Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Another Oil Rig Leak in the Gulf

This one just 12 miles from the mouth of the Mississippi River.


  1. I saw the birds on the newscast as they squirmed in the petroleum and it sickened Me. We have lots of birds here of all types. Momma puts water and seed out for them. If someone were to harm them their punishment would be swift. "Not even a sparrow falls to the ground without the father" and the oligarchs goose will be cooked on opening of the seventh plague Rev. 11:18 "And the nations were angry,and thy wrath is come,and the time of the dead that they should be judged,and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets,and to the saints,and them that fear thy name,small and great:and shouldest destroy them which destroyed the earth. "
    I know it might not be much consolation right now but all these acts against the earth will be punished and the earth will be restored to its former glory.

  2. I think that is exactly what the eugenicists are hoping for as they help to bring about the "final days."
