Monday, July 5, 2010

If We Keep Asking "Why?", Will We Get An Answer?

I've read about Corexit dispersant.  It is evil.  Banned in the U.K. for 10 years.  I wonder to myself -- Why has the U.S. government allowed a million(s) (who would know?) of gallons to be dumped in U.S. Gulf waters by a U.K. company that bears responsibility for the deadly oil tsunami?

Now, months since we initially heard about Corexit's use, following much inquiry by our vaunted U.S. authorities {well, as much as the U.K. company "allows" them}, a show trial starring the U.K. company's CEO -- we find that Corexit has continued to be spread in vast quantities, and in fact another million (?or more?) gallons is on order.  President Obama has taken personal responsibility for the Gulf operation per his televised announcements.

Don't you feel better now?

It is midnight here right now.  I don't feel like sleeping.  You?

I'm humming "Killing Me Softly With His Song".  It's killing me slowly, so I don't really notice.  Frogs are boiling everywhere, though.  They don't really seem to notice either.  I guess I'll just go-to-sleep-then...

Tomorrow will be another day.  The sun will rise like it always does, cooking the Gulf broth to a nice hot temperature.  Then the hurricanes will eventually come -- AND BLOW IT ALL AWAY!

Please read on, and WATCH -- very closely.  It's midnight at the oasis, only no one can drink the water, or even get close to it.

What is wrong here?  Why?

Corexit Is Killing The Gulf (Part I)

Corexit Is Killing The Gulf Part II

07.05.10- Warning To Gulf Volunteers: Almost Every Cleanup Worker From The 1989 Exxon Valdez Disaster Is Now Dead

by Michael SnyderAre you sure that you want to help clean up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?  In a previous article we documented a number of the health dangers from this oil spill that many scientists are warning us of, and now it has been reported on CNN that the vast majority of those who worked to clean up the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska are now dead.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Almost all of them are dead.

In fact, the expert that CNN had on said that the life expectancy for those who worked to clean up the Exxon Valdez oil spill is only about 51 years.

Read the article at


Hang Your Hat on THIS folks:

‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

'Seeing what's at the end of one's nose requires constant effort'. George Orwell.


  1. WHY? indeed.
    now I happen to have a friend who cannot be named:-) who has a "day job" in remdiating oil spills.
    He tipoped me off about an amazing fact.

    Now here, is where it should have COTO and even the zombies asking WHY!
    actually ,screaming it!

    when BP have used a SAFE remediant, so has the us NAVY and FEMA, and a host of companies and countries WORLD WIDE... it safe non toxic enzyme based, it works etc etc etc...
    and they arent?
    well we KNOW they are feathering the semi EX execs accounts using their own product and claiming tax breaks and a pile of other scams. but this! DELIBERATE avoidance of a PROVEN product is..
    and where the hell? is FEMA and the NAVY having input.
    oh yeah OHBummer has allowed a foriegn natonal that tax dodges its flag of convenience to the Marshall islands to run the whole F,n show. hire thiugs and ban all media and public info.
    sweet aint it.
    Now have a read of the pages here, I placed it at the BP job, but the rest are good to see also.

  2. aw poop and I typo when I am ANGRY:-)

  3. boomerangcomesbackJuly 6, 2010 at 5:49 AM

    Frankly, I think the World's peoples should take a "Freedom At Last" Holiday for as long as it takes, and go on a worldwide hunt to arrest, incarcerate, and put on trial the 1% that has been wreaking havoc on this planet for so long.

    A 1 week Holiday to put them on the run and bring down the Death Star of Conspiratorial Collusion they have built would go far towards healing our planet and societies. We see them. We know them. They are killing us and our planet overtly and covertly, at an ever quickening pace in 10,000 points of light.

    That is called WAR by any terminology I can think of. Do we continue to walk in blindness and fear, and pretend the murderers will just "go away" and leave us alone? Or does humanity take care of the root cause of the biggest problem facing them?!

    What humanity and society is doing IS NOT WORKING! Capeche?! Because we are doing nothing but running and dying like the buffalo did.

    Yes...we are game animals to this pestilent elite.

    Let the hunters become the hunted!

  4. send your camel to bed

  5. boomerangcomesbackJuly 6, 2010 at 8:57 AM

    Let's continue to color in the picture we are seeing being painted...

    9/11 > A horrific FF committed with large loss of life here, and about 100X more killed in Iraq under false pretenses. Monstrous amounts of money made by elite companies in its wake in the U.S., Iraq, and abroad. Media coverup. Government coverup. Blatant psyops run continuously to confuse and divert understanding of the operations to destroy information in WTC 1 & 2, Pentagon, and WTC 7. Whitewash investigatory commission does everything but investigate. Obfuscation to the Nth power. No accountability. No heads roll. Sheep sleep on...

    Katrina > Possible HAARP attack. Huge administrative clusterfuck. FEMA additionally pays billions for poisoned trailers for victims to hole up in as poisonous incubators. No heads roll. Brownie lauded by President Bush. Massive taxpayer monies find their way into pockets of elite companies. Crisis certainly "does not" go to waste as far as elites are concerned.

    Economic & Financial Hurricane > Elite banks bailed out. Treasonous congressional rollover in the face of threats, bribery, Catastrophic to Joe American. No accountability. No heads roll. No investigations worth a shit. Goldman Sachs invested with even more power. Situation is ongoing and being managed according to a preplanned schedule. Think not? Consider the facts.

    The Gulf Disaster > Think -- Mass Poisoning on a scale unimaginable, under the watchful eyes of our administration. No heads roll. Police state ramped up. Investigations squelched, area secured by foreign company's strongmen while U.S. military is compromised and diverted. No accountability. $20 billion ain't shit Sherlocks.

    Think -- if this is being done now, in this manner, with our administration's blessing, excuses and impotent actions, what will occur when FEMA and Martial Law really come into play?

    We have the "crisis". We have the pretext. We see the plan unfolding. We see the inaction. We see Corexit being used like gasoline thrown on a fire. It reminds me of Nazi Germany victims in a vast poisonous gas eugenics experiment. S-l-o-w-l-y being sprung on an unsuspecting chosen population. Should folks suspect FEMA camp housing will be like a hostel? Will they find relief, freedom and a new life...or internment and death?

    Just asking...

    At this time -- the people have a choice. Be proactive and take care of business, or be poisoned, detained involuntarily, and incarcerated.

    Put not your hope in the authorities who are serving this Death Cocktail up.

    I'm interested to see if "anyone" has a more hopeful take on this scenario playing out?

  6. boomerangcomesbackJuly 6, 2010 at 9:05 AM

    For a deeper understanding of the poisoning occurring because of the foreign corporation's "remedies" to the disaster they created, please read the following piece. Landau has been posting on this disaster for some time, and has the background to know what he is talking about.

    And do note -- the U.S. administration is monitoring the situation, and must have duly signed off on all activities, or they would not be happening.


    Please see the data provided at the following thread. This ain't no B.S., and the guy has the credentials to know what he is talking about.

    "BP Gulf oil blowout still gushes Benzene, Hydrogen Sulfide, Methyl Chloride, Sulfur Dioxide".

    By Chris Landau geologist/met

    *** >>> I also highly suggest you go to the following and click on the links provided at:

    especially the last one -- Video:

  7. boomerangcomesbackJuly 6, 2010 at 9:06 AM

    Puddy -- Slap a Barnburner of a Pic on this if you would. Thnx!

  8. an old friend found me last month on facebook(i'm only on there to keep up w/4 siblings, 7 neices, 2 nephews)

    we palyed football in HS together. i'm 47 and have not seen him since then. A while. He tells me he and his family are moving to Florida.

    My instinct is to scream at him in all caps about R U crazy, etc, poison, dead zone, mass evacuations, long term health catastrophe and all that. But i don't.

    Torn now. Some guilt. Of course it would not have stopped him. It was a done deal when we first re-connected. But i voiced no concerns at all.

    If the sky is really falling, wouldn't chicken little be a hero of sorts?

  9. boomerangcomesbackJuly 6, 2010 at 4:41 PM

    You are correct Jersey Girl! More is continuing to come out into the open (if you open your eyes, get off the couch and look for it -- of course, no COTO afisheeahondo {purposefully misspelled} is on the couch}. I've seen quite a bit of incriminating information rising to the surface like methane. I hope it blows up in the elites faces.

    Thanks for your comment CamusRebel! Yeah, heading TO Flordia seems like a strange choice. Of course, real estate is awfully cheap right now. I think you owe it to them to "wake them up!" out of a general concern for their safety and investment. Tough love so-to-speak. Or...a public service to your own family members.

  10. boomerangcomesbackJuly 6, 2010 at 6:15 PM

    WOW! Puddy -- You are a Genius! I don't know how you come up with such Amazing pics, yet you do one after another. Props to you AGAIN!

    Do you have any comments on this information I've put up?

  11. Today the Queen and her husband flew to New York from Canada for a five-hour visit.

    Nalco is a Canadian company?

    Queen Elizabeth challenged the United Nations on Tuesday to spearhead the international response to global dangers and promote prosperity and dignity for all the world's inhabitants? Right! It means the complete opposite.

  12. Me and Konisking heard Mister M call Alex Jones today. He has some evidence he's going to submit.

    He mentioned the Levee paper and his toons. Alex said he would link to his paper.

    M is on the frontlines of this false flag. He's putting himself in harms way as well. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

  13. boomerangcomesbackJuly 6, 2010 at 8:26 PM

    Thanks for the update on M. Prayers shall ascend on his behalf. I'd like to hear of what he's got. I hope it is posted here.

    I still think you're a creative genius Puddy! Off-Grid? What's that mean? Bye-bye? Give a hint. Maybe we all should "disappear" on our own terms...

    Whoever put the Screaching Oil Leak up should come clean and claim their Kudos!

  14. Yes, and consider the finances used in all these acquisitions.

    I well recall that horrible bastard 'Sir' James Goldsmith, or 'Jimmy', as he was in his younger days when he was looking for rich heiresses, saying airily when asked what finance he used in his many acquisitions, "Oh, I use that of my friend Lord Rothschild." - I remember, and now, once again, you know.

    It always goes back to them.

    And remember, when pondering how all this is achieved, finance is still only a fiction.

  15. Boom, I put the picture up. Kudos go to David Dees. I just added the corexit 9500 text to it. David Dees is an illustration genius same as our own Puddy & Mr M. His stuff is copyrighted but he allows bloggers and writers to use it freely to punch home a point as long as it's not used for profit.

  16. camus I'm on facebook for the same reason. I rarely check in there. I agree your friend is CRAZY! I live in southern new jersey and I'm worried.

  17. Beautiful Header puddy:-)
    now for something UGLY

    all the interconnected finances they dont want anyone to know about..

    What is yet unknowable is what the reality is of BP’s off-balance sheet obligations and leverage positions. How many Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) is it operating? Remember, during the Enron debacle Andrew Fastow, the Enron CFO, asserted in testimony nearly 10 years ago that GE had 2500 such entities already in existence. BP has even more physical assets than Enron and GE. Furthermore, no one knows the true size of BP’s OTC derivative contracts such as Interest Rate Swaps and Currency Swaps. Only the major international banks have visibility to what the collateral obligations associated with these instruments are, their credit trigger events and who the counter parties are. They are obviously not talking, but as I will explain, they are aggressively repositioning trillions of dollars in global currency, swap, derivative, options, debt and equity portfolios.

  18. More CDS's. BP will go under. No doubt. Re-emerge? Most certainly.

    No bailout likely but there will be something brewing in the pot for them at a later date. The colaterral damage?

    Just more useless eaters, unemployed and angry.
    The volcano effect!

    When they trigger the erruption, it's going to make "29" look like a ant hill.

  19. I found it Very suspicious that we are getting NOT one jot of the carbon./aerial pollutant screams from a wide range of the so called green groups.
    gee We need wonder No More!
    Other major shareholders in Nalco/Corexit include billionaire Warren Buffett and his conglomerate holding company, Berkshire Hathaway; Maurice Strong, Al Gore, George Soros.

    and they fund?? WW(T)F Greenpieces, Nat Conservancy sierra whatever, they ALL get funds somewhere from this same selfserving bunch of Assholes.

    The info above came in a newsletter, I cant work out how to get the direct link off of it, so I will email you Jersey:-)

  20. Wow, that's sure telling isn't it oz? What a bunch of greedy, souless scam artists. Yes, please send the link and I'll be happy to post!
