Tuesday, June 1, 2010

America's Complicity in Evil - Paul Craig Roberts

Yet once again, PCR nails it...~jg

From globalresearch.ca

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As I write at 5pm on Monday, May 31, all day has passed since the early morning reports of the Israeli commando attack on the unarmed ships carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza, and there has been no response from President Obama except to say that he needed to learn "all the facts about this morning's tragic events" and that Israeli prime minister Netanyahu had canceled his plans to meet with him at the White House.

Thus has Obama made America complicit once again in Israel's barbaric war crimes. Just as the US Congress voted to deep-six Judge Goldstone's report on Israel's war crimes committed in Israel's January 2009 invasion of Gaza, Obama has deep-sixed Israel's latest act of barbarism by pretending that he doesn't know what has happened.

No one in the world will believe that Israel attacked ships in international waters carrying Israeli citizens, a Nobel Laureate, elected politicians, and noted humanitarians bringing medicines and building materials to Palestinians in Gaza, who have been living in the rubble of their homes without repairs or medicines since January 2009, without first clearing the crime with its American protector. Without America's protection, Israel, a totally artificial state, could not exist.

No one in the world will believe that America's spy apparatus did not detect the movement of the Israeli attack force toward the aid ships in international waters in an act of piracy, killing 20, wounding 50, and kidnapping the rest.

Obama's pretense at ignorance confirms his complicity.

Once again the US government has permitted the Israeli state to murder good people known for their moral conscience. The Israeli state has declared that anyone with a moral conscience is an enemy of Israel, and every American president except Eisenhower and Carter has agreed.

Obama's 12-hour silence in the face of extreme barbarity is his signal to the controlled corporate media to remain on the sidelines until Israeli propaganda sets the story.

The Israeli story, preposterous as always, is that the humanitarians on one of the ships took two pistols from Israeli commandos, highly trained troops armed with automatic weapons, and fired on the attack force. The Israeli government claims that the commandos' response (70 casualties at last reporting) was justified self-defense. Israel was innocent. Israel did not do anything except drop commandos aboard from helicopters in order to intercept an arms shipment to Gazans being brought in by ships manned by terrorists.

Many Christian evangelicals, brainwashed by their pastors that it is God's will for Americans to protect Israel, will believe the Israeli story, especially when it is unlikely they will ever hear any other. Conservative Americans, especially on Memorial Day when they are celebrating feats of American arms, will admire Israel for its toughness.Here in north Georgia where I am at the moment, I have heard several say, admiringly, "Them, Israelis, they don't put up with nuthin."

Conservative Americans want the US to be like Israel. They do not understand why the US doesn't stop pissing around after nine years and just go ahead and defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan. They don't understand why the US didn't defeat whoever was opposing American forces in Iraq. Conservatives are incensed that America had to "win" the war by buying off the Iraqis and putting them on the US payroll.

Israel murders people and then blames its victims. This appeals to American conservatives, who want the US to do the same.

It is likely that Americans will accept Israeli propagandist Mark Regev's story that Israelis were met by deadly fire when they tried to intercept an arms shipment to Palestinian terrorists from IHH, a radical Turkish Islamist organization hiding under the cover of humanitarian aid. This explanation is crafted to allow Americans to sink back into their stupor.

Americans will never hear from the US media that Turkey's prime minister Erdogan declared that the aid ships were carefully inspected before departure from Turkey and that there were no terrorists or arms aboard:
"I want to say to the world, to the heads of state and the governments, that these boats that left from Turkey and other countries were checked in a strict way under the framework of the rules of international navigation and were only loaded with humanitarian aid."

Turkey is a US ally, a member of NATO. Turkey's cooperation is important to American's plan for world hegemony. Turkey now realizes that the Israeli state is comprised of total evil. Erdogan must wonder about the morality of Israel's American protector. According to a report in antiwar.com, the Turkish government declared that "future aid ships will be dispatched with a military escort so as to prevent future Israeli attacks."

Will the CIA assassinate Erdogan or pay the Turkish military to overthrow him?

Murat Mercan, head of Turkey's foreign relations committee, said that Israel's claim that there were terrorists aboard the aid ships was Israel's way of covering up its crime. Mercan declared:"Any allegation that the members of this ship is attached to al-Qaeda is a big lie because there are Israeli civilians, Israeli authorities, Israeli parliamentarians on board the ship."

The criminal Israeli state does not deny its act of piracy. Israeli military spokeswoman, Avital Leibovich, confirmed that the attack took place in international waters: "This happened in waters outside of Israeli territory, but we have the right to defend ourselves."

Americans, and their Western European puppet states and the puppet state in Canada, will be persuaded by the servile media to buy the story fabricated by Israeli propaganda that the humanitarian aid ships were manned by terrorists bringing weapons to the Palestinians in Gaza, and that the terrorists posing as humanitarians attacked the force of Israeli commandos with two pistols, clubs, and knives.

The ignorant Americans will swallow this story without a hiccup.

Paul Craig Roberts has had careers in scholarship and academia, public service, and journalism. He served in the Congressional staff and as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration. From 1971 until 2004 he was associated with the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. A former editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal and columnist for Business Week and the Scripps Howard News Service, he was a nationally syndicated columnist for Creators Syndicate in Los Angeles.


  1. Don't even have to read it. I know it by heart!

    But I will read it. ;)

  2. The indication is that Obama is just another lackey of ther ultimate bosses, and I don't have to tell you again who they are, do I? They are . . . . ? Right.

    But they're not mine. Bring them to me and lend me a machine gun, someone.

    They have this latest 'boy' over their barrel probably for the place of his birth, for which he was probably chosen by them.

  3. 1st Puddy-Bloody excellent header!
    2nd, yes and I guess the 5 Aussies, some of who were news crew, one injured, are also being labelled as terrosists too?
    Israel has finally screwed up big time enough to be seen for a bully.by the general public.
    OUTside their own waters..
    Egypt has offered safe passage for suppliers I hear on the am Aus news :-)
    now watch what happens to Egypt.

  4. Patrick, I have to agree with Oz.. Bloody excellent header !

    I didn't see the honey bee at first and wondered what you were getting at. But I see it clearly on my monitor at work. Great graphic to go with the clever play on words!

    Oz, this could very well lead to WWIII. It's starting to remind me of the Cuban Missle crisis..

  5. The graphics on this site are among the best on the web.

    My only (very tiny) difference with PCR is that the stupid-heads to which he refers are not "conservatives" at all. Like all posers who like to wear labels and give themselves a cheap identity, they have no idea what "conservation" means... just like so many self-described "liberals" have no concept of "liberty."

    When the zio-fats attack the Rachel Corrie, we'll see some shit the fats won't be able to sweep under the rug... like they did the USS Liberty.

  6. Here's a list for ya, Flak.

    Wouldn't it be fun to get a few hundred sharpy-teethed folk playing this card game?

  7. ...hauntingly familiar... again...

  8. I rather tend to be after those who pay these cheap war criminals. I'm after the ultimate bosses, and we know who those are . . . . Don't we?

  9. Thank you all. They are and have always been inspired by what you post. coto inspiration.

    Waldo, PCR does not fully pierce the coto onion as well as AJ. We are, on the other hand fully aware of the conservative and liberal versions of the same cabal.

    Conservatives / Libertarian and Progressive / Statist

    How they manage to brainwash and suck the sheep from balanced citizens into angry, dillusional extremists is bizarre.

    If the Nolan test was ever taken by the entire citizenship we'd all be in the middle more or less but instead we have the the red-blue extremists playing the "your with us or against us."

    That's the committee plan in this Israel/NATO against the world

  10. Love it Waldo. Gems! Diamonds in a glass world!

  11. Waldo, what a powerful anti war presentation that kid gives. I only hope he doesn't grow up to be John Kerry.

  12. Or any other of the Heinz 57 in the committee:)
