Amazing isn't it? RK and his minions are lamenting the same things we warned he and his lame dittoheads at oen about many moons ago. He now sees the light that C.O.T.O. was trying to shine on the cockroaches that these brain dead Obamazombies were so heartily supporting pre-election.
Obama is not the savior? He's not the CHANGE he never intended to be and in fact showed you as much but you believed in anyway? Boo hoo ya crybabies. You threw us out because we revealed self evident truths that you were too blinded by the light of MSM to see. Yes, I'm gonna be THAT petty. It gives me great pleasure to say........ WE TOLD YOU SO.
Ok, my beloved COTO....From RK's lips to your ears:
For OpEdNews: Rob Kall - Writer
Right wing pundit Mike Murphy, commenting on Obama's failed Olympic trip, "You never send the pres where you don't know the outcome."
Whatever happened to leadership, to courage, to doing the right thing. Murphy's kind of thinking is despicable. Ironically, it appears that, for the most part, his approach IS the way Obama has been operating most of the time. And sadly, the gutless cowards in the White House who live by Murphy's gutless coward model of operating have probably gained the upper hand over Valerie Jarrett, who pundits are guessing was behind the decision. Too bad. Obama needs to take more risks and do the right thing, not the safe thing.
Obama will NOT be meeting with the Dalai Lama. Apparently, he doesn't want to piss off the Chinese. Even George Bush met with Tenzin Gyatso, one of the most respected men on the planet. WTF is wrong with the White House. See the above paragraph. Nah, don't bother. I'll repeat it. There are cowards in the Whitehouse-- a lot of them. They do what is safe, or what they think is safe. You know what gets done when you take that approach? Nothing, nada, zero, zilch. Well, almost nothing. What happens, when true leadership is not exercised, is things happen that would not have otherwise happened. Injustice takes place or continues un-abated. Criminals continue their sprees. Bad wars keep killing innocent civilians and brave soldiers, corporations keep on damaging the ecology and the economy.
Let's not forget that the cowards in the White House have still failed to remove Bush appointed partisan, formerly Rove supervised attorneys in the Department of Justice. It will soon be 10 months since Obama took office and the corrupt attorneygate judiciary monsters who used the law to further GOP goals are still not only un-punished, they are still at work, free to pursue their partisan prosecutorial misconduct. At this rate, Attorney General Eric Holder will go down in history as worse the Bush's AG Gonzales. But when it comes down to it, this is the fault of the Obama administration. Why would they fail to fire these people? It's probably because they'd have to face those nasty Republicans who they are trying to persuade to support the worthless faux health insurance reform Obama is trying to sell as something substantive.
Talking about health insurance, there are a few shining lights-- Alan Grayson has shown real cojones. I'm waiting to see which members of congress will stand by his side. That's right. Who will step up next, among the Democrats, with strong, tough talk? Then there's the house progressive caucus. So far, they're holding strong. Kudos to them. In the senate, there are a handful of brave souls-- Bernie Sanders is my favorite. Then there are dirty Dems who don't deserve to be there-- Chris Dodd is a total sell out to the banksters. Baucus is owned by health insurers and probably Blanche Lincoln and all the others who voted against the public option on the senate finance committee.
There is clearly a pattern of spinelessness in Washington. It's been there at some level for a long time. The tragic thing is Americans sent an incredibly powerful message to Washington. They gave the Democrats and Obama full control of the White House, the House and the Senate. The Conservatives have been incredibly marginalized. They are so desperate they have fallen very low. Paul Krugman, today, observes,
"So what did we learn from this moment? For one thing, we learned that the modern conservative movement, which dominates the modern Republican Party, has the emotional maturity of a bratty 13-year-old.
But more important, the episode illustrated an essential truth about the state of American politics: at this point, the guiding principle of one of our nation's two great political parties is spite pure and simple. If Republicans think something might be good for the president, they're against it — whether or not it's good for America."
Democrats have the power. But they have weak, cowardly, DLC thinking people in places of power. Rahm Emanuel might have been the tough guy when the Dems were a minority, but he failed the Democrats, funding blue-dogs against real progressives in Democratic primaries, castrating the party in the process. His toughness was a sellout to the populist principles the Democratic party represented with people like Franklin Roosevelt.
Obama has the first real chance to make far reaching changes since Roosevelt was in power. He needs people with courage around him. That means he needs to get rid of the Clinton people he started his presidency with. Sure, they were the only Democrats with experience in the White House, which is the usual justification. But they have hurt, not helped him. He's made too many terrible appointments-- Geithner and Summer are disastrous, even obscene examples of appointing wolves to guard the hen house. The same has been done inagriculture, food and elsewhere. We have to assume that his senior advisers played a major role in these decisions.
Maybe we should just change the name from White House to Yellow House. Either that or a lot of Americans need to get off their asses and start making a lot of noise. Michael Moore's new movie sent me a message. It's time for a revolution in America-- for people to rise up and demand change. Moore didn't pull any punches. I'm with him. It's time for our elected representatives-- the majority who were elected in 2008-- to join with Alan Grayson in speaking up and out, and using the power they were given, instead of snivellingly trying to beg one New England senator to throw her voteat a version of health care that does not deserve to be passed.
There are, as Grayson has said, knuckle dragging Neanderthals out there. But perhaps worse, there are spineless mice. Time to throw them out or morph them into fully spined beings who take ownership of their power and have the courage to do the right thing.
AND look at Perry Logan's reply. My god, he almost sounds Coto-ish!
Study Questions for Lefties
Don't look at me. I voted for Cynthia McKinney :)
The following study questions will help prepare you for the midterm.
How did a bunch of brave and tough people like us wind up with all these cowardly, yellow-bellied representatives? A heterogenous group of people suddenly become cowards the minute they got to Congress, when the same thing does not happen to Republicans, nor even to all Democrats. What's going on here? It's like a whole new psychological phenomenon.
How does anyone who voted for Obama have the nerve to pontificate about politics at this point? It seems to me these nice people should all shut up and listen to those of us who saw through Obama from the get-go. Prattling about the evils of the DLC seems distinctly gauche at this point.
How did Bill Clinton manage to pay off the deficit and make the economy boom with the same DLC bad guys Obama is using? Did these guys lose their mojo—or do they just need an effective President to guide them? Or is it perhaps because Obama is way to the right of his Clinton appointees?
(It's OK to make up questions of your own, by the way. Not asking enough questions is how we got into this mess in the first place.)
Why didn't progressives vet Obama? It took me five minutes to see that Obama was a flaming neocon. Other glaring clues: Obama's dirty primary campaign, his Hun-like supporters, his unprecedented financial backing by bankers, and the corporate media's fondness for him.
Why are progressives forgetting/denying that Obama stole the nomination? Any fool could see it. I sure as hell saw it. (If you knew it and still voted for Obama, please get out of my party.)
Very important: How can we discourage young people from voting in the future? The fact that they can't write songs and that they mar their flesh with grotesque body piercings and tattoos probably should have tipped us off.
How can the Democratic Party go on if it is full of people who got so easily snookered by Obama? This last question makes the creation of a third party problematical, as any third party would be chock full of the same numbskulls who voted for the Bamanator.
Bonus Question: What Pig of a Bill will the Democrats give us on healthcare?
Rob better be careful or they'll pull his CIA funding and take away his special status privilege to remain on the Net when they switch over to I2.
ReplyDeletePerry of course is a complete liar. If he voted for CM, I'm George Clooney.
He says it took him five-minutes to see that Obama was a flaming neocon, HA! That piece of excrement defended Obama with every breath he spoke.
But all these sell-outs haven't seen anything yet. The fun is just beginning.
Actually PL didn't like Obama because he felt he cheated Hilary out of the nomination. He was a staunch supporter of the dastardly dems to the death tho.
ReplyDeleteHe had to be joking when saying he voted for Cynthia McKinney. Yea, right.
And you're right. The obama zombies ain't seen nothin' yet.
ReplyDeleteI read that last night Jersey Girl and almost puked. Kall's a creep, a COTO wannabe.
ReplyDeleteMr. M. is also right, if Kall doesn't pipe down they'll pull his funding.
How ironic that he resides in historic Newtown Bucks County, Pa. A quaint little town where General George Washington once lodged prior to his crossing of the Delaware River and the fierce Battle of Trenton. What was it again that they were they fighting for back then Kall?
If he truly loved his country he would already have done his research, and realized what the F' is going on. That there is NO Right or Left. Instead he remained credulous. He owes each and every COTO member an apology. He's way too proud though.
It's already too late! The NWO is here whether Kall likes it or not. And when the "doll-la" comes crumblin down and we're living in neofeudalism and serfdom he'll kvetch even more. Shame on him!
The next troops that'll be marching through Newtown, Pa. could quite possibly be that of the jack booted thugs who've stolen our country.
Keep kvetchin Kall!
A brillant articel from 03'
ReplyDeletePaul Krugman stating the OBVIOUS ?
Kob Rall is experiencing a hormonal imbalance. He'll be back to his Dass kissing self here soon. His Anthony Darth Wader, Stephen C.N.N. Fox and that blaming idiot with the Strawberry will bring him 'round. Trust me.
ReplyDeleteThis part really grabbed me; "Very important: How can we discourage young people from voting in the future? The fact that they can’t write songs and that they mar their flesh with grotesque body piercings and tattoos probably should have tipped us off."
Dude almost had it, with not voting and all but then he blew it with the songs and tattoo comment. Nobody's perfect but as I see it, we have a mother load of very sick puppies active on the web. Very, very sick puppies. The sickest kind are the ones caught up in a spiral where they continue to make the same mistakes time and time again. No voice or message is loud enough to awaken these sick puppies. They're stuck in Kob Rall Land. D-estination City. Po-litico, my team vs. your team shit. Kill the Ref.
P.fuckingS. ;
ReplyDeletesaid Kall, 28, May, 2009.....
"Cleaning up OEN and Changing OEN Policy on Edge Topics
Most progressive sites refuse to cover 911 truth and more exotic topics, like UFOs, NWO and conspiracy theories. OEN has covered them and it has brought some problems, particularly a crew of unpleasant, negative commenters who attack just about every article published, particularly ones by higher visibility writers. We've decided to clean things up, so we're cracking down on this crew, holding firmer to rules aganst spamming articles and personal attacks and name calling. The goal is to maintain our open forum for discourse-- a forum that this small group has effectively intimidated and turned off.
That WILL mean some of those spamming, name calling commenters will lose posting privileges to the site (be banned) or lose commenting privileges. We expect that the net result will be a community where the widest range of topics and opinions will be discussed in a civil manner. We're sure that this small group will holler about censorship. They will be free to angrily post their words elsewhere.
We plan to continue publishing solid, well documented and supported articles on all subjects. If the focus is on edgy topics like 911 Truth, UFOs, NWO, JFK or other conspiracy theories, the articles, upon passing the test of new material and documented claims, will be posted to our EDGES hot page:
This is a decision that the OEN senior team has struggled with at length. We believe it is the right thing to do to move OEN in the direction we want it to go-- towards continuing to be a trusted, respected media site/ community blog where progressive ideas and visions are explored in a respectful tough minded way, and where progressive ideas reach political and thought leaders, so our writers not only get their ideas out, but also reach, influence and make a difference.
I'm taking yesterday's coverage of OEN by the NY Times as a portent that we are on the right path.
I hope you'll take all this news as an encouragement to post your articles, diaries, polls and comments to the site, or, to go further and take the step of committing to become a volunteer for the site.
Rob Kall
PS. it is part of our member terms of use that we can send you emails occasionally. You can deactivate your membership if you don't want to receive such notifications."
Name callers will be banned? NYT ? Edges? WTF? Buffo the fucking Clown probably initiated false flag attacks on his very own website in an attempt to win sympathy. It didn't work. Nothing is working. The asshole behind the curtain has been exposed.
Wow! Shit!! Doubleshit!!! Look at what this dude Joe R just wrote on OEN ;
ReplyDelete" Name calling now allowed (again)?
"Spineless Cowards" ??
I thought name callers were to be banned (Newsletter / Banning News, 28 May 2009). Or is this just another case of "when I break the rules, it's okay because I made the rules"? Oh, and by the way, you sound very C.O.T.O.-ish these past few days. WTF? Dems let you down that bad?
What happened to "put their feet to the fire"??
Just asking.
Jo dude has balls. Maybe we should invite him to coto. ;-)
I'm sort of surprised that some are still paying attention to what Rob writes...let alone giving him so much space here.
ReplyDeleteWannabes like him will vacilate according to how the wind blows: if they think they might be invited to join the ruling cadre, they happily become gatekeepers. When that invitation never shows up, they revert to a carping I-was-always-a critic stance. Screw him and all opportunists like him.
Laudy, screw whom? Kob Rall or Joe R? Wadtcha mean?
ReplyDeleteJoe R..errrr.. I mean Curt.. nice goin' ;)
ReplyDeleteLaudy.. I was bored and decided to see if the oen rag is still doing the downward spiral thing. I am pleased to see it is and that Kall is still the whining baby he's always been. No wonder his wife left him.
Nice to see we were SO right that hardly anyone has anything to say there anymore. Can't do the Obama/dem rah rah thing anymore can they? And guess what? It shows what empty vessels they really are..
Laudy, you weren't thrown out on your ass like the rest of us who were disparaged and denounced and called all sorts of nasty things just for presenting an alternative viewpoint and trying to talk about REAL THINGS.
It may be juvenile but it feels good to see the pompous asses eat dirt.
You said: "If he truly loved his country he would already have done his research, and realized what the F’ is going on. That there is NO Right or Left."
ReplyDeleteUh, Rob does realize exactly what he is doing. And this is not his country. It is a country his "family" moved into and want to destroy and line us up according to his master's plans.
Rob is an active agent fucking with Americans.
He knows dam good and well the U.S. Constitution says one thing and he is kalling for another. Rob insists on the public health option which is pure socialism while the U.S. Constitution GUARANTEES all of us including PRIVATELY owned insurance companies the RIGHT to private property rights involved in capitalism.
Rob Kall wants this overthrown and the private health insurers seized, owned, and operated by the federal government at our expense.
He knows exactly what he is doing. Look at how he uses people and politics like a game down destruction road.
Rob is little more than a puppet at this point. A NWO puppet who uses his website to spread his destructive poison inside our nation and to collect data for his masters.
The man is clearly not American.
JG, it's not juvenile, it's called "benchmarking". ;-)
ReplyDeleteThanks, glad you like it (my comment). Surely Joe R will now be banned. Again. Joe might get another e-mail from Kob Rall, like the last one where he asked Joe;
"Your shopping list comment"
"What's the point of the comment?
Rob Kall
Publisher,, (reaching 500,000-800,000+ unique visitors, 200 countries a month)"
Put their feet to which fire? Duh.
I hate it when we're right.
my thoughts...If, and that's a big IF, Mr. Rob is, has been and is assumed to be sincere (not right or wrong or CIA funded) in his efforts so far (however telling), I'd say he IS internally morphing and as supportive of my opinion on this, would point to all (each) of us, who at different stages and in myriad ways have morphed ourselves to where we are now and where we're going.
ReplyDeleteI do not claim any mantel on this and will offer only my opinion for I am not a fan of certainty. Rob, in this case, could be said to be 'developing' and these occasional "I told you so" banters are great over a Heiny at Slim's, but good for little else. So, after the suds are downed, i simply suggest we best........move on.
Coto is Coto because of that concept. Si?
Now then, IF, Rob is not and has not been sincere and is backed by the rich psycho loonie humanity party crashers, I'd offer this option to this second and other possibility....Same answer.......move on.
Either way, altho' us v them may be true, it is that very viewpoint that for the most part, we daily rail against here.
When I look at The Big Picture... WE ALL ARE IN IT.
In my world Coto is not the 'way'. What Coto is to me is some very wonderful and very interesting intelligent, healthily skeptical folks who for the most part, really do give a shit, smell the shit and are doing their freakin' best to clean it up. I like this neighborhood.
I apologize if you think I'm an easy mark. My style may be, but I'm not.
RK from all appearances is a social climber that is pretending to be progressive. He doesn't play well with true progressives that disagree with his loyalty to a corrupt political party.
ReplyDeleteMikel...easy mark? Don't know what you mean by that??
And of course we'll move on after taking a brief moment to stop and smell the roses.......
Joe R is ??? don't know or care, but if he's another opportunist, hell screw him too.
ReplyDeleteI was eventually banned after I emailed Glenn Greenwald and questioned why he bothered to appear on Rob's radio show.......?
ReplyDeleteIt's probably not helpful to "winning" that rebels fuss and feud so much. On the other hand, there has always been a sizable cohort of sleezy dishonest opportunists who hang out with Progressives and whose motto is "what's in it for me?" They are Stalinists at heart. They don't evolve or develop or reform. Rob may whine, but he'll never miss an opportunity to backstab or purge or sellout his (fill in the blank).
Any benefits from our tax dollars are reserved for Corporations and the military-industrial establishment: that's National Socialism. The public should just suck it up and die quietly, hey LS?
ReplyDeleteI'm kinda a softie of sorts. Naive is a word I've heard more than once or three. A 'mark' in my use, is one who can be spun easier than most. If you look at my OpEd articles and comments in general, I am a human people worshipper who happens to cry at opening day baseball games, I think people are basically good (I'd put it at 95-97% as guesses go), I love humor, the kind that is of the human truth variety (aka Carlin, Hicks, Pryor, no jokes, just the sincere truthful stories et al), I don't think there is a grail, I think we may all meet up sometime somewhere, the Tao is by my bed to remind me now and again that I am part of this, not 'the' reason for and when my wife thinks I'm full of it, it's no big deal....eventually.
ReplyDeleteI guess what I meant is I will spin, but I won't be spun.
Levin, you'd be wise not to defend the corporate greed of the insurance industry on coto. Wait until you are sick and denied treatment by one of these bastards after having paid out the nose for years.
ReplyDeleteTheir CEOS are ghouls that make huge salaries, made even bigger when they deny much needed care to their consumers. That's a fact Jack and to defend that is to defend corporatism or fascism.. take your pick.
THere is no socialism for the middle class, only the wealthiest amongst us.
How did RK find out you emailed Glenn Greenwald??????
ReplyDeleteLOL, another opportunist. He is I.
ReplyDeleteI remember the shopping list ! I loved it!
ReplyDeleteI assume Glenn did. I was banned the day after I sent the email and hadn't even visited OEN in weeks.
ReplyDeleteJoe is Curt is Tony ?????
ReplyDeleteClarify please!
Wow and I always liked GG too. What a snitch.
ReplyDeleteI still like Greenwald.
ReplyDeleteI told him about the purge and it isn't surprising that he would ask Rob about it......I was a little hurt to be overlooked by the ban anyway :)
lol laudy.. tonyforest.. the man with many aliases!
ReplyDeleteHis real name (or so he says) is Curt. He plays a guy named Joe R on oen because, like the rest of us his tonyforest personna was banned eons ago. Actually, Tony/Curt was banned well before COTO was. So, he's what you'd call a trail blazer !
I know what you mean. I wasn't banned right away either. I made sure I was though when I started posting my email address to every coto minded person that commented, asking them to join our new blog. I used oen's message system to talk with future coto members. lol Worked like a charm. I was banned shortly thereafter :)
ReplyDeleteOK......Now, what I want is for Tony et al to tell us about the recent German election! do I at least have that part right??
ReplyDeleteHad to visit OEN after this post.
Funny visit, exactly what I expected. C'est la vie.
Funny seeing Tony call out Klown Kar Krawl
on his almost COTO turn around.
Tony, keep us updated on what RK responded to you, if at all.
A mate sent me a oped link , and I went to look,
ReplyDeletemy my hasn't the input dropped:-)
stuff all GM and Farming stuff I speciality, so it sort of didn't catch my eye..
well done tony, I just bet you get No reply or you get offed again!
I won't go there usually as he doesn't deserve the clicks even. silly bastard, serves him right to fade into a mumbling obscurity..
yip, right. Okay. Will do.
ReplyDeleteI have been keeping an eye on Rob Kall for years ever since he violated his own rules and maliciously verbally attacked me on OEN for no good unjust reason other than him just being a god-damned internet thug and bully which is typical of people like him.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that needs to be brought out and looked at is Rob's future agenda... what exactly is he doing anyways besides screwing with real Americans?
Rob obviously has a public agenda and a hidden agenda.
His public agenda is trying to persuade real Americans to go along with him and his socialism. Notice Rob lumps NWO people in with UFO's. He co-joins that which is real to that which is unproveable. In other words, he discredits anything NWO he is aiding and assisting by trying to smear it next to UFO whackos. Slick propaganda method.
But his hidden agenda needs to be exposed. What is Rob Kall really doing?
He is trying to build an internet business separate from OEN, but he is USING OEN and the members of OEN to PAY for his business development.
OEN is a website Rob Kall claims to be the architect of and his designer and program writer is "Vidya Ishaya
(also known as Burton Smith)
Ashland, OR."
This is who Rob Kall is paying with money he begs from his members. It is not just to support OEN as Ron Kall spins is, but this money is really being used to develop an internet platform that Rob Kall hopes to expand and own exclusively and control all by himself and no one else. This is what any donations to OEN are really going to besides paying for his mortgage and kid's expensive college tuition at private schools.
Rob is using OEN and its paying members to help him develop an internet business he hopes to sell to others. He wants to open up new websites similar to OEN and run them through the populum program OEN members are begged to donate to pay for.
The funny thing is when you go to the website of the non-American traitor who is writing Rob's programming, you will notice that no where on his site does he mention or even recommend OEN as a product sample possibly because OEN is presently in development and not fully developed to the point where Rob can sell it to others.
We should all notice that Vidya Ishaya is not an American name, but this enemy inside America has taken on another name "Burton Smith" to use to try and hide his real identity from prospective customers. Why else would someone with a foreign name take on an American sounding alias if it were not for pure manipulation and hiding?
It seems to me that the idiots of OEN who blindly pay to support Rob Kall should check him out a little bit more- and especially where their donations are going to.
Information has come to me that the location Rob Kall uses as his dedicated place of "business" is owned by known mafia criminals with lengthy criminal records and history.
One of Rob's phone numbers was reverse searched to an address where public records were checked and they show the property is indeed owned by men with names who are known criminal mafia family. Grandfather, father and son. I won't mention their names here for obvious reasons, but one can only wonder why Rob Kall would rent from people who have a known history of lengthy criminal activity.
The bottom line here is Rob is a shrewd shady businessman. He enjoys manipulating others into supporting his bullshit and to pay for his mortgage, tuitions, and business development which he will undoubtedly use to cause further harm and destruction to a once great America.
So if Rob is going to ban anyone from OEN, it will definitely be people who don't send him any money and anyone who opposes his unAmerican opinions.
I firmly believe Rob Kall is just another enemy infilth-traitor who has moved inside our nation and is hard at work trying to move any humans he can in the direction his masters want him to try and lead them.
Rob Kall is a judas goat.
I think, like many New Age flim-flam gurus, Burton-that-was became Vidya to give himself some gravitas.
ReplyDeleteHis website looks exactly like OEN. Not even any color changes or etc!! Face it, Americans are natual schemers. (No need to be foreign).
And please, give these slams of socialism a rest. Citizens have every right to expect public services for their tax dollars. The idea that only Corporations deserve the benefits is a total crock!
And please, give these slams of socialism a rest. Citizens have every right to expect public services for their tax dollars. The idea that only Corporations deserve the benefits is a total crock!
ReplyDeleteI second that laudy !
Notice there isn't a response from Kall to Ms. Sheehan's article? And only six people responded! What a shame for Cindy. Not too many peacemakers at Awakening Path? I mean OEN.
Munich, I don't know why Cindy bothers to post her articles there. RK thinks of her in the same way he does coto because cindy IS coto.
ReplyDeleteYes Levin, Please start using "Fabian Flake" when referring to Rob Kall, and all proponents of Government run healthcare.
ReplyDeleteThey mastered all the other programs they have run so well, it's a no brainer to let them give you a rectal exam. We know they can do that. We have taken it up the shoobooty for years!
this post is typical Rob - every now and then he writes a rant to lure in the radicals, collects info on them, and then ignores or boots them.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe a word of his whining; it's drama for the sake of clicks and eyeballs.
btw, since our banishment, OEN has plunged in readership. see and plug in his numbers continue to fall.
Klown Kar's a gate keeper
ReplyDeleteBut if the watchman
see the sword come,
and blow not the trumpet,
and the people be not warned...
Ezekiel 33
The Party was over up on Oped hill after COTO got booted off, and I haven't been back for months. From the article it sounds like Rob still doesn't get it about the Obama administration and how things work. The hope and change people are brazen, not cowards. They steal and kill in broad daylight. What they do is whatever they want, and they are not afraid to do the stupidest things possible. This is not about cowardice at all but deception, chutzpa, and looting on a monumental scale. It's about more and more war and accelerated theft of all the assets in the world. They are using every sophisticated technology to kill, hide the evidence, suck out the wealth, and leave the people comatose and too tired to lift a finger. There is nothing to be surprised at. Rob likes to catch the buzz around a year after COTO has chewed it up and spit it out but hell, that's kava.
ReplyDeleteWell said mary sunshine, well said, indeed. I couldn't agree with you more.
ReplyDeleteThanks Rady, I will look that up. Even though, it's quite obvious his readership is way down just from the articles and comments posted.
ReplyDeleteNot much to say over there now is there? There are a few "radicals" who still comment on there occasionally but I have a sneaky suspicion a few of those are coto ;)
When we were ousted, not only did oen lose any sparkle and pop but the truth went with us as well.
I agree with you Patrick and Levin when it comes to govt run health care today. I don't want my medical care in the hands of these fascists. But then again, it's already in the hands of fascists in the name of the insurance industry.
ReplyDeleteA fascist by any other name...........
So where do we go from here? Looks like there is no way out but revolution which Cindy Sheehan seems to be calling for. Viva la resistance !