April 15 2010
Image 1 Iceland
Image 2 is A thick blue haze stretched over the South Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu on the morning of April 12, 2010. The haze was volcanic fog—vog—emitted by Gaua and Ambrym Volcanoes.
Image 3 ~A massive eruption of Montserrat’s Soufrière Hills Volcano covered large portions of the island in debris. The eruption was triggered by a collapse of Soufrière Hills’ summit lava dome on February 11, 2010.
CLICK IMAGE 3 to see GOES-FLoater satellite loop for Montserrat’s Soufrière Hills Volcano.
Give me an H! Give me an A! Give me another A! Give me a R! Give me a P! What's that spell! What's that spell!
This is an astounding video by Michale Murphy who recently did an interview G. Edward Griffin
One other note, which dovetails with the video. Oracle Broadcaster Mike Chambers who broadcasts from his three hundred acre home in OK, last week it was struck by lightening, ruining his equipment.
Poor Mike,
ReplyDeleteA victim of the Committee? Certainly.
Good video. I have sent water samples and I am looking for filters especially for chemtrail formulas.
I wrote in 1994 the dumb down project.
A combined effort for Fluorine, diet and beta programming. When I came to the triad theory I had to review all my writings/research.
The dialectic was set into motion for this grand triad.
Dick Eastman - Volcano as Debt Collector?
ReplyDeletePosted By: FreePlanet
Date: Sunday, 18-Apr-2010 03:27:35
“Yielding to catastrophic seismic warfare Iceland accepts IMF plan to pay Rothschilds.
In the face of unremitting rain of sharp-edged pulverized rock and glass much more severe than the ash that covered Yakima on May 18, 1980 when day turned to night and Mt. St. Helens ash fell like as snow in a blizzard, stopping car engines and caving in roofs and forcing people to wear surgical masks to protect their lungs -- but in Iceland this has been going on since March 22 -- -- Iceland has capitulated to Rothschild demands for payment of Icelandic debt of over five billion US dollars today despite the recent vote by Icelanders to repudiate the debt, on a new payment plan involving the IMF... “
Plus -- you will find the paragraph below in the body of Story’s latest report at:
Christopher Story makes the following statement on his just released latest report (about the illegality of securitization):
• “We shall be addressing the dispatch of the funds made available following the Bank of England’s 10.00 p.m. meeting on Friday 9th April, the non-delivery of those funds, the non-compliance with the agreement to restore The Queen’s gold, the very curious factors associated with the failure of the volcanic ash to circumnavigate the world in 24 hours (which is routine: China, Japan and the United States have no trace of the ash), and how all this is DIRECTLY associated with the IMF’s rebuff to the Editor, and the cutting of the European countries off from the United States via this operation. As you can now imagine, it will be shown that the International Monetary Fund is a co-conspirator with the White House in gross thefts THAT HAVE NO HISTORICAL PRECEDENT”.
No doubt, it is about MONEY & GLOBAL POWER again, as it Always is…
What with all the targeted earthquakes and other unnatural weather anomalies lately, HAARP is probably "in play". I do know the guy in Australia (I posted some of his stuff awhile back when the weird circular weather formations appeared, simultaneous to the spinning Norwegian sky "light". I believe this was the time frame) may have the ability to document the "ramping up" of the HAARP system at its sources to tie-in the power output surge and subsequent unfortunate events occurring elsewhere. SOMEBODY has to be able to measure and time the outbursts from these stations...who has this info?
What have you sleuthed out PD?
ReplyDeleteWe are a Service Provider for Interpol, Global Victim Banking, CIA, FBI, BATF, Homeland Defence, US Congress, and Senate, and all US Banking, US Treasury, and Fed Reserve, US Naval intelligence and (the little gray foxes) ect.
Article posted today on rumormills, ostensibly from V.K. Durham, whom I have not seen post anything on her website above for over a year or so. I figured she got shanghaied by the Bad Guys (reference on her website the story about Bush I and North showing up to coerce her husband into signing over the Durham Trust. He was subsequently tortured and killed. Do the math.
Anyways, if you are not familiar with V.K. Durham’s site, there exists “days” of reading of documentation of espionage and conspiracy related shenanigans by U.S. higher ups. Fascinating intrigue here.
The article posted below (some typo redundant sections are in it for some reason) just floated to the surface, and corroborates Christopher Story’s latest piece regarding the illegality of securitization. And we know who does lots of that – it ain’t you or I, and we don’t benefit.
Posted 4-16-10 on Fulford’s site:
ReplyDelete“Former US president Bill Clinton is on his way to Japan on a supposedly “secret” mission to obtain funding, according to Black Dragon Society sources in Japan and China”.
Casper at Fourwinds10 posts the following:
"Speculation piece might be more accurate.
When the Leaders of the 46 Nations gathered in D.C. last Monday filed in for the photo session Medevev was directly behind Obama in line and would have been standing next to him in the photo had Medevev not 'broken ranks' and elbowed his way into the line behind Obama so as not to be standing next to him when the picture was taken. It was such an obvious insult saying publicly 'I do not want to be photographed standing next to Obama'.
Remember that Obama had previously 'stiffed' Russia, Sarkozy and many others as he was unable to repay 'borrowed' funds.
Today Obama is in Russia with Medevev and/or Putin. Why is this not on television? WE hear the Iranians are there too but do not yet have absolute confirmation.
Meanwhile European airspace is shut down the last four days even though more than two dozen Commercial 'Test Flights' show no ash in their engines. Travelers are backed up all over Europe, students are out of money and can't get home, etc..
What is going on?
Is Air Force One immune to the 'danger' grounding all of Europe?
Why is Obama, assuming confirmation later, meeting secretly with the Iranians?
Is he Muslim like them?
Is he selling out Israel?
Is he attempting to borrow money from Radical Islamist?
Is he planning a World War a la 9-11 as a last gasp attempt to stop the 'new' and preserve the Corporation and Illuminati control of America?
On this subject WE do not have answers, only questions.
Something stinks but WE are not sure what it is.
WE are EYES WIDE OPEN and suggest everyone do the same at this extremely critical moment".
casper 4-18-10 opinion
Video of what it looks like to drive in parts of Iceland
I've got more Breaking News on financial darings do if you want me to post em.
Good for Dick Eastman, another cotohead. Too bad Philbin isn't going to get on board.
ReplyDeleteFor us to think that President Grimmson doesn't get a phone call saying "Resistance is futile. Don't force us to make you an example as we did in Haiti or Poland. The World Order will win out. With or without you."
Okay, maybe they aren't so obvious. When I wrote about the similarity of Mafiusu and the Committee hierarchy, the fact is 80% of the world is already in their grips. Maybe more.
Not many heroes left these days. I can't hold them accountable for fears of their citizens well being. I always think back to Larry McDonald, Paul Wellstone, Aldo Moro, Benizir Bhutto and dozens of others who stood up even after the threats.
This person V.K. has been active for some time. Still looking for the stolen/owed
I'd like to know who this is and what the actual numbers are? Leo Wanta's money is chump change.
The MEDIA says he is home watching Sasha's soccor game and missed the Polish funeral for Kcyzynski and company. I personally think that the shut down
ReplyDeleteis for Bilderberg, FED, Obama or others who are now being threatened by the financial fraud.
Maybe they fear Russian retributution. Russia was not involved in PLANE DOWN POLAND as they were not the perps of the assassinations in Katyn either (imho)
This was a planned scalar smokescreen to thwart some possible colateral damage. I'll bet Bernanke, Greenspan, Paulson and the IMF and board aren't tripping anywhere as well.
I'd like your sense of VK. Durham. Who he is, what you think of it's validity.
ReplyDeleteThe Russell Herman Estate is fictitious but alludes to a loan made to the FED over a hundred years ago that was secured by gold?? When, what, where, Who and How.............
The FIAT printing is over. Loans by the Fed have to be backed by thefts.
You can scroll down on her site at the
To find background info.
DOCUMENTATION/VALIDATION OF Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 Documents of Recorded Record
Puddy, I’ve read most if not all of V.K. Durham’s site’s info back in 2004-5, maybe earlier. I did not even hear of Wanta until Christopher Story brought him to the fore about much later maybe 2006. Wanta is a fraud I believe. Story attests to this fact. Can't change your spots and stripes you know, when you are a sociopathic predator.
The Durham archives are extremely detailed, and do not smack of the subterfuge attributed to Wanta. Wanta’s main job was to “take down” Russia through deception. The V.K. Durham Trust(s) and V.K.’s murdered husband Hermann just do not seem to be “tainted” with the stench of The Committee. The fact that Bush I and Ollie North met at Hermann’s bedside to coerce him into signing over the Trust puts him on the opposite side of the evil group.
All the information you need is on the Antechamber site to form your opinions. It is exceedingly “dense” information however.
V.K. dropped off the radar a year or so ago, maybe “taken out”; but a “trustee” has now arisen in a timely fashion. These folks have always seemed humanitarian oriented following my digestion of the information.
It is a far cry from the psychopathic emanations that seep out of the other parties in question.
Other info has appeared on the radar related to the financial behind the scenes play going on. We will have to wait and see what develops….
Yeah I had dismissed it too but the info surrounding the Fort Hood FF had me look back into it.
ReplyDeleteI am not sold on C Story. In fact I beleive him to be a AP now pretty much. Too much history in Intelligence for me and he has too much freedom. Simple formula here. I try not to get cut too deep on Occams Razor but stick close to it.
I wish I had the time to delve into that dense material, but I likely will not as I have a renewed interest in tracking the Dyncorp contracts, NASA and Alaskan Aerospace Corp. Got some interesting info but it is voluminous as well. (also re-reading all of Daniel)
Keep us posted on the VKD news.