Saturday, July 31, 2010

12/25/99 - Committee Necronomicon

From the Magnus Libri pro Cruciatus Scientia:

Chemtrails: List of Offenders -confirmed

Element, Compound,Pathogen - phase

Anthrax -1
Staphylococcal pneumonia -1
HAdV-(A,B,C,D) -1,2
Ethylene Dibromide - 1,2, 3, 4
Acetylcholine chloride - 1,2, 3, 4
replicated blood cells [desiccated] - 1,
parasitic nematodes [eggs]  - 1, 4
fusarium  [Candida] -  1, 5
silicon - polymer fiber - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
(nano-particulate metals) - 1,3,5,6
Hydrogen  Fluoride  - 1,2,3
Infestation with the hookworm Necator americanus, whose adults attach to villi in the small intestine and suck blood, causing anemia.
As well as being a common contaminant and a well-known plant pathogen, Fusarium spp. may cause various infections in humans. Fusarium is one of the emerging causes of opportunistic mycoses.
1. Human pathogen / Steriliation - eugenics
2.  Dumping
3. Motor, sensory, brain function - Dumbing-sedation
4. Water, Farming, ecosystem - GMO global food control
5. Weather modification - envirnmental - Global Tax Scheme
6. HAARP - Scalar- EM technology - Global grid WMD
When talking about the committee triad, I always refer to minimum three opportunities for every event or campaign.
You don't have to be a scientist to understand the six categories. It is quite a revelation now to have identified these new pathogens in the recent findings of Carnicom, The Idaho Observer and other scientific people and organizations. Recently the open discussions of chemical seeding were discussed in the NWO camp in DC. That was of course the tactic for "In plain view" that they are using to counter the massive uproar of the population to the onset of Morgellon,s disease, a huge spike in respiratory diseases and the confirmed  decrease in life span figures over the last ten years.
When you follow the triad formula you mey deduce what I have used as my base for investigation. "Never waste and good crisis" and "Never pass an opportunity"  The committee and corporate eugenisists from Microsoft to Alcoa to Dow to Glaxo SmithKline can benefit and assist in this diabolical global governance and project 2000 Genesis program.
The Chemtrail campaign in progress in your region may be one of the six class operations or all of them. There's no secret to the major news regarding stored toxic wastes and the attempt to get them to Nevada but worlwide this was  a huge issue and prompted millions of dollars in taxpayers money to determine feasibility studies. The radioactive waste alone was vast but the waste products for PhRMA, mining and chemical production are enormous.
Committee- " Why don't we just spread it out over the entire world in a very thin layer along with the global grid ground wave, eugenics or GMO  program and the stop flushing it?"
Why not? When sending thousands of aircraft up daily why not add an additional ten tons of stored toxic waste to go out with the regular scheduled campaign poisons?
Anybody  feel like having a cocktail? Not me. I had one today and it knocked me out.

Dates: Jubilee of the year 2000 - pope John-Paul II, Satanists had declared indeed that the year 1999 would be the year of the Beast, 666 kHz broadcasted the rule of Satan begins

Numerology - 1999 = 6661.   6x6x6=218  1229 - 1999 = 700


  1. Excellent article Patrick.

    They're still sprayin! Today was really bad, especially between 5pm and 7pm. Are they trying to protect us from the solar flares? Put a layer up there so it doesn't ruin the electric grid? Who the F' know.

    Not blood patogens.

    There's nothing we can do. We're trapped, like rats and being sprayed like bugs.

    All of these unusual ailments plaguing the people, which are not really being discussed i.e. Epstein Barr, Fibromyalgia which I have the pain is horrid, and there is no doubt these ailments that many doctors refer to as "basket diagnoses" are caused by these wretched chemtrails.

    This is old but still a good video by Dr. Gwenn Scott who works with Carnicom

  2. Apart from marvelling at the quality of the interviewers, one obviously puzzling question posed by the Gwen Scott video is this: if our atmosphere is being loaded with all these various harmful substances to damage us, and which we cannot avoid, how is it that 'the elite' who are instigating and conducting the operation can remain unaffected? - They - unfortunately - also breathe.

  3. "Numerology – 1999 = 6661. 6x6x6=218 1229 – 1999 = 700"

    I've never been much of a fan of numbers, as for me they are just a form of alternative language, usually misused. So I don't really believe it when someone says nine pigs equals four cows or some such. I believe in the individual pigs and cows, but not in the "equals this or that". Maybe I should claim Missouri kinship.

    So I don't really understand what may be 'signified' by these numbers quoted above.

    666 = the mark of the beast. Sure, well sod that, and sod 'the elite' who would have you believe that and anything else that for their own reasons they want to you believe while they're about it.

    218 - so what? 218 what? and so what anyway?

    1229 – 1999 = 700 Not according to my fingers.

    1229 – 1999 = -770, but so what anyway?

    If I with my feet on the ground am misreading anything, then please explain, and if I'm not very bright, well, that puts me with the vast majority of the world's inhabitants. We don't happen to go along with the claimed 'sanctity' of a few presumputous vermin. And we don't recommend that you or anyone else should, either. They are cheap and nasty criminals who intend harm to everyone else, and I don't accept that.

    So the elimination of these evil 'elite' and their accomplices is what is important, not any diversionary this or that.

    So forget the politics and 'law' and niceties of society. Let's up and at 'em, tooth and nail!

  4. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, all good chillin gonna go to heaven. Now there's and equation you can take to the pearly gates. Just repeat it to St. Peter. It's the magic word, it's mission pack and you're on your merry way.

    Of course there's always 'string theory', where you have to unwind yourself completely to find that little bean in the middle, plant that in the garden outside the gates, then climb the stalk and jump over the fence that way.

    Some say that's cheating, but there are no security cameras in heaven, so do be shy.

    This was leading somewhere...but I maybe I made it all up. {grin}

  5. By total coincidence, I was just now writing -

    “One two three four five six seven” – sang Shula and an English friend,
    “All good children go to Heaven.
    Penny on the water, tuppence on the sea,
    Threpence on the railway, and out - went – Shula"

    It used to be used - probably still is - as an 'out-you-go' game to select someone for this or that, together with 'one-potato, two potato, three potato, four, five potato, six potato, seven potato, more - More!'

    These are recent versions of children's activities that go back traceably for thousands of years, and you can still hear some of their echoes today - Which gives us too nice a sense of continuity to relinquish said continuity just because a few vermin say so. Eh?

  6. that is also a query I and others expressed, Flak.
    I can only hazard a guess that they arent out in it as much as we "lesser mortals" they have the funds to have hepa filters for their homes cars etc, and who knows? maybe there is a decontam treatment?
    I use barley life for that, and the healing and edible clays are a good idea also. I figure anything we can do isnt a bad idea. they do help remove the heavy metals at lest.

  7. Yes the elites live amongst us. So why would they contaminate the air, water and land they need to live as well?

    The only conclusion I can come to is that they are not human. That they are indeed those reptilians that David Icke and others speak of.

    All those underground tunnels? They probably go much deeper than we even suspect. THAT is where they will scurry to like rats through a hole in the wall when the final endgame is very near.

    It sounds ridiculous and outrageous.(as if what they are doing to us is not?!) But really, does anyone have a more logical explanation?

  8. Good interview Munich. Thanks for posting.

  9. Great vid Jack. You hit several pathologies that are a direct response to the phjrmalogical aerial spraying.

    The timelines are this in my research: Metal [chaff] for radar haarp and EM Eiscat were started in the 70's. The onset of sedation, A.D.D., Autism, Alzheimers and other neurological disorders followed the cumulative effects of the volume.

    Since the Pineal gland has the hichest concentration of blood these nonferrous metals collect there in quantity. The historical onset of Guillan Barre and early neuro-muscular disease can be traced to occupational exposures, but the Epstein, Thoracic Outlet, Fibromyalgia, and other CRPS (Chronic regional pain sysndromes) are directly related to metals. This is supported by the massive aluminum use in cosmetics, beauty products, cheap cookware, birth control, anti-pers. and other health products. This coincides with case ratios by gender (higher in women)

    In 1999, the sedation [3] program started. In response to the planned phase for WWIII which of course would include 911, they started the hydrogen Fluoride campaign with other ground programs. Vaccines and SSRI's were all inclusive in this program. That gave them two years of delivery prior to the false flag. This along with GMO corn, Aspertame and fructose syrup the increase in Diabetes, rampant in high levels of fluorine ingestion.

    Sometime after that and I estimate 2004, they started the pathogen program. It had three heads. [Polymeric carbon nano technology]

    H1N1 false flag to vaccine. (immune system crash)
    Vaccine to H1N1 (neuro-crash)
    EM/ELF assault to (pathogen release)

    Bacterial Fungi and viral pathogens. Total reach to all human life through these introduction directly in inhalation and through food change. irradiated processes to activate under extremely low radioactivity 50-60 hz. Sterilization being the largest process going on at this time in major third world areas, while the focus changes based upon farming regions and population centers. This explains Morgellons cases with the introduction of the silicone carbon fiber delivery of nano-pathogenic substances.

  10. I never was either Flak until I started coming to the realization of "If they live by numbers, bible codes and the Codex of events, then it becomes relevant"

    If there is a universal link to life, physics, creation, death and mathematics, I'll spend some time to check the sources of those who watch it daily.

  11. That's a good theory JG.

    One Two Three - One heart, two kidneys, three eyes?

    I'd ask Flak to come out of the accounting numbers to the question of intent. He has to look at the HAARP, Chemtrailing, GMO, Bio terror, Depleted Uranium, GWEN project, D.U.M.B.'s and an example of over 1.7 million muslims dead to figure out why they continue this when we all know they have control over the financial system. That's done. It's over.

    So why all the empire building now? Money? Hardly. Just a tool and it's served it's purpose. The two sciences are ours and theirs. Do we assume that we have the forbidden knowledge that got Jack Otto, Bill Cooper, Phil Schneider, Gary Webb, Serge Monast, Nancy Schaefer, Danny Casolaro, Fritz Springmeier, etc. etc. etc.

    Here's a guy who is likely on his way out.

    What knowledge do they have? What remedies or antidotes can they posess?
    Why would we assume to create the cure first then have the lab create a plague?

    NUMBERS it's all NUMBERS

    Radio talk show hosts of special importance

    Michael Corbin 1955-2008. He was involved with the alien-reptile-fallen angel
    and like Bill Cooper was exposing Alex Jones as well as the jesuit-vatican pedophilia ring. (Rusty Nelson-Franklin Scandal)

    Did Jesuits shadow govt. have him killed like Bill Cooper?

    Just like Dave Alan who survived

    There's a conspiracy all right. Theres also a conspiracy in the conspiracy.

  12. Yes typo, 770 refer to Daniel KJV. 666 is represented three times. Genesis 7 words to bible code for 216. If it is a complete and accurate Codex for all events I would want to know it.

    For you Flak it could indicate when you should close your bank accounts.

  13. I'm not arguing, Puddy. I think you are all here because you are on the right track, irrespective of trivial details.

    But accounts? - I am rich, but only because of where I live, because I appreciate being alive in a marvellous world, because of what I know and because I know what is possible, etc.

    Money? - is trash.

    And those who do these things to others for money or just for evil - I repeat: bring them to me and lend me a machine gun and enough ammo., and without compunction I will rid this fair world of the worst evil it has ever known.

  14. No argument from me on that fact either. FIAT-DEBT was the pathway to all other of our self-induced problems courtesy of the purveyors we love to hate.

    MONEY as a lure to commit these acts is worse than the Rothsticks or the Rockefleas who we know are illuminati. The ones that join for the buck are worse.

  15. Yes, but the Rothschilds and Rockefellers operate 'the trusts' that hold almost all 'the money' in the world, and they issue it specifically to enable their projects against the rest and to stifle any opposition to their objectives.

    That is why I am against them.

  16. I think eating activated charcoal would be better than clay. Yuk.

  17. Not yes but....

    That's exactly my point. The money don't mean shit to them. It's a dirty tool. They don't even touch the filthy crap, ever! They have an agenda only and the tool is the scum who kill for the doillar.

    Whether MSM, PentaCon, District of Corruption or any other administrator center, those who are not psychotic elite illuminati who believe they already own the universe, they are the most pathetic.

    We know which head of the hydra will kill the beast but the tangles and tentacles make it hard to aim our arrows.

  18. Hey Flak... how 'bout these little bunnies:
    ...who do you suppose THEY are preparing to shoot? Probably not you or me... and the likelihood that any of them will ever draw a bead on a "roth" or a "rock" is absolutely ZERO.

    I think it would be more valuable for people to learn that "money" is shit. It can carry toxic pathogens, and the more you handle- the more you stink.

  19. How 'bout this one, JG:
    they aint all that fucking smart. They do NOT "live among us" (or so they THINK)... their high walls and electric fences give them a (false) sense of isolation. They breathe. They shit. They eat food. They die. Just like ALL of us. They plan to "control" a vast organic complex chaotic super-system. In reality, they would fuck up a soup sandwich... but since their little "money" game is rigged so all the phony paper goes into their paper pile... they have concluded that they are "rulers of the Universe." How bright is THAT?

    They are toddlers playing with explosives.

  20. The Rs have the agenda, and they enable it.

    Cancel the agenda by cancelling the means by which it is enabled.

    If the means is cancelled then I understand that the quaint Americanism is that "'they - the Rs' would no longer mean diddly-squat", whatever that may be.

  21. Hearts are probably in the right place, brains, no.

  22. There were cases of anthrax in horses reported last week in Uvalde Texas.

  23. THAT's the problem (methinks) Flak: "brains, no." when you tell people that "money" is not "real," you get the deer-in-the-headlights look. "Money" is shit. It's ass-paper. WHY does this simple FACT seem to shake one of their core-paradigms?

    omigawd-- if "munny" is not "real," than WHAT IS? Well... I dunno... how about- freezing to death? starving to death? It is the illusion of "money" that has kept that shit away form them for (how many?) generations. If the illusion of "money" is the anchor of their paradigm, it does not bode well for any kind of "realist."

    Why? Because "reality" can easily be shifted to the next-misunderstood "distraction-abstraction," like the Jooz- for example, or the "NWO." Who-the-fuck cares about that shit? It's all about keeping warm. dry. hydrated, fed and happy.. THAT''s "REALITY."

    Everything else is bullshit.

  24. That is my take on this don't have to believe it to grok that THEY believe it. It's part of their MO. And understanding it is like recieving a telegraph from the bogey man.

  25. Mom had altzhiemers before she died,it was a real bummer. once in a while i draw a blank,like a pin # or a name. Just nobody home,its really scary. It goes away just as fast. One time I had a muffler leak that got Me full of carbon monoxide,all of a sudden I didnt know where I was or who I was,its some scary shit. Life is hard enough without some mattoid spraying shit on us. The good part is this will all be over soon,sooner for some. May the end be quick,with boots on the ground.

  26. Anyone have a black light handy? I want to check my eyes and fingernails.....
