Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wayne Madsen - Don't Stop with Geithner, Arrest Them All..Alex Jones 1/11


  1. Part II has some great background info on Barack H Obama.

  2. yes indeed. He has a rather 'dubious' background... Appears as though the elites/CIA were not entirely sure how he would excel until (or as proof of the decision already made) Zbigniew got a hold of him.

    Obama is elitist scum. Foisted upon the U.S. Corp to insure the demise of the Republic. God I hate these people. And their minions .. right down to the local cop who believes they should have thirty years' worth of detail on every human being. F'ing paranoid control freaks. May the whole damnable system drink from the wrong holy grail. Or, alternatively, may we have success in forcing it right down their pos throats.

    pardon the vehemence...

  3. Richard, like you, I've had enough and we have for too long now. It's apathy that is bringing totalitarianism to the U.S., not righteous anger. We ALL need to be pissed off and the good news is more and more sheeple are there or getting there with us.

    I like the idea of targeting the corporate giants through massive boycotts. We can show the elite the power of the people without firing one shot. We have to pick a very popular product that's easy to live without to start with and just stop buying it. Then move on to another and another... We need to move our funds out of banks and into credit unions. Show those bastard big bank credit card shysters we don't need them.

    I also agree that the next march should be on Wall Street not Washington. Goldman Sachs & their bankster buddies need to know we're mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore.

    What are we waiting for?
