of change here in the United States.
It's not about racism. It's about xenophobia.
ReplyDelete"Defend the welfare system" "...something for nothing?" " welfare?" Some of us detect those frequencies.
If it happened, it's not an "invasion," it's a crime.
Apparently, somebody thought it better to muffle that whistle so the pack who hear an "act of war" in every tweet would go back to barking at the hobo-textuals.
Maybe if the bullet-heads knew the difference between a crime and a war, a whole lot more folks would be alive "after 911." Of course all war IS a crime... just not when THEY do it.
Sure it's a sleeping powder keg... they'll never wake up to the fact that the FATs rob them more in an hour than the "illegals" could in a whole year.
And if they cared so much about "legality," howcum Bosh and Obo aint wearin orange coveralls in The Hague?
Xenophobia/racism--what's the difference. They both smell the same.
ReplyDeleteCould it be that some Americans really are sick of this 30 year invasion--that really is an invasion--and want to see something actually done about it?
And speaking of fats, if you don't think this a key issue affecting the disappearance of the middle class, than you're simply not getting it. Good for you if you don't have to compete with an illegal for survival, but many Americans do. Not to mention the third-world mentality we also get as a bonus.
It is a fucking war.
And yeah, Bosh and Obo should both be hung. What does that have to do with the illegal invasion?
so hows that "war on terra" thingie workin out for ya, MrObtuse? Is it as much fun as the "war on drugs?" How 'bout the "war on crime" that has filled the largest prison system in the world? At about $50k per year per inmate? Run the data on that one.
ReplyDelete"Illegal invasion?" You mean Iraq? Afghanistan? THOSE illegal invasions? Didn't think so.
Clinically, one of the things about xenophobia is that it is " of the attitude groupings characteristic of The Authoritarian Personality," and characteristics of the Authoritarian Personality include "...stereotypy, power and "toughness."" Point is: "xenophobia" and "racism" do NOT "smell the same" to anybody who has even a remote idea of what those words mean. That's why the "Obots" are WAY off base with their blather about "racism." Never mind all that psychobabble.
Let's talk about "...have to compete with an illegal for survival." Now if you hang drywall or do landscaping (and I've done both... for less than minimum wage) or "domestic service" or hospitality work... you DO have a problem. And that problem is CHEAP LABOR, not any "illegal invasion." The drywall-hangers and landscapers etc. HARDLY constitute "the middle class" (whatever THAT is), now DO they? To name the frightened escaping campesinos as the "...a key issue affecting the disappearance of the middle class..." reflects a parrot-like view of "reality" and an ignorance if economics that boggles the mind.
You are simply repeating what you heard... and obviously have not done much research on your own. Maybe this is "...rooted in a worldview populated by enemies and empty of equality, empathy, and mutual benefit," but I'm not gonna go there. The point is : THIS IS A NON-"ISSUE." Why? Because it is a tiny, tiny part of a much larger issue... which is, in turn, part of an even larger issue... and there is not enough time to go into that here.
Bottom line: the Fat Fucks ARE USING YOU. That's right, playing you like a tin-whistle. It has worked for centuries, and it still does. They've created a scape-goat for you, and YOU bought into it.
Besides, they KNOW how much you love a good "WAR."
They share the same desire to create a world elite class Oligarchy and though they dislike each other, evil twins will ultimately chose to work together in a divide et impera thesis where the world is the prize and money, power and influence the mere tools win.
ReplyDeleteThe middle class is just the stagnating group of those who want to be Rockefellers and the Rockefellers found out like the rest of the worlds elite that you better cut them off at the knees. Too smart and too independent creates an obstacle that they find troublesome.
Triads utilized:
Taxes - Immigration - Crime - Welfare dependancy - False Flag - Bogus military engagements - WOT - GMO-Fluoride (dumbing) - counter/false intelligence - fiat currency - debt - racism - religion - mind control - weather mod - UFOlogy - environment are just a few of them.
It's just one more distraction off the committee and the 1% solution
There sure IS at LEAST ONE thing I WON'T bitch about: "illegal immigration." It's right up there with under-inflated tires.
ReplyDeleteThe minute-mullets need to take a Midol and STFU.
It's interesting, Mr W, that you would assume that I supported all components of right wing ideology because of my stance on illegal immigration. That's quite a leap, and it actually says more about your own biases than those you've imagined I have.
ReplyDeleteAnd that really, is the reason Americans are becoming slaves. Seems most would rather categorize and label each other than find common ground and solve the problem. 'The fats' don't even have to lift a finger--Americans have discovered the means to divide and conquer themselves.
And that my friend, is why the fats will always win.
nope. i never said "right-wing" anything. i did not "assume" that- YOU did. what i was commenting on was the blatant irrationality of “…a key issue affecting the disappearance of the middle class…” which is flat-ass false... unless you're talking about the cheap-labor race-to-the-bottom: of which "undocumented workers" (VERY loosely) represent only a small fraction.
ReplyDeleteI am not at all sure what your "stance on illegal immigration" actually IS other than "It is a fucking war," which is also flat-ass false unless you're talking about the "global class struggle" which isn't a fucking war either. Sorry, don't mean to sound snarky, but the only "label" i had prepared was "xenophobia..."
...which DOES fit the pattern of your text.