Aluminum oxide danger is a topic of great concern to dermatologists, aestheticians, medical doctors and other technicians who work with microdermabrasion equipment. The majority of these machines use a stream of tiny crystals of aluminum oxide to remove the top layer of the epidermis. Though the particles are delivered and suctioned away in a closed system, there is still concern that prolonged and repeated exposure might result in some aluminum oxide danger.
The abrasive quality of these tiny particles when inhaled can adversely affect the lungs and respiratory system. When inhaled, a sore, scratchy throat and low-grade fever may result. For these reasons, it is recommended that microdermabrasion practitioners wear respirator masks. However, many are reluctant to do so because they fear it sends an unsettling message to their clients. OSHA guidelines for those who work around aluminum oxide shows that it is considered a hazardous material.
Properties, Safety and Risks [Aluminum Oxide]'s/aluminumoxide.pdf
Yet the Navy, DOD and NASA are planning yet another massive experiment to disperse Allumina into the ionosphere today or by Friday.
Previous research
C.A.R.E. ~ The launch of a Black Brant XII suborbital sounding rocket. Using ground based instruments and the STP/NRL STPSat-1 spacecraft will offer scientists an artificial noctilucent cloud formed by the exhaust particles of the rocket's fourth stage at about 62 miles altitude.
The launch was scrubbed on Tuesday but rescheduled for Friday.
Call the hotline recording at NASA Wallops Flight Facility launch status line: 757/824-2050. The artificial noctilucent cloud also may be visible the following morning just before sunrise.
The research hoped to gain is so innocuous as to trigger Alex Jones and other theorists as to the real goals. Weather control is at the heart of the theories as well as DOD star wars, mind control, communication warfare and the notorious HAARP, WOODPECKER projects.
The acronym CARE is just another well named project that has the NWO banging around their usual dark closet with scissors in their hands.
Morgellons, Alzheimer's, Chronic fatigue Syndrome, Respiratory Disease and depression are just some of the collateral effects of keeping us safe.
I am sending my representative a message asking him why he will allow taxpayer dollars to poison the atmosphere and trigger his daughters asthma and give his mother Alzheimer's disease.
So is it Weather, Mind Control, Star Wars, Eugenics, 2012 wobble, global air conditioning, population and communication control, re-staging the atmosphere for ET landings? I particularly dislike any of the above.
Childhood asthma Patrick has been 'off the charts." As is Alzheimer’s. I don't think it has anything to do with Chemtrails. Right?
ReplyDeleteOur minds and bodies (especially the skin, I'd say a good portion of Americans, and the people of the World have Morgellons in one form or another) work on a frequency, and these aluminum and barium particles (which can be seen at night when aiming a high powered flashlight toward the sky) when ingested, are no doubt having a significant effect on the sheople, altering their
consciousness "below the threshold of awareness."
I'd posted this once before,
The hypothalamus, found deep within the brain, directly controls the pituitary gland (also known to be the source of psychic vision or what spiritualists call “the third eye,” that which sees inter-dimensionally). It is sometimes described as the coordinator of the endocrine system. When information reaching the brain indicates that changes are needed somewhere in the body, nerve cells in the hypothalamus secrete body chemicals that either stimulate or suppress hormone secretions from the pituitary gland. Acting as liaison between the brain and the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus is the primary link between the endocrine and nervous systems (remembering that viruses commonly travel through the nervous system). If changes are to take place in the body, then this system is also the guardian over those changes as well as being the director of them. To genetically manipulate mankind through the ingredients in the chemtrails, one must first suppress the endocrine system, and second, the natural defenses of the immune system—the two most directly targeted areas of chemtrail spraying.
The goals of the chemtrails are to make “the overall “frequency” of each of their charges (human beings in each country) to function at a specific rate below the threshold of awareness. The study of brain-wave, Remote Viewing techniques, and other related research holds the key to this. As we know, a physical brain functioning at 12 to 14 cycles per second is agitated and cannot, therefore, become perceptive of any cycle not within the same frequency, especially if that BRAIN IS ARTIFICIALLY stabilized to that frequency. How can one perceive love, when the brain can only register impatience, anger, etc?”
FEAR is a key factor here, and it is through fear that we open ourselves up to control. Fear is the frequency which registers most with our fourth and fifth dimensional manipulators, and allows our auras, our protective shields, to be breached, leaving us open to their Light-sucking, energy-sucking control.
From Rosalind Peterson
An article in (1) titled, “NASA Rocket to Create Clouds Tuesday” by Clara Moskowits, Staff Writer – September 14, 2009, was unexpectedly forwarded to me today.
According to the article: “…A rocket experiment set to launch Tuesday aims to create artificial clouds at the outermost layers of Earth's atmosphere. The project, called the Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (CARE)…"This is really essentially at the boundary of space," said Wayne Scales, a scientist at Virginia Tech who will…study the physics of the artificial dust cloud as it's released…CARE is slated to launch Tuesday between 7:30 and 7:57 p.m. EDT (2330 and 2357 GMT) from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia….”
Good stuff Munich. My theory is definitely the dumbing down and mind control angle. I have noticed considerable loss of memory and foggy headedness lately. Conveniently the chemtrail spraying in NC has been at an all time high lately.
ReplyDeleteH1N1 vaccines may be the same nano tech that is coming from the aerosols as well. Our brains operate on earths 7.3hz and the ELF/VLF microwave technologies can alter that to the point of fear, depression and possible Jacobs Ladder type psychotic episodes.
I am all about your assessment. Time enough for the Faraday Panic Room I have been planning. How about you?
The technology used in Iraq? Tested and designed since the Tesla research and ongoing experiments.
Yes I read her article. The NASA Wallops Flight Facility launch status line: 757/824-2050 says Friday will be the next possible launch.
ReplyDeleteSomeone's not cooperating with the weather. I wonder who?
Chemtrails have all but stopped here for the past 7 months. Up until then I would see them nearly everyday.
ReplyDeleteOne day before I go I would love to find out what the hell is going on with these things. I highly suspect that whatever it is, isn't good.
Yes, a strange story. Just who in the hell gave these people the right to do this without any discussion?
ReplyDeleteNot that I'm naive in believing that they even give us a second thought, or a first one for that matter, but in the article they mention they really have no idea what the effects will be. What if it wipes out all life on Earth? Who will be around to say, "Oops"?
But than again, they did this with the first Atomic Bomb, they had no idea if the chain-reaction would just keep spreading across the planet, but they did it anyway.
Must be exciting to gamble with life this way.
Sometimes I wonder if eugenicists aren't right in thinking man-kind is a cancer that needs to be eliminated.
We've been chemtrailed like mad here for at least the past two years solid. The weather is just plain weird too.
ReplyDeletePatrick, I know what you're talking about with the foggy headedness and memory loss. It's happening to nearly everyone I work with and know. Young, old and middle aged.
Add to that everyone is tired all the time. Whether they get a good night's sleep or not. Everyone seems to be dragging themselves around.
Just today I felt as if I were coming down with swollen glands and sore throat but it passed. That happens a lot too. I blame that on the chemtrails. I'm glad my resistance to this crap has held up so far.
What an orwellian name CARE. So nice the CARE bears are looking out for us. Spraying the sky with crap for no known reason and with no idea of the consequences. Nice. I hate these bastards.
I have a Faraday steel nazi helmet leftover from My biker days. Put that and the NBR gas mask,dentures,LBE,glasses,200 extra rounds and a cell phone on and just try and walk with all that crap !
ReplyDeleteThe 1% are the cancer cells in this earth organism. We know it. The time is right for the converging of Health Care, Vaccines, HAARP, H1N1 and global war into one big retirement party for the seniors, third world and useless eaters.
ReplyDeleteTime is also right for us to trim the fat off the 1%. My solution of course.
ditto. I had sore throat for several days and insomnia worse than ever. The rains here are the worst days for me. The crap falls in volume. My vehicle is gray instead of blue after a rain.
ReplyDeleteSomeones going to pay. I swear my life, someone is going to pay! The moment they slip I am going for the jugular.
Hey boy scout training. Be prepared and it sounds like you are. Keep the rations stockpiled too. I need the gas mask as well. Time to go online!
ReplyDeletePatrick, how about we put together a "Chemtrails, HAARP, ELF and GWEN for Dummies"?
ReplyDeleteImagine something like that on the shelves of your local Barnes & Noble? Hmmm! Awaken the sheople from the slumber.
Hope your feeling better Jersey Girl. Rain again huh? Last week the whole East Coast was without Sun, for FIVE days. The Sun came out for a day and a half (they were still spraying) and now it's raining yet again. As you're aware, it's been like this the entire Spring and most of the Summer. They Own the Weather. Nothing we can do.
Imagine though if most of the folks protesting in D.C. this past weekend had been voicing their concerns against chemtrails and weather manipulation? I'm sure many of the people there are aware of the CT's.
These people spraying us (that's if the jets are manned) are evil bastards!
What sickens me most is knowing that people like Ophra Winfrey, who has the ability to bring the CT truth to the forefront. If someone were to explain tell her that what they're spraying is making everyone sick, mabye she would talk about it. How many people watch her show each day? Or the Huffington Post. They could inform the sheople about Chemtrails, but refuse to. It doesn't make a bit of sense. Same with Clown Kall. He's all about health, and he must know that we're being sprayed, yet he remains ignorant and credulous.
Foggy head you say? After pouring a glass of orange juice I almost put the juice container in the kitchen cabinet. Or how about the tea pot in the frig?
It's happening to the young and old too.
I had a sore throat also, but it cleared up.
ReplyDeletethis evening at sun-set I noticed a ring of clouds high up in the atmosphere, a perfect ring.
The pressure is on, to many people are on to them. They are going to have to rush the plan, they will and have made mistakes, many mistakes.
The story that OZ put on the gum-wall about the suicided CEO, I'm sure there'll be more.
... 99 bottles of beer on the wall,
99 bottles of beer,
and if one of those bottles
should happen to fall,
98 bottles of beer on the wall ...
Purrrr .....
ReplyDeleteThe Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer is a milestone. ...Further action is needed.
Global climate change, air, sea and fresh water pollution, acid rain, hazardous substances, deforestation and endangered species require priority attention." (emphasis added) Group of Seven 1988 Economic Declaration, Toronto, Canada
ReplyDeleteSee the gumwall Munich and other members please see as well
Strange, a retired Professor of Physics from Italy spoke of almost the same thing but his idea of "poison" was quartz sand. He too mentioned Tesla and frequency (mind) control. When I mentioned Tesla and 9/11 in one sentence, he balked.