Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Those of faith...don't fall asleep.



  1. Awesome! And very interesting Patrick!

    The only thing I have to add to this is simply this...

    What better way to predict the future than to plan it?

    I think this is exactly what we are looking at- an ancient plan being carried out intentionally and then trying to spin it as prophecy.

    What better way to predict the future than to plan it?

    In order for there to be an israel today, there had to be a plan for it, and there had to be followers living according to the plan in order for it to manifest accordingly.

    What better way to predict the future than to plan it?

    Now we know what the bible really is. It is a plan for some humans to establish their idea of god's kingdom here on earth.

    But which plan will come out on top?

    Old testament or new testament?

    This is one of the last great battles these two religions will have to conclude one day and none of us will live long enough to see that one!

    Thanks for posting this Patrick! Something to think about!

    Now the democrats are openly electing Satan for President! Go figure!

    One nation under god? Not according to democrats! It is one nation over hell with their favorite satan sitting on the throne!

    I could not make this shit up if I wanted to! lol!

  2. We are in a giant game of survivor and have a dozen or so paths at our disposal. Planned? FOR CERTAIN IN MY MIND.

    The A.C. leans heavily to arrogance. Why wouldn't they tell us what they plan?
    They would. We [the whole] just refuse to listen. They, [the syberite whores] just laugh and dance at Bohemian Grove, Sun City and Dubai while the previews of coming attractions just fly above the heads of the adjourned public herd.

  3. I always find these things fascinating. I have no trouble viewing Obama as a demon but most likely anyone could pull out verses from somewhere in the bible and declare someone else the anti-christ. Everything with a grain of salt......

    Perhaps Levin can sneak up on Obama some night and look for three 6's on his head.

  4. Wouldn't surprise me in the least. But than I can remember cases being brought forth about both little and Pa-pa bush and Clinton claiming they were the anti-Christ.

    Indeed though, it wouldn't also surprise me if Jesus did exist (jury still out) and if he did that the evil bastards took his teachings, way back when, and twisted them to fit into the evil agenda we see unfolding before us now.

    Either way, thousands of years of shit is about to hit the fan, be it by word of God or man, and one way or the other there won't be one single living soul on this planet that won't get spattered.

    So where a raincoat.

  5. But in the days
    of the voice
    of the seventh angel,
    when he shall begin to sound,
    the mystery of God
    should be finished,
    as he hath declared
    to his servants the prophets.

  6. He may be here already M. The temple is on schedule in Israel and Iran want's to come to the table. The weather is right for fire and hells fury.

    I don't think Papa, baby or Bill-z-bubba fit the bill. The A.C. will arrive as a smoothy, slithering into the hearts and minds.

    The day I worry is when Obama begins to do the right things. Then you can start freaking out.

  7. In the reign of antichrist, God's law was laid aside, and made void by traditions and decrees; the Scriptures were locked up from the people, but now they are brought to the view of all. This, like the ark, is a token of the presence of God returned to his people, and his favour toward them in Jesus Christ, as the Propitiation for their sins. The great blessing of the Reformation was attended with very awful providences; as by terrible things in righteousness God answered the prayers presented in his holy temple now opened.

  8. Wow man.

    You know, if I play my Queen records backward, it says secret messages from Satan. Oh and my guacamole is possessed by Satan too. What insane, fruit loopery is this? Oh wait, that is satan, speaking to me when I think critically. It is not my reasoning and critical analysis. It is SATAN!!!!!!!!!!

    Here folks, just for you. From the movie Zeitgeist



    Oogley boogley.

  9. It's amazing that as athiests or agnostics some folks don't at least, see the scriptures as a tool for a greater plan by the COMMITTEE.

    You should try to apply this so called critical thinking to all perceived propaganda. Zeitgeist and Origin of Species as well.

    Why are the Judeo-Christian prophets treated differently than the Greek, Roman and Egyptian deity worshippers. Those Pagan critical thinkers had their share of supreme lords.

    There appears to be some specific annoyance when it come to CT on this subject that I can't seem to put my finger on. And what a monumental effort history has laid out to bury the truth.

    One little post of a coincidental or evidential truth based upon the same kind of filler supplied in Zeitgeist and the apes get restless. Can I get a Ra Ra on that?

    Don't worry, Hitchens and his crowd will continue to offer you support. I don't expect another critical text coming out titled "Gold is not Great: How money poisons everything"

    Michael you don't have to play Queen backwards to get it. Just play KISS forward and you get the message alright. Can I get the Longhorn salute on that?

  10. from forced to listen to anti religion, to atheist to hmm agnostic, to now being able to see it is simply a really good way to see how the world is twisted and turned, its a lesson in history, and we do need to take notice I think.
    substitute deity of choice, the facts are so many totally removed peoples have come to amazingly similar conclusions over so many widely dispersed peoples and cultures.
    should make us pay attention.

  11. "Obama is the anti-Christ"?


    I'm glad I took my name off this "truth" site when I did...

    that is completely embarrassing... but I guess that is the point, isn't it?

  12. Hey WL,

    No one called Obama, the antichrist here but you.
    Not even the author of the video. That's embarrassing.

  13. Volaar,

    How many good old fashioned conservatives (not in the Punch and Judy Show version of Faux News and MSNBC or Dimboclaps and Rethuglicans) have I talked to and offered my condolences. because this kind of religious fruit loopery has destroyed their movement.

    They invariably look down at the ground, look pained and mutter "Thanks, I do not know what to do about it."

    Oh and Patrick. I am neither a atheist, agnostic or pagan. I am a firm believer in the Creator. In fact my spiritual belief guides me in my work. Hell, when I ran for the US Senate 2006, I had the St Francis of Assissi Prayer on our campaign website. As a guide and a vision.

    Using my skills of critical analysis and deductive reasoning I have read the fundamentalist Christians of today as modern day Scribes and Pharisees. Too blinded by their own ignorance and egos to see it.

    Remember man, Knights In Satan's Service. KISS rocking Detroit. Oh and Led Zeppelin, the Devil's music. I heard the secret messages when I played Stairway To Heaven forward and backwards.

    Ooooh yeah and when I looked at my guacamole, inscribed was a message from Satan. It said Long Live Satan.

    Ooogley Boogley.

    You don't want to be called a horses ass, then stop acting like one.

    Jesus Fooking Christ on a Pogo Stick.

    Jaysus Fook.

  14. Patrick, the video does, and you posted the video thus lending the idea your support and in affect, indirectly, you have done so (called HBO the A.C.). You cannot evade this so why not stand behind the theory/accusation?

    "Posted in NWO & Secret Societies, Obama & Company, Religion"

    Perhaps, Humor? Black humor? No pun intended.

  15. I posted this because I received it in an email. Interesting fodder and the coincidental connections.

    The author posts a disclaimer and I offered nothing but the video. You all should take a hike to another post as you have allowed an interesting albeit far reaching theory to get you to the point of ASSumptions.

    Mike who called you an athiest or agnostic? If you are certain that I did please provide me some other insights you took from my comments.
    I just mentioned the recordings for humor.

    Tony, I posted this under NWO because this is the just another of many spirals dogging the masses by the COMMITTEE. Obama and Religion were tagged for obvious reasons.

    If and when the AC appears I hope he's smarter and smoother than the Flannel Man targeted in the video.

    Lastly, it had half a million views on YTUBE and that makes it noteworthy. If you read my posts on the NWO & Hegelian dialectics then I think you would have had a better base from which to understand the point.

    Actually I believe Amy Grant is the anti-christ and I play her records sideways.

  16. lol Patrick.. Actually, I used to like Amy Grant...

    I believe in a creator as well though not the one of the bible. He's too sadistic to earn my praise. Jesus Christ is fan bloody tastic.. If Christians would really follow his teachings we'd have peace on earth and no moneychangers. It's his "father" that sacrificed him that bothers me.

    For what? For OUR sins? God the father being all knowing would certainly have seen everything that was coming down the road. Right? And please, don't give me the we have free will thing.. He still KNEW ahead of time the path we'd all take. THINK about it.

  17. Like, the Dude was a member of the coalition of the ..................O



  18. ON POINT. Well said. Scriptures are BS. Old testament swill. Those who read the red and live it never need to testify to anything. They are the QUIET COMPANY.

    Roger that, on the moneychangers. It was the bankers that killed him. All through history it's been the bankers. How simple and obvious. The golden rule is a double edged sword.

    Those who live by it's words and those who are in persuit of it's alchemy.

    "Ask not what your brother can do for you, but what you can do for your brother"
    "Do unto others..........
    Another banker casualty made this statement in somewhat different terms, but he knew the deal. And the list goes on and on.

  19. which book records
    the royal blood lines ?

  20. None accurately. Likely lost with the Sadducees

  21. http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/bday/0723.html
