Thursday, December 24, 2009

Twas the Night before Crisis

I made this last year. I think I'll post it every year!!! Makes me warm and fuzzy.

One year later, we are all Tiny Tim's.

By the way, here is Kevin Gosztola article from OPED on healthcare.


  1. Merry Christmas COTO

    purrrrr .....

  2. Very creative writing Patrick !

    tig, when I hear the queen's voice, all I can think of is Monty Python and it makes me laugh out loud......

  3. Oh btw, Kevin's article is up to his usual standard of excellence. Perhaps he will be the next Chris Hedges of journalism.

  4. Dec. 28 (Bloomberg)
    by Paul Kennedy
    -- How is one to explain the wild gyrations in the international exchange value of the U.S. dollar in recent times over the past year or so?

    "In short, when a reserve currency strengthens sharply, even in the face of economic fundamentals such as large trade deficits, there is usually, perhaps always, bad news from abroad.

    If the above analysis is correct, then the U.S. has found itself in this first decade of an undoubtedly troubled 21st- century in a most peculiar condition as regards its twin roles, as the currency and banker of last resort, and as the key stabilizer of world security and international affairs.

    If global politics are relatively calm, the dollar will probably continue its gentle longer-term decline, fluctuating only in accordance with traders’ economic decisions.

    But if global politics are bad -- war in the Middle East, the collapse of Pakistan, a shootout in the Taiwan Straits or on the Korean Peninsula, heightened Russian-Ukrainian tensions -- then there will be a predictable flight to safety. "
