Thursday, September 3, 2009

Orwellian FBI Police Training Video Exclusive from the Alex Jones Show 9/1/09

This is not America.  We are ALL deemed possible “terrorists” and are being encouraged to spy on each other.  Seems I remember this happening somewhere before in the not so distant past……..~jg



  1. A lot of happy campers, who carry quite sensible belongings could become "suspect terrorists" if they get pulled over...
    imagine, soon you go to buy a sleeping bag, or a camp stove, mulitask knife and some dried foods, and someone phones you in as suspect...
    a day to the beach with camera and diving gear could mean you are trying to sink a bloody boat too.
    Too much TV and too much fluoride.

  2. I know oz. That video is quite chilling. Very reminiscent of the East German stasi.

    Wasn't that guy providing the commentary creepy as hell? Imagine, not being able to stop to take pictures of scenery anywhere in the U.S. without being hassled and data checked by the police!

    Alex has spoken of this many times on his show about being harassed for taking pictures in D.C. of government icons and buildings.

  3. It's worse than this. I was watching a baseball game two nights ago and a policeman was interviewed in the stands about his duties during the upcoming Labor Day. The cop said that if a driver is suspected of being under the influence, then the cop will take a blood sample there and then! The whole country has gone Nazi...

  4. see a couple of weeks ago ALL people taking pics in UK are to be dissuaded? and spoken to.
    tourist? terorist...In the hotel trade we used to call it "hostility" and the terrorists were the tourists..
    we joked...these idiots are for real.
    also see that UK parking inspectors now being enabled to replace police re arrests etc sometime soon, as the police and the army will be occupied a bit in WW3...

  5. Oz, the brits have had a head start on us in project Big Brother. We are catching up rapidly.

    Little did you know that what you laughed about back then would turn into a very sick joke indeed.

  6. I know Mark. What do they intend to do with those almost 400,000 troops being trained to patrol the streets of America?

  7. see Aj site tonight, report on ALL military, well ,grunts, and contractors and admin...mandatory jabs.
    upper echelon, suspiciously NOT listed...
    and all those mercenaries to assist when the real us forces go down and out...maybe?
    aw shit wakenhut G4s and honey /halli-zed whatever add SERCO too(g4 tie in) have you under the thumb.
    Told today that Serco are the contractors for Aussie army catering. they leave and..
    an army travels on its stomach is an old saying.
    hungry and the pots pans and food go awol.
    sheesh! gotcha!

  8. This is precisely what James Madison was writing about in Federalist Paper #10 about the REMEDY being worse than the DISEASE. If the remedy infringes upon freedom, then it is worse than the disease. How many cops are educated on freedom????? Thus, it is very easy to invoke the Nazi society and as COTO knows all too has been done...

  9. Jersey
    You can thank the situation northern Ireland for this.

    The surveillance society was perfected there.

  10. Michael hit's it on NI. The COMMITTEE began and ends in the City of London. The IRA, Sinn Féin and the SIS were the first and model for the triad that would become the model for all future domestic counterterrorism controlled by the intelligence services.

    From the Easter Rising and infiltration into the RM, the dialectic was of the first stage to set the NWO agenda from the plans designed by Rothschild from the days prior to 'vel in Judaismo ponere' an subsequent expulsion.

    Later, Rothschild's from Moses to Mayer enabled and financed the return, just as they financed and enabled the Limerick pogrom and ACA Blueshirts.

    From there the Michael Collins', Sinn Féin, secret IRA, British SIS and N Rothschild and the collusion for the London effort for the Balfour Mandate.

    The same tactics employed in Palestine and thus to WOT worldwide.

  11. Snowman melting
    From the inside
    Falcon spirals
    To the ground
    So bloody red
    Tomorrow's clouds

    A little piece of you
    The little piece in me
    Will die
    For this is not America

    There was a time
    A wind that blew so pure
    For this could be the biggest sky
    And I could have the faintest idea

    This is not america,
    no, this is not, sha la la la

  12. koalice.. I have that Bowie song on a cd that I listen to nearly everyday in my car. It's a beautiful, haunting song that certainly nails today's Amerika.



    Thanks Koalice, I followed yours and found this chap, all of them are good, from 3 onwards especially 7 and 8 in regards to food.
    I am so lucky I buy old and used stuff, and I have one chipped item, my opsystem package.
    It will be amusing as stuff is thrown out/donated/sold on...which the seem not??? :-) to have accounted for:-) that a lot of stuff disappears, then reappears, and I hope it throws their snoopy invasive system into fits!
    or swapping chips could be fun.
    I read one informed guy who microwaves anything he possible can ie shirts and clothing that he suspects is chipped.
    I like the Hammer theory of Deleting them myself, and for $8 on ebay??? I plan on buying a scanner, or making one myself even, I have many spare electronics parts in the shed:-)
    I really really want a jammer circuit diagram, even more fun to carry that round the chip infested stores, just for a walk:-)
