Thursday, June 3, 2010

Where in the World is Michael Cavlan?

Has anyone seen this man?

One of COTO's finest has gone missing.   My suspicions are he may be headed for Gaza on the Rachel Corrie.....or maybe not.   If you are reading this Irish.. please phone home.  We know you are busy with your political career and saving the world and all that but even Superman took time to visit Lois Lane on the balcony once in a while.....


  1. He is at the league of extraordinary gentlemens meeting, I presume.


    Folks, I have been VERY BUSY.

    I had just been organizing a petition drive as I needed 1,000 signatures in two weeks to be able to run for Congress.

    We collected 1,700 of which 1,460 were usable.

    We just turned them in to the Minnesota Secretary Of State.


    I will be posting more on this very soon.

  3. Excellent News. That's the ticket.

    It becomes necessary in "these times" to hear from our independent and obvious clear thinkers periodically, ya know?

    Chemtrails, Vaccines in the middle of the night, flying, sudden silence, etc. Thanks for the update Michael. Whew!

    Sista Joisy was concerned.

  4. There you are! I thought if I sent out COTO's version of the bat signal you'd appear. Congrats on getting over your quota of signatures! Keep us posted on your progress. If there is any way we can help you along, don't be shy.. ha.. as

    And yes, as Patrick mentioned I was concerned. I can't help but wonder which one of us will have their door bashed in in the middle of the night by the storm troopers first. Since you are quite public with your activism and you have such a BIG mouth, yes indeed I do worry . Take care ya bad bastard. :)

  5. Jersey and Patrick

    Thank you both so very much.

    Me, I am just fine. I even have some very good news to report.

    let me do that right now.. I will issue the latest three press releases of our merry little campaign. You want to hear something horrific annd exciting?

    I have had people tell me we just might actualy WIN.

    Speaker of the House Pelosi: Will the gentleman from Minnesota please sit down and shut up?

    The gentleman from Minnesota replies: Hell no and I sure as hell not will not for a war criminal like you, Madam Speaker.



    I have already told people that my sacred duty will be to SNITCH on Congress. be a whisteblower for We The People.

  6. Oh my god can you imagine?! To have a real true, can't be bought, representative of the people in office? It just might happen Irish.
    I'm sure you know that word on the street is that the american people are fed up and intent on throwing ALL the incumbents out and starting over with reps who are truly reps of WE THE PEOPLE ;)

  7. I've had fantasies about things like that, Michael. Please make this happen for an old mans last wish.

  8. Michael, congratulations re/the signatures!

    --Does this qualify you for the general election ballot, or is this related to a primary challenge? (If I had to guess, I'd bet that COTO types work outside of the R vs. D two party system...)

  9. " intent on throwing ALL the incumbents out and starting over with reps who are truly reps of WE THE PEOPLE "

    YES YES YES YES YES YES !!!!!!!!!

    By George, she's got it! By George, they're getting it! They're really getting it! - tra-la-la-la - The reps who reign fall mainly for new names . . . No, make that 'totally - totally', with measures to ensure they are straight and remain straight, voting on their individual conscience for the general good, and answerable to us for their every decision and action. True public servants at last, acting - having to - for the good of all.

    Go it, Lad!
