May cause Flu like symptoms, Neuropathy, Guillan Barre syndrome, Diarrhea, Anxiety, Anal Swelling, Loss of Smell, Cancer, Paralysis, Weight loss, Parkinsons disease or other involuntary Shaking, Nose Bleeding or other hemmoraging such as Ear Bleeding,or Anal Bleeding, Vomiting, Impaired Speech, Impaired mental processes, Alzheimers disease, Exhaustion, Headaches, Chest Pains, Depression, Deafness and DEATH.
FLU disclaimer: H1N1 virus may cause fever, aches and pains, abdominal discomfort and diarrhea
lol right Patrick. What's the point? The cure sounds worse than the disease and that's without including the real horrors we know about the "cure."
I have abc news on w/charlie gibson right now and they are showing health care workers getting sprayed up the nose with the flu mist. Which means a mist which contains the flu. The idiots dressed in scrubs behind the first one to get misted are applauding as they anxiously await their turn.
This is the way the virus will spread and mutate as these dumbasses sneeze all over the rest of we the knowing and "unmisted."
Such sophmoric propaganda JG like the one you posted earlier. They really treat the sheep like idiots. It's scary to think some will buy it, but alas, they will.
ReplyDeleteVaccine disclaimer:
ReplyDeleteMay cause Flu like symptoms, Neuropathy, Guillan Barre syndrome, Diarrhea, Anxiety, Anal Swelling, Loss of Smell, Cancer, Paralysis, Weight loss, Parkinsons disease or other involuntary Shaking, Nose Bleeding or other hemmoraging such as Ear Bleeding,or Anal Bleeding, Vomiting, Impaired Speech, Impaired mental processes, Alzheimers disease, Exhaustion, Headaches, Chest Pains, Depression, Deafness and DEATH.
FLU disclaimer: H1N1 virus may cause fever, aches and pains, abdominal discomfort and diarrhea
lol right Patrick. What's the point? The cure sounds worse than the disease and that's without including the real horrors we know about the "cure."
ReplyDeleteI have abc news on w/charlie gibson right now and they are showing health care workers getting sprayed up the nose with the flu mist. Which means a mist which contains the flu. The idiots dressed in scrubs behind the first one to get misted are applauding as they anxiously await their turn.
This is the way the virus will spread and mutate as these dumbasses sneeze all over the rest of we the knowing and "unmisted."
Such sophmoric propaganda JG like the one you posted earlier. They really treat the sheep like idiots. It's scary to think some will buy it, but alas, they will.