Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Craven Democrats - Ralph Nader

If you listen to the Democrats, you would think that they were fighting on the side of the American people. And against the health insurance companies.

Or as Howard Dean put it last week:

"This is a vote about one thing: Are you for the insurance companies or are you for the American people?"

President Obama said that he and the Democrats had pushed back against the "special interests."

In fact, the bill that was passed by the House Sunday night was a result of a deal President Obama and the Democrats cut last year with the pharmaceutical industry.

And it was written with the help of former insurance industry lobbyists.

Or as the Washington Post's E.J. Dionne put it - the Democrats are fighting for a Republican health plan.

Last year, former CIGNA executive turned whistleblower Wendell Potter called the bill "a joke" and "an absolute gift to the insurance industry."

Dr. Margaret Flowers of Physicians for a National Health Program called the bill "a step backwards."

"This bill further enriches the industries that are the problem," Dr. Flowers said.

Chris Hedges put it this way:

"This bill is not about fiscal responsibility or the common good."

"The bill is about increasing corporate profit at taxpayer expense," Hedges wrote.

"It lavishes hundreds of billions in government subsidies on insurance and drug companies."

"The some 3,000 (corporate) lobbyists in Washington, whose dirty little hands are all over the bill, have once more betrayed the American people for money."

"The bill is another example of why change will never come from within the Democratic Party. The party is owned and managed by corporations."

"What is the point in supporting any of the Democrats?" Hedges asked. "How much more craven can they get?"

For the past year, all around the country, Single Payer Action has been confronting and exposing the craven corporate Democrats.

Just last week, Single Payer Action directly confronted Howard Dean on Capitol Hill about Dean's lobbying for his biotech industry clients - lobbying that resulted in a multi-billion dollar patent windfall tucked neatly into the health care bill that Congress just passed.

And Single Payer Action will continue to expose, confront, agitate and organize for single payer Medicare for all.


Because as Dr. Marcia Angell - former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine - puts it - single payer is the only health care reform that covers everyone and controls costs.

Because most of the health insurance coverage mandated by the Democratic bill does not come into effect until 2014 -  by which time 180,000 Americans will have died because they were unable to afford health insurance to cover treatment and diagnosis, according to Harvard Medical School researchers.

Because the main saving grace of the Democratic bill is that it is so inadequate and so delayed in implementation that the position supported by the majority of people, physicians and nurses - single payer full Medicare for all - will have abundant opportunities to build around the country.

And because the ever spiraling price hikes by the insurance industry are sure to spur the single payer movement to new popularity.

So, please, help us keep building this movement.

Donate now whatever you can to Single Payer Action.


  1. Ralph lays out all the dirty little secrets, but the people are still deluded by the PR blitz. I choke everytime I read this travesty characterized as "progressive."

  2. It's all part of the plan. The inevitable marsh downward. Nothing seems to stop them, with Borge like momentum the destruction of all that should be done continues, in spite of, and in the face of all those effected.

  3. Ralph has always been a voice for the people speaking out against the corporate pigs including congress. Yet the "progressives" (ha, right laudy?) bashed the crap outta him for "losing" the election for Gore. What total unadulterated bs!

  4. When is Hedges going to mention the World Order death grip on freedom as part of the plan.

    Of course it's for special interests. Nothing is done in Congress that doesn't include special interests. It's all about reducing competition, eliminating middle class and forcing us into submission.

    It's time to kick some teeth in. I've had it.

  5. I've had it too. Hedges just stops short of really saying it. Can someone with his intelligence and experience really NOT know what the big picture is? At least he knows the two party system is bullshit unlike Michael Moore and now Dennis Kucinich who has broken my heart.

  6. I resist the urge to call him a team player, but I have to conclude they are either
    1. Shills or 2. Afraid to challenge death.

    Don't be too hard on Dennis. I think they gave him the real deal here , JG. I think they saw their last Afghan war bill, impeachment bill or HAARP WMD bill.
    They threatened to rendition his pretty wife to the same hell they sent his brother.

    We don't question their ability to kill a plane load for one, or 3000 for a war. Popping her with cancer like they did Ron Pauls wife. A warning shot to Paul that he can vote no on the bills but forget the auditing bullshit or else.

    The Grunion could never imagine the evil that resides in the COMMITTEE and Hedges may be unwilling to accept this. Remember, when you meet these vermin, they are quite charming, refined an polite and people are so easily swayed by such simple things as politeness, ackowledgement and pretty faces.

  7. Patrick, I'd like to believe you regarding Dennis but did you see him smiling as he exited the plane right after caving to Barry? It didn't look to me like his life or his family's had been threatened. Rather that he had struck some sort of deal. Of course I could be wrong but that smile bothered me ..a lot. Maybe they told him to smile or else. Good grief. The more I know the less I know.

  8. I've seen a lot of video and pictures lately and in most he looks really old and strained. The smiles may be ordered and forced.

    What evil lurks in the hearts of men? The shadow government knows!

    But I tell you now, As far as I am concerned we need a cleansweep and as a computer virus may require a complete reinstall, so goes our government. I would not keep any of them. Paul, Kucinich or Nadler. They are all infected to some degree.

    I have been busy on the 2012 article but so mich is happening in the UN right now. That's why the push for healthcare diversion.

    The reality for me is that this is a major distraction tool and that is why the prelim bill and the rush to vote on an open bill was necessary.

    Remember the Triad JG. There's something far more important happening now and this is a major distraction for the global planning and execution team.

  9. He caved. And we should take this as a teachable moment: it can happen to us all if we aren't prepared, or haven't decided in advance which principles should be supported regardless of consequences, and which we may agree to support the gradual development of.

    While serving on a county commission for five years I realized how such interactions produce a strong tendency to"go along." I had always thought I was immune to such forces, but apparently not so. I also saw how others began to go along with me, since I often had well developed opinions! which gave them cover. This is why a focused cabal- often a very small group of people- can have a mighty impact; and also why people we admire can collapse under pressure.

    We probably shouldn't judge them too harshly, but instead have a good talk with ourselves about what we will stand up for under harsh conditions so we will be ready if we are tested.

  10. I suppose I had a too high opinion of Dennis. I think if things are that bad (and we know they are) then it's time he get the hell out of the democratic party. Barry is turning out worse than Bush. How can someone with principles like Dennis support him and his party knowing full well this is the case?

    I won't make excuses for him or any other politician that sells us out. They are our employees and haven't done a damn thing we've asked of them. They will continue to get their excellent health care and salaries while the rest of us are drowning in taxes and debt, jobless and homeless while the police state crashes down upon us.

    Screw Dennis and screw all of them.
