(1) FORT HOOD, TX (2)DETROIT, MI (3) ???????????
World is left to wonder how man was allowed in U.S. - FreeP.com
"Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's 20-minute trip to the bathroom Friday was the first hint to passengers that Northwest Airlines Flight 253 was going to have an unexpected and terrifying conclusion."
"He came back to seat 19A on the flight from Amsterdam, Netherlands, to Detroit just minutes before landing, complaining of a stomach ache and asking for a blanket."
"I just jumped over the seats and jumped over the suspect," said passenger Jasper Schuringa in an interview with CNN on Saturday afternoon.
"The whole plane was screaming. The suspect didn't say a word. He was just ablaze. He was just entranced."
Father of Nigerian suspect cooperating with police - FreeP.com
The perfect example of the fear Triad. Obviously the flight eminates from Illuminati Central, Bilderberg based Netherlands.
MK-Ultra plant, Abdulmutallab was allowed to board the airliner. Masquerading as incompetence he thwarts all security systems, he attempts to detonate the PETN explosive device, and sets himself ablaze while appearing in a trance, the positive sign of a DELTA subject who is literally on fire.
Hoekstra: Air terror try hints at a larger plot
U.S. Rep. Peter Hoekstra, R-Mich., says today's suspected terrorist incident at Metro Airport shows the Obama administration needs to take more aggressive action against al-Qaida.
Background of U.S. Rep. Peter Hoekstra, R-Mich
Born Cornelius Peter Hoekstra in Groningen in the Netherlands, Hoekstra emigrated to Holland, Michigan, U.S., at the age of three with his family when his first name was dropped. (Hoekstra's district has the largest concentration of Dutch Americans in the country.) Hoekstra attended Hope College, receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1975 and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Michigan Business School in 1977.
The district had been held for twenty six years by Guy Vander Jagt, longtime chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee. Hoekstra rode his bicycle across the district, charging that Vander Jagt had served in Congress for too long. He promised to serve no more than six terms (12 years) in the House, and not to accept any money from political action committees. He scored a monumental upset, winning by almost six percent. This primary win was tantamount to election in the 2nd district, the "most Republican" district in Michigan (Republicans have held the district for all but four years since it was created in 1873).
In 2004, Hoekstra broke his initial term limits pledge by announcing that he would run for a seventh term, citing his membership on the Select Committee on Intelligence. In 2006, Hoekstra had accepted over in $160,000 in Political Action Contributions.
Hoekstra faced no significant opposition in the Republican primary or in the general election (as in his previous five reelection campaigns) and went on to secure his seventh term. Shortly after the primary, he was named chairman of the committee, succeeding Porter Goss, who became Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Campaign contributors include: Northrup Grumman, Boeing Co. Raytheon Co. and Bayer AG.
On November 3, 2006, The New York Times reported that a website created at the request of Hoekstra and Senator Pat Roberts was found to contain detailed information that could be helpful to anyone seeking to produce nuclear weapons. The website was shut down on November 2 following questioning by The New York Times.
As of September 17, 2007 major news outlets are reporting that the Congressional committee he oversees is creating "erroneous" and "misleading" reports about Iran's nuclear capabilities. "Among the committee's assertions is that Iran is producing weapons-grade uranium at its facility in the town of Natanz. The IAEA called that "incorrect", noting that weapons-grade uranium is enriched to a level of 90 percent or more. Iran has enriched uranium to 3.5 percent under IAEA monitoring." ""Privately, several intelligence officials said the committee report included at least a dozen claims that were either demonstrably wrong or impossible to substantiate.
The House Intelligence Committee's secret visit to Iraq was made public by Congressman Hoekstra's use of Twitter to communicate with constituents. "Congressman Twitters an Iraq Security Breach" by John M. Donnelly, CQ Politics, Feb. 6, 2009
This was an easy one. The planned one for 2010 will succeed and it will secure the permanent base for Afghanistan/Pakistan and set the stage for the Israeli-Iran Triad coming for sometime in 2011.
Same shit. Not even creative.
ReplyDeleteYou called it -- MK Ultra mind slave.
Up the flag pole goes the fear-o-meter, and out comes the "al-quida" CIA farce fomentation. Ho hum. Jagged kidney stones to all the neocon scum, with a blackpowder enema as a chaser. Pfffft Bang!
P.D., do you think very many people buy this shit after having seen the movie premier, the sequels, and now the syndicated reruns?
Way to go hoisting the Bullshit Flag!!! Make a note of the agencies and talking heads perpetuating this nonsense.
Amen Patrick & Boomer. This "incident" had bullshit written all over it. If the American people fall for this crap they are even dumber than first thought.
ReplyDeleteThere they are the innocent Mr and Mrs Joe Schmo having to take their shoes off at the airport, have their bags searched through, possibly a full body scan with the new wonderous technology Orwell couldn't even imagine, no water allowed even in baby's sipee cup(remember THAT incident?) and YET this "terrorist" just strolls onboard carrying an explosive device. YEA, RIGHT !
PS: LOVE the bs flag ;)
Yes, my friends the campaign for fear is in full swing.
ReplyDeleteThe enemy has spared us the Christmas version, but assure us the new year version in high glory.
60 minutes will kick it off tonight.
Truly, the forces of Darkness are seeded, grown and harvested by our so called "intelligence community" and working under the international banking and crime syndicate. This has MOSSAD/CIA written all over it.
By the way, I hate the term "Blood and Treasure" and anyone who uses it.
ReplyDeleteOh, you're a speedy one Mr. Dunne!
ReplyDeleteI too heard the advert for the upcoming 60 minutes FearFest -- "a highly placed CIA operative will expound on the increasing likelihood of al-Quaida terror attacks!"
The Certified Insane Assholes oughta know since they're the ones running the "show"!
Ah yes -- the George H.W. Bush PNAZI DVD snakepit here to serve you. Fucking rogue agency.
So, in order to do near anything these days, you have to show two forms of ID, and/or thumb-print. If you have a corporate job, or near any job, for that matter (that is if you're lucky to have a job) you have to piss in a cup several times a year, and have all manners of indignities thrust upon you.
ReplyDeleteIf we travel, we're the ones that suffer the most scrutiny, yet, a desperate looking man, already on a so-called "terrorist list", with NO passport, whose own father went to authorities a month earlier, as to warn them that his son isn't right, is allowed to board, not just one flight, but connecting flights, and we're supposed to believe this shit?!
It's been further reported that he was helped to board the flight by a "well dressed man" ... his handler (?)
Yeah, they're turning the heat up. Not surprising, we all knew this was going to happen, and its happening pretty much on time.
Not long into 10' I can see them slamming the lid. Hope I'm wrong ... but, well, you know ...
You really want that question answered?
ReplyDeleteMade it on C-SPAN today, I was Albert from Algiers, Wash-Jrn, two MSM stooges, one was Border, forget the other dim-wit, anyway, I lit into them as both being propagandists for the elites, and how they won't honestly report anything worth a crap, and continued the rant right into 9/11 until somewhere along the way they cut me off.
Not that any of this is news, this is fairly common, but what is different is that two other calls came in, also questioning 9/11 while I listened. This is something that didn't happen not even 6 months ago. Normally I wouldn't hear another Truther on for a month.
So more and more people, at least from what I can gauge from my little personal straw-poll, seem to be waking-up, or at least willing to speak out.
What does this all mean? Hopefully an awakening, that before things get too far down that black-hole, that we awaken one day to see people taking charge, and we can save some lives, without having to go through the hell we will if they don't.
But, like you, and all of us COTO kindred souls know, this awakening can't come soon enough.
As an aside: on the few occasions I get to watch TV, I now look for chem-trials in the pictures, you'd not be surprised how many there are, in beer commercials, movies, news reports (not about them, just when reporters are outside reporting a story), and I point them out to other people, because, they look so much more apparent when seen on TV for some reason.
Can't wait to see them in some period piece, the 3 Musketeers riding under a chem-trail filled sky. Or better people can go back and look at movies from the pre-chemtrail period and notice that skies are clear, whereas today there not.
Ah, but what the hell, they don't exist, neither does the NWO, Bilderberg, FED is federal, fluoride is good for you, everyone here is crazy ...
It's time! Once again, for all the vapid apathetic proles, to "break out the duct tape and plastic sheathing" and prepare for the color coded warnings.
ReplyDeleteFear, a many splendid thing. Brought to you by MIC! And by, the makers of "Dove." Orwell was so right!
How about a "sharp dressed man?"
Patrick, thanks for that info. I just got back from four plane flights...still free and not on any lists. TSA I got wrapped around my little finger.
ReplyDeleteOK why would the elite sabotage air travel by making it a big hassle? These corporations rarely make money. Air travel will be prohibitively expensive for most of us one day but is still cheap due to protracted price war for broke consumers and corporations. Once petroleum is revalued all the way down Hubbert's curve the real issue will be unavailablity of cheap air transport. Since the issue of peak oil has always been suppressed (a whole nuther story) it might be better for them to decrease demand (through hassles) in order to prolong the discovery of a very big truth.
I just throw that in there cuz it popped into my head and MK Ultra always makes me so....excited.
Just wanted to say I agree with the obvious that this is more falseflag for the war on terror and that MIC is a bigger money centrer than air transport, but money helps to explain a lot.
ReplyDeleteI'm not so sure about "peak oil". I'm sure there will come a time when we do run out, but from my research what is being projected is an artificial scarcity.
There are hundreds of capped wells in the Gulf of Mexico alone, this I know first hand, than there's reports of new oil finds dwarfing some already known ones.
It seems that peak-oil may be just another global-warming hoax. Another way for the NWO freaks to come at us.
The monster that seems to be consuming all, that call themselves various names, that we're all familiar with, is using every arrow in their sliver. It is more than most can even begin to comprehend, even I, who have been involved most all my life, am stunned and awe-struck at the magnitude of the vastness and diabolical scope of it all.
I don't know what they know, most anyone can do is make educated guesses, but it seems that they have targeted this time as the time to make their move.
So from what I've been able to gleam, we have enough oil to keep this world afloat for at least another 100+ years, more if we managed it properly, but just like every other commodity that they control, and petro, is one they've had near total control of forever, and they're creating this artificial scarcity.
funny thing, I heard it on Aussie news and for some strange reason?? I wondered.what?
ReplyDeleteno bodyscan? no security working, if he managed to get by them with stuff taped to his legs..
we can't go intr aus without that garbage now, so it's way uncredible.
just another fear and loathing excersise, so bloody obvious its pathetic.
ICTS, ran security at that ariport he departed from, the same Israeli company that ran security for the 9-11 airports. HMMMM. Could his burns on his be from a lithium ion battery catching fire? (and passengers and crew over-reacting?) Why is his picture so blurred on MSM outlets, when perfectly clear pics of him are avaliable to overseas media? See REnse.com for these and other oddities in the story.
ReplyDeleteMr. M is correct. The peak oil was a founding assertion based on bad information and is as bogus as the IPCC report itself.
ReplyDeleteThe KNOWN reserves are limited but there are enough oil, coal and gas reserves on earth to fuel us into 2185. It is a matter of the 3 trillion crude barrels left in known reserves and the owners could not sell it fast enough. (2P method)
Though this figure represents reserves with some difficulty in extraction, the facts are still valid.
The airlines are facing a very daunting challenge for certain.
No one I have ever spoken to is opposed to less dependancy on oil based upon the threat to our economy and sovereignty. Hell, we have been at the mercy of OPEC for forty years.
Algeria 1969
Angola 2007
IR Iran* - pending
Iraq* - completing
SP Libyan AJ - on the border
Nigeria - pending
Saudi Arabia*
United Arab Emirates
Venezuela - pending
Gee, how many of these trading partners have we had issues with? As early as 1988 the Saudi's convinced the producers to adopt the long range plan to reduce production to bolster and chart the price market.
It was planned and adopted by the then current administrators to increase the domestic revenue and we the people ate that one. The GW agenda was very much boosted by this campaign.
It is hard to figure why all the economists don't see this scam. China and India have a great need to convert a portion of their energy needs to solar and wind, but the deal is gas, gas, gas, and it is important enough that american soldiers are expendible and covert terrorism is the tool.
The next article I post will tie it up.
Storing oil became big business. Tank owners and companies that leased storage, including Wall Street giants such as Morgan Stanley, turned sizeable profits simply by sitting on tanks of oil. They would buy oil for immediate delivery and stick it in their storage tanks, then sell contracts for future delivery at a higher price. When delivery dates neared, they closed out existing contracts and sold new ones for future delivery of the same oil. The oil never budged. The maneuver was known as the oil-storage trade.
"Traders are storing enough crude at sea to supply the 27- nation European Union for more than three days. Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Europe’s biggest oil company; London-based BP Plc; JPMorgan Chase & Co.; and Morgan Stanley were among those that sought vessels for storage."
Exactly Pod. This is what we get from our leaders which indicates they are mere henchman.
ReplyDeleteDid you see Rep. Hoekstra today on CNN harping on the terror. He's going to be Michigans Governor soon enough. They did the demonstration of PETN explosion and had a friend of Abdul mutallab’s on to interview him as a deeply religious man.
I tell you, blood is going to run in the streets again soon.
M, lovin you as always brother, this is a good opportunity for us to disagree and look at the Peak Oil argument.
ReplyDeleteOf course I know all about phony scare tactics but Peak Oil is not that. And you would not be the first informed person I've known to disagree with me about Peak Oil. For example Leuren Moret believes Peak Oil is a hoax and claims there is abiotic oil aplenty, a startling geological misconception for a scientist as good as she is and for a credentialled truth fighter.
What I told Leuren is what I will offer to you, that M. King Hubbert was a very good scientist of the sort we rarely find anymore. The oil companies tried to keep him discredited, so given the ownership by Rothschild interests I think already you might notice something wrong, censorship. Hubbert was not only smart to suss out the production curve very early, he hit the US oil production peak pretty much to the year and was only five years off in his global prediction for peak production. It looks now like 2004-9 has been kind of the peak plateau. Peak Oil theory does NOT say there will be no oil in a hundred years....it says there will always be some. The problem is best described in Heinlein's books or in virtually any PO forum. If it is not yet apparent this problem soon will be. Many believe the financial crash is the direct result of Peak Oil: debt can never be repaid in a shrinking paradigm.
I noticed right away Leuren, a geoscientist, had never heard of the geologist Hubbert. But she had to agree he was genuine when she looked. She still disagrees about PO.
Rather than argue a bunch of other points can I just suggest you do some hang time on TheOilDrum.com reading the articles and intelligent comments. I think it will help you to suss out the truth for yourself by seeing where consensus forms, how it is debated, and whose arguments ring true. I don't post there because there are already many others who present the Peak Oil case in the consensus I accept about it. The only real non consensus is predicting the social implications, but many of us feel we are already entering the era of a long petroleum emergency. It would be good to read how the consensus there views what you already believe because it is similar to 9/11 Truth in the way the points are deconstructed one by one.
Best wishes. I consider info on Peak Oil to be up there with zionism, climate fraud, nuclear energy and weapons, 9/11, gmo's, etc as one of the major things for folks to get into and examine piece by piece. I know Ruppert did work on PO and holds it as a central theme, but if you go to TheOilDrum.com you will find people alot more informed than him posting ideas on it.
I mean Heinberg's books, like The Party is Over, oops...
ReplyDeletePatrick, I beg to differ, Peak Oil is good theory and it has alot to rebut what you believe about it. As I recommended to M, check out TheOilDrum.com, hang in there for a few weeks and listen to what the facts say about your belief that PO is a hoax. If for example you believe there are reserves besides known reserves that will ride to the rescue, that for one is a common misconception known as cornucopeia theory, shaky given the discovery curve, cost of deepwater extraction and production from non conventional oil sources. I think the next five years--if you don't want to look into it at TheOilDrum.com and present your beliefs for debate by the community working on the subject as a specialty--will help to answer many questions on the subject. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteWow, a whole three days supply in reserve or a month or whatever..and then what, the cornucopeia turns back on and no worries for suburbia, keep on truckin, ye haw USA.
ReplyDeleteWhich comes off as scare tactics cuz we tried to wake the world up, meanwhile you're trying to scare us with blood in the streets, only that too was just a good warning in an armed madhouse. I appreciate all the info out there and love it that even in COTO we have dissent.
Kinky ain't it?
Mary the evidence is as incomplete as GW. Peak Oil is another one.
ReplyDeletePeak Oil is a dead issue when there are gas fields that have 200 years of fuel. Adding green is good but any argument that says fossil fuels are not abundant and the major reason for ME engagement is either in GW trance or not informed.
10 trillion dollars is up for grabs.
check out the volatility
ReplyDeletein the gold market
True there is currently alot of gas on the market, but it is not so easy to compress and use in transport as petroleum. Doable but not the same. The fact that Cheney and Matthew Simmons met indicates Cheney had the dope on PO from the guy who wrote "Twilight in the Desert" about ME depletion. There are government agencies putting out false info trying to discredit PO theory. WSJ discredits PO. Expect Mexico to stop most export in a couple years. Cantarell is depleting fast. Depletion is proceding faster than new discovery. Alot of oil in fields is not recoverable. The Saudis are pumping salt water into their supergiants to keep up the pressure. Back in the day they never had to. Global Warming trance/Inconvenient Truth has no validity. There is no similarity whatsoever to PO theory which more resembles 9/11 Truth. I'm surprised you make these assertions about depletion as they are not believed by oilmen familiar with production. Iraq does happen to have the last undeveloped giant fields of light sweet crude. The oil companies profited mightily stealing and shutting in Iraq. Now they bring it to market at a much higher price than on 9/11. If MIC is a bigger industry then it is more of a cassus belli for the wars, and maybe the Fed looting is even bigger than MIC.
ReplyDeleteGold could be a good investment. I wonder how that scandal of coated tungsten ingots will resolve? Does GLD really hold pure gold like they say? Will ABX hit 50 soon?
ReplyDeleteIt will take a ton of new worthless fiat money to paper over the losses coming every year until maybe gold settles things with a tulipmania binge.
Mary -- You will find all you need to know to make a good decision at the following sites.
http://www.silverbearcafe.com/private/home.html Poignant articles that will give you the straight scoop. One of my favorite sites.
http://www.silverseek.com/ Spot prices for silver & gold. Good articles.
http://silverstockreport.com/ Jason Hommel’s site. Scroll down to see his archive articles. Breaks things out very well.
http://www.321gold.com/ Gold and precious metals articles and spot price.
http://www.theinternationalforecaster.com/ Bob Chapman’s site. Very topical. Weekly updates. Tells it like it is about the economy, etc.
To Purchase silver or gold physical metals -- I recommend Pre-1964 “junk” silver as they call it – offers the best value and future profit potential. Easily divisible, widely recognized, portable. Silver Eagle dollars command a premium, are uncirculated or proof. Good to have some. 10-100 oz bars would be the next choice. Bulkier.
Gold – St Gauden’s 20 dollar gold pieces. Graded MS63 and higher. Gotta make sure you’re not getting gold-plated stuff. The dealers I recommend however, are reputable. Jason Hommel also has auctions, and owns the Rocklin Coin Shop. Sells gold and silver. There are many smaller gold coins for lesser prices as they represent 1/8, ¼, ½ oz of gold, but they need to be legit. Always, U.S. coinage is maybe best for both silver and gold as so widely recognized. But Pandas, Kruggerands, Eagles, Maple Leafs seem to be pretty good. You should only be interested in acquiring coins as close to “spot” price as possible. Buy when price dips…
It is a long trend “up”, so it is called dollar-cost-averaging to buy on a scaled accumulation. First thing though, is to just plain get a “position” in the market trend by owning some.
I think the best prices for buying via “shipped” to address of your choice are the following:
http://www.mjpm.com/ Michael is the owners name. Coins are always shipped Priority Mail, insured, and listed as nuts/bolts or some such thing, like metal parts.
http://www.amark.com/ Another reputable company you can check prices against for items and get up to the minute spot prices.
http://www.kitco.com/ Spot prices and articles on precious metals. However, they are more mainstream with their articles, so I think swayed by the establishment. Read “biased” commentary.
http://dailyreckoning.com/ Bill Bonner is the editor. No nonsense articles about finance and economy. Often entertaining.
www.silver-investor.com David Morgan’s site. He comments frequently on www.silverseek.com
www.bloomberg.com Mainstream financial news site
ReplyDeleteseptember 1999 @ $253 per oz
[ present gold holdings buy countries ]
United States 8,133.5 tonnes
Germany 3,407.6 "
IMF 3,005.3
Italy 2,451.8
France 2,435.4
China 1,054
Swiss 1,040.1
Japan 765.2
Netherlands 612.5
Russia 607.7
U.S.Treasury bonds " Flight to safety "
"Having spent a fortune bailing out their banks, Western governments will have to pay a price in terms of higher taxes to meet the interest on that debt. In the case of countries (like Britain and America) that have trade as well as budget deficits, those higher taxes will be needed to meet the claims of foreign creditors. Given the political implications of such austerity, the temptation will be to default by stealth, by letting their currencies depreciate. Investors are increasingly alive to this danger..."
See the Pipeline post I posted. 10 trillion dollars at stake.
ReplyDeletePuddy -- I posted some links to websites that would be very helpful to Mary et.al. with regards to precious metals questions. It has disappeared...
ReplyDeleteWhat's up?!
Total public service here. Why are you deleting it?
Sorry Boom. When you post more than 5 links it catches it as Spam.
ReplyDeleteSplit it into two posts next time. Thanks
10-4. Thanks. Trying to help as well.