Is there not anyone else who feels as I do? Are you not fed up with politicians jerking us around, lying, deceiving, manipulating every situation to placate us and save their precious careers. Does it not anger you to distraction to watch and listen to the chairmen of the boards of Chase, Niemen-Marcus, Citi and all of the other god forsaken heads of Wall St discuss their misdeeds and millions of dollars of unearned bonuses as though they were talking of someone else? They don't even think they've done anything wrong.
We need to put the brakes on all of the rhetoric and lies and get to the business of taking back our country,, now, at any and all costs. Talking about what we know is wrong and wringing our hands waiting for some miracle to happen, such as Wall St getting a conscience or politicians doing their jobs, is not getting this country anywhere. It’s time to grow balls and put our money where our mouths are.
I’m sure that there are many who feel as I do but believe that violence is the only answer, that examples need to be made and situations need to be turned by force. I can’t say that I disagree with them much, as a bullet properly placed can say a thousand words but I’m not of the mind that innocents be sacrificed for the Cause and that collateral damage is the cost of war. Unfortunately, violence begets violence and there would be innocents sacrificed. I don’t want to keep this charade up until someone opens fire. Personally, I couldn't care less about those bastards. They know we feel that way and it scares the crap out of them. Fortunately, for them, I'm not in a position to do anything like that but we are not otherwise helpless in this situation. We have weapons, we have tactical force and we can be quite effective. It's called boycott and it hurts those decrepit pieces of crap more than a bullet. All you have to do is steer clear of corporate signs, think about what happens to every dime you spend and, most important, spread the word.
Alone, I’m one man who refuses to shop at major corporations such as Wal Mart or other corporate conglomerations who lower the standards of their workers by outsourcing labor, underpaying and conditioning them to work under the conditions that China imposes on their workers. Together, we hold the purse strings on every CEO, every Chairman of the Board and Banker in this country. Is it really worth the pennies that you save yourself to aid these thieves and liars in committing our country to third world standards? Why too, would you allow yourself to be subjected to human right violations by deliberately boarding an airplane? If I were prone to take a trip inside the U.S. I would do the least expensive thing which would not subject me to the indignity of illegal search and seizure of our property, invade my privacy or empowering the use of the Patriot Act. I would drive. I would chart my trip to avoid tolls, find the least expensive, non-corporate gas stations and frequent Mom and Pop motels along the way. I would not travel out of this country.
This is how I live my life now. I will not step into a 7-11, I use the little store owned and operated by neighbors. I want as much of my money to stay right here, not in the pockets of the inhuman, greedy thieves of Wall St.
I’m sure that every one of you is intelligent enough to know how to spend your money as frugally as possible in all the right places. Going out to dinner at a local restaurant, owned and operated by locals is a much better idea than going to Red Lobster. Frequenting the little local pizza parlor is a more effective use of your dollars than going to Pizza Hut, not to mention that the quality of the food is more than likely better than the corporate choice. If you happen to be one of those nasty people, like me, who smoke cigarettes, I was smoking Winston at $6.50 a pack but now am smoking “Skydancer” brand which are made by Native Indians and sell for just over $2. A pack and are better to boot. I’m not going to run the gamut of ways to effectively spend your money, most are quite obvious but it takes thought, deliberate action and, yes, sacrifice. What are your choices? Wait for the shots to ring out?
Nothing is happening, people. Not on Capitol Hill, not on Wall St. not in the boardrooms in the major corporations across America. We need to make it happen. We need to take away their power. Money. We need to take the strength from the government, don’t deliberately put yourself in the way of so-called “laws” imposed by the worst piece of legislature ever passed, the Patriot Act.
We have a fight on our hands, a war, in fact and we’re not accomplishing one god damn thing by letting Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones posture on corporate TV, telling us some of what we already know while in the same breath, denying their own credibility by their inaction and side show tactics. We’re on our own so unless you want to pick up a gun and do what our forefathers did I suggest, starting right now, living your life as though you are on a deserted island with no one but your family, friends and neighbors. Sacrifice. Don’t spend money unnecessarily. Do you really need a new big screen TV? Is your auto not running well enough to get a couple of more years out of her? If you can’t see the reasoning in this then I recommend that you add ammunition to your shopping list because you’re gonna need it.
This is not only a way to cripple corporate America, this will empower us to put a leader in office in 2012 who will work for us. It will enable us to finally push for prosecution of the Bush regime for tyranny, treason and war crimes. This is our power! This is where it starts. Where it ends is totally up to us.
This is our alternative to bullets, for now. Any better ideas?
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