Ms. Betty Bowers, "America's Best Christian", comments on recent town hall meetings: "Code Bleu! Honestly, such a shocking parade of nasty, angry, vulgar people! The very people who not only didn’t mind, but cheered, when our big government got even bigger by slapping several trillion dollars on a Chinese VISA card, all for a vanity war, are now seething over spending a fraction of that amount on the frivolity of keeping Americans alive."
read entire article
Betty Bowers ! I forgot about her. Love her stuff. Always makes me laugh. She's right about the right wingnuts eager to waste billions of their tax $$$ on war and not a dime on health care.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I do agree with the protesters when it comes specifically to Obamacare but for different reasons. It flat out sucks. It's a gift to big insurance and pharma plain and simple.
We dont need Obama-care,we need our manufacturing base back. With GOOD jobs comes insurance and other benefits.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is Obama-Care anyway? never have heard it defined, these WH jokers are fifth rate and leadership is minimal.
ReplyDeleteOur current health care system is worse than what they have in Turkey! Even Colombia runs rings around us and has many, many more doctors per capita.
Our costs are exorbitant and the quality of care many get is pitiful, even with insurance. Why is that story not being told? Not to mention the $400 to $700 Billion dollars per year costs of insurance paper-pushing and profits. This entire fight is to protect those profits while Americans die and go bankrupt.
The Oligarchy wants serfs....not unionized workers. They won't be the first who happily worked people to death.
ReplyDeletelaudy, your last paragraph summed up Obama care. It's to protect the insurance industry and big pharmas profits.
ReplyDeleteWe pay a fortune for our crappy hmo insurance plan and then have to pay a copay everytime we see a dr on top of it. THEN if you have a hospital stay, you don't get out without being charged 50 grand or more for just a few days. Of course your insurance doesn't cover the whole amount so you're strapped with another huge bill.
Yea, no need to change that is there???!!
Myself and others are not saying that we don't need to change some things, but the plan the democrats have come up with is not the change many of us want, and that is a fact- in my book anyways.
ReplyDeleteWellness is the key. Let's get the Agri-Corp out of food. Let's mandate the dietary changes and not the vaccines.
ReplyDeleteLet's give our children half a chance not be diabetics or CV timebombs. Let's mandate 30 day vacations and tax incentives for corporate weight loss and exercise programs.
Let Obama turn medicare over to private not for profit folks who can manage a P&L statement. He can privatize SS while he's at it.
Let's get that tax reform to a flat 10% on income and 10% on sales tax and 15% on luxury. Sin taxes are fine with me.
Let's get the stimulus out to small business loans and start double taxing payroll going offshore. OFFSHORE? oh yea Obama, when are you going to close the offshore haven loophole. That costs us 20 billion in lost SS taxes and more to tax cheats in the income tax evasion racket.
Let's get the 12 million illegals back to Mexico. Yeah Mexico, they have billionaires and bankers too. That would reduce the GDP healthcare obesity some.
Pick one Obama, any one. Start the ball rolling, cause up to now you are spinning your wheels only. That hopey-changey thing is sinking with your approval ratings. Hope you had a good time
in Martha's Vineyard. Did you wellstone Kennedy while you were there?
$1.4 million dollars a DAY from the Insurance Industry has made sure no coherent plan has yet been proposed. Democrats are just as prone to take the graft as the GOPers are. That leaves us nowhere.
ReplyDeleteIt's a major reality check that a country as corrupt as Colombia still has public health care available for $60 a month. What does that tell you about us?
I recommend this article about an Insurance honcho whose conscience got the better of him:
ReplyDeleteHealth Care Fit for Animals
Why a health insurance executive decided to speak out against an industry that he was once paid to defend.
Patrick.. I'm all for 30 day vacations but tax incentives for staying fit will turn into just taxing fat people more.
ReplyDeleteInstead, how about we just tell monsanto to go fuck themselves and to unlock the heritage seed vault and get back to nature in growing crops? FINE Monsanto out of business until they can't operate anymore like they do to small businesses now. Demand only organic food be sold in stores, just like the old days.
Health care: Who are these not for profit private organizations that will handle it? I'm all for that as long as they stay not for profit. The health of americans shouldn't be in the hands of greedy $ bottom line people. Actually Medicare and SS work very well for the people. Those in power just keep robbing it blind for their own purposes.
A flat 10% tax sounds good and easy except 10% off a salary of say $30,000 hurts that person more than 10% off a salary of $300,000.
Totally agree with taxing businesses that go offshore and giving HUGE breaks to small businesses. AGAIN. Tax the hell outta the real polluters of air and water and health killers like big oil and Monsanto .
Yep send the illegals back to Mexico. They want their rights? They should stand up and fight to get their own country back instead of demanding them in a foreign land.. the U.S. Plus it's not fair to foreigners who wait in line patiently to come here, study hard to pass their test to become American citizens and still manage to keep their own native traditions alive.
A flat 10% and the rest would insure the taxpayer a health plan under this scenario as well as a robust social security system if it were handled, invested and distributed correctly.
ReplyDeleteOk Patrick, when you put it that way, it works ;)
ReplyDeleteIt says we are still the best and if you want elementary school level health care then Columbia is the place. If you want high tech first rate health care then pay for it. That simple. I am not saying it is over priced because it is, but if you want the best in the world it costs.
ReplyDeleteYears ago I tried going to county run government health clinic where I was told they had a dental office. When I got there the only thing they wanted to do was yank the tooth. I walked out and went and paid for a real dentist.
I can't imagine what health care is like in Columbia though I am picturing in my mind something like a MASH unit.
I have a friend there (orig. from Seattle) who has received prompt topnotch care for kidney stones, sleep apnea and high blood pressure recently. Care was provided even while her paperwork from new enrollment was underway. Most of our ideas about care in other countries is out of date.
ReplyDeleteI doubt the USA will ever be able to get a wrap on universal or even semi-universal health care with the general 'look out for number one' attitude that has become the norm. Whatever Obamacare represents, it can't be good, coming from that office, but universal health care is not a guarantee for poorer grade health care and it would be a shitload better than what ya'all have today.
ReplyDelete10% won't cut it, but if you prefer to entertain such thoughts, be my guest. But please do make a list of the returns you would expect to come from the 10%.
One thing I keep missing here is the benefit the USA would have by withdrawing the military from abroad. Anybody have an idea how much the MIC sucks up per annum? Totally unnecessary imho. Imperialism pure. Has zilch to do with really defending the Land.
Reminder; I've been living in a social-democracy with universal healthcare for the past thirty years. When I speak of either, I speak from experience and not in theory.
Exactly Tony, they have convinced us we need them just like we need the police or firefighters. The dialectic at work.
ReplyDeleteCreate the criminals you need the police. Create the al-queda ghost and get the defense budget. Silly rabbits, trix are for kids and other punch drinking sheep.
10% and 10% sales tax and luxury tax with a budget that excludes billions in waste, pork and defense will do it.
"Create the criminals you need the police. Create the al-queda ghost and get the defense budget."
ReplyDeleteNail on head.