Friday, January 29, 2010

Pay - Copied from

The average monthly 'income' (but not necessarily 'take-home pay') of those still working here, they say, is two thousand four hundred 'euros' which, this being a 'european' country, the carefully-selected and -approved 'commissioners' of which have so decreed, is the uniform 'currency' on which all pertaining to the 'european' conglomerate shall hereafter depend and pay 'lawfully-decreed taxes'. Sure.

My bank manager recently successfully negotiated an annual salary increase, from more than 100,000 to half as much again PLUS commission. I recall that when I asked him for an increase from five to six Euros per hour a year or two back, he pulled a very serious long face and pleaded a numerous (3 children) family. Incidentally, I tell him much he doesn't know about the reality of fictitious finance, and he won't listen.

On TV two nights ago, a tomato buyer, furiously snapping glances into a few sample boxes and taping their stacks, said that he received two cents per kilo.  - "On a daily total of a hundred tons? But that is 200,000 cents per day."  Yes, and at six days per week, six hundred thousand Euros per year if what he admitted happened to be the truth. The intervention of a few folks like that in 'the food chain', a mere aspect of what constitutes 'the food industry', explains why the hard-working growers receive a pittance, the consumers have to pay a ransom, and a select few have it made.

On TV the same evening the air-traffic controller pleaded all his previous training as a mitigating factor - two years in total including a probationary period - to pick up an average of 353,000 Euros per year, with some colleagues in excess of 600,000 "up to almost one million" - per year! He was quite petulant. Well, of course. You see, if he is on only average pay, he might have to step down from 350 thousand to only 300, or even 280 - or less!!! And now, you see, he is accustomed to having more!

I heard, all of twenty-five years ago, a person crying desperately - "He's having three b. out of it, I want three b." (Three thousand million USD from a single transaction, just for 'being there').

Further, it has recently been revealed* that all 'our government' organisations are now totally autonomous in their holdings and investments, which they keep secret from the populations that they administer as cattle, with the begging bowl still always extended for traditional baksheesh of tax ever to further deceive and control us, the animals in their charge. The real astronomical amounts that they have and invest for the secret benefit of their favourites who have thus known how to keep their mouths firmly closed for at least the last twenty years, can be seen in the 'Comprehensive Annual Financial Report' rather than the normal 'budget reports' made available to mislead and passify the ignorant populations of mere 'tax-payers'.

Recently the Wall Street villains, principally acting via the Rothschilds' Goldman Sachs, took ten or twenty trillions from the rest of us on the excuse of 'bailouts', and this was approved by 'our governments'. Well, of course it was, otherwise they would not benefit by being paid, and even with all they now have, that would not be enough. Dov took two or three trillion all on his ownsome, you say, and he's still walking around pious and free? Mmmmmm, now I wonder what it is about him that absolves him from punishment.

But even this is nothing. The Rothschilds have virtually ALL the money in the world, but of course it is still not enough. And, as we saw last year via

Wall Street, and now see with the Rothschilds, who were motivating the Wall Street and 'our government' vermins' strings, it is never enough. And their ever-tightening grip on us, plunging us and all our descendents ever-deeper into 'debt', is not tight enough. So they want the majority of us off the planet.

So the human animal has a very obvious simple problem. It never has enough.  If it has one, then it wants another one. If it has five, it wants ten. If it has thirty billion, it is not enough, particularly if it should happen to lose just one.

Well, I am now a pensioner, lately retired from working between ten and fourteen hours per day, six days per week, for the last twenty years for about five euros per hour. I never charged more because it was enough. I now receive about nine thousand euros per YEAR in pension, and that is enough. Amusingly, one pension I receive for having worked ("How many cases? You must be mad!") for several years for a merchant bank now amounts to 1.50 per month.

However, I have never thought of myself as 'poor'. Since a year ago I even have a car again, though I have only used it five times to travel distance, as I walk everywhere else for the exercise. The books I write are free to download and always have been, and if anyone asks me for a translation, it is either free for friends, or my English - as that of a creative writer - is at a maximum of ten euros per hour. Why? Because that is enough for me to live well enough.

Rather than poor, I am rich because I live in a fabulous world in a marvellous place, and that is enough. I know how Universe works, that finance is and has always been a fiction to allow a few adroit parasites to wax fat off the rest of you unthinking humans, and I know who those are that operate it against the rest, and I know most of the ways in which they do it, and these ways are stupidly simple and deceptively dishonest but are merely secret.

The existence of money just makes the exercise of this greed so much easier: you can cut someone else's throat - or whole nations' throats - without ever being spattered by a single drop of their unsightly blood, and while doing it you can still pretend devout piety and righteousness. I know all this, and that is rich!

So let me just briefly explain that again. Finance never has been anything other than a fiction, an illusion used to swindle everybody else. 'Money' has no real value, and no value of any kind other than that said by those that want to deprive you of whatever they have in mind, which is anything and everything they can take from you. Because, they are greedy potential takers, and you, Dummy, are the normal 'passified' and therefore passive takee, or sucker who will let them have anything they can take.

Can you see how sick this sickness is making our world? Then don't you think that the world would be better off without it? All we have to do is turf these few vermin out of their control of our governments forever and WE administer our own world. How?**

Well, if we don't, you should be able to see by now that . . . you and I, Reader, among ninety percent of the world population are due for the chop.

On the other hand, as we see the Rothschilds and their accomplices fomenting these wars to help limit our populations, and having all these guns and bombs and bullets and poison-foods made to help us do it, just think, in the interest of the planet would it not be much more efficient if we instead wiped just these few nuisances off the map, together with their money-making and power-seeking corporations and industries and their fictional 'money', and saved ourselves and the planet all that wasted energy and work, stress and pain?

Cheaper too, if that meant anything.

Think about it.

Then, in the interest of the planet and of us who inhabit it, just do it.


** How? Do I really have to tell you again? - DRAFT reps totally independent of the party political racket. On the few occasions we need their opinion they will vote on their individual conscience 'Yes' or 'No' for the general good.  They will be out at the drop of a hat if inconsistent with the general will, and will be hanged for corruption together with their corruptors. They will dismantle the corrupt systems and abolish money. In the Utopia of our world without the twin evils of finance and politics the unnecessary work will fall away, and we will work two or three months per year producing and distributing essentials to satisfy need. - End of world problems so far as our possible intervention is concerned.

- So just do it.

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  1. Flak is this the video you wanted?

  2. It is said that pastoralists only worked about 20 hrs a week. But little of our world is hospitable to this way of life and there are too many of us anyway.

    I share your utopian yearnings but know better. If money and politics were eliminated, people would reinvent them. If all corrupt persons were hanged, more would arise to take their places.

    Some cultures are more honest and humane than others- usually those with small communities and face-to-face relationships.

    In some post-modern era such may come again.

  3. I too share thoughts of a kinder, less greedy world.

    However, as Claudia points out, human nature being what it is and not very evolved from man's beginning, it will always revert back to form as it always has.

    Unfortunately, the scum, not the cream always rises to the top. Having said that, I'd love to see the bastards hang anyway .....

  4. I'm going to take a more optimistic view here.

    Yes, it is true that man in the past has always reverted back to what seems to be his evil twin, in ebbs and flows as we marched onward plundering near everything in our way.

    But, I have to, for perhaps my own sanity, believe that man also has in many places improved the quality of life. We do have a history now, brief as it may be in comparison, but one that we can at least study. And one we have had a chance to ponder.

    We have made advancements in all manners over the past few decades that we are just now starting be effected by.

    In my lifetime, I can remember going to a one-room school house, and living in a home with an outhouse. I watched what we take for granted now as being the stuff of a Dick Tracy comic back than.

    To put this simply, it may come down to a matter of faith, because logic and history certainly would prove me wrong, but added into all this, is the fact that never before has man been able to shot information around so quickly.

    I know all the arguments against a good outcome, I've been around a long time, I lost those rose-colored glasses years ago. I know that all the advances could be with-drawn in an instant, all the powers-that-be have to do is turn off the tap and we'd be back living like savages within 3 days time.

    And I feel there's a very good chance that will happen, and that the world will shrink dramatically, and pockets of resistance may survive, or we may just truly revert to a world-wide scientifically controlled tyranny, anything is possible.

    Including the fact that the criminals are getting so arrogant, so blatant, so in-your-face disgusting, that there will soon come a time when there's a catalyst. It doesn't have to be some large event, it could be a spontaneous occupation of a government building, but it would be something that ignites a wave of revolution, freedom and enlightenment, and before the cretins would have a chance to react, we would have our moment of justice.

    At least that's what I'm hoping.

    And after we hang the bastards, and we sort out the money they've stolen, and we for a time go back to being somewhat civilized with one another, we can than use the advances we now enjoy to try and achieve that Utopia I keep hearing about.

    For there is something I just have a hard time believing, and its that we would have gone through all this, that mankind had been given the abilities he's been given, which, one has to admit, are God-like compared to all other animals, only to wind-up as a mass of drooling Wal-Mart zombies, to be herded off to slaughter by a small group of sociopaths.

    Anyway, I hoping for the best, sorely unprepared for the worst, and maybe that's why I'm banking on a prayer.

  5. Keep hope alive, M ;)

  6. "Flak is this the video you wanted?"

    Yes, thanks, Puddy.

    Strange, that. I checked it before posting it, and it worked perfectly. Perhaps it was nobbled after the event. But then Wikipedia and Youtube have both - evidently and visibly - passed into the influence of those whom we should all be warning against, so we shouldn't be too surprised.

    "little of our world is hospitable to this way of life"

    - Yes, the zoos that have been made of our societies - in which they feed us mental, moral and physical crap and we accept it to our general detriment and their advantage - have little compatible with the natural life to which we and all other earthly life were born.

    But does that mean that - even knowing this - we have to continue to accept it, rather than sloughing off these vermin and their ill-intentions for us? To hell with them. Slough away.

    - Easily done . . .
