Geithner and Bernanke: Laundering Money Through an Illegal Trust?
As the scam of AIG becomes more clear, the indicators are massive fraud and potential money laundering by Bernanke, Geithner and the IBC. Among the FEDERAL RESERVE criminals we have links to the unethical payoffs to Goldman Sachs, USB and Sociate Generale.
"As Yerushalmi says in the interview, “So here’s what we find out in the midst of discovery when we depose the Treasury Department’s deponent and the Fed and get documents, here’s what we’ve learned: The Federal Reserve Bank of New York at the time that it structured the debt that it was going to give AIG insisted that not only did it get the debt, not only would it get principal and interest payments and collateral for that, it wanted 80% of AIG, precisely 77.9% of the shares and the voting rights. But the Federal Reserve Bank and Geithner knew that it was illegal for the Fed system whether there’s a Fed or the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to own that, so what did they do….”
Listen to the interview by radio host Frank Gaffney and Senior Litigator and Securities Specialist, David Yerushalmi.
Read on:
As I predicted, I expect Geithner out upright or horizontally in the near future. Stay posted on this situation. Billions of your tax dollars have just been identified as stolen, with payoffs going to confederates and sitting in a trust run by the committe that will be unleashing terror on us shortly.
By the way AIG to pay out another 100 million in Bonuses very soon.
Forgive my lengthy post, Puddy. I was going to put it up as an article, but this info. adds weight to your piece here.
ReplyDeleteFirst off you can go to Roger Wiegand's article titled, "Derivatives Scam Slides Into The Sunshine". Tidy little synopsis of the history of financing faux paus {Read -- Fraud & Robbery}
Then digest the height of rapacious fraudulent theft and payoffs in front of all of our damn faces (including America's impotent shriveled judicial organs, bribed on the side to look the other way)
Bank of America Said to Pay Average Bonus of $400,000 (Update1)
Then get a load of the hypocrisy going on with these Too Big Too Fail BunkoBuster Banks. In a little tiny burg of Italy nobody's heard of, a $102 MILLION seizure of B of A assets is occurring. Consider How Fucking Humongous the TOTAL THEFT dollars of all of these politicized crony Banks must be -- on a world-wide scale?!
Italy Seizes Bank of America, Dexia Assets Amid Probe (Update1)
***Since all banking transactions are traceable somehow (Promis software, etc.), just like the millions of "emails" at the White House which disappeared, but have now been "re-discovered", the crimes can be unwound, and the perpetrators held accountable.
With such colossal fraud on such an unimaginable scale, I would say a redistribution of this stolen wealth amongst honest peoples sounds like the "jobs fair" of the highest priority. Forget going to your dead-end job. Let's all put a badge on, deputize each other, and chase down the bandits!
What percentage of the Merican people were against the TARP bill, 90%? And if it wasn't passed? There'd be Martial Law.
ReplyDeleteThese rapacious bastards are sitting round the boardrooms in their three thousand dollar suits laughing all the way to the F'n bank and Caymans.
If you listen closely you can still hear them giggling "Martial Law!" Ahhhhh! Haaaaa! Those suckers bought it hook line an sinker Haaaaaaa! Haaaaaa!
Bad Timmy! Bad Benny! Now the both of you, go to the blackboard and write 1000 times I WILL NEVER EVER BILK ANYONE AGAIN
Patrick as we all know, if Timmy goes, and he will for appearance sake, only the forefront players will change. Timmy will remain behind the curtain.
ReplyDeleteIf these guys wanted to stimulate the economy they would have given the money to the people to put it in circulation in the way of buying products and starting up new mom and pop businesses. buying houses and cars and other goods. But of course that didn't happen. That wasn't the purpose of the "heist." The purpose was to move any savings the proles had to the dictators to initiate more wars of imperialism.
We the people who were scammed are the only ones that can stop the looting and the freight train of tyranny. Change is not coming from the top no matter who is placed as the latest figurehead of finance.
Coto knows.
Most certainly JG. This prediction like others are just chess moves.
ReplyDeleteThe Empires theft has reached a boiling point and like the administrators know you throw one under the Bus!!
From there they get immunity, two hundred thousand an hour on the lecture curcuit, a guaranteed best seller to give their sorted side of the story and they are allowed to walk as free men.
John Yoo, Tom Delay, Henry Kissinger, Marc Rich, John Poindexter, Elliot Abrams- etc, etc, etc.
Just a pressure valve release here, that's all.