Article of Association
Agree with the details or not, but please read the final suggestion.
The human world is in a parlous state. Those who traditionally take advantage of others recently have gone totally beyond the bounds of acceptability. With the strategic compliant apathy of those we pay to protect us, on a superficial level the parasitic financiers with impunity have just practised the greatest swindle of all time, via their manipulation of their fiction of finance committing us and our future generations to financial servitude for such future as they care to permit us - if WE now are so stupid as to permit THEM.
However, they now also have it in their power, and have so declared their aim, to limit our populations to such proportions as they think fit, so declared to be the elimination of between two-thirds and ninety percent of us as being unnecessary to 'their economy'. Despite their invention, application and invocation of 'law' appropriate to such intention, that, of course, is intolerable.
Therefore, we have to act to stop them. We have had enough.
So, what is to be done? - Well, this can be done -
We have to retake control of our own destinies, and it is simple to do.
Via the net at your very fingertips as you read this, WE have the ability and can act now easily to re-take control within mere days, and thereby restore to sane and happy life our presence on the planet.
Those who are willing will send this message on, and **we will see within mere days the number of those with computers who want change.** This will indicate the proportion of the total of humanity, and with their authority we will be able to put into effect immediate change for the better.
The intention is that WE THE PEOPLE, all over the world, immediately organise ourselves in our individual areas and countries to nominate and draft OUR representatives to act for us on the few occasions that it may still be necessary, both locally and generally. They will represent OUR interests, rather than those of the financial and commercial entities who presently have taken total control of our destinies.
These, our discreet servant-representatives, will have no 'leaders' or 'controllers'. They will be independent of any political party, and will simply and freely indicate 'yes' or 'no' to any proposal put to them for their executive approval, in each case voting only on their individual conscience for the general good. They will be answerable directly to their electorate for all their decisions, and are warned that they will be replaced at a moment's notice if inconsistent with what is required of them, and will be hanged for corruption, together with their corruptors.
(It is recommended that those whose religion and practice formerly was to parasitise others are totally excluded from any possibility of power or influence, as they would have to conspire and collude against the rest again. Any attempt at lobbying or otherwise influencing our representatives will also have to be made a capital offence.)
WITH THE FULL AUTHORITY OF THIS PRESENT MANDATE these our true representatives will depose the incumbent paid political puppets whom WE will dismiss and censure. Then via our representatives WE THE PEOPLE will dismantle the existing machinery of corrupt political systems, break the existing chains of command and influence, dissolve all preferential laws favouring such criminals and restore the power of volition and decision to the people, whose interests they serve. Both the racket of politics presently inflicted on us and the financial predation motivating it will cease to exist, as the crimes they truly are. Among many reforms will be the total overhaul of our administrations, the recovery of our means of impartial information and communication and our publishing entities, particularly of educational material, and the drastic reform of our present stunting education system to enable our young better to acquire all knowledge and abilities that will be of use to them as beneficial inhabitants of the planet.
All existing banking systems and 'the trusts' will be abolished together with the fiction of finance previously made a necessity to life and welfare, and strategic hoarding and the making of money from money will also be made capital offences.
WE THE PEOPLE will commandeer and control the food and energy stocks and water resources and their free provision. They belong to the planet, which is ours, and cannot be 'bought' individually or corporately with any fictitious 'money'.
For the immediate future we will then continue as we then will be, but without any need of money. The unnecessary work, formerly required to produce 'the money' to buy our necessities to exist on a commerce-dominated planet, will then fall away, and the work necessary for production and distribution to satisfy need will be equitably shared out. This will then require only between three and six months work per year. The energy previously wasted in the unnecessary work will cease overheating the planet, and the rise in sea-level will moderate, then over than a period of decades return to normal, enabling the continued use of land which otherwise would be lost to the seas.
The five millennia of misery afforded us by the infliction of finance will be over, and the grip of those alien parasitic vermin on all human endeavour will finally be broken.
The result will the end of hunger, of poverty, of want, of debt, of taxes and of the need of endless financial records. Wars will be a thing of the past. The majority of crime will cease. We can then work to provide conditions for life everywhere to be as near ideal as possible. The planet once again will provide impartially for all, and we its inhabitants will be free to dwell on it without stress or encumbrance.
We can then plan for the long-term welfare of all the inhabitants of the planet, rather than for their extermination which is now intended.
Our local representatives will be responsive to local needs, and there will be no global imposition of edicts other than general tendencies required to provide enough for everyone, while safeguarding the welfare of the planet.
There is no money involved, and if this is done properly you will never again have to use money with all its deliberately-incorporated nagging and dragging anxieties.
So the name of this game is 'survival' - YOURS, and OURS. This mandate is the ball. Take it and run with it. Translate this Article of Association into all your languages, and put its suggestions into practice in your countries and local areas all over the world wherever necessary.
PLEASE NOTE: To associate with this Mandate -
Particularly by email simply COPY and PASTE this proposal in its entirety on a new email just to your friends, where possible with copy to sender. Your friends can send it to their friends or not do so, as they think fit. (Ensure your computer is clean before sending, and do not send to anyone likely to protest about spam even with their life on the line; it's not worth it. If in doubt, tell them you will send next day unless you hear from them that they do not want it. Anyone sending virus is on their own; we hereby renounce responsibility for you.)
In theory, suppose each send it to ten others, and just half each time send it on, in twenty hours you will cover the world population. In practice, in two or three days this could well enlist as many of humanity as are willing, and - if we have feedback - we can see immediately what proportion of us are interested, both locally and globally, to be in sufficient majority ethically TO EXERCISE THIS MANDATE TO DEPOSE THE VILLAINS PRESENTLY IN OFFICE all over the world only for the benefit of their pockets and for those international aliens who, for their financial profit, will fill them. We are not referring here to Chavez and Kucinich and other good and useful people, but the out-and-out villains and their accomplices, from top to bottom.
We can then inform you of your strength in your area, and perhaps co-ordinate with you to circumvent, negate or enlist any resistance to you and proceed in your own best interests from there.
Remember this: We cannot rely on this happening unless WE make it happen. And YOU cannot rely on others making it happen unless YOU YOURSELVES also do it. So do it, and I would suggest you do it now. If you think you have a better suggestion than this, then DO it. But you have to DO something, and soon.
Remember also that 'they' of the few influential vermin have already declared THEIR intentions, and the elimination they are talking about is YOURS.
Even moderate voices are now foreseeing a total collapse designed to take effect within two years. If the gangsters in power are allowed to take their action then what they intend for us is chaos and disaster. If we take our action the intention is a world as near Utopia as is humanly possible. Ask yourself whether you prefer your intended extermination or even a modest version of Utopia. Answer . . . ?
So then consider: if you agree, then you will never have less in real terms than you have now, and will have a fuller and more carefree life. But IF you agree, all others will have enough instead of, as now, deliberately-induced and -maintained poverty for two-thirds of the planet's population, with hunger or infant-death, too, for half of them. So, do you agree?
The choice is yours whether or not to forward this email to your friends. There will be no recriminations from us if you decide not to, but 'they' have already declared their intentions if allowed to have their way. So the only other possible alternative to our promised slaughter is otherwise bloody revolution, and who needs that if it can be avoided via this Association?
You are still free to choose, but without action this 'privilege' may not last much longer.
There is no charge for this Association. And in this, at least for the time being, you are still free to act.
Send this MANDATE to your friends to put into effect the expulsion of all dishonest incumbents from positions of influence and power. Let us drive these fat villains and their greedy manipulators from the troughs they have made of all our august halls of governance, and return the use and benefits of the planet to its rightful inhabitants.
Choose now, and act. Send it on now.
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