Thursday, October 15, 2009

Video Proof of Why You Shouldn't Submit to the Flu Shot


Rare side effects?  I think not !  Watch the video below of a beautiful, young woman who is a testament to how dire the consequences can be to those that submit to the current flu shot that MSM and the Government/Big Pharma are pushing.

Then watch this  "60 Minute Expose" on the 1976 swine flu scare and the vaccine which caused widespread cases of Guillain Barre Syndrome to see what could happen to you.  And for what?  A flu milder than the norm which your own immune system will fight off and make you stronger in the end?  Help it out with Vitamin D, probiotics and getting a daily dose of sunshine.  A toxic shot to the system produced by a vaccine will only make you sick.  MSM isn't talking about the 1976 vaccine scam nor are they talking about natural, safe and healthy ways to ward off the flu.  Why is their best advice, along with being injected with toxic waste,  sneezing into your sleeve ?

Don't be a brainwashed, dumbass victim of Big Pharma, the NWO and MSM shills.    They don't care about your health.  They only care about the $$$ and are thrilled at the prospect of thinning  out the herd... US.   Refuse the shot !~jg

Oh and don't listen to Dr Oz either.  Apparently his wife is much wiser than he.

For more info and videos go to


  1. OH and look what Mike Adams the Health Ranger left in my email this morning. Big Pharma may next be pushing for a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome vaccine. Soon they'll have a useless vaccine for every disease. I'm sure they'll follow that up with inoculations against hangnails and pink eye....

  2. Chronic fatigue is most likely caused by mutations to mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondria are our little cellular 'engines'. No vroom, no go. Hard to even idle when the code goes down...and shots cannot reverse mutations.
    Culling the herd, introducing stresses like war and political division, economic collapse, the shock doctrine, and revenge on the gentiles is part of what is going on in every ring of this multi ringed NWO circus. Obama arrives from nowhere put up the by the daughter of the highest US elder of Zion and minded in the White House by the son of an Israeli terrorist.
    They bring corrupt medicine, corrupt food production, corrupt security, corrupt legislation, and corrupt information.
    To help characterize a link between pharma and NWO, I checked out the conspiracy against Cannabis (described by Jack Herer in "Emperor Wears no Clothes") as a pharma plan to attack people's natural health independence and pocketbooks at the same time as the NWO unveiled their nuclear era, bringing into the environment the most potent biological mutagens ever created. Criminalization of popular, low cost organic cannabinoid remedies such as tinctures and oils coincided with the first nuclear chain reaction by Zionist banker funded scientists in 1938. This 'science' set off an epidemic of cancer and diabetes continuing to spread into the future, coinciding with collapse of many species and natural systems in the web of life. Ask the gulf war vets about chronic fatigue syndrome and DU exposure....ask Doug Rokke while he is still alive.
    Lots more connections that COTO would know between pharma and NWO, for sure....

  3. I suspect chronic fatigue to be Possibly Caused BY the vaccines we used to be dumb enough to trust!
    especially after seeing this poor lass, and all the autistic kids, nerve sheath/myelin/receptor damage..hmm?
    cytokine auto immune, all links in.
    They are planning to Immunize Humans against Salmonella too, NO Joke...they can't eradicate it in food commercially produced, so rather then fix the problem..
    they are working on a vaccine, so we can eat crappy food and survive.
    ???you really do have to wonder at the IQ and Minset of these F/wits!.
    And FDA approved a vaccine for cattle 2 weeks before slaughter to KILL the cows Ecoli and digestive flora to try and reduce contaminated meat...
    They Walk Among Us, and they need to be confined!!

  4. mindset...angry fingers go too fast! :-)

  5. Oz, we are living the theater of the absurd. WHy? Because the elite rule we serfs and they are trying to eliminate a wide swath of us. It's no longer a conspiracy theory for any thinking human being. It's quite obvious.

    I like Peter's catchphrase which he posted on his article about them... "the elite ..identify and delete!"

  6. We must look to survival as our primary agenda.
    Trust our guts and wait for their mistake.

    Healthcare is their priority. Why now after decades of attention? EUGENICS. Those who don't die will have to wait for care and when they get it Typhoid Mary will be the caregiver.

    HOSPICE for everyone!! Not cheap. Remember the immuno tonics JG. Stay well everyone. They make you weak. We make them COTO strong!
