Monday, November 9, 2009

Banker's Sleight of Hand Quicker than Public's Slight of Mind

Gerald_CelenteA New Third Party Coming, Before 2010 - It will be progressive-libertarian Part 1-4
Gerald Celente Interviewed by Eric King

"Listen to the highly respected Gerald Celente, who pulls no punches, announce that the political system is failing the America people and that the Banks (Oligarchy) are robbing us blind. If you're not outraged, you're on life support. As Celente predicts – watch for the formation of an angry Progressive / Libertarian third party before the mid-term elections in 2010 and I'll be an active participant."


  1. Folks

    It has already started. I am an active participant.

    More news soon.



  2. Cheers Michael! Celente tells it like it is in this interview. I'd like to hear it paraphrased with Mr. M's colorful comments like he used to do on Snooze. I used to look forward to the repartee, and we haven't quite geared up yet here on this excellent Obvious site. Everyone -- invite your friends, family, the tone deaf, the willingly and unknowingly blind, on over for a dose of the patently Obvious.

  3. Ya Know! Puddy Dunne can "shoot" the graphics at Ya and speak volumes! Kudos and Props to you PD!

  4. Celente is a brillant man and excellent speaker who knows the score. The elite "333" and the ignorant, apathetic credulous American proles 0.

    Did you see the name Alan Roland in the link? He often posts at Oped snooze. I emailed him months ago at his site and asked if he'd be interested in posting at COTO. He hasn't.

    This too is a brillant read by Richard C. Cook. Thanks for the thread Boomerang.

    WWIII with China and Russia? That should be quite a display of fireworks

  5. This is good, take a minute to listen. Mike Chambers is one of the best radio hosts out there. He exploits the obvious.

    Mike Chambers with Lord Christopher Monckton Pt. 1

  6. Munich -- glad to see you're up to speed on the Autobahn -- I had posted a video from a few weeks back by Monckton that you may not have seen:

    If you scroll down, you'll find the video and piece. Lord (Its not right to refer to any man as "Lord" as its a userpation of the sovereign Creator) Monckton does reveal some "innerworkings" which most worldlings are ignorant of; and apathetic of if they are aware. Turn up the Volume as LOUD as you can because its freaking Obvious what the Game is!

  7. Munich~
    This is the largest fraud to be prepetrated on the free world since the WTO. The final blow to destroy any chance of independence for any state or individual.

    All based upon GW which is the wool pulled over the eyes of the world by HAARP and insider COMMITTEE members in the scientific community.
    God Bless the Sierra Club and fellow eugenists for showing us the OBVIOUS by this perfect triad.

    Save the world and environment by killing the masses and any hope of survival. Death by Pandemic, Taxes and Misery while redistributing further wealth upward.

    Thanks for the Kudos Boom and the intro to Mr. Celente of who I had not heard.

    And Kudos to Michael, who never lets any grass grow under his feet. A COTO soldier on the front lines, like no other.

  8. I've read Celente since the first bailouts but had never heard him speak til now. Great post Boomer. Celente is truly one of the savviest and most eloquent observers we have. He speaks with passion...

  9. I'm glad you guys appreciated Mr. Celente's "straight talk". The politicians, bankers and wankers out there running their scams need to be called on the carpet by the American/World peoples and held accountable. They LIE with impunity, scam and murder thinking no one is watching or recording their deeds -- WE ALL must SHOW THEM that they CANNOT GET AWAY FROM JUSTICE!

    I urge you share the link so many more people will be forced to think outside of the commercial cereal box which they are continuously spoon-fed. A Revolution of "Understanding" what is being perpetrated and going on will lead to Justice being Served.

  10. BTW folks

    Just for fun, check out the Op Ed News wikipedia site.

    Op Ed News has virtually disappeared. Anyone who wants to make a COTO link there can. I don't know how. I just mentioned us.

  11. Maybe its "planned obsolescence"? They filled a purpose for a a better offer?...collapse due to losing "the COTO cutting edge"?

  12. Boomer

    I disagree. I think that the Rob Crawl Klown Kar Kapers collapsed in direct relations to us COTO folks being banned.

    If Crawl could have wrangled a few more advertising dollars out of it, he would have.

    Just my own opinion mind you.


  13. The answer to a working third party lies within the definition of the word "coalition". Get it together, now.

  14. I first heard Gerald Celente about a year and a half ago on Alex Jones show and AJ had him on several times thereafter. He doesn't pull punches and his predictions are for the most part, spot on.

    Progressive/Libertarian Party sounds good to me. I've been calling myself a progressive libertarian since the '04 elections.....

  15. hahahahahaha.. nice goin' Irish ! I added a direct link to "what is coto" to the page;)

    Oh, and I changed the word "committee" of the obvious to "coalition" cause that's the name our fearless leader Mr M tagged us with before oped snooze kicked us all out....the most interesting, independent thinking group of people his website had ever seen......At least things were lively while we were there. Now it's the dead zone.

    Funny how they are echoing all the things we said about Obama and the dems BEFORE the election. Yea, that's right, WE TOLD THEM SO.

  16. Well, thanks Boom, for the comment on my comments.

    I'm still around, and truly appreciate efforts put forth by those of COTO. And still the talent and minds here are a comfort.

    But to be honest, if I'm not stirring shit, I'm not happy.

    Or maybe "happy" isn't the right word, "alive", is probably a better one.

    I'm happy in here, reading your insights, but alive is being on the front lines now.

    I am not so sure, that even if we were all back at Snooze, doing what we do so well, where we had built-in pinata's to smack, in front of tens-of-thousands of prying eyes, would I be blogging as much? My ego tells me I probably would, but that's all conjecture. We are doing what we all feel is best.

    Celente, how can anyone not like this guy? I have maybe 20 cousins just like him back in NYC.

  17. I would love to see Celente run for office. I believe he's the kind of man the Founding Fathers envisioned holding office for a term and than going back to doing whatever profession they practiced.

    Maybe after the fall, and a re-building starts he could be recruited, but I think he's so feed-up with the current system that there's no way he'd participate.

    I like PLP ... almost as good as COTO. Think maybe he'd run in PLP? For sure he'd be involved.

  18. Celente is one of the very very very good guys.
    Funny thing about Oped. There are still good folks over there. Mark Sashine is but one of much worth and human sincerity. There are more.
    As I am of coto temperment with many of you here in these insane days, I listen to all your thoughts and info for the sincerity.
    It would not surprise me a year from now that our need for each other will cause us to forgive the Oped and remember the people we all are and why we are here and were there....and the need we have for each other.
