Monday, May 3, 2010

Today's lesson by our clever college youth

A college  student explains this in a very interesting way. This is worth spending  one minute and thirty-eight seconds to watch!

~A picture is worth a hundred million dollars~

Let's write Barry and ask him to send $16,666.66 to every suicided veteran's family over the last year.


  1. I'm not sure where you're going with this, PD.

    Here's my take on it... as if anybody gives a shit... but here it is:

    Let's start with "Helping America's Heroes." "Heroes," is it? What about commercial fishermen? A much more dangerous "job," yet nobody calls them "Heroes." And what about plumbers, electricians, carpenters, teachers, fire-fighters, clerks, interior decorators, sales-people, mechanics, doctors, lawyers or architects?

    Does putting on a suit and "serving" in a mess kit-repair battalion in Idaho for 4 years make you an "American Hero" whereas getting shot behind the counter of your boss' liquor store does not?

    Sure, $100mm is chump-change compared to a $2-trillion war-on-nothing. It's propaganda. So.....? And some young folk sign up for the Wehrmacht because they genuinely want to serve the Fatherland... and others do it to stay out of jail or get 3-hots-and-a-cot. So...?

    Sure, cleaning up the human debris after a war... even a fake "war" to get the lumpenproles breathing hard is expensive. Do the yellow-magnet "support-our-troops" folk give-a-tweet about any of that? Of course not. They want "lower taxes" and "smaller government."

    On 9-12-01, GWB had a "90% approval rating," and I'm glad to say I was one of the 10% who still thought he was a cluck-head. Not that it matters... because what's the point of being pissed-off at a sock puppet? But I'd still like to take a framing hammer to "Mr. Hand."

    The REAL issue here is the widening psychological gap between "civilians" and their mercenary "heroes."

  2. I dropped the video only to support the MSM acknowledging the 6000.

    I do not wave flags nor do I sling around the term heroes. Please find any post or comment I have made referring to supporting our troops in anyway but bring them home.

    I refer to the $16,666.66 to go as a class action for punitive damages against the IMC for wrongful death claims.

    And also I wanted to focus on the Chump Change, Barry thinks is worth even wasting time to initiate or propagandize over MSM. I'd hoped my attempt at contrast was effective with this little parody.

    Hey Waldo, did you ever see my old website?

    I have been dismantling it, but I think you might assume I am a GOP apologist and maybe that might give you a better perspective.

  3. That little penny demo was enlightening. I think even the sheeple could grasp that logic.

    As for the suicidal soldiers, it's a real tragedy. So many young people are ignorant enough to enter the military because they think they will get training which will help them get a better job when they get out. (my friend's son just joined for this very reason)

    Problem is they may not get out alive. If they do they may be maimed for life or mentally unstable and the biggest kick in the ass? There are no jobs available using the skills they signed up to learn in the military in the first place.

    Moral of this story..DON'T BE A DUMBASS... DO NOT ENLIST!

  4. I'd not put it past the committee to tank the economy in order to create enlistment.

    "I'ts not just a Yob, it's an Adventure"
