The elitist, Obama's famous campaign promise, claiming to have ALL troops out of Iraq by the end of 2009 was slightly modified as we all knew to residual troops in Iraq until 2011, and the majority of troops not leaving Iraq until August 2010.
Obama has reportedly made his decision on approximately 35,000 troops to be deployed to Afghanistan to ultimately set up the same permanent base that Cheney and PNAC masterminded in Iraq. While the need for Afghanistan to become the pivot point for Pakistan, India is critical in the TRIAD for the final lock on the Gulf, so goes the recent state dinner.
Expect more elitist butt smooching with Israel, China and India by the little prince to insure the the ensuing travesty of continued genocide. Obama and his court wrote off the Goldstone Report which contained immaculate research by an unimpeachable investigator. This position was purposely offered to quell the double standard hipocracy appearance and gain the support of blue pill takers who may sit on the fence regarding world order war council decisions for Afghanistan and Iraqi occupation.
Obama has been instructed to ratchet up the revival of al-Quada, the largest figment of the COMMITTEES imagination. Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock goes the clock on the ambitious TRIAD for Iran and Pakistan. It's almost like the last meal for India before they become the next major player in the hottest of spots. The danger of Pakistan-India and Muslim resistance to dying via a [western] cowboy and indian movie. Imagine those heathen savages thinking we won't annihilate them from the bottom up which generally starts with the children, as that will aid in turning the peaceful into the imaginary spirit of al-Qaeda versus a human being who has lost everything and has only the [V]endetta left to console them.
Just as the 911 crisis was manufactured, manipulated by the COMMITTEE, Defence Secretary Rumsfeld proposed bombing Iraq instead of Afghanistan. Proposed was not the reality. The decision was laid out in this TRIAD long before we were attacked by the Quartet's super secret inner circle. Being far too difficult to sell Afghanistan as a country able to have WMD or the ability to have the means to be conducting a WMD program, the decision for Suddam, the shill, was COTO obvious one.
Don't confuse Iran in this mix. The TRIAD at play in Persia is going to plan. Just as the necessity to eliminate Benazir Bhutto, who interfered with the COMMITEES plans, Ahmadinejad's win in the election was critical for the advancement to establish the need for U.S. I.M.C. building, despite the blue team's rhetoric and stomping about the validity of the election. Ahmadinejad, an administrator, will fulfill his orders as did all the previous ME players as directed by Putin and will go out as the largest fraud to date.
I rest assured that establishing the permanent base in Afghanistan is solely for Pakistan, who remains the key to completion of the the ninth kingdom. One more down and one to go.
So while the Pawns munching on Prawns and sipping Grenache, which is the wrong wine to serve with this dish, I am reminded it is just another mistake served to the people of the world by the cretins who don't know a Puligny Montrachet or Sauvignon Blanc was the right wine decision.
Once again we are the Prawns and are taking it again up the poop-chute.
As troops have come home from Iraq, more contracters have been sent. And there are more contractors (mercenaries) in Afghanistan than there are troops.
ReplyDeleteWhile they play with numbers to pacify the public, lives and treasure go down the Imperial hole.
Those contractors are gas for the fire. Meanwhile the troops are mere tools to be discarded like so many boots and shell casings.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the fuss Guss? Our troops, they're are coming "HOME" from Afghanistan. Not until 2017. Should we pop the champagne? Yeah! Smoke A-noth-a.
ReplyDeleteU.S. will be out of Afghanistan by 2017 -White House
2017, a Space Odyssey. No, that was 2001.
So we'll just have ta wait until 17' for the change. The proles should remain patient and calm. However, by 2017 hundreds more of our troops will probably be killed and maimed. But they'll be coming home. Some in a box some with missing limbs, but they'll be home. ET phone home.
Change you can believe in, and none of that Hegelian dialectic.
Troops are coming home. ET phone home. Oy! F'n Vey
Quick, where's my morphine?
MMmmmm Patrick.. what a tasty menu for the nwo.
ReplyDeleteAll this talk of Obama and war makes me want to see what the obama zombies over at oen have to say about it. Nah, nevermind.
Munich, in that clip is he speaking of Iraq or Afghanistan?
Jersey Girl, it's probably Iraq. There's been no real mention from Obama to rebuild Afghanistan. This clip I believe is prior to his Chicago speech where he states he'll bring the troops home by March 2008? His toes were crossed though. A little "white" lie never killed anyone now has it?
ReplyDeleteSo, what if he had said to that crowd "I'll bring the combat troops home by March 2008, and then I intend on re-deploying many of them to Afghanistan?" What sort of reaction would Obama have recieved from the crowd? Curious. I'll bet most of the credulous wouldn't of cared.
A savior is born.