Professor Mark Denbeaux and the Seton Hall Law Center for Policy and Research published a study titled Death in Camp Delta on December 7, 2009 that analyzed the government's investigation of the June 9, 2006 suicides at the high level detainee facility, Delta Camp . On June 10, 2006, both the Department of Defense and the White House announced that three detainees housed within the detention facility at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base hanged themselves within their cells during the middle of the night. The study found that the the government's investigation does not support its official findings.
“…[T]here was growing concern that someone within the
Camp Delta population was directing detainees to commit
suicide….” [376]- NCIS Statement of Findings
"The investigation fails to mention that Al Tabi was cleared for transfer to his native Saudi Arabia and scheduled to leave Guantánamo before the end of the month. [383] Additionally, Ahmed was not brought to the cell block until 72 hours before his death, [384] which would seem to reduce his opportunity to conspire."
B. Defective Interviews
The investigations rely upon information provided in interviews and statements from a wide variety of guards, escorts, medical personnel, and officers on duty that night. However, the investigation does not determine which guards were responsible for failing to notice suspicious
activity that led to the deaths of the three detainees. The interviews of the Alpha guards do not systematically review the events of the night or provide information regarding the most troublesome problems.
1. Tainted Interviews: Commanding Officer
Immediately after the first detainees were declared dead, the Commander gathered everyone involved that evening. [391] At the meeting in the conference room, he ordered all the guards to sign a roster and to indicate with an asterisk if they had been assigned to Alpha Block that night. [392] Then the Commander brought three or four of the Alpha guards aside to put together ―the series of events,‖ and he spoke with each of them for approximately four or five
minutes. [393] He took no notes and did not record the names of those with whom he spoke. He said that he thought that he could recognize their faces but that he did not know their names. [394]
There is no record of what was said at this meeting, and neither the Commander nor the guards were ever asked what took place at this meeting.
D. Missing Evidence
The investigators conducted many interviews to gather information. The report, however,
does not include:
Sworn statements on required forms
Serious Incident Reports
Surveillance video
Audio recordings
Duty roster
Detainee transfer book
Pass-on book
DIMS system information
Statements from additional witnesses, including tower guards
The study has all the failures, conveniences, coincidences we were accustomed to with the Bush administration, but it fails to provide the proper COTO conclusion that the MK Ultra Program that has sustained itself far beyond the Church Committee hearings in which the program was to be discontinued. When Seymour Hersh wrote of the Cheney assassination squads he failed to mention his suicide squads.
The entire study may be downloaded or viewed here
The DOD investigation documents are here
I'm afraid the U.S. Hegemony has become the travesty and shame of the world. Lord knows, I never thought to see the day.... Even during the Vietnam war... and although our empire was just as evil, we had no inkling of the depths of depravity our government would sink towards.
ReplyDeleteIt can only mean there was a need for key members to be terminated in advance of a new administration or growing outcry for Habeas Corpus.
ReplyDeleteWas it Wellstoning or MK Ultra triggered? No tapes no testimony. As you say another Mei lai type deal here.
Of course they had to be "suicided." They wouldn't dare turn them loose to relay their tales of torture to the world. Whether it was simple "wellstoning" or MKUltra coto knows these men were "offed" by the minions of the evil empire.