Thursday, June 10, 2010

Deception for Fun and Profit

If you don’t get pissed off when you are repeatedly deceived and lied to…. Here’s a few who are!

ACLU director says he’s ‘disgusted’ with Obama policies

Romero told the crowd at America's Future Now that he was "disgusted with this president," according to blogger Marcy Wheeler of Firedoglake, who was in attendance. "I'm going to start provocatively...I'm disgusted with this president," Romero said. Politico's Josh Gerstein interviewed Romero following the speech and confirmed the quote. The ACLU chief emphasized he didn't intend it as a personal attack. "I'm not disgusted at President Obama personally," Romero remarked. "It's President Obama's policies on civil liberties and national security issues I'm disgusted by. It's not a personal attack."

The Democratic Party and Blanche Lincoln - Glenn Greenwald

What's going on here couldn't be clearer if the DNC produced neon signs explaining it. Blanche Lincoln and her corporatist/centrist Senate-friends aren't some unfortunate outliers in the Democratic Party. They are the Democratic Party. The outliers are the progressives. The reason the Obama White House did nothing when Lincoln sabotaged the public option isn't because they had no leverage to punish her if she was doing things they disliked. It was because she was doing exactly what the White House and the Party wanted. The same is true when she voted for Bush/Cheney Terrorism policies, serves every corporate interest around, and impedes progressive legislation. Lincoln doesn't prevent the Democratic Party from doing and being what it wishes it could do and be. She enables the Party to do and be exactly what it is, what it wants to be, what serves its interests most. That's why they support her so vigorously and ensured her victory: the Blanche Lincolns of the world are the heart, soul and face of the national Democratic Party.

What The Washington Post failed to report: where Obama's special ops murder teams are operating

(WMR) -- The Washington Post, the White House’s largest collection of media stenographers for the administration, reported on June 3 that the Obama has secretly dispatched US Special Operations forces to 75 countries around the world. Just as the Post initially agreed not to publish the locations of CIA “black” torture and detention centers in eastern Europe, the Post has toed the line by not providing a complete list of the countries where US Special Operations forces are operating covertly.

We are now providing the list of 75 countries where Obama has secretly deployed US Special Operations forces:
1. Afghanistan 2. Albania 3. Algeria 4. Azerbaijan 5. Bahrain 6. Bangladesh 7. Benin 8. Bosnia and Herzegovina 9. Brunei 10. Burkina Faso 11. Cameroon 12. Central African Republic 13. Chad 14. China 15. Colombia 16. Comoros 17. Congo (DR) 18. Cote d’Ivoire 19. Djibouti 20. Egypt 21. Eritrea 22. Ethiopia 23. Gabon 24. Gambia 25. Georgia 26. Guinea 27. Guinea-Bissau 28. Honduras 29. India 30. Indonesia 31. Iran 32. Iraq 33. Jordan 34. Kazakhstan 35. Kenya 36. Kosovo 37. Kuwait 38. Kyrgyzstan 39. Lebanon 40. Libya 41. Malaysia 42. Mali 43. Mauritania 44. Mexico 45. Morocco 46. Myanmar 47. Nepal 48. Niger 49. Nigeria 50. Oman 51. Pakistan 52. Philippines 53. Qatar 54. Russian Federation 55. Rwanda 56. Saudi Arabia 57. Senegal 58. Sierra Leone 59. Somalia [including Somaliland] 60. South Africa 61. Sri Lanka 62. Sudan 63. Syria 64. Tajikistan 65. Tanzania 66. Thailand 67. Togo 68. Tunisia 69. Turkey 70. Turkmenistan 71. Uganda 72. United Arab Emirates 73. Uzbekistan 74. Venezuela 75. Yemen

Left-Wing Icon Daniel Ellsberg: 'Obama Deceives the Public' - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Ellsberg: He's a good politician. He said what he needed to say to get elected, and now he's just taking advantage of the office. Like any administration before, his administration caters to the profits of big corporations like BP and Goldman Sachs -- even though I think BP won't get off that easily this time. His early campaign contributions, the big corporate contributions, came from Wall Street. They got their money's worth. In fact, during the campaign of 2008, three candidates were backed by Wall Street: Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain. If you look at the rhetoric, the most promising was John Edwards. Too bad he turned out to be a jerk.

But the interview starts out with Ellsberg saying he’d probably vote for him again!!…against a Republican! Who would ever think double-teaming could be such an effective strategy! “Lesser of two evils” is just exactly what has gotten us where we are today.


  1. But the interview starts out with Ellsberg saying he’d probably vote for him again!!…against a Republican! Who would ever think double-teaming could be such an effective strategy! “Lesser of two evils” is just exactly what has gotten us where we are today.

    Which is why there is no hope for the good ole US of A.

  2. Sadly I agree completely.

  3. What surprises me is that so many fell for Clintons involvement with Global Corporates under WTO and Bilderberg.

    Ellsberg comment on the two party just confirms that they have every pundit and power figure working the system.

    I can barely find anybody writing or speaking the COTO tenets who I can be assured isn't either stirring the pot or separating the union for the committee.

    If there is one such person or persons, they are soon to be wellstoned or spitzered.

  4. That's a great image Laudy. If you cant get a sense of that picture and we the people, you haven't looked closely enough. The goat and horns are so apropos.

  5. Orlov writes:

    "The Chernobyl disaster was caused more or less directly by political appointeesm: the people in charge of the reactor control room had no background in nuclear reactor operations or nuclear chemistry, having got their jobs through the Communist Party."

    "The people who serve on the boards of directors of large companies tend to see management as a sort of free-floating skill, unrelated to any specific field or industry, rather similarly to how the Soviet Communist party thought of and tried to use the talents of its cadres."

    However, unlike the Soviet Union, most USAns don't recognize that we all must become apparatchiks on the single global "party," the Money Party, or become marginalized or eliminated. Nevertheless, Historical Materialism (formerly known as "Marxist" theory) is not vanished nor discredited any more than the "theory" of Evolution.

    It was simply kartoonified and co-opted by the new bosses... same as the old bosses. "Capitalism" and "democracy" have suffered a similar fate. It has become so ingrained and embedded that only the worst train-wreck of "reality" will even shake it.

    Most of the deceivers are not even aware they are deceiving anybody... even themselves.

  6. Funny how it had occurred to me that Russia was behind it. NATO has screwed Russia royal in northern pipelines and could have been behind the Chernobyl HAARP. WHo knows. I can say that either way our (we) welfare is of no concern to them (the cabal)

  7. judas goat indeed.
