Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I watched Jesse on video do his 2012 conspiracy broadcast. Back to Denver from last year.

Welcome to Denver International Airport

March 24, 2009 - Leave a Response

New Elite World Order – Extermination Point Central







Please don’t forget to view the brochure

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  1. Art often shows us more truth about what is going on than we are comfortable with.

  2. I have say Laudy, knowing that airport well for 2 years and having knowledge the underground exisits does not surprise me.

    But the artwork, gargoyles and masonic stones just creeps me out like nothing else I've ever viewed before.

  3. patrick, I didn't know you did an article about this on your website last march. The first I heard about DIA was on Jesse's show and yes those murals totally freaked me out. As did the huge underground tunnels. Wtf?

    . Common sense begs the question ..why would a modern airport commission an artist to paint such horrific murals in an airport terminal? What's up with the masonic stone and the area being called the "great hall" ? Why do they need those huge underground tunnels under the airport? The New World Airport Commission? Sheesh

    If I had a million bucks, I'd bet you Cheyenne Mountain is or will be connected to the underground tunnels under that airport.

    The 2012 show for all it's usual hokiness was very good. I still think it's opening people's eyes who didn't have a clue. Sure there will be others who will say bs. But those are the little lost sheeple who still think their votes count too. The rest might decide to do their own research to prove the theories or disprove them.. That's what inquiring minds would do.

    Btw, what do you think of Jay Weidner? I really like what the guy has to say.

    I found this interview today. He gives me a bit of hope and surely sounds coto to me.

  4. Then there's this multi part inteview with George Noory from July

  5. I did an article on it in 2006. I also did a diary on OPED where I discussed the underground and the fact it was actually several square miles that link Denver to Colorado Springs.

    I lived there for two years just after OKC bombing. My extended family lived there for many years and ran a blasting company. They did work in and around the airport. When I arrived there I investigated the huge overbudget and the ridiculous tent roofs.

    It was abvious the money went to the underground and not the buildings. I saw all those murals and wandered around the most eerie spots of that airport. Rode the underground trains to the extended concourses. Really a bizarre experience.

    FBI and spooks were all over the place then after OKC bombing and you were stopped often for bag and breifcase searches.

    I believe it's an extermination facility, meaning that it has the bio-military, weapons and com-ops required to operate the entire US from there and underground outside DC.

    I think the underground facilities were never discontinued from the Cold War and there are more than 120 locations in the US alone.

    Ever wonder about sink holes?

  6. Deb

    You should listen to these videos and research some on Phil Schneider.

    I read this guy's stuff back when I was writing on the Clinton Arkansas Assassination Squads.

    Phil Schneider was murdered during his lecture series.;read=107443

  7. Definitely will do Patrick. That name was familiar to me and when I clicked on the link then I know I've seen this guy before. I believe it was on the Disclosure Project site but I could be wrong.

    I'm dead tired right now and heading for bed but I'm more than anxious to check out those videos first thing tomorrow morning. I'll give you my feedback when I do. Thank you!

  8. Sink holes...

    Sounds like the government sunk a gargantuan amount of taxpayer and 'black' money into holes in the ground. Think we'll get our investment back?

    I've read about and considered the tunnel system(s) in the past. Nuclear powered tunneling machines -- hey, there's some mole envy.

    Anyways, when all the government "public servants" decide the heat above ground is too hot, and take to the tunnels, I would imagine diverting a couple of large rivers down the holes might be the kind of enema they deserve for the shit they've left behind.

    The Denver Airport murals are depraved creations, and the Masonic calling card is the same as D.C. Devil's spawn.

  9. Don't know about Denver, but O'Hare in Chicago also has tunnels, they go under the runways to terminals on the other side. Once had to nearly run along the whole expanse to make a connection, and it must be nearly a mile? No distracting murals tho.

    Maybe Denver's are creepy in person, but somehow having an anonymous gestapo type looming over women and children may well be a message Americans need to see?

  10. Now that's interesting. I remember when they re-built the Post Office in west Oakland CA in the 70s. Not only does it resemble a bunker, it has a provision for a command center and a cell block.

  11. They hide in plan sight.

    Like the books and articles they've written, speeches they've given, movies they've made, TV shows they've produced and stones they've craved, they brag in the open exactly what they're going to do, and than will call us crazy if we should point it out.

    As much as we know that scares us, we most likely only are aware of 1/100th of how bad it really is.

    I mentioned to my neighbor that the mere magnitude of the crimes is enough to put people off in believing them, even though those crimes are going on before their very eyes, and are admitted to!

    It really does work in the devils favor that people are now so scared to admit they've been conned, even though it would set them free to do so, is such a scary proposition that most will go to their graves first.

    Damn, I pray I live long enough to see some serious justice served. But man they better hurry up, I'm not getting any younger. Than maybe we can find out what these damn tunnels were to be used for.

  12. Well, think. Denver airport is over a mile high. If a lot of foreign and domestic only-self-important 'big-wigs' are buying property conveniently on hand, I should say they want a high-altitude refuge. Tidal-wave refuges, is what would come to mind.

    Nibiru, anyone? Or is it just a so-sexy-for-some 'coronal mass ejection' hideaway for when the oceans wash over all the lower altitudes, with the ovoid-vaulted-for-strength tunnels at right-angles and interconnected, so 'the select' can scuttle from one to another as impending shockwaves prescribe.

    Yerss. These so-precious and so-fearful aberrates really should take precedence and go first.

    Off the planet, that is.

  13. Mr. M always makes a great point.

    IN PLAIN SIGHT ~ At some point the secrets were tranferred from hidden into hidden in plain view. Once the empire-building, propaganda, false flags and repetition/rhetoric took hold it no longer required hiding the intentions.

    At some point all will be brainwashed or allow themselves to be in complete catatononia. I illustrate this with recent reports of people standing and watching a women raped in the street. Once they accept the event as a lovemaking session, we are doomed.

    The COMMITTEE's ego's and zeal being the real behemoth of this power drunk agenda, it is the mark of the beast, the display of conquest and dominion and the certainty of their success.

    Millions of people pass that World Order graffiti and ensignia in Denver as they do in DC and elsewhere where the oblisks, symbols and messages are readily viewable. Without knowledge or concern, they march to the silent drumming of their ultimate fates.

  14. Likely you have seen one of the many Laudy. Carolina has many as well. Old Gem mining sites bought by the wealthy. Just another similar exercise as was the cold war bunker craze?

    Survival Silo's or just Subterranean Sabbaticals for the stinking rich?

  15. Patrick, I watched the Phil Schneider video. It is the one I watched before a few years ago but at the time there was a problem streaming it and I only saw a bit of it. I had heard about the battle underground at los alamos years ago but didn't really believe it. Always having an open and inquiring mind though I never brushed it off totally as a science fiction legend.

    I have to say I don't know why the man would speak of such things if he didn't believe what he said unless he was mentally deranged. He sure didn't sound it and neither does David Icke.

    Schneider's revelations back in 95 are pretty amazing. I believe he said there were 131(?) underground tunnels coast to coast ..all interconnected with ultra high speed rail lines running through them.

    Wonder what happened to his alien materialand those pictures? Is there a way to see them online? Couldn't make it out when he was holding that picture up of the almost human-like alien being.

    I'm a bit confused about something though. I know there were several attempts on his life but they also stated he had terminal cancer but was murdered. How did he die?


    Read his ex-wifes explanation. Phil was tough as nails. No way for strangulation or stroke. The same as Jean Palfrey strangled to death and then she was hung.

    After following over 160 some odd murders by the government of people from Schneider, Wellstone, Palfrey, Bill Cooper, assorted scientists and all the Clinton and Bush hits you can spot the easy ones.

    Bill Cooper was just flat out gunned down. Danny Casolaro was another one that was obvious, but Schneiders case was one of the most pathetic attempts ever to look like suicide.

  17. Whistleblowers don't commit suicide. Deborah Jean Palfrey IF she were to kill herself certainly wouldn't hang herself in her mother's shed for god sake. Just as Phil said,if they said he had committed suicide that it was murder, so did Palfrey.

    Why in god's name would a man choose that method of death when he had numerous pills available to od with? Obviously, they have the power to make the police look the other way and it leaves a warning to other whistleblowers doesn't it?

  18. Sending a message to others.
    Only those in very high places get the absolute best orchestrated assassinations.

    Poison/Bio cancer/plane takedown/Sudden accidents/MKultra etc.

    Palfrey had to be open to interpretation as was Brandy her friend. A reminder to other page boys and hookers to shut the F up or die.

    The art of Wellstonng has come a long way sisce Schneider.

  19. I just missed, because of time involved, going to the Georgia monument, when I left for NC a year or so ago.
    I keep kicking myself in the butt for not taking the time for the detuor.

    Another strange and spooky story around that.
    Seems that being in that area would be a safe is supposed to communicate with the remnent after the next deluge--so they must have put it in an area they intend to survive.
