From Proudpoliticaljunkiegazette
Arizona Citizen Militia (ACM) spokesman only known as HammerDown said, “We are going to hunt the Zetas and destroy them like the vermin that they are. This won’t be just War, this will be extermination.”
Recently published in the U.S. Border Fire report, was a threat by a Mexican national who claimed to be an Los Zetas Mexican Drug cartel officer, who told this reporter the following “I now believe my men were shot by crazed American vigilante cowards, who ambushed my solders at night, shot them from a great distance using high powered American rifles. Than our load of drugs were stolen”. The Zetas say that attacks like this one is occurring frequently along the U.S. Mexican Border he said a Zetas patrol was ambushed by a large contingent of American vigilantes killing two of his solders and wounding three others.
The following communication from the Pima County Arizona Citizens Militia group took place around the same time frame and may bear out the Zetas commander’s claims:
0545 hours MST – 13 Jul 2010 – approx. 7 miles west of Ruby, AZ – six enemy, in uniform, carrying AK and SKS rifles – enemy were engaged by ACM forces as they tried to cross the international fence – two enemy KIA confirmed, unknown number of enemy WIA, no friendly casualties…
The Zetas officer said, “This is a warning to those type groups that his men have been instructed to shoot and kill any Americans who are seen armed and roaming the deserts”. He went on to say that the murder of his men has not been properly investigated by the sheriff of Pinal County.
According to the ACM Commander his message to the Commander of the Mexican drug cartelLos Zetas is as follows:
“God may show them Mercy. We will not. These Zetas are not Soldiers, not Partisans, and not Militia. Under the Law of Land Warfare and the Geneva and Hague Conventions, they are brigands, terrorists, and Marauders, no different from Pirates. They are going to be dealt with as such. When our forces engage these war criminals, we will show them no Mercy, we will neither ask for nor offer them any Quarter, and we will take no prisoners. We are going to hunt the Zetas and destroy them like the vermin that they are. This won’t be just War, this will be extermination. Tell the Zetas’ Commander that, like Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, all he has done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve. We are coming for them, and hell will be following right behind us.”
Just today reports have started coming in that what appear to be U.S. Military units are being seen on and near the U.S. Mexican border close to Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge and the Tohono D’ O’dham Indian Reservation and all along the southern side of I-8 between Casa Grande and Gila Bend, and there are reports that they are equipped with Stryker armored fighting vehicles.
This Stryker vehicle formerly known as the Interim Armored Vehicle, the Stryker Light Armored Vehicle III [LAV III] is at the center of the Army’s Interim Brigade Combat Teams. The IBCTs are lighter and more mobile, yet offer firepower no enemy can hope to match including the Mexican Army regulars and the paramilitary of the Mexican drug cartels.
The Stryker vehicle and U.S. troops that many believe are being deployed to the southern border to support an action involving the U.S. Army, Homeland Security, U.S. Border Patrol and other federal agencies.
According to one federal employee who is not authorized to talk about it was over heard saying that he believes this action is designed at curtailing the Mexican drug cartels drug smuggling capabilities in the area. He says that he and others believe this is what last weeks warning to federal employees was all about when they were warned to stay away from the U.S. Mexican Border by the Border Patrol.
Here is a copy of that statement the federal employee refers to:
…I am a federal employee…who often does field work near the border. Last week we were told to not travel to field sites within 5 miles of the border between Buenos Aires Nat Wildlife Refuge and Douglas, i.e basically the entire SE Arizona border.
This decision was apparently based on communications with the Border Patrol and is supposed to be a temporary situation. I have no other information and don’t know if any other agencies are issuing similar warnings. But, this leads me to believe that some US operation is planned or the Border Patrol is anticipating something from across the border.
American Militia organizations and other groups of this nature are popping up all over America and in large numbers in states on the southern border with Mexico, according to a federal law enforcement agent. Arizona is leading the pack in shear numbers of new groups and some of the largest numbers of man power.
One such group is the Arizona Citizens Militia believed to be the largest in Arizona according to one Arizona news TV station. One law enforcement agency has found 50 new militia training groups, some of them made up of former police officers and U.S. soldiers.
During my recent e-mail and phone interview with HammerDown who claims to be an Arizona Citizens Militia Unit Coordinator told me about the ACM in general terms and said that the following information was cleared by ACM HQ: We here at the U.S. Border Fire Report felt that this information would be interesting to our readers and pertinent to the violence on and not so near the U.S. Border with Mexico.
The ACM State Headquarters is composed of the State Commander, his Executive Officer (XO, Second in Command), and the Commander’s Staff. Below that are our separate and independent County Units, each with its own Command Structure. Size and composition of the County Units will vary, as will their Mission.
ACM County Units will assemble occasionally for joint Field Training Exercises (FTX’s) or for joint Tactical missions along our southern border. Only during those assemblies will ACM Headquarters exercise direct Command and Control over our County Units.
The rest of the time, our County Units operate almost completely independently. ACM HQ establishes standards for training, online training references, and commonality of uniforms and communications
equipment. Our HQ manages our website at and deals with the news media.
ACM members must agree not to divulge their identities and affiliation with the ACM publicly, and are not authorized to identify themselves as members of the ACM to the news media.
County Unit leaders are known by name only to their unit members.
Members and Leaders from one unit rarely know the names of other Unit Leaders or members. We know each other by our radio call signs only. Not even our Commander knows the names of our County Unit
members, nor even the County Unit Leaders.
The ACM is structured this way so that if one unit is compromised or infiltrated, no other units will be at risk.
Some of our county units train and prepare to resist any attempt to impose tyranny or Martial Law on our people, by any entity. Some Units focus on the border security mission. Some do both.
The ACM County Units, supported by Militia groups from outside of Arizona, will conduct Operation Defiant Sentinel this Fall. Our Mission will be to Search and Destroy the Zetas and other armed, uniformed foreign military forces, and drive them out of Arizona.
“Qui Desiderat Pacem Preparaet Bellum”
Let Him Who Desires Peace Prepare for War
A federal law enforcement agent who wants to remain anonymous has told the U.S Border Fire Report that if and when militia groups do commit crimes on any federal lands it will be investigated by the FBI. When asked if his agency was investigating any of the alleged killings by American militias of Mexican nationals on federal lands he replied, “yes”.
When this same agent was asked if his agency was investigating an alleged cover-up by Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu, as claimed by an alleged Zetas officer, (the allegation was in regard to the two now
believed, Mexican drug smugglers found dead in the desert recently and the two Zetas solders that allegedly were killed by American militia and the three Zetas that were allegedly wounded near Ruby, Arizona), His response was, “No comment.”
Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu has made headlines for his tough stance against the powerful Mexican drug cartels who smuggle drugs and humans through his county every day.
Recently on KPHO 5 News, he took a stand against a different group.
“Not only do we not encourage, we did not invite, and we do not want this group or other groups to come into our county,” Babeu said, referring to militias and other known groups like the one led by J.T. Ready, allegedly a reputed neo- Nazi. According to Ready he has been leading armed vigilantes into areas of the Pinal County desert where drug activity is frequent.
“This is an extreme group that does not represent me, does not represent Arizona, and does not represent the private citizens who do want ligament action to be taken,” Babeu said.
Ready’s group may have gotten the attention of the Los Zetas drug cartel in Mexico.
“They attribute a vigilante group, much like this, to having killed the members of their cartel and we’re a part of it which is false and is something would never happen,” Babeu said.
Babeu still believes a rival cartel was behind the deadly showdown in his desert, and said the threat will not intimidate his department.
Babeu admits, with groups like Ready’s patrolling the desert, the likelihood of a war erupting between citizens and heavily armed drug cartels may be eminent.
“We cannot have groups go out there, believing they have the authority of law enforcement and taking actions into their own lands,” Babeu said.
He said his department will prosecute anyone who takes the law into their own hands.
For photo’s and related articles go to:
If Babeu wasnt such a wuss he would deputize every retiree in south Arizona and post them along the border,hell, theres no work might as well kill vermin. I would go but I dont live in Ariz. and I cant be deputized,I dont think. But he is establishment wuss. At least somebody is doing something. If somebody took over three counties in Texas there would be guns stickin out of the woodwork.
ReplyDeleteThees ees vijeelanteeism. Eets not alloud!
ReplyDeleteBolt your dorz. Leet thee awthoritees handel eet, si?!
Wusses leeve longer and git promoated, bye thee waay. We have too many wusses. A wussfest ees wat it ees.
Shize! Mein blunterbuss is niet loadedmachen.
ReplyDeleteTime for ACM, Oathkeepers and Minutement to set adeclaration for Barry Soetoro and state the "Gloves are off" Time for Texas committee shills to get their call as well.
ReplyDeleteForget McCainski get Brewer on the job.
I will vote for a woman with balls!
ReplyDeleteOr vote with your balls for a woman. Never mind.
ReplyDeleteResolve to Revolve. Like a magnet, it might start revolving so fast it'll start a Revolution, and pull a mass of dead asses up out of their chairs into the fight.
Nice job posting a committee documentary :)
ReplyDeleteLong overdue and needed action.
ReplyDeleteI would be assisting the militias if I was there.
the govt did diddly squat, till the issue finally got the attention it deserves via the gutsy Arizona reps who are trying to stop it happening.
amazing they can spend so much on the afghan bullshit? and bugger all on their OWN border and lands?
Yea oz, send the troops "over there" to die, for what again? OH right, to fight the terrorists.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, "over here" our borders remain open and welcoming for any "terrorist" to pass through without a hitch. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it? DOESN"T IT??!!!
The only real terrorists around here are the ones that rule the country.
I thought it was in the COTO DNA to spot a stalking horse.
ReplyDelete"...a Mexican national who claimed to be an Los Zetas Mexican Drug cartel officer..."
"...who claims to be an Arizona Citizens Militia Unit Coordinator..."
"...A federal law enforcement agent who wants to remain anonymous..."
So it's "ACM" versus "Zetas" is it? More like "tools" versus "entrepreneurs." In this case, the terms are interchangeable anyway. Defending "our" borders? Borders to WHAT? Oh, right-- there are still millions of nanny-heads out there who still think "they" have a "country." "Drugs" is it? What-- Chinese knock-off Tylenol? The tweakers around here can make their own meth out of cleaning products much cheaper.
And some of YOU want to "help?" What-- did they run out of naggers and abos in your own neighborhood? Run out of kops?
Fact is, kids, the real tragedy here is the innocent refugees... part of a swelling global tide being caused by climate-economic-social-political-(pick any combination) instability... who are simply trying to stay alive by changing location. Nothing like a good bang-bang fantasy to distract us from our own human misery, is there?
Hey- it worked on "911."
Funny only thing You dont ridicule is the NSA.
ReplyDeleteKamrade! The NSA is beyond ridiculous!
ReplyDeletewaldo, if its like here, the ones coming here have the money and means to escape, they are NOT the most in need, they the truly poor and truly troubled dont have the means to leave.
ReplyDeletewe have people paying thousands to smugglers, and able to go through at least 5 other countries to get a boat to aus, bypassing the protocols for legal immigration, and those in camps filing corectly, waiting and most deserving, are being crowded out by the pushy and not as needy.
same as you have , a preponderance of the young fit and fight capable youth, few women and kids.
when TSHTF, you think those "imports " are going to be anything but trouble and a danger to the real american people?
same issue here, radical imams they want sharia law already.. and they sure will NOT be any asset to Aus in times of crisis, they are most likely to be a weapon at our backs in our midst.
you have 40 mill on food stamps, now, and it will go higher, amerikkas Broke, how the hell are you going to feed and care or your own, let alone freeloaders?
Waldo, sure I'd try to escape BUT I'd also know the risks and consequences if I'm caught and I'd EXPECT to be caught. Try to sneak into any other country and see where it gets ya. I'm not blaming them for trying or wanting to come here. They are pawns of the big boys just as we are.
ReplyDeleteThis country is collapsing the same as Mexico. As I said, we can barely feed our own citizens. Don't you see the FATS are keeping the borders open to crash our economy even faster? Sure the race card works for them too... divide and conquer always does. But it galls me, as I said, to see them marching on our streets that we paid for American & those of Mexican descent alike waving the Mexican flag and demanding the same rights as we have (or used to).
I don't know. For me, it's quite clear. The PTB want our jobs outsourced. They want illegal immigrants swarming in to help deplete what little the middle class and poor have left as far as menial jobs and services. They want us impoverished in the same way Mexico is.
We can call for them to close the borders until we die. It won't happen because the FATS are purposely leaving them open to hasten our demise as a nation.
The FATs want cheap labor. That's it-- nothing else. They aren't trying to "hasten the demise" of anything. Well, except "expensive" labor.
ReplyDeleteThe people who "wave Mexican flags" are almost certainly legal-schmegal and have their green cards and everything. The LAST thing the "undocumented workers" I have known want to do is call attention to themselves. And the majority of them just wanted to save up enough dough to go back HOME... but they gotta keep sending as much as they can to Mammasita and the ninios.
I have no bone to pick with these guys. We should be JOINING them... not fighting them.
Yea right Waldo. All they want is cheap labor. All the more reason to keep the borders open, eh? Give em what they want !!
ReplyDeleteHaven't seen laws enforced to penalize those that employ illegal immigrants. So yea, keep the FATS fat and happy!
Its no use with him,sort of like voting.
ReplyDeleteSo... you LIKE the idea of living in East Berlin circa 1970? I don't. The solution is not closed borders (remember-- if "they" can't get in--YOU can't get out)... the answer is decent living wages globally. That was the idea... and the FATs countered that with the same old Yankee Doodly Dum.
ReplyDeleteI don't subscribe to "open borders" either... but when you globalize capital, labor is sure to follow. Besides, there's a difference between "secure" borders and a freakin gulag. We don't need "security," we need a General Strike!
We need both secure borders and a general strike! . Oh and btw, Mexico is an entirely separate country unlike East & West Germany... sheesh... bad comparison there waldo.
ReplyDeleteI know... I was thinking about how East Berlin is today... without the wall. Still a poorer part of Berlin... but generally "user-friendly" with lots of International Greens! You won't convince many Germans that it wasn't a separate country before der Einheit.
ReplyDeleteUndocumented workers make up about 5% of the labor force in the US and the LPRs (legal permanent residents) are demonstrating in solidarity for fair working conditions while "we" sit on our tookas and take whatever the bosses dish out.
"Nationalism" is the card the FATs have used to trump the global class struggle for over 100 years.
Well lets face it, marching doesn't work anymore. The worldwide protest against invading Iraq got slight coverage. I was there too marching on the ice covered streets of Philly. A lot of good it did. THe msm doesn't cover them so that means they don't happen. General strike WOULD get their attention. . I'm all for it.
ReplyDeleteYea, so try and get millions of amerikans to go along with that plan. Good luck. I can't even get the people I know to go along with the idea of it. Everyone is too scared of losing the crappy jobs they are trying so desperately to hold onto..
"Well lets face it, marching doesn't work anymore" Soylent Green,"call out the scoops".
ReplyDeleteSoylent green is people! I'd laugh if it didn't ring so close to home now :( Of course the scoops would render us helpless first with the sound canons and microwave sick making machines......
ReplyDeleteand Ohbummer says no troops?
"Well lets face it, marching doesn’t work anymore."
ReplyDeleteMaybe if you marched on the TV studios and newspaper offices and took their staff with you to Wall Street etc and back to the studios and newspaper offices and made sure they printed what you wanted . . . Or else . . .
Haven't you tried that yet?
The "Zetas Invasion" looks like another false flag... but wait... it hasn't been "confirmed."
ReplyDelete or is it?
I suppose blazing guns in an area awash with choppers coppers and war toys interrupts the daily grind of parking tickets and foreclosure enforcement.
Brown people!!! DRUUUUUUUGGGS!!! (does this sound like "Afghanistan?" "Taliban?"-- whatever happened to "Al Quaeda"?)... now you need "religion"- damn- Catholics-- wait wait... Vatican Plot! That's it! Epicenter seems to be here:
Rev. Col. Joobaiter is on it:
It's gonna be shits and giggles if this turns out to be a hoax. And if it's not... well, the National Guard... oh wait-- where ARE they?
We will, Flak- we will. It's all on the menu... at the Nuremberg Garden Club:
ReplyDeleteThe National Guard on the border have no bullets in their guns,however the drug traffickers have real bullets.
ReplyDeleteNo bullets? Well shooot. They need to get with the program like the Los Zetas free-market entrepreneurs! Think of all those folks in the neighborhood who need "protection," and goddamit- this aint kommunist freeloader Cuba... they oughta PAY for it.
ReplyDeleteJust knock on a few doors and a few heads and get the citizens to pony up... what- say 50%- for some good ol' 5.56 ammo at Federal prices and then buy some cheeper Chinese surplus hardball and make a few bob there. And the citizens are going to feel mighty bad about paying that kind of freight... so they're gonna want some mota to make 'em feel better. ka-ching! Free Enterprise Zone!
Hey... it worked for Mexico!
Well which one of us is gonna lead the way to CNN, Fox & MSNBC headquarters with the torches and pitchforks? Flak? Waldo?
ReplyDeleteI am totally uniformed on the Los Zetas other than I know they are a nasty drug cartel. Anyone know if they are CIA connected? Isn't that always the first question we have to ask ourselves? :)
ReplyDeleteI never realized while reading mad magazine as a child that spy vs spy was for real.
Zetas are CIA trained military experts at assassination,explosives,torture etc etc. Just in from AJ two ranches in Texas have been siezed by the Zetas and big tough cops and Border Patrol hae DONE NOTHING !?!?!?
ReplyDeleteWow, Unf'nbelieveable! Well that is just a testament to who controls them. I suppose they intend to march through texas and "reclaim" it unhindered by law enforcement. This is absolutely insane!
ReplyDeleteYes maam !