Wtf? Jack Booted Thugs on Stage at the Grammy Awards
Beyonce's little police state performance is appalling and disgusting. Good thing I'm not the violent kind. Otherwise, I'd stomp her with MY boots. A little social conditioning going on here? Ya think?
Sickening. Like, WTF? I can't stand this kind of music any how, didn't know who Beyond or Beyonce or Be yon cé is or was until a few weeks ago. Honestly! Who needs this shite? I'm a Gaga fan ;-)
Cut to the chase. You nailed it with the words "social conditioning", JG. That's precisely what this is. Back in the 50s, they took over Hollywood. They determine which films you can see (saturate the market). Today, they can sing and dance. Drop the hormones for a sec, guys (and bi-gals). The message is clear. You live in a prison. The largest prison on earth. Get used to it.
Saturate the market. Deliver the message.
Military PsyOps pure.
Methinks the players are partially unaware, but I still can't stand the sound of some female voices in my ears. Sorry, just being direct and honest.
The message behind this display is : we own you, do not resist, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control.
J, We're in a world of shit and it's being delived to us by this upcoming generation. When I talk to these kids I get the impression that they're so rapped up with so many distractions that they don't get reality. They're living in a video world, brought to them by the NWO, My biggest fear is that when it comes down to a fight it will be these unfortunate children in the sites. They have a strong tendecy to believe whatever they hear and never ask questions. They're so opposite what we were at this age. Imagine what condition we would be in now if we didn't revolt in the sixties, that's what we'll be in 5 years,, if we last that long. Teach the children well.
It's not an age thing, Peter. I'm very happy to report this. We CAN count on youth to assist and to carry on. I've first hand reassurance of this. With our youth, we're in good hands. I know this sounds wild, but it's true. The trick and the solution is for us to get our message out to our youth, on time and in the right lingo.
Alex Jones taped that with KRS for his movie "Obama Deception" KRS is awesome and will help bring in those disillusioned Obama supporters....and btw he listens to AJ. Does he still get the COTO award, Patrick? lol
I have mixed feelings about the youth of today. Some have a blase attitude about everything but their techie toys, facebook and twitter. However there are many young people involved in the 9/11 and anti war movements. "We Are Change" has groups in cities all over the country. They are concerned young people that confront politicians with questions that COTO would ask.
It's kids like that who will pave the way and lead in the aftermath of whatever is about to go down.
Yeah, JG, it's blatant now the full court press for military dictatorship. I think Beyonce looks chubby and flabby not like my really fly girlz. She struts around and then stands there with her legs spread and says if she were a boy she would rub her sausage more. That in fact is what they have to tell the damn troops stuck in tents in Afghanistan, it's only a few years of heat and huffing Zionist DU and jumping on the Israeli IED's boys, so rub that sausage more like Beyonce the floozy sez. She ugly too!
"The trick and the solution is for us to get our message out to our youth, on time and in the right lingo"
I find that the youth today are as good as ever, but they totally lack information, and are kept so distracted that they don't know what information they lack, and so what to look for. - They just have no idea, and are not allowed any time, peace or quiet in which to acquire one.
By coincidence, to this end I have another smallish offering awaiting publication specifically to be extended - 'shared' - to them. I hope you will tolerate it here, as some or most of it may be obvious to us, but it is news to them.
Yes, and just think, these cold-minded bastards deliberately produce this filth and pornography and such stuff as a policy TO DEPRAVE INNOCENTS!
These are the same 'story-tellers' that animate Hollywood and TV and seek funding for all theiir projects from . . . . ? - You got it!
Ultimately, R.
Corruption, too, like finance itself, is their weapon. Anything and everything they can use is their weapon against us. They see us and act against us as their enemy. So, like it or not, they make themselves OUR enemy.
Flak, much of what we each post here is obvious to the rest of COTO. However, through wordpress and emailing of these articles, we are reaching many that haven't seen the light or maybe caught just a glimmer of truth here and there. Please, post away !!
I agree about KRS Patrick. I like Queen L but wasn't aware she was COTO. I hear ya about AJ's voice. Most people feel that way. Personally, I like his voice. I listen to him at work and I share my office with my friend Sharon. She hates his voice as well so I keep it reeaaallllly Funny side note. I showed her who he actually was and she was shocked. She said his voice didn't match his looks. She thought he looked much better than he sounded but was absolutely shocked to hear he was only 36 She guessed 50's... he really does look old and tired for such a young guy. Fighting the forces of evil do that to you........
Yea Munich. Sex sells. Some parents are all too willing to sell out their kids for the not so almighty dollar. THere's a show on tlc called "toddlers and tiaras" You wanna see teeny little girls dressed up like hookers (ala jon benet ramsey) and moving like exotic dancers, check this show out. I watched one show and couldn't bear to see another but the ads for it run all the time on tlc. I'd like to bitch slap these kid's mothers who are usually on the fat and unattractive side themselves. I think you call it living vicariously.....
I hope that you're right, Tony. I try to not be pessimistic but I have this pesky little insight called "realism" and after the last 50 years I've witnessed I'd say that the NWO has been three steps ahead of us since the Bay of Pigs. We've got some catchin up to do.
Hi D, When I listen to A Jones and Jesse Ventura I agree with 99% of what they say. What I have a problem with is their presentation. Jesse is as "passionate" as a pro wrestler and we all know that wrestling is 'real',, right? So, how credible is his message? Jones comes off with the believability of a traveling medicine man. I realize that these feelings involve my own prejudices but in this respect I represent eery man and woman who sees a wrestling match and changes the chanel. Why? Because the fight's not real. So, how real is Jesse's fight? As real as his wrestling, I suppose. Jess, don't do us any favors. What have you really cracked if you don't offer solutions to your discoveries of corruption? Sure, the Fed's a scam. We know. Being in a strong position to communicate with the masses why not organize some solutions? They can't put all of us in prison. It's obvious, by the available photos alone, that there was inside assistance in bringing those buildings down, there must be some ideas that you can convey to the masses to bring the Bush bunch to justice. What good is lip service from celebrities who made their name as circus clowns if they can't at least, cut their mullets and speak in a manner not devised to attract people who believe that they're really fighting? We need help, big help. Not people who, by taking our position make us more laughable but from those who take the problems serious enough to set aside their "act" so that thhey can use their popularity as a tool for the cause, not something to rejuvenate their careers. It all really gets down to "who's really on our side and what effect do they have on our cause?" If Glenn Beck started singin our song would you be grateful?
Glenn Beck is an obvious operative. He talks about "conspiracies" as if he believes them then gets govt types on his show to debunk them. Beck is a fake and a charlatan.
Jesse and Alex don't do that. Jesse being a wrestler doesn't bother me in the least. The fact he was a Navy seal is what makes me wonder. I'm suspicious of military types. That doesn't mean he isn't honestly awakening to the fascism his country has fallen to and wants to talk about it. I don't care what he or anyone looks like or how their voices sound. I care about their message. If they are 99% right then that's pretty damn good in my book because they draw such huge audiences. However, we must all get our news from several alternative sources. I know I do. That's how you weed out fact from fiction.
Solutions? The only one available is a mass public awakening and shouts of we've had enough coming from every citizen and the shutting down of the corporatists that rule this country. I think these guys are helping in that regard, not the opposite as some hint at.
We want perfection from those in the movement but that's not gonna happen. We're all only human after all. Just keep your eyes and ears open and stay ever vigilant. COTO knows.
D, It's not that Jess is , or was a wrestler that bothers me, it's the phony persona that he used as a wresler which he still incorporates in his spiel. Even though I have no doubt that he tells the truth I find myself questioning him just because of his delivery. If he would only lose the "showmanship" which I think takes from the urgency and seriousness of the situation. I agree tho, 100%, that we need all the help we can get.
Peter, your questioning the staged "persona" of Jesse Ventura is right on the mark. It is off-putting to say the a radio voice over for an upcoming weekend Monster Truck competition. The "tough guy on steroids" sneering growl.
Not necessary for arguments of fact that hopefully appeal to the stunted "intellectual" brain matter of the masses. Do ya think that if Jesse ended his disclosure shows with a "Free tickets to your local WWF jamboree" offer he'd create more of sensation than with a "your letters of outrage and unbelief in government propaganda, if sent to me, I will personally deliver them like Santa Claus to the President"?
I kinda think the WWF free tickets might draw more fans...
But anyways, this thread is addressing the social implications of entertainment propaganda. First thing, I thought, who gives a F@$k what Beyonce or any of these other fools portray? But of course, it is an infiltration and mind control effort aimed at very specific emotional cues.
Good for you for not letting it slip by unnoticed.
Can't we see some "hanging in effigy" of bankers and political criminals in a rousing country rendition of the theme of the "Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"?
I agree with ya there Peter. Jesse is nothing if not overly hokey and dramatic. But that's just how he is and always has been. For whatever reason they gave him that show,(probably his dramatic presentation) and in spite of his extreme hamminess, I think more than a few eyes were opened to the things we discuss here. I'll take it.
Absofukinlutely right. I believed it was time for bodies to swing in 2000. I believe it more today than ever. Why is it ok for a rogue government, taken from the people and conducting business in their own best interest, to incarcerate, torture or murder any person that they feel is a 'threat' to their "national security" but it's not ok for us, the people, to string up a few 'traitors', bankers or politicians who have raped and pillaged the economy of this country, cost us thousands of American lives with their illegal wars and lined their own pockets with their ill-begotten booty? Nothing says "straighten up" like a noose. See how quickly bonus's drop, the FED disolves and wages increase when the route to DC and Wall St. are decorated with the people who have decimated the lives of millions of Americans just because their not satisfied with being JUST millionaires. Let the greedy be tried by the American public and Justice prevail.
If I were a boy Even just for a day I’d roll outta bed in the morning And throw on what I wanted then go Drink beer with the guys And chase after girls I’d kick it with who I wated And I’d never get confronted for it. Cause they’d stick up for me.
[Chorus] If I were a boy I think I could understand How it feels to love a girl I swear I’d be a better man. I’d listen to her Cause I know how it hurts When you lose the one you wanted Cause he’s taken you for granted And everything you had got destroyed
If I were a boy I could turn off my phone Tell evveryone it’s broken So they’d think that I was sleepin’ alone I’d put myself first And make the rules as I go Cause I know that she’d be faithful Waitin’ for me to come home (to come home)
It’s a little too late for you to come back Say its just a mistake Think I’d forgive you like that If you thought I would wait for you You thought wrong
But you’re just a boy You don’t understand Yeah you don’t understand How it feels to love a girl someday You wish you were a better man You don’t listen to her You don’t care how it hurts Until you lose the one you wanted Cause you’ve taken her for granted And everything you have got destroyed But you’re just a boy
The kids don't know from fucking stormtroopers. It's all nacho macho to them. Sexual posturing... and the armor and weapons are just props. They aint had their head cracked... or been gunned down... by some helmeted doodle-boy their own age... yet. Kent and Jackson State are just like the Louisiana Purchase to them.
"And everything you have got destroyed But you’re just a boy..."
Waldo is right, I missed that. Kudos. Things are way more complex obviously looking at the lyrics. It's clear she uses her gifts working for military dictatorship, since Hollywood and M$M are controlled by Zionists who want perpetual war and a police state controlling all people with crushing debt bondage. She's a whore for money, and she gets alot of it. The frikkin Fed can print up few tens of millions for her, and she will dance around with storm troopers, obvious. But the question is whether she is saying she would do as the boys do and deceive their women and pleasure jest or seriously. When she rubs her crotch like MJ with a big smile it seems like she really does want to reverse the roles instead of ending the war between the sexes.
Mary just isolated some of the infectious "germs" being spread around from head-2-head amongst the "fans".
O.K., its a juvenile "relationship" tune couched in BATF dragoons regalia. That is the secret of neurolinguistic programming -- or medicine for that matter..."a spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down". Neat! Like fast food -- tastes good, but its gonna kill you. There's a million examples of burying messages you want to get across within something generally acceptable. Gotta cross the blood/brain barrier to get to the "heart" baby!
What's the defense against this staining of the solution? Knowledge and critical thought I suppose; but you gotta be on "suspicious" of everything, and that is tiring. However, as we have seen, "trusting" now-a-days can be a DNA defect that will get you killed. But then, so will protesting apparently.
What are ya gonna do COTO?
Peter -- "Nothing says “straighten up” like a noose".
Brother, this cracked me up!!! What a Great Line! I think you oughta Trademark this phrase, and put it on T-Shirts and such. This is Rallying Cry for the oppressed when you think about it.
Hey everyone, I remind you that they all hide things in PLAIN VIEW. It is my opinion that the things that are happening are best discovered from Hollywood and these JV/AJ type of programming.
If you follow the information regarding Operations: Montauk, Looking Glass, Camelot, Aquarius and the Phil Exp. etc., it would appear they all know what is going to happen and they are giving us the details in this particular programming.
I really find I hate being led by the nose and not the knows but we are really at a disadvantage.
Honestly, I am suspicious of everyone in the public eye. I trust the immediate members of my own family and an assortment of friends. How do we know for sure our fellow coto'ers are not govt ops? How do you know I'm not? See how far you can take this?
When it comes to info I'll take it where I can get it but always check out references and do my own research as followup. But how do we know what we've learned is truth? How do you really decipher fact from fiction when you are talking about shadow govt and secret societies? There are many people who have different opinions on who rules the world. It's enough to make you really paranoid isn't it? ..ha ;)
I for one missed the lyrical message, which may be different from the visual image of her doing MJ. Lyrically she ends with compassion (so I give her credit there), but in the first and third stanzas, she says she would do the same damn thing if she had the chance, which is perpetuating the cycle. Anyway it is frankly weird she would choose to be surrounded by the least empathic and most cretinous segment of men, these pinheaded goons in nazi helmets and body armor, if she is so concerned about love.
Ok Flakman you have really got me wet started here, what can I do to help with a good meme, and I can take on the whole problem, with a fabulous WORLD TOUR, or at least in some countries I can still afford to travel in. I will be out there, man, putting out the new meme of love and compassion, not with storm troopers but with alot of young beautiful fly girlz, are you with me now brother? I'll put up the dates and venues of my appearances, starting in Mid March. Here's the thing, Beyonce for all her flab is still a helluva lot better looking than me. Studies have shown old hippie chicks like me are mainly seen as elders. That's OK. We are not supposed to jack around on stage, but some of us do anyway. Up to now I have mostly performed in visa offices and airport lounges, oh and by the way I am only learning the instrument, but.....I can do this! The young women will conquer everyone, the opposite of what Beyonce did, and that will prove I am extremely clever. You laugh thinking like Ido it is an insane plan but just watch, in March, as I post up these "experiences beyonde" from the road....
I agree, we all agree, the whole thing is a big clusterfuck of morons...brought up on phony imagery and memesets. I think they want to sell revenge and the image of being masculine as jackboot squad. The people today, well, we all know how bad things are with our people...thanks for posting this as it shows we are inthe blowoff stage of a horrendous collapse. Smile!
Personally, just between, you, me and the world-wide web, I think we're fucked.
And even if I'm right (good news is that I have a long list of not being so) it's still no reason not to fight tooth and nail for the spirit that each one of us feels flowing through us.
One thing about living to a certain age, especially when one lives a lifetime on the edge, is that your survival itself is proof of victory.
I was fortunate enough to have plopped myself right smack dab in the middle of the whole 60's thing. There was an awakening then, much to what I'm seeing now. Or the beginnings of one.
Now we could argue as to what extent that so-called "awakening" was, and to give the short answer, it was really nothing new, it was the same old message of those that are one-dimensional, trying to kill the ones that stand in awe as to how many dimensions there are.
And the good news is, we're not as alone as we may think.
One has to consider, we're the loud-mouths, or at least, that's what I am, most everything I do is dramatic and intense, and I've been this way all my life. It is amassing I've lived this long.
People have called me a dangerous man, because I can't keep my mouth shut. So I'm not trusted to know certain things. And hence don't work well with others.
And I can understand that.
Now consider that there are those as aware as we are, that are quiet, and in charge of certain positions in all manner of importance, that don't plaster their feelings all over God's creation, knowing full well that to do so, would certainly be their demise.
Could this also be why we've haven't been over-run already, and an answer to why this aging, peace-seeking, old-hippy is still around?
I don't know.
But we're still here.
And as their weapons got stronger, so did ours. It may have been drugs back then, but today it's the Internet. Either way, minds are expanding at warp-speed rates.
And I've always felt that these cretins that are hell-bent on making this planet barren aren't all that smart, and that there aren't that many of them. They're just tenacious as all-fuck! They NEVER let-up.
And there are times when enough pressure builds and something blows from a seam no one was looking at.
We have another 9/11, I have a feeling that would be the trigger to drive those quiet-ones to full-blown action. They would be quiet no more.
And it would get bad for a while, and it will depend on how many of us back them up, as to how long it would be before the killing stopped.
And then we'd have to weed through all the false prophets until we restored any sense of stability and justice
And if any of us are lucky enough to make it that far, well, damn, wouldn't that be nice.
And even if I'm wrong, that between the DU, the GMO's, and the PCB's, that it wouldn't make any difference, that we've already shot ourselves in the ass, and that the bullet hasn't made it to our heart and brain just yet, so what?
What the fuck else can we do if not rage against the dying of the light? (Thank you Thomas Dylan)
What? Become a drunk? Shot heroin? Turn ourselves in to the nearest NWO trainee camp?
Not me. I'm getting up tomorrow and I'm going to bitch and moan about being surrounded by so many idiots, and do whatever I can to slap them awake, and pray I get to see the end of the day.
M, I love your passion, you crazy man. You got a way to put things in perspective like no other... Don't stop raging against the machine, As you know, I'm almost as crazy as you...almost ;)
I can't sleep. The snow is piling up and the wind is blowing. By tomorrow night we may have 30" of snow here. Too bad it's the weekend that D.C. is getting shut down. I'd like to see the white house and halls of congress buried under 20' of snow permanently :)
Go for it boom, it's all yours. You're right tho, in the right context, like a SUIT walkin the gallows, or obama for that matter, would make a potent point. I'm not interested in capitalising of this movement but would love to see some relevent scare tactics in the other direction. Not to mmention it may sway a McVey in the right direction. I have no problem with violence but I don't believe in acceptable collateral damage. We can't sacrifice innocent souls to make a point. Bankers, Cproprate studs, politicians like lieberman, I believe that they are ALL susceptable to fear and if it's directed to them I believe that they'll sing a different song. Remember. these people are only powerful because of money and money's worthless if you're not in a position to spend it. If we can't kill'em, scare the shit out of'em. Personally tho, I'd rather se'em all ded.
Sickening. Like, WTF? I can't stand this kind of music any how, didn't know who Beyond or Beyonce or Be yon cé is or was until a few weeks ago. Honestly! Who needs this shite? I'm a Gaga fan ;-)
ReplyDeleteCut to the chase. You nailed it with the words "social conditioning", JG. That's precisely what this is. Back in the 50s, they took over Hollywood. They determine which films you can see (saturate the market). Today, they can sing and dance. Drop the hormones for a sec, guys (and bi-gals). The message is clear. You live in a prison. The largest prison on earth. Get used to it.
Saturate the market. Deliver the message.
Military PsyOps pure.
Methinks the players are partially unaware, but I still can't stand the sound of some female voices in my ears. Sorry, just being direct and honest.
The message behind this display is : we own you, do not resist, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control, control.
Resistance is futile.
(fat fucking chance)
Curt, you read my mind:::
ReplyDelete"we will control all that you see and hear"........
ReplyDeleteWe're in a world of shit and it's being delived to us by this upcoming generation.
When I talk to these kids I get the impression that they're so rapped up with so many distractions that they don't get reality. They're living in a video world, brought to them by the NWO,
My biggest fear is that when it comes down to a fight it will be these unfortunate children in the sites. They have a strong tendecy to believe whatever they hear and never ask questions. They're so opposite what we were at this age. Imagine what condition we would be in now if we didn't revolt in the sixties, that's what we'll be in 5 years,, if we last that long.
Teach the children well.
It's not an age thing, Peter. I'm very happy to report this. We CAN count on youth to assist and to carry on. I've first hand reassurance of this. With our youth, we're in good hands. I know this sounds wild, but it's true. The trick and the solution is for us to get our message out to our youth, on time and in the right lingo.
ReplyDelete;-) cs
ReplyDeleteKRS - aka Lawrence Parker is my guy!! He gets my COTO award.
Alex Jones taped that with KRS for his movie "Obama Deception" KRS is awesome and will help bring in those disillusioned Obama supporters....and btw he listens to AJ. Does he still get the COTO award, Patrick? lol
ReplyDeleteI have mixed feelings about the youth of today. Some have a blase attitude about everything but their techie toys, facebook and twitter. However there are many young people involved in the 9/11 and anti war movements. "We Are Change" has groups in cities all over the country. They are concerned young people that confront politicians with questions that COTO would ask.
ReplyDeleteIt's kids like that who will pave the way and lead in the aftermath of whatever is about to go down.
Yes. He walks the walk. I've tracked his work for some time. I'm not an AJ hater. It's just listening to him talk that grinds on me, not what he says.
ReplyDeleteJay-Z, Puff, Kanye, Beyonce are a waste of time. I'll take Queen Latifah and KRS. They are the real deal.
Yeah, JG, it's blatant now the full court press for military dictatorship. I think Beyonce looks chubby and flabby not like my really fly girlz. She struts around and then stands there with her legs spread and says if she were a boy she would rub her sausage more. That in fact is what they have to tell the damn troops stuck in tents in Afghanistan, it's only a few years of heat and huffing Zionist DU and jumping on the Israeli IED's boys, so rub that sausage more like Beyonce the floozy sez. She ugly too!
ReplyDelete"The trick and the solution is for us to get our message out to our youth, on time and in the right lingo"
ReplyDeleteI find that the youth today are as good as ever, but they totally lack information, and are kept so distracted that they don't know what information they lack, and so what to look for. - They just have no idea, and are not allowed any time, peace or quiet in which to acquire one.
By coincidence, to this end I have another smallish offering awaiting publication specifically to be extended - 'shared' - to them. I hope you will tolerate it here, as some or most of it may be obvious to us, but it is news to them.
Yes, and just think, these cold-minded bastards deliberately produce this filth and pornography and such stuff as a policy TO DEPRAVE INNOCENTS!
ReplyDeleteThese are the same 'story-tellers' that animate Hollywood and TV and seek funding for all theiir projects from . . . . ? - You got it!
Ultimately, R.
Corruption, too, like finance itself, is their weapon. Anything and everything they can use is their weapon against us. They see us and act against us as their enemy. So, like it or not, they make themselves OUR enemy.
Right. COTO knows who they are. - Or should.
Flak, much of what we each post here is obvious to the rest of COTO. However, through wordpress and emailing of these articles, we are reaching many that haven't seen the light or maybe caught just a glimmer of truth here and there. Please, post away !!
ReplyDeleteI agree about KRS Patrick. I like Queen L but wasn't aware she was COTO. I hear ya about AJ's voice. Most people feel that way. Personally, I like his voice. I listen to him at work and I share my office with my friend Sharon. She hates his voice as well so I keep it reeaaallllly
ReplyDeleteFunny side note. I showed her who he actually was and she was shocked. She said his voice didn't match his looks. She thought he looked much better than he sounded but was absolutely shocked to hear he was only 36 She guessed 50's... he really does look old and tired for such a young guy. Fighting the forces of evil do that to you........
Yea Munich. Sex sells. Some parents are all too willing to sell out their kids for the not so almighty dollar. THere's a show on tlc called "toddlers and tiaras" You wanna see teeny little girls dressed up like hookers (ala jon benet ramsey) and moving like exotic dancers, check this show out. I watched one show and couldn't bear to see another but the ads for it run all the time on tlc. I'd like to bitch slap these kid's mothers who are usually on the fat and unattractive side themselves. I think you call it living vicariously.....
ReplyDeleteMary, I suppose Beyonce's crotch grabbing was a tribute to Michael Jackson that icon of child molestation and depravity?
ReplyDeleteI hope that you're right, Tony. I try to not be pessimistic but I have this pesky little insight called "realism" and after the last 50 years I've witnessed I'd say that the NWO has been three steps ahead of us since the Bay of Pigs.
ReplyDeleteWe've got some catchin up to do.
Hi D,
ReplyDeleteWhen I listen to A Jones and Jesse Ventura I agree with 99% of what they say.
What I have a problem with is their presentation. Jesse is as "passionate" as a pro wrestler and we all know that wrestling is 'real',, right? So, how credible is his message? Jones comes off with the believability of a traveling medicine man. I realize that these feelings involve my own prejudices but in this respect I represent eery man and woman who sees a wrestling match and changes the chanel. Why? Because the fight's not real. So, how real is Jesse's fight? As real as his wrestling, I suppose. Jess, don't do us any favors. What have you really cracked if you don't offer solutions to your discoveries of corruption? Sure, the Fed's a scam. We know. Being in a strong position to communicate with the masses why not organize some solutions? They can't put all of us in prison. It's obvious, by the available photos alone, that there was inside assistance in bringing those buildings down, there must be some ideas that you can convey to the masses to bring the Bush bunch to justice. What good is lip service from celebrities who made their name as circus clowns if they can't at least, cut their mullets and speak in a manner not devised to attract people who believe that they're really fighting?
We need help, big help. Not people who, by taking our position make us more laughable but from those who take the problems serious enough to set aside their "act" so that thhey can use their popularity as a tool for the cause, not something to rejuvenate their careers.
It all really gets down to "who's really on our side and what effect do they have on our cause?" If Glenn Beck started singin our song would you be grateful?
Glenn Beck is an obvious operative. He talks about "conspiracies" as if he believes them then gets govt types on his show to debunk them. Beck is a fake and a charlatan.
ReplyDeleteJesse and Alex don't do that. Jesse being a wrestler doesn't bother me in the least. The fact he was a Navy seal is what makes me wonder. I'm suspicious of military types. That doesn't mean he isn't honestly awakening to the fascism his country has fallen to and wants to talk about it. I don't care what he or anyone looks like or how their voices sound. I care about their message. If they are 99% right then that's pretty damn good in my book because they draw such huge audiences. However, we must all get our news from several alternative sources. I know I do. That's how you weed out fact from fiction.
Solutions? The only one available is a mass public awakening and shouts of we've had enough coming from every citizen and the shutting down of the corporatists that rule this country. I think these guys are helping in that regard, not the opposite as some hint at.
We want perfection from those in the movement but that's not gonna happen. We're all only human after all. Just keep your eyes and ears open and stay ever vigilant. COTO knows.
ReplyDeleteIt's not that Jess is , or was a wrestler that bothers me, it's the phony persona that he used as a wresler which he still incorporates in his spiel. Even though I have no doubt that he tells the truth I find myself questioning him just because of his delivery. If he would only lose the "showmanship" which I think takes from the urgency and seriousness of the situation.
I agree tho, 100%, that we need all the help we can get.
Peter, your questioning the staged "persona" of Jesse Ventura is right on the mark. It is off-putting to say the a radio voice over for an upcoming weekend Monster Truck competition. The "tough guy on steroids" sneering growl.
ReplyDeleteNot necessary for arguments of fact that hopefully appeal to the stunted "intellectual" brain matter of the masses. Do ya think that if Jesse ended his disclosure shows with a "Free tickets to your local WWF jamboree" offer he'd create more of sensation than with a "your letters of outrage and unbelief in government propaganda, if sent to me, I will personally deliver them like Santa Claus to the President"?
I kinda think the WWF free tickets might draw more fans...
But anyways, this thread is addressing the social implications of entertainment propaganda. First thing, I thought, who gives a F@$k what Beyonce or any of these other fools portray? But of course, it is an infiltration and mind control effort aimed at very specific emotional cues.
Good for you for not letting it slip by unnoticed.
Can't we see some "hanging in effigy" of bankers and political criminals in a rousing country rendition of the theme of the "Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"?
I'll whistle along with it!
I agree with ya there Peter. Jesse is nothing if not overly hokey and dramatic. But that's just how he is and always has been. For whatever reason they gave him that show,(probably his dramatic presentation) and in spite of his extreme hamminess, I think more than a few eyes were opened to the things we discuss here. I'll take it.
ReplyDeleteWhy "in effigy"? ;)
ReplyDeleteAbsofukinlutely right.
ReplyDeleteI believed it was time for bodies to swing in 2000. I believe it more today than ever.
Why is it ok for a rogue government, taken from the people and conducting business in their own best interest, to incarcerate, torture or murder any person that they feel is a 'threat' to their "national security" but it's not ok for us, the people, to string up a few 'traitors', bankers or politicians who have raped and pillaged the economy of this country, cost us thousands of American lives with their illegal wars and lined their own pockets with their ill-begotten booty?
Nothing says "straighten up" like a noose.
See how quickly bonus's drop, the FED disolves and wages increase when the route to DC and Wall St. are decorated with the people who have decimated the lives of millions of Americans just because their not satisfied with being JUST millionaires. Let the greedy be tried by the American public and Justice prevail.
I thank you for helping me iterate, boom.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Alex Baldwin would be an appropriate mouthpiece. He sure looks the part.
Maybe we are missing something:
If I were a boy
Even just for a day
I’d roll outta bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted then go
Drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
I’d kick it with who I wated
And I’d never get confronted for it.
Cause they’d stick up for me.
If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I’d be a better man.
I’d listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he’s taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
If I were a boy
I could turn off my phone
Tell evveryone it’s broken
So they’d think that I was sleepin’ alone
I’d put myself first
And make the rules as I go
Cause I know that she’d be faithful
Waitin’ for me to come home (to come home)
It’s a little too late for you to come back
Say its just a mistake
Think I’d forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
You thought wrong
But you’re just a boy
You don’t understand
Yeah you don’t understand
How it feels to love a girl someday
You wish you were a better man
You don’t listen to her
You don’t care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
Cause you’ve taken her for granted
And everything you have got destroyed
But you’re just a boy
What are we missing waldo? I don't see anything in the lyrics that would warrant marching storm troopers.
ReplyDeleteThe kids don't know from fucking stormtroopers. It's all nacho macho to them. Sexual posturing... and the armor and weapons are just props. They aint had their head cracked... or been gunned down... by some helmeted doodle-boy their own age... yet. Kent and Jackson State are just like the Louisiana Purchase to them.
ReplyDelete"And everything you have got destroyed
But you’re just a boy..."
Just sayin'.
Bingoramas JG.
ReplyDeleteWaldo is right, I missed that. Kudos. Things are way more complex obviously looking at the lyrics.
ReplyDeleteIt's clear she uses her gifts working for military dictatorship, since Hollywood and M$M are controlled by Zionists who want perpetual war and a police state controlling all people with crushing debt bondage. She's a whore for money, and she gets alot of it. The frikkin Fed can print up few tens of millions for her, and she will dance around with storm troopers, obvious.
But the question is whether she is saying she would do as the boys do and deceive their women and pleasure jest or seriously. When she rubs her crotch like MJ with a big smile it seems like she really does want to reverse the roles instead of ending the war between the sexes.
missed what?
ReplyDeleteMary just isolated some of the infectious "germs" being spread around from head-2-head amongst the "fans".
ReplyDeleteO.K., its a juvenile "relationship" tune couched in BATF dragoons regalia. That is the secret of neurolinguistic programming -- or medicine for that matter..."a spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down". Neat! Like fast food -- tastes good, but its gonna kill you. There's a million examples of burying messages you want to get across within something generally acceptable. Gotta cross the blood/brain barrier to get to the "heart" baby!
What's the defense against this staining of the solution? Knowledge and critical thought I suppose; but you gotta be on "suspicious" of everything, and that is tiring. However, as we have seen, "trusting" now-a-days can be a DNA defect that will get you killed. But then, so will protesting apparently.
What are ya gonna do COTO?
Peter -- "Nothing says “straighten up” like a noose".
Brother, this cracked me up!!! What a Great Line! I think you oughta Trademark this phrase, and put it on T-Shirts and such. This is Rallying Cry for the oppressed when you think about it.
Hey everyone, I remind you that they all hide things in PLAIN VIEW. It is my opinion that the things that are happening are best discovered from Hollywood and these JV/AJ type of programming.
ReplyDeleteIf you follow the information regarding Operations: Montauk, Looking Glass, Camelot, Aquarius and the Phil Exp. etc., it would appear they all know what is going to happen and they are giving us the details in this particular programming.
I really find I hate being led by the nose and not the knows but we are really at a disadvantage.
Honestly, I am suspicious of everyone in the public eye. I trust the immediate members of my own family and an assortment of friends. How do we know for sure our fellow coto'ers are not govt ops? How do you know I'm not? See how far you can take this?
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to info I'll take it where I can get it but always check out references and do my own research as followup. But how do we know what we've learned is truth? How do you really decipher fact from fiction when you are talking about shadow govt and secret societies? There are many people who have different opinions on who rules the world. It's enough to make you really paranoid isn't it? ..ha ;)
Well see the problem with storm troopers at the grammy awards is that the youth are APPLAUDING & CHEERING as they march all over the stage.
Screw the's the visual that counts here.
I for one missed the lyrical message, which may be different from the visual image of her doing MJ. Lyrically she ends with compassion (so I give her credit there), but in the first and third stanzas, she says she would do the same damn thing if she had the chance, which is perpetuating the cycle.
ReplyDeleteAnyway it is frankly weird she would choose to be surrounded by the least empathic and most cretinous segment of men, these pinheaded goons in nazi helmets and body armor, if she is so concerned about love.
ReplyDeleteOk Flakman you have really got me wet started here, what can I do to help with a good meme, and I can take on the whole problem, with a fabulous WORLD TOUR, or at least in some countries I can still afford to travel in. I will be out there, man, putting out the new meme of love and compassion, not with storm troopers but with alot of young beautiful fly girlz, are you with me now brother? I'll put up the dates and venues of my appearances, starting in Mid March. Here's the thing,
ReplyDeleteBeyonce for all her flab is still a helluva lot better looking than me. Studies have shown old hippie chicks like me are mainly seen as elders. That's OK.
We are not supposed to jack around on stage, but some of us do anyway. Up to now I have mostly performed in visa offices and airport lounges, oh and by the way I am only learning the instrument, but.....I can do this! The young women will conquer everyone, the opposite of what Beyonce did, and that will prove I am extremely clever. You laugh thinking like Ido it is an insane plan but just watch, in March, as I post up these "experiences beyonde" from the road....
Boomer, sorry I said Flakman, you can see I am in an agitated state thinking of going beyond Beyonce and I got you two lovelies confused.
ReplyDeleteI agree, we all agree, the whole thing is a big clusterfuck of morons...brought up on phony imagery and memesets. I think they want to sell revenge and the image of being masculine as jackboot squad. The people today, well, we all know how bad things are with our people...thanks for posting this as it shows we are inthe blowoff stage of a horrendous collapse. Smile!
ReplyDeletewhat'd ya go an do that for?
I have an active ulcer. wonder why!
HI Kids!
ReplyDeleteHere's the skinny.
Personally, just between, you, me and the world-wide web, I think we're fucked.
And even if I'm right (good news is that I have a long list of not being so) it's still no reason not to fight tooth and nail for the spirit that each one of us feels flowing through us.
One thing about living to a certain age, especially when one lives a lifetime on the edge, is that your survival itself is proof of victory.
I was fortunate enough to have plopped myself right smack dab in the middle of the whole 60's thing. There was an awakening then, much to what I'm seeing now. Or the beginnings of one.
Now we could argue as to what extent that so-called "awakening" was, and to give the short answer, it was really nothing new, it was the same old message of those that are one-dimensional, trying to kill the ones that stand in awe as to how many dimensions there are.
And the good news is, we're not as alone as we may think.
One has to consider, we're the loud-mouths, or at least, that's what I am, most everything I do is dramatic and intense, and I've been this way all my life. It is amassing I've lived this long.
People have called me a dangerous man, because I can't keep my mouth shut. So I'm not trusted to know certain things. And hence don't work well with others.
And I can understand that.
Now consider that there are those as aware as we are, that are quiet, and in charge of certain positions in all manner of importance, that don't plaster their feelings all over God's creation, knowing full well that to do so, would certainly be their demise.
Could this also be why we've haven't been over-run already, and an answer to why this aging, peace-seeking, old-hippy is still around?
I don't know.
But we're still here.
And as their weapons got stronger, so did ours. It may have been drugs back then, but today it's the Internet. Either way, minds are expanding at warp-speed rates.
And I've always felt that these cretins that are hell-bent on making this planet barren aren't all that smart, and that there aren't that many of them. They're just tenacious as all-fuck! They NEVER let-up.
And there are times when enough pressure builds and something blows from a seam no one was looking at.
We have another 9/11, I have a feeling that would be the trigger to drive those quiet-ones to full-blown action. They would be quiet no more.
And it would get bad for a while, and it will depend on how many of us back them up, as to how long it would be before the killing stopped.
And then we'd have to weed through all the false prophets until we restored any sense of stability and justice
And if any of us are lucky enough to make it that far, well, damn, wouldn't that be nice.
And even if I'm wrong, that between the DU, the GMO's, and the PCB's, that it wouldn't make any difference, that we've already shot ourselves in the ass, and that the bullet hasn't made it to our heart and brain just yet, so what?
What the fuck else can we do if not rage against the dying of the light? (Thank you Thomas Dylan)
What? Become a drunk? Shot heroin? Turn ourselves in to the nearest NWO trainee camp?
Not me. I'm getting up tomorrow and I'm going to bitch and moan about being surrounded by so many idiots, and do whatever I can to slap them awake, and pray I get to see the end of the day.
See ya on the other side.
M, I love your passion, you crazy man. You got a way to put things in perspective like no other... Don't stop raging against the machine, As you know, I'm almost as crazy as you...almost ;)
ReplyDeleteI can't sleep. The snow is piling up and the wind is blowing. By tomorrow night we may have 30" of snow here. Too bad it's the weekend that D.C. is getting shut down. I'd like to see the white house and halls of congress buried under 20' of snow permanently :)
Don't worry Pete, I'm no operative nor do I think anyone here is. I was just making a dramatic point.
ReplyDeleteGo for it boom,
ReplyDeleteit's all yours.
You're right tho, in the right context, like a SUIT walkin the gallows, or obama for that matter, would make a potent point.
I'm not interested in capitalising of this movement but would love to see some relevent scare tactics in the other direction. Not to mmention it may sway a McVey in the right direction.
I have no problem with violence but I don't believe in acceptable collateral damage. We can't sacrifice innocent souls to make a point. Bankers, Cproprate studs, politicians like lieberman, I believe that they are ALL susceptable to fear and if it's directed to them I believe that they'll sing a different song. Remember. these people are only powerful because of money and money's worthless if you're not in a position to spend it. If we can't kill'em, scare the shit out of'em.
Personally tho, I'd rather se'em all ded.