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The Vatic Project :Rothschilds Ring of Power - Part I, (Bill Cooper's Majestic 12 - Part II (the Gulf?)for later
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Tuesday, 22-Jun-2010 06:53:57
I. Blog: The Vatic ProjectPost: Rothschilds Ring of Power - Part I, (Bill Cooper's Majestic 12 - Part II (the Gulf?) for laterVatic Note: Part I of this presentation is about the WHO and WHY of the Gulf false flag done by Rothschilds Goldman sachs owners of BP and Nalco toxic disbursement chemicals used in the Gulf. This is the most detailed analysis of the Rothschild cabal I have seen so far. Please watch it and understand about all that has happened to us. Its a progression over centuries of how we got to this point in time as planned by this family back in last 1700's and Its time to understand who is controlling all that is happening to both us and the rest of the world in our modern day trauma. Part II of this will be William Coopers excellent writing back in the 90's where this all is going and how predictive and right he was about where we are today including the depopulation efforts of these people. Its why he was killed. Be sure and watch for this one because what he wrote will blow your socks off. It will be part IIa which is about his biography and murder, and Part IIb will be his predictions and results of his research over many years and you will see how prophetic (vatic) this man was. Link: II. Post: Vatic Alert: We need help getting this out - It could literally save the Gulf Vatic Note: Watch the video. please! Now THIS IS SOMETHING WE ALL CAN DO TO MAKE IT MISERABLE FOR THE POWER BROKERS TO IGNORE THIS. Ok, another thing we all need is to finally know what the heck is going on and this is the way to do it. Watch this video and the unique creative system this company has for cleaning up the oil and recovering it for BP and recovering those marshlands that are being severely damaged and he says they can even collect the plumes. This is incredible, but he says no one from either BP or EPA or the White House will call him back to discuss it. So WE NEED TO START PUSHING, ALL OF US, TOGETHER ALL OVER THE NET. GET THIS OUT AND MAKE IT GO "VIRAL" BIG TME AND ASK EVERYONE WHO GETS THIS TO BOTH CALL BP IN VENICE HEADQUARTERS AND THE WHITE HOUSE AND THEIR CONGRESSMAN AND SENATORS (they are up for reelection and having a tough time of it so its perfect timing). PLEASE GET THIS OUT TO YOUR EMAIL LISTS AND ASK THEM TO DO THE SAME AND LETS MAKE THIS GO VIRAL. Thank you. If we are all being stonewalled, THEN YOU KNOW THIS IS CRIMINAL INTENT. Its going to be that simple. INSIST ON THEM CALLING THIS MAN. I believe the information on his phone and address for his company is on here, but if not I will post it after researching it. Link: III. Post: Ten Stories In The News That The BP Oil Spill Is Overshadowing Vatic Note: have to admit, I am an old broad and I can tell you that never in my entire lifetime have I seen the press so tightly tied up as I do right now. That is why I believe ONLY WHAT I SEE NOW, AND NOT WHAT THEY TELL ME anymore. I know the value TO THEM of using FEAR and PANIC as studies have shown it to be the most effective tool for manipulating mass populations to achieve an agenda, whatever it might be. Thus we must stay out of fear at all costs. Look at these stories that are buried and they are serious. For instance, 1. Notice Israel has three nuke subs off the coast of Iran. What is telling about that story, IS THAT THE SUBS ARE GERMAN, AND GUESS WHAT? IT WAS A GERMAN TORPEDO/BOMB THAT BROUGHT DOWN THE SOUTH KOREAN SHIP. Why is that important??? Because a little tinpot dictatorship is trying to drive the entire globe into a nuke war so their status can change from a tin pot dictatorship into a full fledged powerful Global Fascist dictatorship. No one will question that because we are too busy thinking we are on a course of extinction in 5 years. But not to worry, the "GLOBAL COMMUNITY" will rescue us proving we need them and we need to be part of it, thus NEW WORLD ORDER IS BORN. Clever, really. Very. The rest of those articles show just how badly we are losing our liberties and given Ron Paul is not their favorite politician, I can understand why they want to silence him and his group. Freedom of speech ONLY FOR CORPORATIONS OR LARGE LOBBYING GROUPS. Yup election financing reform fit only for a Fascist Global Governance secret satanic society. That about sums it up. (for the rest of the vatic note and article please visit link below. link: IV. Post: Israels Weapons of Mass Destruction - Part I - Biological Weapons Vatic Note: Given the undue influence and power now held by Israeli in our government, if not fully replacing it with their own people, we felt it prudent to discern just how big a threat to us is Israel and with what capacity in the way of WMD. Because I just found out that it was Israel that gave nuclear weapon technology to the North Koreans, it became important to see just how deep this rabbit hole goes, this is the first of three parts. The other two will be coming shortly afterwards. Also remember our friendly mossad biologist, Moshe who outted the Baxter, Ukrainian plant having a manufacturing facility in the Ukraine and using it to weaponize vaccines for other countries. That made us realize just how tenuous our survival and health is with their minions running our country...... the oil blow out with deadly dispursement chemicals used ring a bell??? Link: |
This is a great site Boom. I added the ytube video at the end. I'm adding this site to the blogroll too.
ReplyDeleteThis author is like my brother as are you.
Glad you approve O'Wise One! And you are my Brother in all the important ways!
ReplyDeletePlease always feel free to add your "touch" to my posts. I'm short on time quite often {like you're not -- only you are more adept and/or gifted in certain aspects of which we all applaud}.
I caught that you might be sailing...
I entertain the thought myself frequently. The "Sovereign Society" can be of assistance if you care to look them up. A dual passport can be of value in a State such as we perceive.
Interesting times. I hope Karma is coming back 'round to those who so richly deserve their Just Desserts. I'll put the cherry on top, once they morph into a a Banana Split.
so would you guys say the Rothchilds are behind the Bilderberger meetings. I'm tryin to get up to speed. It seems self evident , but not sure. Are they basically synonomous?
ReplyDeleteEasy to be pessimistic. Still fighting.
slightly there a coto consensus on UFO's/have we been visited? Is it our last best hope?
Camus, this is a PD question, because he's going to be able to dial up the data very quickly for you, I would imagine. I would simply say all these whores are in bed together and they share the same diseases.
ReplyDeleteThat's an ugly thought, huh?!
Different families and bloodlines, but aligned to a Satanic Plan that triangulates to a common twisted goal and outcome.
But so what! They're defeated already, they just don't know it. They are Judged already, and have not had to pay the penalty as yet. So they operate in arrogance and ignorance, thinking they are "Gods", yet they have received the Strong Delusion.
Visited? Oh yeah. But discernment by "who" is most important. There's always Good & Evil, until that game is played out and over.
It might be not only easier but also more accurate to say that the Rothschilds and their accomplices are behind everything.
ReplyDeleteMembers of the Bilderbergers merely pass on the Rothschild instructions to the various governments, and the governments comply. That is the visible part.
The fact that the Rothschilds have virtually all the money in the world enables them to bribe and coerce all countries except the few resistant 'terrorist nations' to accept their central bank. In a nutshell, the Rothschild central banks lend the countries ink, and in return all the wealth of the nations is funnelled into the Rothschild 'trusts' and the figures are lent back to the nations as more ink for their infrastructural 'needs'. The 'finance' is all a fiction anyway.
Sorry to crash the fabric of your world, but the real world is still there, and if you sweep away the fiction of the Rothschilds' financial racket, you willl no longer have to work nine months of the year to support 'their economy', and will have time to appreciate it.
camus, odd, we haven't really discussed that at Coto. My personal belief is that more than likely they live amongst us. How they figure in what's going on or what will happen down the road remains to be seen. There are others who say that ufos are all government vehicles. I don't buy that. Though I'm sure many are, not all.
ReplyDeleteThere are also those that say the elites which flak was just speaking of are not human. Ha! that's easy enough to believe isn't it? Have you read anything by David Icke? That's his theory. The bastards certainly don't show any empathy for their fellow "humans".
Your question is a good one. IF other world aliens are indeed here, will they save us or are they perpetrating the very things that will kill us? Perhaps just like in all the sci fi novels, there is a force for evil and good at war right here on our very sick planet. In that case, "may the force be with us." :)
I read about the ten things we are distracted from on prison planet last week. While it's true, there are many balls in the air, we can keep up with all of them. We here at coto have the eye to do that.
ReplyDeleteIt's the sheeple we need to worry about. However, I think many of them are actually remembering the government's response to Katriana and are putting the blame on them as well as BP.
Patrick, didn't you predict that McCrystal will resign or be ousted? Looks like that one might be coming true. That little contrived piece of bs in Rolling Stone is the latest msm talking point and diversion.
As far as the smart pipe goes, there are many scientists and engineers coming forward with ideas of how to clean up the mess in the gulf. However, who in control is listening? THAT's the problem. They don't want it fixed.
ReplyDelete"The bastards certainly don’t show any empathy for their fellow “humans”. "
ReplyDeleteTheir RELIGION tells them that they are all and we are nothing, to be used, killed, cheated, deprived etc. That is their RELIGION.
I have read some of Icke's stuff. The reptillian angle seems far fetched at first, but as you look at some of the slime out there.....I keep an open mind.
ReplyDeleteIt seems clear that there is more than one group of ET's. My best guesstimate after much reading is that by far the most numerous are very positive entitys full of a cosmic, universal love they want us to evolve into. But they do not believe it is right to directly intervene.
Others are much less benevolent.
I think massive public contact is in the works(2012?). All the hollywood/TV crap about how evil they will be is intentionally misleading to make it more difficult for the entire species to accept their message of ONE LOVE
I rec a video from May 2001 from the National Press Club. It is a confab with Disclosure Project.
ReplyDeleteMany military-intelligence folks give 3 minute highlights of their personal exprnc/evidence.
On Youtube.
Yes, a lot of what is seen may be human secret experiments. But not all. And, where did we get the other worldly tech. if not from reverse engineering alien tech.
Mr. M., I hope you are doing well in NOLA. We can only imagine what is going on down along the Gulf.
ReplyDeleteBring on the smart pipes, NOW!
These bastards at BP and all of these drilling shouldn't have been allowed unless this type of system was in place.
These F'n cretins don't care about humanity.
Yes. The Rothschilds are the top of the illuminati chain.
ReplyDeleteCurrency planners from day one. The biblical bankers and their minions split into two factions Zionists and Jesuits.
In those groups are the Rosicrucian, Fabian and Freemasonry, Pilgrim. Under these groups are Neo-Cons, Capitalists, Liberals, Socialists.
Under these groups are CFR, NATO, UN, Trilateral, RIIF, Tavistock, Club of Rome, Bilderberg.
Under these groups are hundreds of NGO's, Foundations, Corporate, Governmental Institutions, CIA, MI6, Mossad and Media.
Under these entities you have administrators and enablers. Those who know some and those who know more.
Under these you have the populace who know nothing and are just waiting to be slaughtered and eaten. And there you have the pyramid.
CR if the UFO's are real (I doubt it but could be man made) the Grays and Reptilian are nephilim. Big foot? Giants? Dinosaurs? Your guess is as good as Icke's.
ReplyDeleteFallen Angels from bible scriptures could explain the real presence of such ET? I would never excuse the possiblity, but seems to present a possible avenue for another planned event or programming phase for the committee.
We wonder about the Mayan history and calendar. 2012 and other prophesy. COTO represents both spiritual and agnostic. We share a common tenet though. Whether biblical revelations are true, a creator does exist or it's all propaganda, we know who they are and what their plan is as they follow these prophesies fairly close to actual scriptures.
We choose to keep our eye on the all seeing eye at the top of the heap. Everything else is a deflection, created and manipulated by the top. Bringing the top to the attention of the masses is critical to provide for some defense and preparation for the coming onslaught.
Yes I have posted a little bit on that. I was surprised that Karzai wasn't the choice but it had to be one or the other. This is a staged event and will provide a breather from the massive focus on the economic and disastifaction of the committee and their puppet Barry.
ReplyDeleteI think in the typical Triad formula it creates a deflection, an opportunity (Iran) and a excuse for more drug laundering and blood and treasure for the Banksters. The three is always there.