Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Al Gore's genitalia the only thing warming lately.

Exclusive: Al Gore Cheats with Larry David's Ex

 Just a common Clinton

Lookin pretty shady Al.

Pacific islands 'growing not shrinking' due to climate change

Please explain that sea-level rising thing again Al. We must have misunderstood.


  1. Where's the little gatekeeper CNN on this scoop. Anderson? Wolf? Anybody?

  2. I would invent the internet to get into that.

  3. I should have written "into her" (Rady might be listening in)

  4. boomerangcomesbackJune 16, 2010 at 7:53 PM

    I just had to vent, so here you go fellow COTO critters:


    Excuse me, while I take a leak?...

    Oh, is that your Gulf I’m pissing on? Well, I’ve been busy. See…many parties, vacations, golf, family stuff, meetings with staff and all. Stuff. Lots of stuff clutters up my calendar. I sent out a memo to address your situation Gulf “people”! Didn’t you get it? I said I’d get to your problem as soon as I got around to it. What’s the hurry?! Yeah, I’ve heard it before – you’re in a CRISIS! Get in the back of the line if you don’t like it. HaHaHa. Ahem. That’s right, you’re already there! I’m sorry for your loss. Collateral damage and all.

    Boy, this Presidential cuisine is Rich! Now I’ve gotta take a dump! I’ll just go right here in the Gulf. No one will notice. Its just a big brown mess anyways. Aaarghh!
    Whooo. I’m a New Man now! Hey, I sent the word for some mercs to assist BP (Butt PhuK) with their “problem” in the Gulf. Whaddaya want ya idiotic coastal dwellers?! Live by the sea, die by our oil. See, you thought your life was worth more than our profits? Suckers!

    Ahem. Presidentially speaking, er I mean, I’m looking out for Your interests! I will make Butt Phuk responsible for Twenty Billion Dollars of damages. That should at least cover a weeks worth or maybe 8 days of pain and suffering for the losers who chose to live on or near the coast. What?! Do I care about the environment? Shiiiiit…Sure I do. I live on this planet. I have to breathe air just like you. What a stupid question. Next! No more questions.

    Trust me. I take full responsibility for the problems in the Gulf. {HeHeHe – wait till they see the taxes we lay on em for This One!}. Shut up microphone in my ear! Of course they won’t get it that monstrous inflation in all consumables is a hidden tax.

    I was saying – we’re all going to have to make sacrifices boys and girls. So squeeeezzze those unemployment payments as much as you can. Yes, Mam! I’m sure your government will provide as much cheese as you need.

    Let’s not look backwards people. I prefer to be forward thinking. Once this Gulf is dead we’ll just pave it over and there’ll be lots of cheap FEMA housing for you all.

    My times up. Tee Time! Wheee…

  5. Nice goin' Al, ya bastard. After 40 years of marriage you leave Tipper to deal with this inconvenient truth.

  6. What about Fox? Haven't they jumped on this story? I can't bear to ever watch them even out of curiosity. CNN is bad enough...

  7. after the NYTimes item on their long talks and amicable split...
    I BET! there were Long talks!
    and I guess AL will be looking for a NEW Beachfront abode.
    and the new"interest"
    well shes just shown how bad her taste is, in men:-)
    and hes just another trophy hunter..pathetic

  8. Wow, you got him nailed Boom. Inspiring for a header.

  9. Is Al's desire for a younger woman proof he is wrong about global warming?

    We need to be careful here. The vast majority of scientists have for 20 years agreed that we are warming our planet.

    Are there some individual, anomalous incidents we can point to that seem to bolster the counter narrative? Certainly.

    Have there been scientists that disagree? Obviously, but most have been proven to be bought and paid for by the oil barons.

    Come on people, this is a favorite Fox whipping boy. Thousands of square miles of glaciers have disappeared. This summer we may have a Northwest passage open by itself.

    Do Gore/Soros et al have nefarious plans to profit from some intricate NWO'ish carbon trading/cap-n-trade scheme? Seems certain. Does this somehow prove we are not causing the warming?


    Let us not do the oil industry's bidding for them by repeating Fox talking points.

    The natural wonder that used to be the ecosystem of the Gulf is gone. Millions of creatures have been killed, thousands are right at this moment struggling for their last tortured breath. Do we really want to encourage more such horrific catastrophes?

    We should be working feverishly to end the oil industry. Completely. Permanently. Quickly.

    They have set world records for profit for many years. They have used some of it to buy scientists, bobble heads, and propagandists.

    Today, I am a Brown Pelican, and I say they must be exterminated.

  10. Will we be having advertisements here or is the Google "rack" ad just comedy ?

  11. sorry Camus:The vast majority of scientists have for 20 years agreed that we are warming our planet.
    uh uh. the vast majority have no climate background and the concensus was a Lie.
    theres a dman sight more that DISagree and more info every day to show they are correct.

    Als just a EX VP and and EX husband, an EX divinity student,an EX guru.
    face it he IS a has been- who never really was..much good.
    I abhor whats happened in the gulf.
    but OIL per se isnt the fault, its greed and willful ignoring or the already established safety laws and the non event policing of them BY the very Govt that says they will sort it out. ha ha f,n ha.

  12. sorry ozzie: oil is the fault. "...greed...etc" is another name for capitalism. This too must go if we want to be proud of what we leave to our grandchildren's grandchildren.

    Please do not assume I am a fan of AG.

    More disagree? Really? Any lnks to support this fallacy? Please do not include all the quasi "scientist" sucking on big oil's teat. Do you have any idea how many billions they have poured into discrediting MMGW?

    They have been funneling some of their insane, immoral profits into this endeavor for so long even good folks here have bought the lie.

    We should have listened to Carter in 1977. Instead we let Robert Gates, Bush and co. pull off their October suprise and the rest is history.

    Please take a moment, or yourself....feel how you are in fact one with the universe.

    Now, do you really want to be taking the side of big oil?

  13. my point was, is it just possible you may have been misled?

  14. If you allow the government or UN to do it under the Global Governance agenda and NWO then you have cut our throats.

    Scientists can not prove anthroplogic warming. If you want to get the consensus on this you jack the data which has already been exposed. If you get manipulated data from the get go, you will likely get your consensus.

    CO2 is the code word for useless eaters for these criminals and if you can explain the IGY reports of the cooling trends twenty years ago I'd like to know where you place those?

    If you can't convince the public with the manipulated data, then sabbotaging coal mines and oil rigs seems to be an excellent alternative. Funny how people buy the 911 false flag but cannot be as sceptical of the environmental terrorism going on for years. Chernobyl Kerr-McGee and Three Mile Island for starters and onto HAARP next.

    If I could beleive the globalist terrorists were not behind it, I'd then go to solar activity and natural universal events as the cause. CO2 is nonsense, complete and utter nonsense.

    Do we believe a warmer world would be worse than a cooler world? No, quite the reverse since a cooler world would make feeding the current population significantly more difficult, far more so the anticipated increasing population of the next generation or so. If there is to be a change in global mean temperature then warmer is distinctly preferable to cooler.

    Green is fine from the bottom up. But from the top it's only criminals.

  15. He's as bad a front man as Obama is as a president. Good help is getting harder to find. Criminals are getting dumber from the chemtrails as well.

  16. Uh, Camus Rebel, I guess you missed the boat when it was explained all over the free net about the major flaw in anthropogenic global warming theory. Obviously to anyone aware of the ice sheets previously covering No. America a few thousand years ago, when people crossed the Bering Land Bridge above sea level, there has been a warming trend underway for some time causing a significant rise in sea level and melting of glaciers. The geohistoric record of glacial core samples is adequate evidence of past warmings.
    What apparently people like you still do not fathom or process is that this warming cycle has been going on for much longer than man's industrial CO2 emissions. Yes, believe it or not.
    Rising carbon dioxide levels lag by centuries global warming and will continue to increase as temperatures rise, until the cycle reverses or reaches a down phase. This has been going on foreva and is linked to the sun. Take a look at the glacial core evidence which proves that in fact, warming always precedes CO2 rise.
    It was a nice try at massive deception this fraudulent greenhouse gas theory Al Gore the sleazeball rode into town with. Nice try but no damn dice, as many of us can read and understand basic scientific evidence. COTO knows.
    Al dumped Tipper off in town and took up with a girl he met in smoke filled rooms. It will be a laugh to see who cares for him once he buckles.

  17. Once again, right on the mark Mary S. For some revealing added slop on A. Gore, just google: Blood and Gore. All you need to know about this SUPER DICK is in the article.

  18. Actually google "London Spreads Blood and Gore" for a more direct route to the article.

  19. yes mary, temperatures vary over time in cycles. No one thinks it has stayed constant since TRex was rampant. Duh. It is the speed of warming. In the late 70's when scientists began to notice, some of these ice sheets, glaciers were so massive, by normal cyclical fluctuations they should have taken many, many centuries to melt.

    Not 30 years. The point where we can no longer do anything about it is VERY close.

    Please, please find the courage to do some research on your own from REAL scientists and stop parroting Fox noise yakking points. It cannot feel good to be a brainwashed slave for big oil. Look in the mirror. Ask yourself how you know what you think you know.

    Real scientists were sounding the alarm before Al Gore was ever VP. Get past him already. Look at some of the pictures of glaciers 30 years ago and the same today. It is shocking. That kind of meltdown caused purely by natural cycles would take between one and two thousand years.

    Yes, if you only read literature claiming it is a hoax, you will be convinced of it. Those writing such dangerous lies work for the oil companies. They have funded and created many entire think tanks, college programs....please, i'm begging you, at least consider for a moment you might have been duped.

  20. ok, for the sake of argument, lets say an equal number of scientists take each side of this debate.

    We each think the other side's are lying. I say yours are lying because they are soulless whores that are fucking the future for a few gold coins tossed at their feet after big daddy oil has gang raped them and left them covered in a sticky mess.

    Now, tell me again what is the motivation for the vast majority of real scientists all over the planet to have been increasingly sounding the alarm for 30 years?

  21. Have there been scientists that disagree? Obviously, but most have been proven to be bought and paid for by the oil barons.

    I disagree! theres tracked down PROOF! that BP and Exxon shell etc have ALL funded the WWF and a swag of other well meaning but misguided people.
    and actually they arent All misguided!
    The No Carbon Agenda 21 lock the land up, keep the sheeple in termite nests near convenient transport corridors issue is Live and smelly.
    Kyoto agreement has ruined farmers In Aus taken their livelihood, increased the bush fire hazards by banning any! grazing, let alone cropping. and done? Fuck All! to stop any carbon problems..which DO NOT exist!

    Am I brainwashed by sceptics. NO!!!
    I almost fell for Goracles neat movie,
    then I did some looking of my own, and some thinking about the world as I and my Parents and grandparents and the verifiable history of the areas we lived in. Bugger all has changed, its cyclical, the drought flood and hot and cold times all come and go.
    That Idiot Hansen had a theory... never proven at all, that Venus!!
    not the bloody earth.
    had had a carbon problem..
    and with NO Proof at all he started assuming ( ass is right) that we could have one too.
    He isnt a saviour and a warning angel as he likes to see himself .neither is Gore and Pachauri...
    they are a mob of money and power hungry Agenda 21 eugenicists with assholes like Maurice Strong the con man behind them Oil for food? still hiding in China..
    I used to, call myself a green, mindful and caring being.
    Green is a filthy word, they have done more harm to the real issue than anyone could imagine. they twisted caring peoples honest desire to be good to the planet for their own twisted and corrupt wants.
    I still plant my trees but I no longer support ANY of the fooled and money hungry PROFIT making so called green groups.
    Greenpeace WWF Nature conservancy Audubon etc, they ALL sold out.
    how come all the REAL green ideas like mudbricj haybale homes and recycling are NOT allowed under the new Green building codes?
    cis the jerkoffs running the Psuedo Green carbon crapola, have made it ILLEGAL.
    so? wheres the green in that? all new and all very very expensive is good..yeah right.
    shove it!

  22. Now, tell me again what is the motivation for the vast majority of real scientists all over the planet to have been increasingly sounding the alarm for 30 years?

    easy Camus,
    its called FUNDING and Political expedience.
    those who spoke up at wrong data were demoted and fired.
    as to the many? about 500 or less, and ALL work in areas reliant on proving their Hypothesis to keep a job.
    none of them have proved it at all.
    many many reports are surfacing about data fraud, info left out, and science abused by fudging to acheive the aim they want,,, not what really is.
    ps Bloody cold in the NTH hem still isnt it?
    for summer? floods snow and crops all to hell,
    an Ice age is FAR more likely,
    hey heres an idea, go read Hansens 1970s agit prop for just that:-)
    oh and over pop, and eugenics.

  23. Camus Rebel, you never addressed the evidence I presented in the glacial cores showing that warming precedes CO2 rise. Until you can address that and try to debunk it pahtnuh you don't even get to first base.
    For an explanation as to why things change rapidly you need to examine the Daisyworld model for planetary temperature change. It's an example of how processes occur on a curve, and when it comes on the cam things do happen faster than in a linear equation.
    Self reinforcing feedback loops. Timeline.
    You never addressed the huge magnitude of global warming since the last ice age, characterizing instead radical climate change as abnormal when it clearly is not.
    As a mountain traveler and independent researcher I am very aware of changes in the glaciers I revisit and in the forests many of which are desertifying. Global warming is a huge problem but it is not anthropogenic and you cannot change it. If you seriously think you possess the means to stop what has been occuring so massively over the last thousands of years, show us your technical mastery by shutting off the oil gusher with all your 'intellectual horsepower'. I doubt you got much understanding of your true situation and you know what tips me off is that you cannot even address simple scientific evidence like the glacial cores.

  24. Mary, warming PRECEDED CO2 in the core samples. That was the natural cycle, yes, before your Master and Hypnotist B. Pexon began fucking w/ our precious ecosystem. Now, its all assbackward.

    Daisyworld is just another model. Both sides use them. One side is funded solely by the polluters to come up with models, one side tries to use the scientific method.

    All models clearly have inherent limitations.

    So, you are claiming every quadrillion-quintillion-googolplex particles of pollution man has spewed into the atmosphere since the dawn of the industrial revolution has not contributed one iota to the greenhouse affect? Really?

    Are you also in favor of unlimited new coal fired energy plants?

    Are you against CAFE standards?

    Let me guess, you want to drill-baby-etc.

    There are natural self reinforcing feedback loops that have been going on since before Atlantis.
    Radical climate change is what ended the last ice age. But it DID NOT happen in a mere 100 years or so.

    In very rough numbers, and from memory, the ice age began to melt about 20, 000 BC (E if u like, i dont) and ended around 11,000

    We can quibble around the edges if you like, but it was roughly a 9,000 year process.

    We are packing that into 150-200 years and it will kill us all.

    I understand my true situation very well sweetcheeks and dont you worry your pretty little head none bout my horsepower.

  25. my PRECEDED refers to the past tense, as opposed to the present tense you used with "precedes" if I wasn't clear on the all caps thing.

    And I apologize for the sweetcheeks/PLHead stuff but when attacked my instincts are to return fire. If we continue this stimulating conversation perhaps we can do so w/o the ad hominems.

    Peace my Palinesquely fetching foil.

  26. CR, you really should try harder not to default to straw man arguments, as that is taken by most of us as an admission you have nothing substantive to say. If you are clueless about what straw man arguments are, you might google the subject and stay there awhile.
    You begin by admitting the validity of what I said, recognizing the obvious scientific fact that rising CO2 levels have geohistorically been preceded by rising temperature. Nowhere do you overcome this flaw in greenhouse gas theory. Nice try but no dice, this is COTO brah. Sorry you missed the boat there, 'rebel'.

  27. Again with the patronizing tone sis.

    Do you favor new coal fired energy plants?

    Or can you only struggle to sound more professorial than thou?

    Has the googolplex of pollution warmed us at all? Even a little. Please do not respond if you cannot answer a simple yes or no question.

  28. However, to answer those three questions, re coal power, my group is not directly dependent on it and there is none either in our grid or in our independent renewable system here at the bunker. I imagine coal will be used by others due to economics for another half century until becoming an industrial memory. Our planning is five thousand years ahead, respecting nature.
    CAFE standards are fine with me. I have previously written about designing thirty horsepower turbodiesel transportation similar to the ubiquitous Asian tuktuk. Peak Oil will have its way with everyone in time, though, with or without mileage standards.
    As far as drilling, the main petroleum issue to investigate besides the devastating Gulf explosion's possible falseflag and the resource wars in the Asian energy patch is eroding EROEI or the dwindling amount of easy oil. Deepwater is simply an act of desperation and barely economical. Maybe now deepwater's toast, but someone will keep trying anyway, because there is so little easy oil left. The reality is that drilling activity has increased despite eroding EROEI because there is no current alternative to petroleum based transportation and agriculture at the globalist scale. Like I said, it's mere desperation. For all that increased drilling activity and the new offshore deepwater discoveries, the total petroleum reserve is shrinking due to depletion, which new drilling barely impacts. Take a look at the peak in petroleum discovery and what it really implies down the road. The drillers have work to do, but whether they will find alot more financing in a free market given what junk they are finding now, is doubtful. We may have entered a catabolic phase where the mafia eats its own. Let's not forget who the earliest financiers in petroleum were and until they dumped stock, still are. But I digress...
    Perhaps you're new here and don't know about blue sky views. I certainly do not understand yours, given the core fallacy of your argument, Goering said it was easy to herd the sheep when they felt they were under attack.
    Careful you don't wind up defending against your own straw men.

  29. You assume that any effect is as significant to your argument as a force majeur. Look at how a preponderance of evidence operates in a system of justice. If Joe steals your TV, should we blame you for having a nice flat screen, because that had an effect on what happened? Should we blame a pretty girl for being raped?
    Just how do you quantify and describe the effect of industrial emissions compared to solar activity? Previously in the medieval paradigm, most old world forests were missing as carbon sinks. That's because the sinks were up in the air as carbon emissions. There was no rapid warming except as the sun dictated, as usual.
    Define your terms when you talk about pollution. Do you mean leaking nuclear fuel rod cooling pools or do you mean carbon dioxide a component of photosynthesis and building block of natural carbon sinks?

  30. Camus... I have one question for you. How is cap and trade going to solve the problem and save the earth?

  31. Camus read the iron mountain report.

    I'll answer your question JG. Global Governance, Eugenics, Genesis ID Grid and the UN will save the earth from all sub-human viral carbon pollutants
    which is 80% of the worlds population.

    Whether or not they get Cap'n Trade, Healthcare Euthenasia, global GMO, The RDIF Mark of the Beast, Mind Control or the Prospect of Peace they will secure the entire population with one of all of these lies.

    For Camusrebel it is climate change. Every stunt, dialectic or false flag sucks in another segment of the mass hysteria. Step by step, inch by inch.

    Case in point: the oil spill. In this consistent form of triad, they have successfully identified the problem labeled British Petroleum. Even cotoheads are all fixated on the criminal, orwellian control BP has over the site along with the fomula that includes incompetence, stalling, lying, financial fraud, insider trading, big banking collusion and a myriad of media enhanced fearmongering.

    You have posted some as well. It is good we see these, but IMHO it is critical we look past the hype, scare tactics and alpha-beta programming that will fragment further the unity of a the free republic.
    We cannot afford to have these staged events get past 911 stage in calling them out as one in the same.

    As in each triad the BP's will get absorbed into the global elite ranks and corporate monopolies. BP and the financial cartel will end up in the mergers and aquisition scheme and if it's not oil they will have the no-bid contracts to all green technologies along with the others.

    Microsoft, Sun Systems, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Time Warner, Exxon-Mobile and (BP-Royal Dutch Shell) Halliburton-KBR etc. will eventually make up the thousand points of light. All Markets will fall under one of these mega corps distributed among the committee bloodlines and bankers. The United Nations will be the peacekeepers and Executive/Legislation/Judicial enforcers for the global grid.

    There will no longer be any entrepeneurship, free market, independence or soverienty. Camus will have no freedom, no garden, no money, no rifle, no new babies, no privacy and no opportunity to change it. But CR will have windmills, an electric bus or subway go within his assigned travel perimeter and 60 hour work week for big brother for his ration of modified toxins. Should he have emotional issues from his new reality he will get the healthcare necessary from the red pill provided by the committee's new universal healthcare plan.

  32. No pompous Mary, I am not new here, I just do not post a lot because it often seems like preaching to the choir and to me that is a waste of time.

    Only on a few issues like this do I find some stimulating disagreement. Although until now I have always found them to be held in a civil, courteous manner free of ad hominems and playground level invective.

    We all know what it means when one tries to ridicule and belittle the other side in a debate: they do not feel their version of reality is based on a strong foundation.
    I was kicked off OEN shortly after the purge so you could say I have "been here" since then. I took issue w/Rob's treatment of opposing views and especially missed Mr. M.'s stirring expositions.
    OEN in those good old days was a wonderful wide open debate society where comments could and often did run into the 70's and 80's usually with minimal immature name calling until GI Tom would needlessly provoke. I miss it. The likes of which I cannot find suitable replacement.

    JG, with all due respect, I have never in any way defended cap-n-trade. As I said in my first posting on this very thread,
    "Do Gore/Soros et al have nefarious plans to profit from some intricate NWO'ish carbon trading/cap-n-tradescheme? Seems certain. Does this somehow prove we are not causing the warming? NO! "

    JG, I know we disagree about this and I thank you for keeping it mature and never taking the low road of trying to discredit me with childish invective in an attempt to "win" this or any other discussion(chemtrails).

    As much as we all agree about forces of evil conspiring to make life hell for 95% of us, I think caution should be exercised when spouting the talking points of the most wealthy and powerful corporations this corner of the galaxy has ever known.

  33. I hear you Patrick. I understand what you're saying. In fact, Alex Jones is saying the same thing. He's very annoyed people are focusing on the gulf spill and in fact listed ten things we are being distracted from by focusing there. BUT, how can you help but focus on the devastation and the very catastrophic potential devastation to come from this false flag?

    I'm keeping my eye on Israel and Iran as well and the ships on their way that will most probably ignite WWIII. But what can we do about it? We can't stop it anymore than we can stop the benzene from spewing from the well.

    I'm quite sure all other cotoheads are being just as vigilant in regards to the movement towards the most devastating collision of countries with the ability to end the world in a mushroom cloud.

    It's terrifying to me. It's all terrifying to me... a potential nuclear war, the gulf, the police state...I'm a very good multi-tasker but keeping track on a daily basis of all the ways the world, as we know it, will end is driving me mad.

  34. Camus, the thing is, their plan is to make the common man, such as you and I and everyone we know the big bad culprits in climate change.

    They intend to impose ever increasing draconian measures including monitoring every ounce of energy we use, telling us where we can drive or fly to, what lightbulbs we use, how often we can flush our toilets and taxing us into sure poverty while the the true culprits in despoiliing the earth... the MIC with their weapons of weather destruction, the BIG corporate polluters and the government authoritarians will go about business as usual.. They will fly through the air with the greatest of ease in their cushy jumbo jets. WHile below them will be the proles, living like slaves, sweating for lack of a/c in summer, freezing for lack of heat in winter and all the while the elite bastards laughing at them as they pat themselves on the back for the excellent job they've done of conning everyone with their "manmade global warming hoax".

    See, the big polluters will keep on pollutin'. The MIC will keep on using white phosphorous & depleted uranium. The earth will continue to get plundered and pillaged by the bastards that rule and their corporate minions. It's just that our lives will become dark and dreary like a distopian sci fi novel and we will live under "green tyranny" while the elites continue on with their lavish energy wasting lifestyles.

    I'm not buyin' it. Cap and trade is a fraud of epic proportions and the only reason that man made global warming is being pushed in the first place.

    I remember when Obama said the people would have to make sacrifices. We've sacrificed enough. Tell the auto companies to make cars that use less gas and pollute less and make the factories go green and put solar panels on every house FOR FREE. THEN and only then will they have my attention.

  35. I like your ideas JG! I'll even go you one better. Instead of telling the auto companies to make cars that use less gas.....lets finish the job of taking over the auto industrry(i. e. nationalize)
    then, make cars that use NO gas.

    Socialism is our planet's only hope, or I should say its most "evolved" species only hope.

  36. Patrick, I'm angry, not afraid.. However, I do find the prospect of what can happen with that well and at the prospect of nuclear war stone cold terrifying. Anyone that says they don't is either lying or a sociopath. That doesn't mean they have me cowering in a corner ready to submit to whatever they have in store for me. Oh hell no, I will go down fighting the bastards. I just hope I don't have to.

  37. I was really addressing the grunion not you, you tough Jerseyite. I don't really fear it any longer. I buy my bananas two at a time. These clowns have to much control and investment to let it slip away. It doesn't mean people will not die, just not armageddon yet.

    I'd rather be wellstoned by the cretins than in an auto accident or some other pointless end. Bring it on Xe, this inglorious Basterd needs a redemption.

  38. spot on again Puddy.

    I sent a private mail to friends musing in the COTO space:-)
    the gist of it here is.

    I think the white vans parked in a well screened airport down south are there for an evac, but not everyone..
    see clip 2 for the vans!

    I suspect that the oil soaked gulf being emptied of residents is very very handy for either military use, or to cover? something else.
    seeing as the southern neighbours are about to cop the oil too, and they have ships and an attitude? maybe that another reason to remove the public, aside from health issues?
    and that AMERO set up required a huge harbour to be built to arrange the massive shipping and road transport right through the heart of america, well that also would be likely if theres no one round to complain, wouldnt it?
    theres talk of a summer of discontent in Europe and America, and NATO is on standby, by request of Obummer I read. hmm?
    I also wonder at where? those evacuees are going? Fema?.. as with so many states and areas bankrupt or near it, housing available but owned and boarded up by the banksters etc.
    now goldbags sux are well in on it for profit, Xe and halliburton run security ops and jails so they also will do just dandy!
    Its all to convenient a bait,n,switch job, just ;like 911.
    they were about to investigate the missing DoD funds and Enron and good ol goldbags had some strife about to hit them there too, and bingo!
    Now you had banksters, and Carbon bills and a slew of other dirty deeds and
    yup another flase flag timed to distract and engender panic and fear and make the sheepies be willing to accept ANY seemingly plausoble response.
    the Nuke option actually still has airplay. sheesh.
    they can find the size and shape on Huge mountains in Antarctica via their tech.
    Try telling anyone here they don't know the exact size and shape of what they drilled into?
    and that "find" in afghanistan to keep your and our Military over there..
    I also hear russia and china are getting real pally again, and they will be disputing americans advising and american companies moving in for the bucks also..that getting NO Cover either, minor but all subsumed by the gulf.
    Theres a Huge Psyops going down.

  39. “Do Gore/Soros et al have nefarious plans to profit from some intricate NWO’ish carbon trading/cap-n-tradescheme? Seems certain. Does this somehow prove we are not causing the warming? NO! ”
    Camus, DO see Iron mountain that Puddy posted.

    you say you accept that theres a monetary basis for gore sorus to be pushing warming.
    enrons ken Lay helped draft the carbon scam, after their success with the Ozone scam..
    what makes it so hard to accept it is all a fraud?
    you realise that IF the Govt dept charged with supervision and enforcement of safety standards wasnt asleep or corrupt or both? that the oil disaster couldnt have happened?
    the biggest real risk now is massive Methane explosions due to growing fracture lines?
    yeah now that!! is a man made climate changer, but Carbon has F all to do with it.

    record rain cold snow across most of america NOW, 2 weeks off summer solstice.
    NASA screwing round with sunspot counts.
    Proven fudging temp data dropped stations in rural areas and reliance on UHI sited suburban ones?
    NO rising seas or sinking islands in 20 years.
    For F sake, even the Bilderbergers latest gab fest mentioned COOLING on their agenda.

  40. "Theres a Huge Psyops going down."

    What's your real take on the event laurel? I'm going to present some radical facts shortly.

  41. maybe that another reason to remove the public, aside from health issues?
    and that AMERO set up required a huge harbour to be built to arrange the massive shipping and road transport right through the heart of america, well that also would be likely if theres no one round to complain, wouldnt it?

    Oz, hmmm very thoughtful analogy there and quite plausible. No doubt it's a huge psyop. It won't be long before we know the answer. It's all culminating into a very "hot" summer.

  42. ...and as if anybody gives a poo... I'm with CR completely on this one. i aint here to argue about it.

    i just got back from the MREA energy fair. the technology is here... right now... today... to completely break the deathgrip of the petro-based "economy." what this does NOT mean is putting up some panels and wind turbines (even millions of em) and we keep living in big-box autoworld.

    Big-box autoworld is doomed. It's going to go away... one way or another. Socialism is, in fact, the most "advanced" social theory... only because there has been no incentive to develop a new one... although International Green is getting there. Here's a fact I'm betting the farm on and tethering myself to the ground:

    The future WILL be Green... one way or another. Now all the dithery-doo about the social-political steps to be taken while getting there makes interesting speculation. My main speculation (right now, anyway) is that the dominant paradigm is neo-feudalism. The FATs are setting up their fiefdoms... and putting whatever-it-takes in place to keep them there.

    If they can do that by "global government" they will do it. Or... "states rights" "local sovereignty" they will do it. Or if it's sponge-bob and lollipops, they'll do that. Whatever it takes to make sure they stay Lords and YOU stay serfs (or please... just die-off) can bet all your ideological and rhetorical cookies- that's what will happen.

    Honestly, I don't give a ducks-ass if it's secret NWO oligarchs in some underground bunker pushing HAARP buttons and activating false-flag global psyops... or lizard people from outer space... or just a bunch of corporate buffoons trying to diddle each other and fucking up the entire planet as a side-dish.

    The real deal is water, food and shelter. All that is more than possible... with sustainable food being the most difficult. A $300 filtration system will get you 500 gallons of potable water... as long as the source isn't impossibly nasty (and the FATs seem to be working on that... or blundering into it unintentionally... who knows).

    Fact: we are going to be dealing with global climate instability and more eco-disasters. Count on it. The big mega-grid energy infrastructure is going away. If we are smart/fortunate... we will preserve the modular info-structure (you're looking at it right now) to aid the inevitable transition.

    Marx could not see beyond the class struggle and (or because of) the Industrial Age. Now, all those aboard Good Ship Earth with the perception of a pickle can see things Marx could not even imagine. Big-box social structure seems (to me) to be just as doomed as big-box infrastructure... but may sustain itself (after adaptation) with the aid of the internet.

    I'm guessing the FATs will take down the internet if it continues to promote awareness of their private fiefdoms and neo-feudalism.
