Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Why Money . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?
Copied from Justice Publications at www.justice-publications.com
Yes, Reader, maybe you do know some of this, perhaps even most of it. But your children and the young - these days of less than thirty or even forty - know little or nothing of it as the subject of reality has never crossed their minds, or the information is not there for them. And it has not crossed your mind to tell them. So I AM telling them. This is for them, rather than for you. If they are to survive, they need to know.
According to the geological record, the last time there was no ice at the North Pole was more than three hundred thousand years ago.
Since long before that time humans or hominids had roamed the planet, having either originated in Africa or having evolved in various places simultaneously, since they also appeared in the orient three million years ago.
There are few niches that will not become occupied by life within a few thousand years, by humans too, so even the colder places of the earth were soon taken up(1). Therefore you can safely say that the ice was soon occupied, as it still is today, by bears, with those whose hair mutated white and skin black surviving there better, and by the humans. Today we know these people as the Esquimos, and they know themselves as the Inuit. Good luck to them. They need it, as do we all, as you will see.
If you look at the Inuit, you will see that they are of Oriental origin. Ingenious folk, curious too. So, in the same way that they explored and used the possibilities of the ice, they also then explored the land to the south. If they came south there they were in what we now call 'Greenland', here 'Scandanavia'. If they ventured south further along they were in 'Russia', there 'Siberia', there 'Canada'. Where there were previously no other humans they persisted without intermixture and filtered on south. If they explored only twenty miles per generation in 'the Americas', within a mere ten thousand years or so they had already reached the tip of 'Patagonia'. Darien might have delayed us modern softies for awhile, but nothing would have stopped a species hardened to Arctic survival and competition with the savagery of animals in the untamed wilds of then. Besides, fluctuating sea-levels would have made shoreline travel comparatively easy.
Presumably there were later arrivals to 'the Americas' as other orientals passed from 'Siberia' to 'Alaska' when subsequent ice-ages lowered the sea level and bridged the gap, but their survival suggests the people generally ironed out differences among them and generally lived harmoniously as a race. They developed a kind of society somewhat different from ours, complete with saunas or 'sweat-lodge' type culture and civilisation sixty thousand years ago, and regular pow-wows or meetings of tribal elders, as in the recent Iroquois nation, where they buried any hatchets and smoked the peace-pipe.
They even developed sophisticated societies, complete with amazing ceremonial cities as in Central 'America', with massive stone-work that is so perfect that we cannot understand even today how they could have managed it, and their understanding of their natural world and of astronomy was remarkable.
More recently they sometimes used 'wampum' or cowrie-shells to facilitate exchange. But in the absence of greedy ambition and deception and without the invention and imposition of 'laws' of 'ownership' and so without the avarice of those whose business is always to start wars between other parties, they survived well enough and in harmony with nature.
Various other very recent arrivals, such as the Vikings and Irish and even the wily Phoenicians, who presumably couldn't find any handy 'St. Michael's Mount / Mont San Michel' from which strategically to trade, came and went without causing more than a ripple.
Then disaster struck. We arrived, in the form of Columbus and enough greedy companions to make a difference, already well - or badly - infected with the notion of money and gold and under its illusory spell of 'worth', which does not exist, of course. And there these new invaders scented gold in quantity.
Their delusion of wealth was fiction, but the edge of their steel was real. As was - and is - their wont, they used indigenous tribe against tribe, and the clergy used their notion of religion for the natives' own good and with sword and rope and fire "sent another ten thousand souls to Almighty God today".
Within a hundred years the indigenous population was decimated, reduced from a total of about seventy million to seven, under such influences as disease, Jesuitical religion, and enslavement to produce more gold and other 'wealth' for the intruders. It is no surprise that those who could, hid in the hills. So would I. So would you. And so some still survive today.
Further slaves were imported to work in the cotton fields, and in the sugar industry of the Caribbean, initially whites from England and other northern countries and then, as a slaving-industry commodity(2) from Africa, as these could tolerate the climate better, just as they are being imported today 'to help our economies'.
In the same way that 'wampum' was used by the indigenous 'Americans', the same idea had come about in 'the old world'. Unfortunately here, however, a few stunted folk saw that they could use this notion against the rest of the populations. Therefore they harnessed others' more brutal 'leaders' against their populations as 'royalty', who 'ruled' and 'reined', so that the people worked and slaved to produce 'wealth' for the kings and - oh of course, quite incidentally - for those who installed and maintained such 'divinely-ordained royalty'.
(Excuse these 'inverted-commas', but you should not think that all words and terms indicate real things. These commas are to give you a guide to what is presented as fact but really is an arbitrary imposition or an outright fiction.)
This necessitated 'government' and its bureaucracy, taxes which required census, and, since such an organism took the character of its creators and manipulators, domination and ever further control.
So, since six thousand years or so ago, we have had immensely wealthy 'kings' and enslaved populations. If you particularly like others' palaces and pyramids, you can call this civilisation, but as a diet pyramids somehow lack something: you can't eat many pyramids. And as slaves and the poor do not carry much practical emulation-value, the history books carry no record of how many in their millions starved and died to support this or that well-recorded 'king' or 'king-emperor' or yea even 'god-king-emperor' and their invisible puppeteers. - Yes, as we still see today, if we look.
So, together with the invention and installation of 'royalty' and their use to produce 'wealth' and ease for their inventors and installers, we have the invention of 'politics' and particularly 'party-politics' to entrance and control the populations while the fatuous royals loll, receive, contemplate their 'sovereignty' and hold the populations' adoring attention, and an invisible few wax fat
Mostly it went well enough for the manipulators. After all, if you worked for your 'majesties', who could touch you? Usury was the usual game, fleecing the sheep, though occasionally 'their majesties' got above their station and butted in to spoil the game by limiting the usualury interest rate to a measly fifty percent per year - or by default per day. And, of course, regular profitable wars on an ambitious international scale became the norm.
Fractional Reserve Lending
Ah yes, something must be made to yield a hundred percent, even per annum, come what may.
In the past, as today, people were led to believe that gold had 'value'. Of course in reality it is just a soft yellow metal, and its 'value' is a fiction, but folks will believe anything if you say it winningly enough. Some had gold and were fearful that others might covet it and take it. So they had to hide it or otherwise secure it. Those who had a strong enough house and would guarantee its security, could charge you for holding your gold. They gave you a receipt for your gold, and their main 'interest' was in what they could charge you for holding it. You could even use this receipt as a thing of supposed 'value', by which you could buy and sell things from and to any sucker you could similarly convince of its value.
However, these 'canny or kenny (= dishonest)' gold-holders soon realised that not all the owners of the gold would come to inspect their gold every day, and in any case, one ingot looked identical to another. So they took to selling the gold and issuing receipts and charging 'interest' for gold they no longer had, thus showing themselves however-many-hundred percent their nerve let them produce, and they banked on this producing fortunes, and it did. However, fear of discovery finally resolved as 'honest banking' the limitation of this to only nine times the amount that they were holding in reality, which is also their actuarial indication of the degree of honesty of these folk - i.e. their nine-to-one bet against being found out.
So, according to 'good banking practice', if you want a mortgage you must put down ten percent of your own money. This then 'legally (= what they say)' enables the banker to invent the other ninety percent to lend you. No, he does not have this money in reality. It does not exist. He literally invents it: literally he falsifies its existence with his ink and with his word. This nine-to-one-against and falsification tells you all you need to know about a banker's word. Wall Street's? - a thousand to one against belief. Their ultimate bosses'? - Billions! But you believe them, innocent credulous Reader. You always do. You even believe 'their money' has 'value'!
In the contract for your loan, by the way, you will see it mentions 'a consideration'. This specifically indicates that the banker has this reserve of money to lend you. However, as we see, the reality is that he does not, the basis of the 'contract' is false and you are under no 'legal' obligation to repay any 'capital and interest' on a fiction. I just mention this for the next time any banker tried to dun you for 'debt' with his fiction of finance, forecloses on you with his lying 'legal contract' and tries to toss you and your real family into the unwelcoming street in order to take the reality of your house. Go to court, tell the judge what is going on, and if he happens to be honest he will find in your favour and castigate the banker. If he is not honest, well, with the inducements to dishonesty on offer to them these days, we are hardly surprised.
Change for the even Worse
Then there came to the money-men a creeping disaster. In the same way that they had achieved social ascendancy by infliction of the fiction of money on the populations via the notion of 'kings', some interlopers who had converted to the religion of usury a thousand or so years back, now invented the idea of lending to - and so screwing - countries rather than individuals. They did this by bribing anyone necessary, or otherwise disposing of resistance by blackmail and murder or - where necessary - war, just as we see today.
They infiltrated their members into every influential niche of nations' societies all around the world, principally via the installation of 'Central Banks'. As in banking, your 'Central Bank' similarly has nothing. It is the fictitious entity of master criminals, installed by hook or by crook, politics or conquest, blackmail and murder, and it invents the money that - less 'retentions', of course - it lends to your governments' 'treasuries', which lend it to the dishonest bankers, who multiply it and lend it to the employers, who have their workers work for it, who have to have the money to buy food which now costs money, and to pay 'interest' on mortgages. But you are taxed and you have to pay for everything you need simply to support and enrich - just 'for being there' - the diseased family that owns all these 'Central Banks' and will kill or have killed you and anyone else that tries to stop them. Now, you have to admit, that is pretty diseased.
Your taxes of all kinds, including those on everything you buy, are now paid to their Central Bank, and it LENDS this back to your country at interest for your infrastructural needs(3). In your opinion, is that either honest or sane?
The 'Central Banks', by the way, have their Headquarters in 'The Bank for International Settlement' in Basel, Switzerland, and it claims immunity from law and inspection just because IT says so. Yes, that is what we call effrontery and an example of their brazen cheek that they call 'chutzpah'.
Of course, money is not made any more real for others' fabricated need of it. But the land and properties that are taken in default on easily-engineered but equally unreal 'debt' ARE real, and the work the workers do IS real, and the hunger they suffer is real enough whenever there is an easily-engineered economic collapse and an absence of productive-for-others 'work' - again, just as we see yet once more today.
This newer breed of manipulating parasites operates within whichever power is currently uppermost, making it an empire via which they control and, nation by nation, have captured the world, their paid agents working ceaselessly to corrupt and dominate via the fiction of finance and wealth, and the sumptuous ease that this will bring the thus-corrupted few.
In order to prevent the populations from seeing what is being done, they completely annex and dominate 'the media' of communication and information. Their newspapers, acquired by financial manipulation, are used to foment patriotic fervour for wars that false-flag operations provoke and politicians are bribed to start. Their wars can now be 'World' or 'global' in scope against figments of their imagination - Ah, the fat of the land for The Few! Their publishers of educational materials produce school-books that deliberately stunt children's natural curiosity and limit their mental horizons. Their chosens' industries produce and sell substances that fatten and passify and rot minds and bodies, deliberately debilitating them, while all the time their financiers - these 'good family men' - swindle and slick and trick and smile goodly in unobtrusive piety.
Their agents have metastasised into all the agencies of state and usurped them against the very populations which they were formed to protect. They have even multiplied the secret wealth of governments and bureaucracies(4) so that today they exist as wealthy but obedient entities among but independent of their impoverished and decaying victim populations from whom, simply to maintain the pretence, they demand ever more. And in keeping with the previous occasion, the latter-day governments have taken on the characters of these newer parasites, being secretive, deceptive, heartless, unconcerned, predatory, rapacious, criminal and cruel. Such 'nation' as these maniplulators have has taken to using others' militaries to fight its wars of conquest for it. And its wars are against all others - against us, the populations of the world.
Meanwhile the producers of necessities have become, proportionate to the total, ever fewer, and those in the ancillary 'service industries', including the bureaucracy of 'administration', have become ever more. The growers have been made tame and kept in servitude by loans and, by adjusting the interest rate as necessary, their real land has been taken over by 'the institutions' and their industries, which then have adulterated their products with substances actually harmful to their buyng consumers.
Thus another stunted faction via the strategic use of another fiction has achieved supremacy over the rest in a society so top-heavy and overbalanced that today they are moved to say there are too many of us, that we are unnecessary to their economy, and that the majority of us must therefore be 'culled' = killed: go - Off the planet. In keeping with the ways of their mongol ancestors, their sights are again set on our decimation. And if 'law' is needed to warrant this, you can be sure that 'government' will authorise it as being for the good of all, which means the good of and those who favour such 'government', rather than those whom that 'government' is supposed to represent.
Though by credible reports he was one of their own, Hitler was billed as a maniac for conducting - perhaps by design - a war that killed millions, to such an extent that in his absence they hanged almost all his surviving ministers and generals, though NOT, of course, his favoured banker, Schacht, to whom, naturally, no blame attached, oh, no! And most of Hitler's surviving military on Eisenhower's orders were then deliberately starved to death(5). Yet the Rockefellers now propose eliminating billions, to leave only half a billion slaves for them, so what does that make of them and their in-law paymasters? And they have been allowed by all the law-enforcement agencies in the world to hijack all our governments to become our second-worst enemies after themselves and subject the rest of us to their financial slavery until our elimination can be arranged, while they walk free in an aura of sanctity to be hailed as philanthropists by their controlled media. Again, you may be very sure that any legal authorisation will be forthcoming for our extermination 'for our own good'.
The question is, how long is this criminal madness intended to continue without total social collapse? These villains have made themselves our worst enemies, and we are not expected to notice or mind as they continue their efforts to destroy our lives? otherwise they will move against us militarily and 'legally' to prevent any resistence on our part? Well, we do notice, and we do mind!
So, why money?
Well, obviously and rightly I only have very good reasons why NOT our worst enemy's weapon of money: very good reasons and methods for the total abolition of finance and of those who inflict it.
So don't ask me. Rather ask those who presently practise global financial manipulation and for the last two and a half centuries have been the masters of all this social and political puppetry. Their name is Rothschild, with their in-laws the equally villainous Rockefellers. Because now it is they who - of course - insist on the existence of money. Not because God or Universe says so: just because these Rothschilds say so in order to continue their corruption of our 'leaders' and our bureaucrats, who for further illusory loot order the mindless young, 'our brave lads', to do unspeakably bestial things to other men, women and children, and who criminally order mercenary thugs to kill any and all who oppose them.
Are you perhaps beginning to suspect that there IS no reason for finance, except that a few want it as a weapon first to impoverish us and then to eliminate us? If so, that is encouragingly perceptive of you. Yes, it is now just for the Rothschild-Rockefeller and their Wall Street lice to plunder the planet and eliminate you and the rest, but it has never been other than a swindle for the last six thousand years of its existence.
Now, the galaxy, too, has its own more direct and honest practices, and if things go according to routine it will soon annihilate the majority of us anyway(6). The Rothschilds and their accomplices have made preparations to survive underground. Over the last thirty or forty years they have secretly had the uppermost mile or two of the planet honeycombed with interconnected cities that measure by the cubic mile(7).
Their intention is to emerge in the distant future as lords of all they survey and incontestable overlords of any of our survivors. Like the aliens said to be in secret but less-harmful occupation here on Earth, these parasites have now separated from us, taking with them for such time as they be useful such of ours that they can use in their secret war of conquest against us.
Well, we can better manage our world without the imposition of their fraudulent Central Banks, thank you, and without the fiction of 'finance' of any kind.
So one very pertinent question is why we should tolerate the infliction of a few diseased perverts' delusions, who cannot survive without parasitising others and for whom enough is simply never enough. - Desire to kill almost everyone else? - Is that not 'pervert' enough for you?
The question also naturally arises whether the planet is intended for abundant life, or for a few perverts who cannot tolerate others without trying to use, dominate and finally exterminate them.
Three hundred thousand years? We will not survive three hundred unless we face our responsibilities and eliminate the present threat that menaces the rest of us. So, surely, isn't it time that we, the great majority, arise, shake off the 'control' of these vermin, rid ourselves of their malignant influence and their weapon against us and resume rightful control of our world?
So another very urgent question is whether we should wait. Or even, whether we CAN wait.
P.S. So we venture on into an uncertain future. But, look at the past. See how the uncertainties did not really exist and had no basis. So be brave and step out.
In fact, in celebration of life, and in keeping with their tradition of gracing our lives with such ennobling cultural dance experience as the black bottom, charleston, jitterbug, jive, boogie, rock-n-roll, mashed-potato, the twist, hip-hop etc., I now propose a new dance especially in recognition of their labours and intentions for us. It will be called 'the rid'. We may have to improvise here and there for them, but that should not be too difficult with the incentive they have given us, and the steps should come naturally to them. The world will be a much happier and better place afterwards, and it will surely be a very good riddance. Let us then dangle them with a will to set them dancing well and merrily, rightly footloose and fancy-free, thus forevermore free of all care, as is their due. And our right.
1. Set the temperature of your fridge a degree or two higher and in a few weeks the Drosophila fruit-flies will enact the entire process in miniature for you.
2. The Slave Trade
3. How the swindle of world finance works
4. How they have made 'our governments' our secret oppressors
5. 'Other Losses' by James Bacque (1989)
6. Things to come.
7. How to remedy this without the strife of 'us v. them' or 'our honest reps v. their corrupt reps'.
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Flakstopper, you're going to need a "list" of folks who require a "paradigm shift".
ReplyDeleteSo much work to do -- So little time!
Hey, whaddaya know, a list just popped up!
50 Top U.S. War Criminals
Posted by David Swanson
"Compiled below, in hopes that it may be of some assistance to Eric Holder, John Conyers, Patrick Leahy, active citizens, foreign courts, the International Criminal Court, law firms preparing civil suits, and local or state prosecutors with decency and nerve is a list of 50 top living U.S. war criminals. These are men and women who helped to launch wars of aggression or who have been complicit
in lesser war crimes".
Where are Silverstein and Zakheim on this list, who enabled the 'war' excuse?
ReplyDeleteAnd the bosses of them all, the Rothschilds and Rockefeller paymasters who call all the shots.
THanks Flak for the trip through the nature of money. These ports of call like the Hazel Woods, Sherwood Forest and the Bretton Woods were as advertised.
ReplyDeleteTruly the whole exercise was about the prophets and profits but more about the flesh. For every cent of tax, every contract and any act of piracy and all lex situs, it has come with a pound of flesh.
Puts the ratio in perspective.
Very informative article flak. Their money system is crashing by design. "They" now want a cashless society and intend to control and track us through the use of rfid chips on our person and in everything we consume. Of course, we will still have to be their worker drones, we just won't receive cash in hand for our labors.
ReplyDeleteI hate these bastards and would like nothing more than to see them all buried under a HAARP induced 20' snow drift.
To keep with your theme flak, the Hopi are freezing to death in Arizona under 4' of snow for lack of firewood. I received this email this morning:
From Erika Morningstar,
If you can pass this on to the list to see if anyone here has contacts in the area that can help, I would be grateful.
In a series of freak storms, Up to four feet of snow has slammed the Hopi Reservation in Arizona, leading to President Obama declaring a national disaster, but the most urgent need of the Hopi, FIREWOOD is not covered under the FEMA disaster relief that is starting to trickle in.
It amazes me that we can galvanize thousands of people and shiploads of relief to Haiti within 24 hours of an earthquake, but right here in America, our Hopi are freezing to death for lack of something as simple as FIREWOOD.
Less than a days drive from San Diego and Los Angeles, and yet freezing to death for lack of firewood. Unbelievable it is allowed to happen.
The emergency relief center on the reservation has received calls from over 900 families desperate for firewood to keep warm.
Hopi consider the Earth sacred, they do not put "floors" in their mesa homes, they are built directly on the dirt, they are not prepared for snow of this magnitude.
Hopi Elders advised the clans to stock up on firewood this winter, because of spiritual signs it would be a bad one, but the weather has been even worse than they predicted, and there is no firewood left on the reservation, every mesa is out.
Elders say this is due to the Earth Changes that are happening.
The latest spiritual statement out of Hopiland after December solstice ceremonies is that for the next couple of years,
Earth changes will intensify worldwide, humanity must come together as brothers and sisters to prepare and support one another through the coming transitions.